HARVESTER: Jurnal Teologi dan Kepemimpinan Kristen
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Published By Sekolah Tinggi Teologi Internasional Harvest, Semarang

2685-0834, 2302-9498

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 55-67
Kalis Stevanus ◽  
Yunianto Yunianto

In general, the problem of mission today is related to a one-sided emphasis on one side. One emphasizes and maintains the context of the humanitarian field with all its problems and challenges so that it tends to ignore the text. While others are fixated on the text and ignore the context. It is undeniable that the mission paradigm will influence and determine its missionary practice. This paper is intended to contribute theoretically about the importance of reconstructing the Church's mission paradigm that is relevant to the context of today's Indonesia, and practically the churches in Indonesia can implement an applicable form of mission by taking part in alleviating the concrete problems faced. by the community according to the capabilities of the church members. By using a qualitative approach, namely a literature study, the author will describe descriptively about the foundation of Christian mission and the urgency of conducting a review or updating of the understanding and practice of its mission in the current concrete situation. It was concluded that the mission of the church must still be carried out but in its implementation it must pay attention to the social situation in the community. Because the mission of the church without paying attention to the context of its recipients will find difficulties and even failures in carrying out God's will as the light and salt of the world. This means that the strategy or technique of the church's mission must be implemented according to the current context in which the church is present.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-19
Sahat Martua Sinaga ◽  
Ryna Heppy Tambunan

AbstractThe leadership capacity develops through a process to become a great leader, who carries out leadership with full responsibility, and completes it with a good reputation. With a qualitative method of applying the principles of biblical hermeneutics, an in-depth analysis of Joshua's leadership journey is carried out as a role model for today's leaders. It is clear one of the determining factors is humility. Joshua is a man of humility. He wants to be guided, equipped and through learning by doing his leadership capacity will develop optimally. Joshua's humility was in line with his spiritual maturity. He is a leader who has faith and is loyal to God, a man of faith and trust in God; a man of God's word; and a man of prayer.  It is very important for a leader to be humble as the outcome of the spiritual maturity so that person as a leader is able to achieve goals, free from scandals, and complete it with a good reputation.Keywords: Humility, Leadership, Joshua, Role Model

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 68-82
Desti Samarenna

AbstrakMemahami hubungan dengan Allah secara benar memampukan mengalami pertumbuhan rohani yang benar. Tujuan penulisan karya ilmiah ini adalah: Pertama,orang-orang percaya memahami posisinya sebagai orang-orang pilihan. Kedua, menjelaskan berdasarkan teks 1 Petrus 1:1-2 sebagai orang-orang terpilih mampu bertahan dalam tekanan dalam menghadapi keadaan hidup. Artikel ini merupakan penelitian yang menerapkan metode analisis teks, khususnya 1 Petrus 1:1-2 yang membahas tentang orang-orang terpilih.. Hasil dari pembahasan didapatkan bahwa sebagai orang-orang terpilih memiliki kualitas hidup bertarung dalam dunia menyelesaikan berbagai tekanan dan persoalan yang ada dengan jaminan kasih karunia dan damai sejahtera yang bersumber dari pekerjaan Roh Kudus.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 38-54
Sayang Tarigan ◽  
Yanto Paulus Hermanto ◽  
Nira Olivia P

Abstract: Secular leadership is not the same as leadership inherited from the Lord Jesus. The leadership of Jesus is a historical and inspiring leadership model for every Christian leader from time to time. The superiority of Jesus' leadership model stems from the communication of the Father's vision to his followers with a touch of compassion which is the basis of His leadership.In this study the authors used qualitative methods. While the data collection process, the method approach used is literature study. Through a series of research conducted, there are various leadership models that are found, but the Christ leadership model provides superior characteristics and models, especially in times of crisis like today.Keywords: Leadership, Jesus, Christian.Abstrak: Kepemimpinan sekuler tidak sama dengan kepemimpinan yang diwariskan oleh Tuhan Yesus. Kepemimpinan Yesus di dunia merupakan model kepemimpinan yang  bersejarah dan menginspirasi bagi setiap pemimpin Kristen dari zaman ke zaman. Keunggulan model kepemimpinan Yesus bertolak dari komunikasi visi Bapa kepada para pengikut dengan sentuhan belaskasihan yang menjadi dasar kepemimpinan-Nya. Dalam penelitian ini penulis menggunakan metode kualitatif. Sementara proses pengumpulan data, pendekatan metode yang digunakan adalah studi literatur. Melalui serangkaian penelitan yang dilakukan, terdapat beragam model kepemimpinan yang dijumpai, namun model kepemimpinan Kristus memberikan ciri dan model yang unggul, terutama dalam masa-masa krisis seperti saat ini.Kata kunci: Kepemimpinan, Yesus, Kristen.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 20-37
Hergyana Saras Ningtyas ◽  
Sriyati Sriyati

