scholarly journals Depictions of Christ’s ancestors in the altar of Markov Manastir. A contribution to research

Zograf ◽  
2018 ◽  
pp. 89-106
Marka Tomic-Djuric

The paper discusses the figures on the bema of the altar apse in the Church of St. Demetrios of Markov Manastir (Marko?s Monastery) painted in 1376/1377. It offers a more detailed overview of the programmatic and iconographic characteristics of previously known depictions of the Virgin?s ancestors and identifies the second ancestral couple. Following a reexamination of hypotheses that have been suggested so far, the paper concludes that the second pair of Old Testament personages should be identified as representing the original ancestors of humanity - Adam and Eve. The visual solution incorporating Sts. Joachim and Anne as well as Adam and Eve is highly unusual. The paper also discusses the peculiar thematic concept in the central apse of Markov Manastir, which was conceived so as to draw attention of the faithful to the human nature of Christ, while the choice of ancestors underlines the role of the Virgin?s parents in the economy of salvation and emphasizes the theological idea of absolution from ancestral sin and the rebirth of humanity beginning with the incarnation of God-Man.

2021 ◽  
pp. 117-132
Gilles Dorival

The role of the Septuagint in the building of the Christian identity during the first Christian centuries is more important than it is generally said. The word ‘testament’ or ‘covenant’, for example, comes from the Septuagint, via the New Testament. The Greek and Latin liturgies are filled with references to the Septuagint. The same is true in the case of the Christian spirituality: for instance, the concept of the Christian life as a migration comes from the Septuagint. The Christian hermeneutics is indebted to the Greek Bible: even if knowledge of the allegorical method comes from the Greek philosophers (and Philo), support could be found for it in the verses of the Greek Bible. Finally, the theological vocabulary of the Christians was founded upon the Greek Bible. For instance, in the case of the doctrine of the Trinity, the word ‘person’ comes from the Septuagint. Furthermore, some passages of the Greek translation gave rise to theological interpretations which are not possible on the grounds of the Hebrew text. In Gen 1:2, the Septuagint reads ‘the earth was invisible and unorganized’ and this came to be quoted both in support of the creation of matter ex nihilo. In Exod 17:16, where the Hebrew has a difficult hapax legomenon, the Greek speaks about the ‘hidden hand’ with which the Lord makes war against Amalek; this ‘hidden hand’ played a role in the Christian doctrine of the Logos, which is hidden in the Old Testament.

2019 ◽  
Vol 40 (1) ◽  
Solomon O. Ademiluka

The Hannah narrative bears close affinities to the African context with respect to the problem of barrenness. Hence, employing the exegetical approach and contextual analysis, this article examines the narrative in relation to the attitude of the church in Nigeria towards the problem of barrenness among its members. The suffering of Hannah resonates with the travails of childless African women; yet, beyond the weekly or monthly prayer services for them, the church has not exploited these similarities enough to assist its barren members. This article states that the church can organise regular programmes to address issues such as causes of barrenness as well as the role of male and female cells in the conception process. It also needs to teach the right attitude of friends and relatives towards childless couples so as to reduce the psychological effects of childlessness particularly on the women. The church can also identify with childless couples by introducing them to the practices of child adoption and surrogacy when all efforts to have children by the natural process fail. As there will always be childless persons in spite of all efforts to have children, the church has the responsibility to make its members accept the fact that children are a gift from God, and that matrimony must not necessarily end in parenthood. Finally, the church in Nigeria needs to assure childless members that they can live happy and fulfilled lives despite their situation of childlessness.Intradisciplinary and/or interdisciplinary implications: This research involves the disciplines of the Old Testament and Christian Ethics. It examines 1 Samuel 1:1–20 in relation to the attitude of the church in Nigeria towards its childless members, stressing that the church can do more in identifying with them.

