2005 ◽  
Vol 1 (4) ◽  
pp. 58-63 ◽  
V.I. Goncharov ◽  
I.A. Boguch ◽  
N.V. Glazirina ◽  
V.S. Isaev ◽  
2012 ◽  
Vol 442 (1) ◽  
pp. 148-151
S. K. Kuznetsov ◽  
N. V. Sokerina ◽  
V. N. Filippov ◽  
M. Yu. Sokerin ◽  
V. A. Zharkov

С.Г. Парада ◽  
В.В. Столяров

Охарактеризованы геологические условия локализации золотоносных скарнов Зыгыркольской рудной зоны, выявленных при участии авторов в последние годы на Северном фланге Тырныаузского рудного узла. Установлено длительное (с позднего палеозоя) развитие деформаций в пределах Гитче-Тырныаузского рудного поля, и что к формированию продуктивной на золото Зыгыркольской рудной зоны привели вертикальное растяжение и взбросо-сдвиговые деформации альпийского этапа. Выделены четыре участка развития золотоносных скарнов. Раскрыты характер и степень их золотоносности. Они определяются уровнем денудационного среза Зыгыркольской зоны, которая воздымается в северо-западном направлении под меньшим углом, чем возвышается рельеф, что приводит к уходу под рельеф оптимального рудоносного уровня. Оптимальным уровнем среза обладает Нижний участок, где наиболее золотоносные скарны выходят на земную поверхность. Минимальным уровнем среза обладает Перевальный участок, где продуктивные на золото скарны располагаются на 100?200 м ниже земной поверхности. Are described the geological conditions for localization of the gold-bearing Zygyrkol ore zone scarns, revealed with the participation of the authors in recent years on the northern flank of Tyrnyauz ore unit. Is established the prolonged (from the late Paleozoic period) development of deformations within the limits of Gitche-Tyrnyauz ore field, and that to shaping of productive to gold Zygyrkol ore zone gave vertical tension and the reverse fault-shift deformations of Alpine stage. Four sections of the development of gold-bearing scarns are isolated. Nature and degree of their gold content are opened. They are determined by the level of the Zygyrkol zone denudation shear, which rises up in the North Western direction hearth by smaller angle than is raised relief, which leads to the withdrawal under the relief of optimum ore-bearing level. The lower section, where the gold-bearing scarns leave to the earth’s surface, possesses the optimum level of shear. The crossing section, where the scarns productive to gold are located on 100?200 m lower than earth’s surface, possesses the minimum level of shear.

2010 ◽  
Vol 2 (4) ◽  
Ye Cao ◽  
Shengrong Li ◽  
Meijuan Yao ◽  
Huafeng Zhang

AbstractThermoluminescence (TL) of monomineralic separates have been widely used in various geosciences fields in order to trace the thermal history and aid in prospecting for gold deposits. Quartz is a ubiquitous mineral in the Shihu gold deposit, which is situated in the northern part of the Taihang orogenic belt in the North China craton (NCC). The deposit is hosted by ductile-brittle faults within an Archean metamorphic core complex of the Fuping Group. This deposit is characterized by gold-bearing quartz-polymetallic sulfides and quartz veins. New TL results have been obtained for quartz, in which four type-TL glow curves were identified. The gold-bearing quartz present type III glow curves that consist of two peak glow curves at the middle and high peak temperatures with the similar TL intensity. In addition, the cross-sections of peak temperatures and TL intensity highlight the valuable area where the Au-bearing quartz present weak TL intensity and low-middle peak temperatures. Our results significantly enhance the usefulness of quartz in metallogenic studies of the North China craton and as an indicator mineral in mineral exploration of the Taihang Mountain region.

Shauket K. Baltybaev ◽  
Galina V. Ovchinnikova ◽  
Anton B. Kuznetsov ◽  
Irina M. Vasilieva ◽  

In a study based on Pb isotopes, it has been shown that the formation of gold-sulfide mineralization in the Early Proterozoic gabbros of the Northern Ladoga region is associated with different tectonic phases. This conclusion is based on a comparative study of isotopic data for feldspars and lead sulfides in two Early Proterozoic intrusions; Velimäki and Alattu-Päkylä. The investigated intrusions have similar geological settings at the junction of the Svecofennian accretionary complex and the Karelian craton. Both massifs are characterized by manifestations of noble metal sulfide mineralization associated with zones of local shear deformations. The formation of the studied ore massifs is attributed to the Svecofennian and Caledonian tectonic stages. Feldspars of Velimäki intrusion have parameters and model age of Pb significantly older than U-Pb age of zircon (1.9 Ga), although they correspond to the Svecofennian time of magmatic crystallization of gabbro and clinopyroxenites, while sulfide pyrite-pyrrhotite mineralization is associated with gold in these rocks with the Caledonian stage of fluid-thermal processing of the Early Proterozoic magmatic mineral paracenteses. Feldspars and sulfides of the Alattu-Päkylä intrusion have similar lead isotopic parameters and Pb model age (~ 2 Ga), also somewhat older than the U-Pb age of zircon, but at the same time indicating the formation of rock-forming and ore sulfide associations with gold during the Svecofennian (Early Proterozoic) plutonic and tectonic-thermal events. The source of lead sulfides of the Velimäki massif is characterized by the parameters of the upper crust with high µ2 = 238U / 204Pb, while the µ2 parameter of the minerals of the Alattu-Päkylä massif is slightly lower, which indicates the participation of the mantle-lower crustal reservoir material in the formation of magma.