The focus of leadership is not about position. An important role in leadership is to help those being led to grow in Jesus Christ. This study discusses the Reflections of Empowering Leaders Based on Exodus 18: 18-24. The objective is to identify the role of leaders in the empowering principles studied from Exodus 18: 18-24 regarding the leadership of Moses. One of the reasons for Moses' leadership to be ineffective was that Moses was leading alone. Therefore Jethro, who was Musa's father-in-law as well as a priest in Midian known as a prophet, suggested that Moses develop the principle of empowering capable people to become leaders for the smaller groups under his leadership. The methodology used is literature research using primary sources from books, journals and previous research as a source of study. The primary data is then analyzed and synthesized to become the novelty discussed in this study. So the orientation in empowering leadership is an effort to help the individual being led reach a better stage so that it is more light than Musa's single leadership. The leadership principles discussed include delegating leadership, increasing responsibility, increasing capacity, training independence and being willing to learn and be taught. Thus, this leadership can have a wider influence and create empowered individuals, independent of certain situations or organizations. Today's leadership succession requires to form leaders who excel in the face of competition, innovation, and leadership succession skills that can be manifested in empowering leadership. An empowering leader is a solution to leadership problems in the Indonesian nation, the church and the family as the smallest unit in the organization.

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 73-85
Yohanes Parapat

The pastor of the congregation, especially in churches that use an autonomous system of government, has a central function in preparing his successor. However, it is not uncommon for failures to occur after the implementation of succession due to the lack of functioning of the church pastor in preparing the cadre that also candidate who wil l replace him. This study aims to gain an understanding of the leadership functions that Jesus Christ performs particularly in preparing His disciples to become His substitute leaders. This research used a qualitative approach with a literature study method. The analysis is processed and reflected using the analysis description writing method. By reflecting on the leadership of Jesus Christ in preparing His successor through a session, the pastor of the church is expected to carry out the function of equipping, assigning, performing evaluation, delegating as well as exemplifying in spiritual life. By using Jesus' leadership approach, local church pastors can achieve maximum results in a leadership succession. AbstrakGembala jemaat khususnya yang berada dalam organisasi atau sinode dengan sistem pemerintahan gereja otonom memiliki fungsi sentral dalam mempersiapkan pengganti dirinya. Meskipun demikian tidak jarang terjadi kegagalan setelah pelaksanaan suksesi akibat kurang berfungsinya gembala jemaat dalam mempersiapkan kader yang juga merupakan kandidat yang akan menggantikannya. (Tujuan Penelitian) Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan pemahaman fungsi kepemimpinan yang dijalankan Yesus Kristus khusunya dalam mempersiapkan murid-murid-Nya sebagai pengganti (suksesor). (Metode Penelitian) Penelitian menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan metode studi kepustakaan. Analisis diolah dan direfleksikan dengan menggunakan penulisan deskriptif. (Hasil / Pembahasan) Dengan merefleksikan kepemimpinan Yesus Kristus dalam mempersiapkan pengganti-Nya melalui sebuah suskesi, gembala jemaat diharapkan menjalankan fungsi memperlengkapi, penugasan, evaluasi kinerja dan pendelegasian disamping keteladanan dalam kehidupan rohani. (Simpulan / Kesimpulan). Dengan menggunakan pendekatan fungsi-fungsi dalam kepemimpinan Yesus yang memiliki relevansi dengan pengembangan kandidat suksesor, gembala jemaat dapat mencapai hasil yang maksimal dalam sebuah suksesi.

