dust particles
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Gautier Tetard ◽  
Armelle Michau ◽  
Swaminathan Prasanna ◽  
Jonathan Mougenot ◽  
Pascal Brault ◽  

Svetlana Ratynskaia ◽  
Ladislas Vignitchouk ◽  
Panagiotis Tolias

Abstract The design, licensing and operation of magnetic confinement fusion reactors impose various limitations on the amount of metallic dust particles residing inside the plasma chamber. In this context, predictive studies of dust production and migration constitute one of the main sources of relevant data. These are mainly conducted using dust transport codes, which rely on coupled dust-plasma and dust-wall interaction models, and require external input on the dust and droplet initial conditions. Some particularities of dust modelling in reactor-relevant conditions are analyzed with an emphasis on dust generation mechanisms relevant for disruption scenarios and on dust remobilization mechanisms relevant for ramp-up scenarios. Emerging topics such as dust production by runaway electron impact and pre-plasma remobilization of magnetic dust are also discussed.

2022 ◽  
Vol 0 (0) ◽  
Shobhit Kumar Srivastava ◽  
Rahul Kumar Chaturvedi ◽  
Lal Pratap Singh

Abstract This article concerns the study of various parameter effects on the propagation of weak discontinuities by using the method of characteristics. Analytical solutions of the quasi-linear system of hyperbolic partial differential equations (PDEs) are obtained and examined the evolutionary behavior of shock in the characteristic plane. The general behavior of solutions to the Bernoulli equation, which determines the evolution of weak discontinuity in a nonlinear system, is studied in detail. Also, we discuss the formation and distortion of compressive and expansive discontinuities under the van der Waals parameter effect and small particles for planar and cylindrical symmetric flow. The comparison between planar flow and cylindrical symmetric flow is studied under the influence of nonidealness and mass fraction of dust particles. It is found that the compressive waves become shock after a certain lapse of time. The medium considered here is the mixture of van der Waals gas with small dust particles.

2022 ◽  
Vol 23 (2) ◽  
pp. 731
Olena V. Moshynets ◽  
Taras P. Baranovskyi ◽  
Olga S. Iungin ◽  
Nadiia P. Kysil ◽  
Larysa O. Metelytsia ◽  

The choice of effective biocides used for routine hospital practice should consider the role of disinfectants in the maintenance and development of local resistome and how they might affect antibiotic resistance gene transfer within the hospital microbial population. Currently, there is little understanding of how different biocides contribute to eDNA release that may contribute to gene transfer and subsequent environmental retention. Here, we investigated how different biocides affect the release of eDNA from mature biofilms of two opportunistic model strains Pseudomonas aeruginosa ATCC 27853 (PA) and Staphylococcus aureus ATCC 25923 (SA) and contribute to the hospital resistome in the form of surface and water contaminants and dust particles. The effect of four groups of biocides, alcohols, hydrogen peroxide, quaternary ammonium compounds, and the polymeric biocide polyhexamethylene guanidine hydrochloride (PHMG-Cl), was evaluated using PA and SA biofilms. Most biocides, except for PHMG-Cl and 70% ethanol, caused substantial eDNA release, and PHMG-Cl was found to block biofilm development when used at concentrations of 0.5% and 0.1%. This might be associated with the formation of DNA–PHMG-Cl complexes as PHMG-Cl is predicted to bind to AT base pairs by molecular docking assays. PHMG-Cl was found to bind high-molecular DNA and plasmid DNA and continued to inactivate DNA on surfaces even after 4 weeks. PHMG-Cl also effectively inactivated biofilm-associated antibiotic resistance gene eDNA released by a pan-drug-resistant Klebsiella strain, which demonstrates the potential of a polymeric biocide as a new surface-active agent to combat the spread of antibiotic resistance in hospital settings.

Atmosphere ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 106
Fujung Tsai ◽  
Wan-Chi Yao ◽  
Ming-Lung Lin

