helicobacter pylori
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Essamaddin Ahmed Abdelhamid Ibrahim ◽  

Backgrounds: Helicobacter Pylori is a common pathogen leading cause of peptic ulcer disease. Several studies linked Helicobacter Pylori infection and the development of irritable bowel syndrome. Aims: We investigated the effectiveness of standard triple therapy and the association between H.Pylori infection and the development of post infectious irritable bowel syndrome. Materials and methods: Prospective analytical study was conducted and we appointed 200 H.Pylori positive patients, they consented and subjected to structured questionnaire and received standard triple therapy (14 days course of proton pump inhibitor (PPI), clarithromycin and either amoxicillin or metronidazole). After three months all patients re-evaluated regarding their symptoms and tested for eradication. Additionally we evaluated the association between H.Pylori infection and irritable bowel syndrome

2024 ◽  
Vol 84 ◽  
M. Shahzad ◽  
M. Chaudhry ◽  
M. G. Shahid ◽  
A. Ahsan ◽  
M. Dar ◽  

Abstract Bacteria were isolated from samples of Fresh Apple juices from shops of three different localities of Lahore. Analysis of samples from Liberty, Anarkali and Yateem khana Markets show different levels of contamination. There were pathogenic and non-pathogenic bacteria in all samples and were identified by the morphological and biochemical tests. Most of the plasmids of pathogenic bacteria were 4kb in their molecular size. Ribotyping of 16S ribosomal RNA gene sequencing was done to confirm Helicobacter pylori strain and Gluconobacter oxydans. The highest sensitivity of 210mm was shown by Enterobacter sp. against Aztheromysine disk (15µg) while Micrococcus sp. was highly resistant against all of the Antibiotics applied. The antibiotic resistance of pathogenic bacteria was also checked against Ricinus communis plant's extracts, all isolated bacterial pathogens were resistant but only, E.coli was inhibited at 300µl of the extracts. Presence of pathogenic bacteria in Apple juice samples was due to contamination of sewage water in drinking water while some of these pathogenic bacteria came from Apple's tree and other from store houses of fruits.

2022 ◽  
Vol 28 (3) ◽  
pp. 365-380
Qing-Hua Sun ◽  
Jing Zhang ◽  
Yan-Yan Shi ◽  
Jing Zhang ◽  
Wei-Wei Fu ◽  

2022 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
pp. 55-74
Yang-Che Kuo ◽  
Lo-Yip Yu ◽  
Horng-Yuan Wang ◽  
Ming-Jen Chen ◽  
Ming-Shiang Wu ◽  

2022 ◽  
Vol 22 (1) ◽  
Tadashi Maeda ◽  
Hiroaki Zai ◽  
Yuto Fukui ◽  
Yoshifumi Kato ◽  
Eri Kumade ◽  

Abstract Background The bioactivities of commensal duodenal microbiota greatly influence the biofunction of hosts. We investigated the role of Helicobacter pylori infection in extra-gastroduodenal diseases by determining the impact of H. pylori infection on the duodenal microbiota. We sequenced 16 S rRNA genes in samples aspirated from the descending duodenum of 47 (male, 20; female, 27) individuals who were screened for gastric cancer. Samples were analysed using 16 S rRNA gene amplicon sequencing, and the LEFSe and Kyoto Encyclopaedia of Genes and Genomes methods were used to determine whether the duodenal microflora and microbial biofunctions were affected using H. pylori infection. Results Thirteen and 34 participants tested positive and negative for H. pylori, respectively. We identified 1,404 bacterial operational taxonomic units from 23 phyla and 253 genera. H. pylori infection changed the relative mean abundance of three phyla (Proteobacteria, Actinobacteria, and TM7) and ten genera (Neisseria, Rothia, TM7-3, Leptotrichia, Lachnospiraceae, Megasphaera, F16, Moryella, Filifactor, and Paludibacter). Microbiota features were significantly influenced in H. pylori-positive participants by 12 taxa mostly classified as Gammaproteobacteria. Microbial functional annotation revealed that H. pylori significantly affected 12 microbial metabolic pathways. Conclusions H. pylori disrupted normal bacterial communities in the duodenum and changed the biofunctions of commensal microbiota primarily by upregulating specific metabolic pathways. Such upregulation may be involved in the onset of diseases associated with H. pylori infection.

Violeta Rupay A. ◽  
Betty Santibáñez P.

La presencia del Helicobacter pylori en el agua contaminada es común, pero debido a que en Huancayo existe un buen número de personas con gastritis, úlcera gástrica, úlcera duodenal y cáncer al estómago, nos conduce a investigar la presencia de esta bacteria en el agua de consumo humano abastecida por la empresa SEDAM Huancayo. Se ha encontrado presencia del H. pylori en el agua de consumo humano de Huancayo convirtiéndose en un foco de infección y aparición de estas enfermedades en el habitante huancaíno. El presente es un estudio de análisis que se ha caracterizado por la toma de 50 muestras del agua para consumo humano abastecida por SEDAM Huancayo (de las 2 plantas de tratamiento y 08 pozos tubulares) los que han sido sometidos a pruebas de laboratorio. Se realizaron pruebas de cultivo e inmunología a fin de detectar el nivel de presencia del Helicobacter pylori en el agua. Se ha utilizado el método hipotético deductivo, por cuanto la deducción, tiene a su favor que sigue pasos sencillos, lógicos y obvios que permiten el descubrimiento de aquello que hemos pasado por alto. A través de la inducción, encontramos aspectos importantes a tener en cuenta para realizar una investigación como por ejemplo la cantidad de elementos del objeto de estudio. Entre los principales resultados tenemos que se ha encontrado la presencia del Helicobacter pylori en las 50 muestras de agua examinadas, tomadas por muestreo en la planta de tratamiento, pozos tubulares y domicilios. El tratamiento del agua de consumo humano que viene aplicando SEDAM Huancayo no está destinado al control del H. pylori. Sugerimos mejorar la cantidad y calidad del cloro que se diluye en el agua. Mejorando también en la forma de cloración del agua, para garantizar su pureza y hacerla apta para el consumo humano. La empresa SEDAM debe mejorar el laboratorio de análisis de agua a fin de poder realizar análisis de bacterias como el Helicobacter pylori, así como contratar mayor número de personal profesional especializado para realizar estas funciones. Coordinar acciones con la DIGESA a fin de poder mejorar los análisis del agua que llega a la población y de esta manera contribuir a la prevención de enfermedades gastrointestinales. Coordinar acciones a nivel nacional (SEDAPAL y otras empresas que suministran agua de consumo humano) y a nivel internacional (México, EE. UU., Europa, etc.).

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