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 86-104
Yonatan Alex Arifianto ◽  
Sari Saptorini ◽  
Kalis Stevanus

The Coronavirus Disease 2019 (Covid-19) outbreak, or better known as the Corona virus, is spreading rapidly, bringing changes in socializing and communicating in the community. Government regulations require all citizens to participate in breaking the chain of transmission of the virus. This of course also has an impact on the concept and implementation of the mission that has been carried out, namely face to face. As one way the church must continue to take its role in witnessing or preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ to non-believers using social media as the right choice in carrying out missions during the Covid-19 pandemic. This article will describe the understanding of the Church or believers as recipients of God's mission mandate, and the use of social media as a means of carrying out missions during the Covid-19 pandemic, and how the effectiveness and constraints of carrying out missions through social media. The results of the research can be said that the mission can still be carried out in all conditions in the midst of society even though without having to meet face to face with the way the church empowers its people to actively use social media as a means of preaching the gospel.AbstrakWabah Coronavirus Disease 2019 (Covid-19) atau lebih dikenal dengan nama virus Corona yang menyebar dengan cepat membawa perubahan dalam bersosialisasi dan berkomunikasi di masyarakat. Aturan pemerintah mengharuskan semua warga berpartisipasi dalam memutus rantai penularan virus tersebut. Hal itu tentu juga berdampak pada konsep dan pelaksanaan misi yang selama ini dilakukan, yakni dengan tatap muka secara langsung. Sebagai salah satu caranya gereja harus tetap mengambil perannya untuk bersaksi atau memberitakan Injil Yesus Kristus kepada orang-orang yang belum percaya menggunakan media sosial sebagai pilihan yang tepat di dalamnya pelaksanaan misi di masa pandemi Covid-19.  Artikel ini akan memaparkan pemahaman tentang Gereja atau orang percaya sebagai penerima mandat misi Allah, dan  pemanfaatan media sosial sebagai salah satu sarana pelaksanaan misi di masa pandemi Covid-19, dan bagaimana efektivitas serta kendala pelaksanaan misi melalui media sosial. Hasil penelitian dapat dikatakan bahwa misi dapat tetap dilakukan dalam segala kondisi di tengah-tengah masyarakat meskipun tanpa harus tatap muka secara langsung dengan cara gereja memberdayakan umatnya untuk secara aktif menggunakan media sosial sebagai sarana pemberitaan Injil.

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 105-119
Nathanail Sitepu

God wants His church to experience growth both in quantity and quality. One of the ways to achieve church growth is through the discipleship process. Through discipleship, every church member is encouraged to experience growth in his spiritual life towards spiritual maturity, that is, like Christ. A spiritually mature believer will have a desire to serve, testify to spread the good news so that many people can become part of the community of faith in the Lord Jesus, thus impacting the growth of the church. This paper intends to describe church growth, a model for spirituality and discipleship. By using literature study, which is to explore the relevant literature to answer the discussion, then the results are presented descriptively. From this discussion, it can be concluded that the type of church spirituality can be an alternative answer for determining the model of discipleship in the church.AbstrakTuhan menghendaki gereja-Nya mengalami pertumbuhan baik secara kuantitas maupun kualitas. Salah satu cara untuk mencapai pertumbuhan gereja adalah melalui proses pemuridan. Melalui pemuridan, setiap anggota gereja didorong untuk mengalami pertumbuhan dalam kehidupan rohaninya menuju kedewasaan rohani, yakni serupa dengan Kristus. Orang percaya yang dewasa rohani akan memiliki kerinduan untuk melayani, bersaksi untuk mewartakan kabar baik sehingga banyak orang dapat menjadi bagian dari komunitas iman pada Tuhan Yesus, sehingga berdampak pada pertumbuhan gereja. Tulisan ini bermaksud mendeskripsikan pertumbuhan gereja, model spiritualitas dan pemuridan. Dengan menggunakan studi pustaka yaitu menggali literatur yang relevan untuk menjawab pembahasan tersebut kemudian hasilnya disajikan secara deskriptif. Dari pembahasan tersebut, dapat simpulkan bahwa tipe spiritualitas jemaat dapat menjadi alternatif jawaban untukmenentukan model pemuridan di gereja.