1999 ◽  
Vol 33 (4) ◽  
H.A. Louw

The role of hymns in public worship and the influence it had on the Schism in 1859 in South Africa During the Middle Ages congregational singing was replaced by choir singing. Both Luther and Calvin agreed that the members of the congregation should actively participate in the worship service by means of song. Calvin limited congregational songs to the Psalms of the Old Testament. The church in Netherlands followed his example, but added some hymns, excluding the Apostles Creed, that comprises also lyrical parts from Scripture. In 1807 a hymn book was implemented and used in the Netherlands. This was one of the reasons for the Schism which took place in 1834. During 1814 the hymn book was implemented in the Cape resulting in discontent in the border districts. Some discontented people took part in the Great Trek. A congregation mainly consisting of these people was established in Rustenburg in 1859. In this congregation only Psalms were sung during services. Soon Reformed congregations having the same objections regarding hymns came into being in the Free State and the north-eastern Cape Province. For the founder of these congregations, Rev. D. Postma, the singing of free hymns was a mediance matter. For the “Doppers” as the conservative people were called, the singing of Psalms only was a serious matter of principle. Times have changed and the Reformed Churches in South Africa will have to reflect whether it is really a matter of principle to sing Old Testament Psalms only. The suffering, death, resurrection and ascension of Christ should also be celebrated in song. The existing 48 scriptural lyrics do not satisfy these requirements. Free hymns of the other Afrikaans churches will definitely have to be taken into consideration.

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 50-63
Elkana Chrisna Wijaya

The thing that cannot be denied in this research is that the involvement of women in the practice of Christian spirituality in the present is greatly influenced by understanding and understanding of situations and contexts in the biblical text. The existence of the role of women both in the church and in certain Christian organizations continues to be a long-standing debate and has not received satisfactory results. That is why in this study, the author examines and analyzes the existence and influence of women in the biblical period, especially in the context of the Old Testament, in connection with the spiritual practices of women at that time. Abstrak: Hal yang tidak dapat dipungkiri dalam penelitian ini adalah bahwa keterlibatan kaum wanita dalam praktek kerohanian Kristen di masa kini, sangat dipengaruhi oleh pemahaman dan pengertian terhadap situasi dan konteks dalam teks Alkitab. Keberadaan peranan wanita baik di gereja maupun di organisasi Kristen tertentu, terus menjadi perdebatan yang berkepanjangan dan belum mendapatkan hasil yang memuaskan. Itulah sebabnya dalam penelitian ini, penulis mengkaji dan menganalisis keberadaan dan pengaruh kaum wanita di masa Alkitab, khususnya dalam konteks Perjanjian Lama, sehubungan dengan praktik kerohanian kaum wanita pada masa tersebut.

2013 ◽  
Vol 69 (1) ◽  
Izak J.J. Spangenberg

Ever since the 4th century, Christian theologians have linked Romans 5:12–21 with Genesis 2–3. Augustine (354–430), one of the Latin fathers of the Church, propagated the idea of ‘original sin’ according to his reading of these chapters. This idea eventually became a fixed doctrine in Western Christianity and a large number of Christians still believe and proclaim that humans would have lived for ever but for the misconduct of Adam and Eve. They also proclaim that Jesus, through his obedience, death and resurrection, re-established God’s original creation plan. Death was conquered and eternal life can be inherited by all who believe in Jesus as saviour and second Adam. However, since both the introduction of the theory of evolution into biology and the paradigm shift in biblical studies (at the end of the 19th century), the view that death was to be linked to ‘original sin’ came under severe criticism. This article argues that Romans 5:12–21 and Genesis 2–3 do not support the idea of ‘original sin’ and that death is a normal part of life on earth, as argued by evolutionary biologists and proclaimed by many Old Testament texts.

2011 ◽  
Vol 74 (3) ◽  
pp. 217-231
Mogens Müller

The understanding of the role of the old Greek translation of the Old Testament, the Septuagint, has undergone great changes in the last decennia. From looking upon the Hebrew text as the original and the Greek text as only a translation, it has now been common to view the Greek version as a chapter in a reception history of biblical traditions. By being used by New Testament authors and in the Early Church the Septuagint gained canonical status – alongside the Hebrew Bible. Thus the Old Testament of the Church in reality consists of both versions. The article argues for this also pointing to some of the theological consequences of viewing the connection between the two parts of the Christian Bible from the perspective of reception history.

