scholarly journals Un modelo de migración humana: experimentos numéricos basados sobre los datos de las tres ciudades laguneras / A Model of Human Migration: Numerical Experiments Based on the Data of Three Lake Cities

2007 ◽  
Vol 22 (3) ◽  
pp. 731 ◽  
Vyacheslav Kalashnikov ◽  
Nataliya Kalaschnikova ◽  
Ramón Luévanos Rojas ◽  
Mario Méndez Muños ◽  
César Uranga ◽  

Se aplica un modelo de migración humana al estudio de crecimiento de población en las tres ciudades aglomeradas en la región Lagunera de México. Se introducen tres tipos de funciones de utilidad para distintos grupos de población, y se investiga un equilibrio con variaciones conjeturales. Los experimentos numéricos basados en datos de las tres ciudades muestran la fuerte influencia de los coeficientes de variaciones conjeturales sobre la actividad migratoria esperada.AbstractWe extend a human migration model and apply it to study the growth of population in three agglomerated cities in the Laguna region in Mexico. Three different types of utility functions for various groups of population are proposed, and conjectural variations equilibrium is investigated. Numerical experiments demonstrate the strong influence of conjectural coefficients upon the expected migration activity.

2015 ◽  
Vol 55 ◽  
pp. 1348-1353
Vyacheslav Kalashnikov ◽  
Nataliya Kalashnykova ◽  
Felipe J. Castillo-Pérez

2012 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
pp. 195 ◽  
Vyacheslav V. Kalashnikov ◽  
Nataliya I. Kalashnykova ◽  
M. Aracelia Alcorta Garcia ◽  
Yazmin G. Acosta Sanchez ◽  
Vitaly V. Kalashnikov

In this paper, we develop a bi-level human migration model using the concept of conjectural variations equilibrium (CVE). In contrast to previous works, here we construct a bi-level programming model. The upper level agents are municipalities of competing locations, whose strategies are investments into infrastructures of the locations (cities, towns, etc.). These investments aim at making the locations more attractive for both the residents and potential migrants from other locations. At the lower level of the model, the present residents (grouped into professional communities) are also considered as potential migrants to other locations. They make their decision where to migrate (if at all) comparing the expected values of the utility functions of the destinations and original locations, which are estimated by taking into account their group's conjectures concerning equilibrium migration flows between the involved locations. Applying a special technique to verify the consistency of the conjectures (influence coefficients), the existence and uniqueness results for the consistent conjectural variations equilibrium (CCVE) are established.

2008 ◽  
Vol 17 (06) ◽  
pp. 1089-1108 ◽  

A method based on neural network with Back-Propagation Algorithm (BPA) and Adaptive Smoothing Errors (ASE), and a Genetic Algorithm (GA) employing a new concept named Adaptive Relaxation (GAAR) is presented in this paper to construct learning system that can find an Adaptive Mesh points (AM) in fluid problems. AM based on reallocation scheme is implemented on different types of two steps channels by using a three layer neural network with GA. Results of numerical experiments using Finite Element Method (FEM) are discussed. Such discussion is intended to validate the process and to demonstrate the performance of the proposed learning system on three types of two steps channels. It appears that training is fast enough and accurate due to the optimal values of weights by using a few numbers of patterns. Results confirm that the presented neural network with the proposed GA consistently finds better solutions than the conventional neural network.

2019 ◽  
Vol 20 (4) ◽  
pp. 603-616 ◽  
Christopher Dick

Purpose To date, research on sponsorship considers the effects of only positive or only negative sponsorship information on consumers’ attitudes toward the sponsor brand. However, in practice, sometimes mixed information (positive and negative) is available that influences consumers’ sponsor evaluations. To mirror the information situation of the real world, the purpose of this paper is to investigate how the valence of sponsorship information (only positive vs mixed vs only negative) and the strength of sponsorship information (weak vs strong) influence the consumers’ attitudes toward the sponsor brand. Design/methodology/approach This research uses an experimental research design (n=210). Data were collected among students of a German university. Findings The results reveal that when the strength of information was weak, attitudes in the mixed information condition were not significantly worse than in the only positive condition and significantly better than in the only negative condition. In addition, when the strength of information was strong, attitudes in the mixed information condition were significantly worse than in the only positive condition and significantly better than in the only negative condition. Practical implications This study offers several practical recommendations regarding the sponsors’ evaluation of their investments and the decision to maintain or exit the sponsorship of a controversial object. Originality/value This study expands the research on the effects of available sponsorship information on consumers’ sponsor evaluation. The present research highlights the effects of different types of sponsorship information on consumers’ attitudes and considers the strength of information as a boundary condition of these effects.

2009 ◽  
Vol 192 (3) ◽  
pp. 717-729 ◽  
Vyacheslav Kalashnikov ◽  
Claudia Kemfert ◽  
Vitaly Kalashnikov

В.Л. Макаров ◽  
А.Р. Бахтизин ◽  
Е.Д. Сушко ◽  
Г.Б. Сушко

Рассмотрено применение агент-ориентированного подхода при моделировании естественного движения населения. Представлена демографическая модель России с учетом ее административного деления, в которой на основе моделирования поведения отдельных членов искусственного общества имитируются процессы смертности, рождаемости и миграции. Для моделирования поведения искусственного общества в целом требуется проведение модельных расчетов с числом агентов до $10^9$ и использование суперкомпьютерных технологий. Важной задачей в таких расчетах становится оптимальное распределение агентов по процессорам кластера. Показано применение декомпозиции модели с использованием алгоритма METIS с учетом основных особенностей агентной модели. Обсуждаются результаты апробации модели. The application of the agent-based modeling approach to the problem of natural human migration is considered. A demographic model of Russia is presented. This model takes into account the administrative division of Russia and simulates the processes of fertility, mortality and migration on the basis of modeling the behavior of individual members of the artificial society. In order to simulate the behavior of the artificial society as a whole, it is necessary to perform numerical experiments with the number of agents up to $10^9$ and to use supercomputer technologies. In such experiments, an important problem is the implementation of an optimal automatic distribution of agents across the cluster processors. The application of model decomposition using the METIS algorithm with consideration of the main features of the agent model is shown. The obtained numerical results are discussed.

2005 ◽  
Vol 17 (5) ◽  
pp. 560-567 ◽  
Masashi Furukawa ◽  
Michiko Watanabe ◽  
Yusuke Matsumura ◽  

The traveling salesman problem (TSP) is one of the most difficult problems that occur in different types of industrial scheduling situations. We propose a solution, involving local clustering organization (LCO), for a large-scale TSP based on the principle of the self-organizing map (SOM). Although the SOM can solve TSPs, it is not applicable to practical TSPs because the SOM references city coordinates and assigns synapses to coordinates. LCO indirectly uses the SOM principle and, instead of city coordinates, references costs between two cities, to determine the sequence of cities. We apply LCO to a large-scale TSP to determine its efficiency in numerical experiments. Results demonstrate that LCO obtains the desired solutions.

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