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 135-147
Desti Samarenna

New normal is now a new model of life and has been adapted by all countries and has become a reference especially with regard to changes in people's behavior. The conditions in the new normal or new normal provide special challenges for education due to changes in teaching and educational methods. Readiness to enter the new normal is an important part because if you are not ready to follow the changes in the new normal era, it will certainly have an influence on whether the process of change is fast or slow. Community response is an important part so that the implementation of various fields in particular education can run well. This research uses qualitative methods with phenomenological analysis. The use of this method aims to collect scattered data and information so that it is more meaningful and easy to understand. The research process is carried out by describing the facts based on the data, the second is conducting a study of the topic. So, the world of education, especially tertiary institutions, in the new normal era, must open up in the readiness to carry out transformation in all aspects in order to keep up with changes and produce competitive graduates. AbstrakNew normal kini menjadi model kehidupan baru dan didaptasi oleh semua negara dan menjadi referensi khususnya berkaitan dengan perubahan perilaku masyarakat. Kondisi dimasa new normal atau normal baru memberikan tantangan tersendiri bagi pendidikan karena perubahan metode pengajaran dan pendidikan. Kesiapan memasuki normal baru menjadi bagian yang penting karena jika tidak siap mengikuti perubahan era normal baru tentu akan memberikan pengaruh apakah proses perubahan tersebut berjalan cepat atau berjalan lambat. Respon masyarakat menjadi bagian yang penting sehingga pelaksaan berbagai bidang secara khusus pendidikan dapat berjalan dengan baik. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan analisis fenomenologi.  Penggunaan metode ini bertujuan untuk mengumpulkan data dan informasi yang tersebar sehingga lebih bermakna dan mudah dipahami. Proses penelitian ini dilakukan dengan mendiskripsikan fakta berdasarkan data, kedua melakukan kajian terhadap topik tersebut. Jadi, dunia pendidikan khususnya Perguruan Tinggi dalam era normal baru harus membuka diri dalam kesiapan melakukan transformasi dalam segala aspek agar bisa mengikuti perubahan dan menghasilkan lulusan yang berdaya saing. 

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 120-134
Kristian Badai ◽  
Kaleb Djeremod ◽  
Frets Keriapy

This objective is to describe how the process of affirming a child's faith to be more firm in Jesus Christ, even though there are other beliefs around the child, even the child's intellect is attacked by the internet, research at school or the environment. The assurance of salvation in Jesus needs to be strengthened, especially in Christian children. Confirming the safety of children in Jesus is done through evangelism. This study uses qualitative research methods and the informants in this study were nine children. Interview method. The results of the study found that three children who believed were saved in Jesus with an understanding because they believed Jesus had saved, while the other six believed they were saved because they did spiritual activities. This can provide evidence that most children have not seen clear reasons why believing in Jesus and Jesus guarantees salvation for every believer because the tutors have not maximized evangelism to children, so that it has not had an impact on confirming the belief in child safety.AbstrakTujuan penelitian ini adalah mendeskripsikan bagaimana proses meneguhkan iman anak agar semakin teguh dalam Yesus Kristus, walaupun sekeliling anak terdapat kepercayaan lain, bahkan diserangnya intelek anak oleh internet, pengajaran disekolah atau lingkungan. Keyakinan keselamatan pada Yesus perlu diteguhkan, khususnya pada anak-anak yang beragama Kristen. Meneguhkan keyakinan keselamatan anak pada Yesus dilakukan melalui penginjilan. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif dan informan dalam penelitian ini adalah sembilan anak. Metode pengumpulan data menggunakan wawancara. Hasil penelitian menemukan bahwa, tiga anak yang yakin diselamatkan dalam Yesus dengan pemahaman karena percaya Yesus telah menyelamatkan sedangkan enam lainnya yakin diselamatkan karena melakukan kegiatan kerohanian. Hal tersebut dapat memberi bukti bahwa sebagian besar anak-anak belum mengetahui alasan jelas mengenai kenapa harus percaya pada Yesus dan Yesus jaminan keselamatan bagi setiap orang percaya karena para tutor belum memaksimalkan penginjilan pada anak, sehingga belum memberi dampak untuk meneguhkan keyakinan keselamatan anak.

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