1910 ◽  
Vol 7 (4) ◽  
pp. 159-171 ◽  
Arthur R. Andrew

The town of Dolgelley lies slightly outside the main tract of gold-bearing country of Merionethshire, but it forms a convenient headquarters from which to visit the various gold-mines and auriferous lodes. The Dolgelley Gold-belt lies within the area covered by the quarter-sheets 27 N.E., 27 S.E., 32 S.E., 33 N.W., 33 N.E., 33 S.W., 36 N.W., 36 N.E. of the 6 inch Ordnance Survey maps of Merionethshire. It is on the north side of the estuary of the Mawddach, extending from the sea at Barmouth to the locality of Gwynfynydd on the north-east. The belt forms the south-eastern flank of a range of high ground sloping down to the south and south-east from the mountains of Rhinog, Diphwys, and Garn. It is drained by several tributaries of the Mawddach, of which the principal are the Afons Hirgwm, Cwm-llechen, Cwm-mynach, Wnion, Las, Gamlan, Eden, and Gain.

2020 ◽  
Junchen Liu ◽  
Yitian Wang ◽  
Jingwen Mao ◽  
Wei Jian ◽  
Shikang Huang ◽  

Abstract The Xiaoqinling gold field, located along the southern margin of the North China craton, is the second largest gold producer in China, which comprises more than 1,200 auriferous quartz veins with a proven gold reserve of at least 800 tons. Previously, the absolute age of the gold metallogenesis in this area has not been well defined due to the lack of suitable dating minerals. This study presents new in situ laser ablation-inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry U-Pb ages of coexisting hydrothermal monazite and rutile for the Fancha gold deposit in this area, which yielded 206Pb/238U ages of 127.5 ± 0.7 Ma (n = 65, mean square of weighted deviates [MSWD] = 1.8) and 129.7 ± 4.3 Ma (n = 37, MSWD = 1.4), respectively. Both ages overlap within analytical uncertainty at the 2σ level of significance, suggesting that both gold-bearing veins were emplaced at ca. 128 Ma. Mineralogical observations indicate that the monazite and rutile precipitated simultaneously with gold from the hydrothermal fluid. Our new data, combined with recently published monazite age, define a more precise gold episode, demonstrating that the gold endowment of the Xiaoqinling area was formed during a relatively brief period at ca. 130 to 127 Ma. We suggest that auriferous fluids were generated as a result of interactions between the enriched mantle and the lower crust, which was driven by westward flat slab subduction of the Paleo-Pacific plate during the late Mesozoic. The peak of lithospheric thinning during the postsubduction may have led to the rapid release of gold from the fertilized mantle. Consequently, the large number of gold-bearing veins in the Xiaoqinling area may ultimately be related to the tectonic evolution and mantle fluid processes that occurred during Early Cretaceous lithospheric extension.

2001 ◽  
Vol 172 (6) ◽  
pp. 687-696 ◽  
Michel Faure ◽  
Xavier Charonnat ◽  
Alain Chauvet ◽  
Yan Chen ◽  
Jean-Yves Talbot ◽  

Abstract The Cevennes area belongs to the para-autochthonous domain of the Hercynian Belt of the French Massif Central. Three lithological series, namely: sandstone-pelite, black micaschist and gneiss-micaschist, are identified. They form an imbrication of five tectonic units which overthrust the unmetamorphosed Viganais Paleozoic units to the south and the gneissic Mamejean Unit to the north. The structural, metamorphic and magmatic evolution of the Cevennes area is characterized by three events, namely: (1) southward shearing coeval to a MP/MT metamorphism dated around 340 Ma; (2) post nappe anatexis (T<750 degrees C, P>5 kb); (3) Namurian (ca 315 Ma) E-W extensional tectonics and plutonism. The structure of the Mt-Lozere-Borne granitic complex is constrained by new AMS and gravimetric data. The plutons are the driving power of the hydrothermal convective circulations responsible for an early deposition of diffuse arsenopyrite in the thermal aureole. Gold bearing sulfides are afterwards concentrated in quartz veins along brittle normal and wrench faults around the granite. Lastly, ore bearing quartz pebbles are sedimented in the Stephanian Ales coal basin.

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