2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
NFn Wasita, M.A.

Sebagian rangkaian aktivitas ziarah di beberapa situs arkeologi di KabupatenTapin dan Hulu Sungai Utara, Kalimantan Selatan menunjukkan adanya perilaku dan situasi di tempat ziarah yang mendukung kegiatan pelestarian tinggalan arkeologi. Oleh karena itu, peluang ini perlu dimanfaatkan agar pihak arkeologi mendapatkan cara pelestarian yang melibatkan masyarakat dan murah biayanya. Berkaitan dengan itu, maka penelitian ini ditujukan untuk menemukan cara dalam memanfaatkan perilaku dan situasi untuk pelestarian tinggalan arkeologi dengan tidak mengganggu kegiatan ziarah, namun kegiatan pelestarian yang diinginkan dapat dipertanggungjawabkan secara keilmuan (arkeologi). Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode deskriptif. Implementasinya di lapangan dilakukan dengan mendeskripsikan tinggalan arkeologi untuk mengetahui kondisi eksistingnya dan riwayat pemugaran yang pernah dilakukan. Pendeskripsian ini untuk mengetahui hal-hal apa saja yang dapat dimanfaatkan dalam mendukung kegiatan pelestarian. Hasil yang diperoleh menunjukkan bahwa di situs-situs arkeologi yang diziarahi terdapat situasi dan perilaku para peziarah yang mendukung kegiatan pelestarian, seperti harus bersikap sopan, tidak merusak barang-barang yang ada di tempat ziarah (dalam konteks ini termasuk tinggalan arkeologi) dan situasi di tempat ziarah yang sakral, serta adanya teguran dari orang yang hidup di alam sebelah jika tidak sopan atau melanggar tata cara ziarah. Jadi kesimpulannya, situasi dan perilaku tersebut perlu dimanfaatkan untuk mendukung pelestarian tinggalan arkeologi. Caranya dengan memberi dukungan, karena perilaku yang baik (tidak merusak warisan budaya) merupakan bagian dari isi undang-undang cagar budaya. Selain itu, juga menghormati situasi yang tercipta di tempat ziarah karena itu merupakan pemaknaan oleh sebagian masyarakat. Agar cara mendukung dan menghormati dapat dipertanggungjawabkan, arkeolog harus jujur dan netral dalam kegiatan pelestarian.Kata kuci: tinggalan arkeologi, ziarah, situasi, perilaku, pelestarianSome parts of pilgrimage activities at several archeological sites in Tapin and Hulu Sungai Utara Districts indicate the existence of behaviors and conditions that support the conservation of archeological remains. This opportunity needs to be utilized, therefore the archeological party can obtain conservation methods that involve the community and the cost is cheap. The research goal is to gain proper method on utilizing pilgrim behaviors and situation for preserving archeological remains without interfering the pilgrimage activities, but the desired of conservation activities can be scientifically accounted (archeology). This research was conducted by using descriptive methods. Its implementation in the field was carried out by describing the archaeological remains of the existing conditions and the history of restoration that had been carried out. The describing of the pilgrim behaviors and the place conditions of pilgrimage is to find out what things can be utilized in supporting conservation activities. The results indicate that at the visited archeological sites there are conditions and behavior of pilgrims who supported conservation activities, such as having to be polite, not damage the items that are in the place of pilgrimage (in this context including archeological remains) and the situation in the sacred place of pilgrimage, as well as the rebuke of people living in the adjoining realm if they are not polite or violate to the procedure of pilgrimage. It is concluded that the situation and behavior need to be used to support the preservation of archeological remains. The way is by giving support, because good behavior (not damaging cultural heritage) is part of the contents of the cultural heritage law. In addition, it also respects the situation created in the place of pilgrimage because it is a meaning by some people. In order to be able to support and respect ways, archaeologists must be honest and neutral in conservation activities.Keywords: archaeological remains, pilgrimage, situations, behavior, preservation.

