Local Similarity of Reynolds-Stress Transport Processes in Turbulent Rotating Flows

1976 ◽  
Vol 74 (4) ◽  
pp. 593-610 ◽  
K. Hanjalić ◽  
B. E. Launder

The problem of closing the Reynolds-stress and dissipation-rate equations at low Reynolds numbers is considered, specific forms being suggested for the direct effects of viscosity on the various transport processes. By noting that the correlation coefficient$\overline{uv^2}/\overline{u^2}\overline{v^2} $is nearly constant over a considerable portion of the low-Reynolds-number region adjacent to a wall the closure is simplified to one requiring the solution of approximated transport equations for only the turbulent shear stress, the turbulent kinetic energy and the energy dissipation rate. Numerical solutions are presented for turbulent channel flow and sink flows at low Reynolds number as well as a case of a severely accelerated boundary layer in which the turbulent shear stress becomes negligible compared with the viscous stresses. Agreement with experiment is generally encouraging.

Nasiruddin Shaikh ◽  
Kamran Siddiqui

An experimental study is conducted to investigate the airside flow behavior within the crest-trough region over wind generated water waves. Two-dimensional velocity fields in a plane perpendicular to the surface were measured using particle image velocimetry (PIV). The experiments were conducted in a wind wave flume 0.45 m wide, 0.9 m high and 3 m long. The measurements were made at a fetch of 2.1 m and at the wind speeds of 3.7 and 4.4 m s−1. An algorithm was developed to segregate separated and non-separated velocity fields within the measured dataset. The results show lower magnitudes of the streamwise velocity and higher magnitudes of Reynolds stress and turbulent kinetic energy for the separated flow fields than that for the non-separated flow fields, indicating that the flow separation significantly enhances turbulence in the near surface region. The enhanced Reynolds stress is positive which indicates that the flow separation increases downward momentum transfer from wind to the wave. The two dimensional plot of instantaneous velocity showed that the separation vortices are restricted to the region bounded by the wave crest and trough. The presented results demonstrate that the flow separation plays a significant role in the interfacial transport processes and therefore, it can be concluded that the understanding of the airflow field within the crest-trough region is vital to improve our knowledge about the air-water heat, mass and momentum exchange.

AIAA Journal ◽  
2002 ◽  
Vol 40 (2) ◽  
pp. 199-208 ◽  
G. A. Gerolymos ◽  
I. Vallet

1990 ◽  
Vol 220 ◽  
pp. 99-124 ◽  
Peter S. Bernard ◽  
Robert A. Handler

The nature of the momentum transport processes responsible for the Reynolds shear stress is investigated using several ensembles of fluid particle paths obtained from a direct numerical simulation of turbulent channel flow. It is found that the Reynolds stress can be viewed as arising from two fundamentally different mechanisms. The more significant entails transport in the manner described by Prandtl in which momentum is carried unchanged from one point to another by the random displacement of fluid particles. One-point models, such as the gradient law are found to be inherently unsuitable for representing this process. However, a potentially useful non-local approximation to displacement transport, depending on the global distribution of the mean velocity gradient, may be developed as a natural consequence of its definition. A second important transport mechanism involves fluid particles experiencing systematic accelerations and decelerations. Close to the wall this results in a reduction in Reynolds stress due to the slowing of sweep-type motions. Further away Reynolds stress is produced in spiralling motions, where particles accelerate or decelerate while changing direction. Both transport mechanisms appear to be closely associated with the dynamics of vortical structures in the wall region.

AIAA Journal ◽  
2002 ◽  
Vol 40 ◽  
pp. 199-208 ◽  
G. A. Gerolymos ◽  
I. Vallet

Fluids ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (3) ◽  
pp. 153
Md Monir Hossain ◽  
Anne E. Staples

Large eddy simulations were performed to characterize the flow and mass transport mechanisms in the interior of two Pocillopora coral colonies with different geometries, one with a relatively loosely branched morphology (P. eydouxi), and the other with a relatively densely branched structure (P. meandrina). Detailed velocity vector and streamline fields were obtained inside both corals for the same unidirectional oncoming flow, and significant differences were found between their flow profiles and mass transport mechanisms. For the densely branched P. meandrina colony, a significant number of vortices were shed from individual branches, which passively stirred the water column and enhanced the mass transport rate inside the colony. In contrast, vortices were mostly absent within the more loosely branched P. eydouxi colony. To further understand the impact of the branch density on internal mass transport processes, the non-dimensional Stanton number for mass transfer, St, was calculated based on the local flow time scale and compared between the colonies. The results showed up to a 219% increase in St when the mean vortex diameter was used to calculate St, compared to calculations based on the mean branch diameter. Turbulent flow statistics, including the fluctuating velocity components, the mean Reynolds stress, and the variance of the velocity components were calculated and compared along the height of the flow domain. The comparison of turbulent flow statistics showed similar Reynolds stress profiles for both corals, but higher velocity variations, in the interior of the densely branched coral, P. meandrina.

1997 ◽  
Vol 13 (4) ◽  
pp. 323-330 ◽  
Wang Chen ◽  
Fu Song

1984 ◽  
Vol 75 ◽  
pp. 597
E. Grün ◽  
G.E. Morfill ◽  
T.V. Johnson ◽  
G.H. Schwehm

ABSTRACTSaturn's broad E ring, the narrow G ring and the structured and apparently time variable F ring(s), contain many micron and sub-micron sized particles, which make up the “visible” component. These rings (or ring systems) are in direct contact with magnetospheric plasma. Fluctuations in the plasma density and/or mean energy, due to magnetospheric and solar wind processes, may induce stochastic charge variations on the dust particles, which in turn lead to an orbit perturbation and spatial diffusion. It is suggested that the extent of the E ring and the braided, kinky structure of certain portions of the F rings as well as possible time variations are a result of plasma induced electromagnetic perturbations and drag forces. The G ring, in this scenario, requires some form of shepherding and should be akin to the F ring in structure. Sputtering of micron-sized dust particles in the E ring by magnetospheric ions yields lifetimes of 102to 104years. This effect as well as the plasma induced transport processes require an active source for the E ring, probably Enceladus.

Ashim Datta ◽  
Vineet Rakesh

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