Relations between the floristic composition of isolated young woods and their proximity to ancient woodland

1993 ◽  
Vol 4 (5) ◽  
pp. 693-698 ◽  
Zbigniew Dzwonko
2014 ◽  
Vol 70 (1) ◽  
pp. 71-77 ◽  
Zbigniew Dzwonko

Woodland communities can be restored by natural succession in sites adjoining ancient woodlands which can act as seed sources for trees, shrubs and woodland herbs. The influence of dominant tree species and the distance from an adjacent ancient oak-hornbeam woodland upon the floristic composition of species in a recent pine wood planted on dry rendzina soil were studied. It was found that, in spite of a 52-year long succession, the border between woods was sharp and the composition of species in the recent wood were significantly different than in the adjacent ancient woodland. Canonical correspondence analysis (CCA) showed that the distance to the ancient woodland had a significant influence on species distributions in the recent wood. The numbers of species from the <em>Querco-Fagetea</em> class, vegetatively reproducing species and myrmecochores decreased with this distance, whereas the numbers of anemochores increased. The migration rate of many woodland species, calculated on occurrence of the farthest individuals was very slow, varying from 0.0 m year<sup>-1</sup> to 0.38 m year<sup>-1</sup>. The restoration of the field layer vegetation in the studied pine wood was much slower than in recent deciduous woods on rich and moist soils where the migration rate of some species exceeded 1.50 m year<sup>-1</sup>. Recent woods adjacent to ancient woodlands can be more effectively colonised by woodland species only when they are dominated by broad-leaved trees with quickly decomposing litter, and the spatial continuity of these woods persists for a long period.

2012 ◽  
pp. 109-134
P. S. Shirokikh ◽  
A. M. Kunafin ◽  
V. B. Martynenko

The secondary birch and aspen forests of middle stages of succession of the central elevated part of the Southern Urals are studied. 4 subassociations, 1 community, and 7 variants in the alliances of Aconito-Piceion and Piceion excelsae are allocated. It is shown that the floristic composition of aspen and birch secondary forests in the age of 60—80 years is almost identical to the natural forests. However, a slight increase the coenotical role of light-requiring species of grasslands and hemiboreal forests in the secondary communities of the class Brachypodio-Betuletea was noticed as well as some reduction of role the shade-tolerant species of nemoral complex and species of boreal forests of the class Vaccinio-Piceetea. Dominant tree layer under the canopy of secondary series is marked by an active growth of natural tree species.

2015 ◽  
pp. 26-37
V. B. Golub ◽  
V. V. Bondareva ◽  
A. N. Sorokin ◽  
L. F. Nikolaychuk

Plant communities with reed domination (Phragmites australis agg.) occupy the large areas in the Lower Volga Valley and especially in the river delta. We have set the task to reveal the diversity of these communities in the Lower Volga Valley. For this purpose, we applied the database that is registered in the Global Index of Vegetation-Plot Databases (GIVD) under the EU-RU–002 index ( and includes 14871 relevés made during the period from 1924 to 2013. Communities with the dominance of reed were defined as such, if the coverage of this plant was more than 50 %. We have found 375 such relevés in the database. At first, one basal community, 3 associations and 3 subassociations with domination of Phragmites australis agg. were distinguished in the Lower Volga Valley. All processing and analysis of relevés were performed using the software package JUICE 7.0. (Tichý, 2002). The «Cocktail» method was applied to establish the sociological groups that indicate environmental conditions (Bruelheide, 2000). The expert system for selection from the database of relevés by means of these groups was created. It is allowed us to ascribe relevés to earlier distinguished associations, subassociations and basal community. 171 relevés have been identified by the expert system and they were assigned to association, subassociation or the basal community. 204 relevés were not referred to any association, subassociation or the basal community. We wanted to answer the question: are there among these 204 relevés, which could be interpreted as the new syntaxa, giving them the proper ecological characteristics? For this purpose, the cluster analysis of 204 relevés has been carried out. The optimal level of clustering was determined by calculating the index of “crispness of classification” (Botta-Dukát et al., 2005). The greatest “crispness of classification” was reached at allocation of 13 clusters. Consideration of the floristic composition of allocated groups had shown that 11 of them were the transitional plant communities among the earlier established syntaxa. Only two clusters were differed in rather original structure that we could explain by the influence of environment factors. We have identified them as new associations Rubio tataricae-Phragmitetum australis and Cynancho acuti-Phragmitetum australis. All associations with the dominance of Phragmites australis agg. distinguished in the Lower Volga Valley were included in the alliance Phragmition communis Koch 1926, order Phragmitetalia communis Koch 1926. In literary sources from the ecological point of view these syntaxa are defined as the wetland communities, which are closely linked to water bodies (Šumberová et al., 2011; Ermakov, 2012). However, in many cases this definition does not correspond to the ecology of plant communities with the dominance of reed in the lower reaches of the Volga River. Ecotops of these communities are flooded for up to 2–3 months in a year and then they dry out. In the autumn, the ground water level can drop to a depth of one meter (Golub et al., 2011). The plant satellites of the reed here are often mesophytic plants such as Rubus caesius, Calamagrostis epigeios, Phalaris arundinacea, Rubia tatarica, Althaea officinalis, and Rumex stenophyllus. Therefore, the inclusion of phytocoenosises with domination of the reed in the lower reaches of the Volga River in the alliance Phragmition communis is rather relative. A correct placement of these plant communities in the system of vegetation syntaxa of the arid areas can be made only if it is based on original data obtained from much bigger territory than the Lower Volga Valley. In future geobotanical studies, it is desirable to divide the aggregation of Phragmites australis agg. into smaller species taxa.