Kebudayaan ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
pp. 27-42
I Made Sutaba

Archaeological researches in Indonesia have discovered a number of various historical and archaeological artifacts that belong to cultural heritage. As historical evidences, this cultural heritage is an important source of the plural information and messages of the past life of our society. It is remarkable that this cultural heritage has some problems for example problem of typology, function, meanings, and the other for the society. Studying the problems, it is interesting to do research on its function as a teller of the past history that contained various aspects of the life of our society that not yet studied until today. By learning the problems, this research goal is to find the answer of the problems. To reach this goal, we do this research gradually by collecting data through literature study and field observation along with interviews. The next step is analysis carried out through methods of typology analysis, contextual, functional analysis, ethno archaeological and ethno historical approach. Finally the result showed that the function of our cultural heritage is as teller of the many-sided aspects of the past history of our artifacts such as technological aspects, social, and religious aspects but it is impossible to get full completed information due to some reasons. Keywords: archaeological and historical artifacts, cultural heritages, teller of the past.  AbstrakPenyelidikan arkeologi di Indonesia sudah berhasil menemukan artefak sejarah dan arkeologi yang beraneka ragam, yang tergolong sebagai warisan budaya. Sebagai bukti-bukti sejarah, warisan budaya ini adalah sumber informasi dan pesan-pesan kehidupan masyarakat masa lalu yang bersifat pluralistik. Menarik perhatian, bahwa warisan budaya ini mempunyai permasalahan yaitu, permasalahan tipologi, fungsi dan makna dalam kehidupan masyarakat. Mempelajari masalah ini, sangat menarik untuk melakukan penelitian mengenai fungsinya sebagai penutur sejarah masa silam, yang mengandung aneka ragam, aspek kehidupan masyarakat, yang belum dikaji sampai sekarang. Dengan mencermati permasalahan ini, maka tujuan penelitian ini, adalah untuk meneliti permasalahan tadi. Untuk mencapai tujuan ini, penulis melakukan penelitian secara bertahap melalui pengumpulan data dengan metode kajian pustaka dan observasi lapangan yang disertai dengan wawancara. Langkah selanjutnya, adalah melakukan analisis dengan analisis tipologi, kontekstual, analisis fungsional, pendekatan etnoarkeologi dan etnohistori. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa cagar budaya itu berfungsi sebagai penutur kehidupan masa silam yang mengandung aspek yang bersfiat jamak, adalah aspek teknologi, sosial dan religi, tetapi tidak mungkin untuk mendapat informasi yang lengkap karena berbagai faktor.Kata kunci: peninggalan sejarah dan purbakala, warisan budaya, penutur masa silam.

Caminhando ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 24 (2) ◽  
pp. 19
Matthias Grenzer - Translation of João Batista Ribeiro Santos

The Pentateuch is a cultural heritage of Humanity. The world narrated in it belongs to the second millennium B.C., and the narratives, poems, and sets of laws contained therein were composed during the first six centuries of the first millennium B.C. On the one hand, by bringing together epic, lyrical, and legal poetry, the one hundred and eighty-seven chapters constitute, in the form of five books, a masterpiece in the history of literature. On the other hand, it is literature that proposes to cultivate memory, either in relation to the narrated world, or in view of the period of its composer, sometimes narrating, sometimes legislating, sometimes singing. Moreover, as literature aimed at history, the texts of the Pentateuch promote enormous theological reflection. The main goal seems to be to think God. Thus the first five books of the Jewish Bible and the Christian Bible, with their narrated models of faith and behavior, turned into poems and defined by legal formulations, became the foundational reference for the religion of ancient Israel, of which Judaism was born and, from the latter, Christianity. Also Jesus of Nazareth, in the four New Testament Gospels, is presented in relation to Abraham and Moses, and stands out as a unique teacher with regard to the laws contained in the Pentateuch.