Peter J. Gentry

An Old Testament containing perhaps six editions in parallel columns was produced by the church father Origen (d. 253/4 ce). Surviving evidence for this work is meagre: colophons, a few manuscripts with evidence of the columnar form, marginal notes in manuscripts giving readings from non-LXX editions, and testimony from some patristic writers who had some contact with Origen’s work. Currently, almost every point in the description of this work is debated, and scholars are at a point where all the sources of evidence on the Hexapla need to be examined afresh. Key questions include Origen’s purpose in creating it; possible precedents in Alexandria; the extent of the Hexapla; which editions were included beside the Old Greek; the use of text-critical symbols; the role of Pamphilus and Eusebius in later recensions of the Hexapla; the relation of the so-called Tetrapla to the Hexapla.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 110-119
Elisua Hulu

The people of God of the Old Testament and the people of God in the New Testament were linked during what is called the intertestamental age. This period is referred to as a state of vacuum which is marked by the absence of a demonstrative role of the prophet. The 400 year period of development, destruction, success and decline of the ruling nations was prophesied by God. The Old Testament Book of Daniel shows clearly that world history is proceeding according to God's sovereignty. Mission is God's work. The important thing from God’s mission is talking about God as a sender, where He is the source, initiator, dynamist, implementer and fulfiller of His mission. The method of study related to God's mission in the Interstestamental era is the method of studying literature, which describes it descriptively. The intertestamental period is the time when other nations know the God of Israel through their existence among them. This is a different way from what happened in the days of Solomon's kingdom where there was a temple in Jerusalem which became an attraction for Gentiles. The political, social, and economic situation in intertestamental times was a preparation for the mission of the church in New Testament times.Umat Allah Perjanjian Lama dan Umat Allah Perjanjian Baru dihubungkan dalam masa suatu yang sebut masa intertestamental. Masa ini disebut sebagai keadaan adanya kevakuman yang ditandai oleh tidak nampaknya peranan nabi secara demonstratif. Masa waktu 400 tahun mengalami perkembangan, kehancuran, kesuksesan dan kemerosotan negara-negara yang menguasai sudah dinubuatkan oleh Tuhan. Kitab Daniel dalam Perjanjian Lama memperlihatkan dengan jelas bahwa sejarah dunia berjalan sesuai dengan kedaulatan Allah. Misi adalah karya Allah. Hal penting dari misi atau pengutusan Allah berbicara tentang Allah sebagai pengutus, dimana Ia adalah sumber, inisiator, dinamisator, pelaksana dan penggenap misi-Nya. Metode pengkajian terkait misi Allah pada masa Interstestamental adalah dengan metode kajian pustaka, yang menguraikan secara deskriptif. Masa intertestamental adalah masa di mana bangsa-bangsa lain mengenal Allah Israel melalui keberadaan mereka di tengah bangsa-bangsa lain. Ini adalah cara yang berbeda dari yang terjadi pada masa kerajaan Salomo di mana ada bait suci di Yerusalem yang menjadi daya tarik bagi bangsa-bangsa lain. Situasi politik, sosial, dan ekonomi pada masa intertestamental merupakan persiapan bagi misi gereja pada masa Perjanjian Baru.

Andries G. Van Aarde

This article explained the valuation of Christian believers with regard to the Christian Bible a ‘Holy Scripture’. In the article the notion ‘Scriptural authority’ was connected with an understanding of both the origin and use of the Christian canon. The article described the origin of the Bible in light of the supposition that the Bible functions as (1) book of theology, as well as (2) book of believers and as (3) book of the church. The article consisted of references to the role of the Old Testament and the New Testament canonical collections and the role of ecclesial synodal decisions. It also obtained a graphical overview of the history and dates of the New Testament writings as a canonical list. The article concluded with a reflection on the relevance for the use and authority of the Bible, seen from the perspective of the use and origin of the Bible as Christianity’s canon.

2007 ◽  
Vol 15 (2) ◽  
pp. 155-172 ◽  
Rickie Moore

AbstractContrary to the common stereotype of the ancient Israelite prophet as a ‘lone ranger’, the Old Testament yields a significant amount of evidence that prophets nurtured and were nurtured by supportive social groups within which attention is given particularly to mentoring relationships. This is brought to special focus and emphasis in the Elijah-Elisha materials, but it can also be found in the biblical presentations of other leading prophetic figures, especially Moses and Isaiah. This paper examines these materials for the insights they yield on the matter of the role of the Hebrew prophet as mentor. Some concluding reflections are offered as to how these insights can inform prophetic ministry in the church today.

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