2019 ◽  
pp. 91-94
T. M. Lysenko ◽  
V. Yu. Neshatayeva ◽  
Z. V. Dutova

The International conference “Flora and conservation in the Caucasus: history and current state of knowledge” dedicated to the 130-year anniversary of the Perkalsky Arboretum took place at 22–25 of May 2019 in Pyatigorsk (Stavropol Territory) on the base of the Pyatigorsk Museum of local lore and natural history. The participants were from 11 cities of Russia and 7 Republics of the Caucasus and represented 14 institutions. Proceedings of the conference were published by the beginning of the meeting the book of abstracts includes 49 papers on the study of vascular plants, bryophytes, lichens and fungi, plant communities, as well as the protection of rare and endangered species, unique plant communities, and ecological problems in the Caucasus. The following geobotanical topics were highlighted in 13 papers: forest communities (3 reports), meadow and steppe vegetation (2), xeric open forests (2), communities of ecotone areas (1), structure of populations of rare plant species (3), as well as the history and current status of nature protected areas (2). The great emphasis has been focused on the study of floristic composition and plant populations. Thus, the conference showed that very few studies от vegetation are currently carried out in the Caucasus, and a lot of districts are not affected by the research. The greatest attention is paid to forest vegetation while meadow, steppe, alpine heath and xerophytic communities are studied rather poorly. Besides, there are “white spots” — mire, floodplain and aquatic vegetation. In nowadays, when the anthropogenic impact on the plant cover of the Caucasus is intensively increasing, it is especially important to study natural undisturbed communities preserved in protected natural areas. Another important issue is the conservation of the unique vegetation cover of the whole Caucasus. Thus, the study of vegetation of this region opens a wide field for researchers using various methods of modern plant science.

2020 ◽  
pp. 1-24
Jona Razzaque ◽  
Claire Lester

Abstract Sites of ancient woodland in the United Kingdom (UK) are diminishing rapidly and the multifunctional forest management system with its fragmented approach fails effectively to protect such woodland. In the face of reports on the destruction of ancient woodland, the HS2 High-Speed train project in the UK signifies the extent of trade-offs among the key stakeholders. Such large infrastructure projects typically come with high environmental and social costs, including deforestation, habitat fragmentation, biodiversity loss, and social disruption. This article examines the protection of ancient woodland in the UK and assesses the challenges in applying the ecosystem approach, an internationally recognized sustainability strategy, in the context of such protection. A better understanding of the ecosystem approach to manage ancient woodland is critical for promoting sustainable forestry practices in the UK and informs the discussion in this article of the importance of conserving ancient woodland globally. Lessons learned from UK woodland policies and certification schemes include the need to have in place strong regulatory frameworks, introduce clear indicators, and recognize pluralistic value systems alongside economic considerations. The article concludes that the protection of ancient woodland in the UK requires distinct and strong laws that reflect multiple values of this resource, acknowledge the trade-offs among stakeholders, and adopt an inclusive approach to reduce power asymmetries.

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