2021 ◽  
pp. 109-117
И.В. Краснова

В статье обосновывается необходимость создания виртуального каталога слобожанских икон и ставится цель разработки основных характеристик проектируемой электронной коллекции. Проведен анализ документальных источников, использованы результаты исследований российских и украинских ученых. Исследована история музеев Слободской Украины, собиравших произведения иконописи, изучено влияние событий ХХ в. на иконописное наследие Слобожанщины, которое вследствие атеистической кампании 1930-х гг. и действий оккупантов в период Великой Отечественной войны утратило единство и оказалось раздробленным между многочисленными музейными и частными коллекциями. Данный фактор, а также несомненная уникальность региональной иконописной традиции стали предпосылками к разработке концепции электронного каталога, который призван объединить все сохранившиеся на сегодняшний день произведения слобожанской иконописи. The article substantiates the need to create a virtual catalogue of Slobozhanshchina (Sloboda Ukraine) icons and sets the aim of developing the main characteristics of the projected electronic collection. Based on the use of systemic-historical and historical-genetic methods, documentary sources were analysed, the results of research of Russian and Ukrainian historians and culture scientists were studied. The history of museums in Sloboda Ukraine, which collected works of icon painting, is considered; special attention is paid to the Historical and Church Museum. Until the revolutionary events of 1917, this museum’s collections were constantly replenished with new exhibits. The history of the creation of the Museum of Ukrainian Art and the Central Art and History Museum named after Gregory Skovoroda (Museum of Sloboda Ukraine) is analysed. The influence of the events of the twentieth century on the icon-painting heritage of Sloboda Ukraine is considered. This heritage, as a result of the atheistic campaign of the 1930s and the actions of the occupiers during the Great Patriotic War, lost unity and was fragmented between numerous museum and private collections. The consequences of the German fascist invaders’ plunder of the museums of Sloboda Ukraine were especially grave: hundreds of thousands of exhibits were destroyed or taken out of the country. The fact of huge and often irreparable losses in the cultural heritage of Sloboda Ukraine by the middle of the twentieth century is stated. At present, the museums of Sloboda Ukraine have already collected a significant part of icon-painting works (about 500), but this number is not comparable with the richest heritage of Sloboda Ukraine of the beginning of the twentieth century. The author emphasises that a certain number of Slobozhanshchina icons continue to remain in churches and private collections in both Ukraine and Russia. Information about icons received from individuals is insufficient for attribution and museum documentation compilation, so many of the icons have not yet been fully introduced into museum circulation. The way out of this situation, according to the author, is to create an electronic catalogue of Slobozhanshchina icons, which will be a database of icon-painting works from museum and private collections with texts and images. The concept of the electronic catalogue has been developed. The catalogue is designed to unite all the works of Slobozhanshchina icon painting that have survived to date.

Mary Jane West-Eberhard

Sex transforms life. It affects morphology and behavior. It diverts enormous amounts of time and energy from the business of survival. It can even distract from the manufacture and safe packaging of offspring. The adolescent metamorphosis we each experience once, and thereafter view with amazement, in the relative calm of adulthood, has swept through nature on a grand scale, culminating in orchid flowers and peacock tails. All of this is due to chromosomal recombination—sex sensu strictu (Ghiselin, 1974)—and its organismal result, sexual reproduction or cooperation between two individuals to produce offspring. It is sex as sexual reproduction, the developmental side of sex that initiates the ontogeny of new individuals, that I mainly discuss here, though it is sex as recombination— the genetic side of sex—that has received most attention in discussions of the maintenance of sex. Of all the major transformations in the history of life, the evolution of sex is the most enigmatic. The question is not so much how sex got there as why it remains. Given the importance of genetic similarity, or kin selection (Hamilton, 1964a,b), for the maintenance of cooperation within and among organisms, sex seems designed to be disruptive. It requires the union of genetically dissimilar individuals, which dilutes the relatedness of mother and young, leaving the mother to invest in offspring genetically only half like herself. This has been called “the cost of meiosis” or the “twofold cost of sex” (Williams, 1975). It is a cost that usually falls to females, with their greater investment in eggs and care of offspring. By this view, the male is a parasite of his mate and participation in sexual reproduction is contrary to the best interests of females, who would do better to reproduce parthenogenetically on their own. Yet, among animals, only about one in one thousand species are thelytokous, that is, secondarily asexual, with no facultative or alternating sexual generation and no interaction with males. The prevalence of sexual reproduction in higher organisms is “inconsistent with current evolutionary theory” (Williams, 1975, p. v).

2021 ◽  
pp. 202-225
Элеонора Георгиевна Шестакова ◽  

The article discusses the main mechanisms of memory culture manipulation, observed in the Donetsk mass media from March to August 2014. The problem of the culture of remembrance is considered by the author in connection with the concepts and phenomena that are currently of interest to the European and American humanities, such as the memory industry, memory debt, memory abuse, oblivion traps, the cult of heroes and victims, memory as a drug social. The work also takes into account the relationship between the culture of memory and the term mediapolis, which is relatively new in the theory of mass communication. The review of the press material in the magazines „Donetskije novosti” („Донецкие новости”) and „Munitsipalnaja gazeta” („Муниципальная газета”) – publications, which have been creating various media, technical and various mechanisms for almost 20 years, indicate models of the memory industry for the formation of moods, views and behavior of recipients. By referring to the events of World War II, the fascist occupation of Donbas, as well as the Soviet episode in the history of the region, these titles do not show the horror, tragedy, and complexity of this period, but build the cult of the „glorious past”, its heroes and triumphs. This takes place at the cost of marginalizing the memory of the victims, war veterans, tragedies and social and personal losses, or a geopolitical catastrophe, leading to an increase in over-glaring patriotic feelings among readers. This, in turn, contributed to the intensification of social chaos and the need for military confrontation, and, as a result, abandoning the idea of a peaceful solution to the conflict in Donbas.

2019 ◽  
Vol 16 (1) ◽  
pp. 30-39
Bella L. Shapiro

Military material culture (tangible expression of military history) does not belong to topics unfairly forgotten by researchers. However, in mo­dern practice, the lost cultural heritage is not researched as actively as the preserved one. This study aims to fill in some lacunae in the history of military material culture related to the practice of re-mel­ting precious metal objects. The issue is consi­dered on the example of Life-Cuirassier Her Majesty’s Regiment. The article highlights the key moments of the regiment’s history related to royal awards. It was, primarily, the short epoch of the reign of Paul I when silver timpani, trumpets and cuirasses received the status of regimental relics (1799). During the reign of his successor Alexander I, with a reduction in the cost of maintaining the army, the silver part of this regimental relics was re-melted. The money received made up the fund of the offi­cer’s insurance capital. Some more of the regimental relics, precious in every sense, were lost in the years of the Great Patriotic War. As a result, the military material culture of the era of Paul I, in particular the protective armament, is presented very poorly in modern museum collections. This research helps to describe its character and history of exis­tence. The main sources of stu­dying the lost relics is the history of the regiment and its regimental archive published by Colonel M.I. Markov. Graphic documents are used as additional sources. The article outlines the list of modern museum collections that store preserved items, partly similar (partially interchangeable) to the lost ones. Summing up the results of the work, the study of the lost material cultural heritage is a promising scantily-explored direction of military history.

А.А. Кудрявцев ◽  
С.А. Володин

В статье представлен обзор архивных материалов по деятельности Монгольской историко-этнографической экспедиции АН СССР 1948-1949 гг. из личного фонда С. В. Киселева (Научно-отраслевой архив ИА РАН. Фонд 12). В них включены сведения об истории археологического изучения Монголии, полевые фотографии, отчетная документация. Отдельно представлен фильм Древности Монголии , снятый участниками экспедиции. Он содержит кадры раскопок Каракорума, могильника Джаргаланты, обследований памятников средневековой эпиграфики, этнографических наблюдений. Рассмотренный массив документов и фильмокопий является важным источником по истории изучения культурного наследия Монголии и организации археологии в СССР. The paper contains an overview of archival documents on the Mongolian historical and ethnographic expedition of the Academy of Sciences the USSR active in 1948-1949 from S. V. Kiselevs personal papers (Scientific Archives of the IA, RAS, Fund 122). They contain information on the history of archaeological investigations in Mongolia, field photographs and reporting documentation. The film Antiquities of Mongolia shot by the expedition participants is described separately. The film offers scenes of excavations at Karakorum, the Dzhargalanty cemetery, examination of the monuments of medieval epigraphics and ethnographic observations. The reviewed set of the documents and film copies is an important source for studying Mongolias cultural heritage and the way archaeology was organized in the USSR.

2018 ◽  
Vol 41 ◽  
Peter DeScioli

AbstractThe target article by Boyer & Petersen (B&P) contributes a vital message: that people have folk economic theories that shape their thoughts and behavior in the marketplace. This message is all the more important because, in the history of economic thought, Homo economicus was increasingly stripped of mental capacities. Intuitive theories can help restore the mind of Homo economicus.

David Ephraim

Abstract. A history of complex trauma or exposure to multiple traumatic events of an interpersonal nature, such as abuse, neglect, and/or major attachment disruptions, is unfortunately common in youth referred for psychological assessment. The way these adolescents approach the Rorschach task and thematic contents they provide often reflect how such experiences have deeply affected their personality development. This article proposes a shift in perspective in the interpretation of protocols of adolescents who suffered complex trauma with reference to two aspects: (a) the diagnostic relevance of avoidant or emotionally constricted Rorschach protocols that may otherwise appear of little use, and (b) the importance of danger-related thematic contents reflecting the youth’s sense of threat, harm, and vulnerability. Regarding this last aspect, the article reintroduces the Preoccupation with Danger Index ( DI). Two cases are presented to illustrate the approach.

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