Extremely high concentrations of dust particles are occasionally generated from the riverbeds of Taiwan, affecting the visibility and traffic safety of the local and nearby areas. The condition is most severe during the winter monsoon when surface wind is strong. This study analyzes the concentration of particulate matter of 10 µm or less (PM10), wind direction, wind speed, temperature, and humidity of riverbed stations adjacent to the Daan, Dajia, Dadu, Zhuoshui, and Beinan Rivers in Taiwan for a period of two years. The weather conditions that cause the high concentration of PM10 are classified into typhoon and non-typhoon types, and the latter type is further classified into three stages: ahead of front, ahead of anticyclone, and behind anticyclone. The associated meteorological influences of these weather types on high-concentration events in the riverbed are explored. The monitoring data show that the hourly PM10 concentration of the four riverbed stations exceeded 125 µg m−3 for 35–465 h per year, and the maximum PM10 in the Daan (and Dajia), and Zhuoshui Rivers was more than 800 µg m−3. Weather analysis showed that the extreme PM10 concentration on the riverbed was caused by weather types: typhoon and ahead of anticyclone, in which the peak hourly concentration reached average values of more than 600 and 400 µg m−3, respectively. The high PM10 caused by the typhoon type mainly occurred in October, with an average wind speed of 6 m s−1, high temperature of 25 °C, and mostly northeasterly winds. The ahead of anticyclone type mainly occurred in December, with an average wind speed of 5 m s−1, and northeasterly and northwesterly winds. Both weather types of riverbed events were observed during the daytime, especially at noon time, when strong wind speed, high temperature, and low relative humidity is favorable for riverbed dust generation. On the other hand, the main months of the high PM10 concentrations of the ahead of front and behind anticyclone stages are February and April. The peak PM10 concentrations of these two types of riverbed events are both about 300 µg m−3, but sporadic riverbed dust in these weather stages is mixed with Asian dust or pollution transported to the rivers through weak northwesterly and northeasterly winds. The high concentrations of these two types of riverbed events can occur at any time; but for the Dadu River, the high concentrations are often observed in the morning, when land breezes from the southeast bring local pollutants to the river.

2022 ◽  
Vol 14 (4) ◽  
pp. 29-34
Alla Zvyaginceva ◽  
A. Samofalova ◽  
V. Kul'neva

The problems of the ecological situation in the Central Chernozem region at technosphere objects of strategic importance are consired. As a specific object, AO "Lebedinsky GOK" which is a favorite for the extraction of iron ore on Russian and world trading platforms. Effective industrial general technical preventive measures are recommended, focused on reducing the emission of dust particles during serial blasting of iron-containing rocks at a specific facility. The most effective preventive measures to minimize the concentration of dust and gases are considered. The application of the method of controlling the wetting and sticking of dust particles is shown. It is based on the use of solutions of surfactants (surfactants). An anionactive surfactant based on triethanolamine salts is recommended. The concentration of the surfactant is selected according to the value of the surface tension of the solution.

Atmosphere ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 87
Turki M. Habeebullah ◽  
Said Munir ◽  
Jahan Zeb ◽  
Essam A. Morsy

In this paper, atmospheric water-soluble cation and anion contents of PM10 are analysed in Makkah, Saudi Arabia. PM10 samples were collected at five sites for a whole year. PM10 concentrations (µg/m3) ranged from 82.11 to 739.61 at Aziziyah, 65.37 to 421.71 at Sanaiyah, 25.20 to 466.60 at Misfalah, 52.56 to 507.23 at Abdeyah, and 40.91 to 471.99 at Askan. Both daily and annual averaged PM10 concentrations exceeded WHO and Saudi Arabia national air quality limits. Daily averaged PM10 concentration exceeded the national air quality limits of 340 µg/m3, 32% of the time at Aziziyah, 8% of the time at Sanaiyah, and 6% of the time at the other three sites. On average, the cations and anions made a 37.81% contribution to the PM10 concentrations. SO42−, NO3−, Ca2+, Na+, and Cl− contributed 50.25%, 16.43%, 12.11%, 11.12%, and 8.70% to the total ion concentrations, respectively. The minor ions (F−, Br−, Mg2+, NO2−, and PO43−) contributed just over 1% to the ion mass. Four principal components explained 89% variations in PM10 concentrations. Four major emission sources were identified: (a) Road traffic, including emission from the exhaust, wear-and-tear, and the resuspension of dust particles (F−, SO42−, NO3−, Ca2+, Na+, Mg+, Br−, Cl−, NO2−, PO43−); (b) Mineral dust (Cl−, F−, Na+, Ca2+, Mg2+, PO43−); (c) Industries and construction–demolition work (F−, SO42−, Ca2+, Mg2+); and (d) Seaspray and marine aerosols (Cl−, Br−, Mg2+, Na+). Future work would include an analysis of the metal contents of PM10 and their spatiotemporal variability in Makkah.

2022 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
pp. 548
Eva Mračková ◽  
Jarmila Schmidtová ◽  
Iveta Marková ◽  
Jana Jaďuďová ◽  
Ivana Tureková ◽  

The issue of the formation of wood dust particles in the work environment is still an actual topic in terms of its impact on employee health and the risk of fire or explosion in a woodworking operation. This article deals with the characteristics of spruce dust (Picea abies Karst. (L.)), which was taken from several types of wood technology. Experimental samples of spruce dust were taken from four types of sawing technologies, including grinding, briquetting and from the suction device container. The physical parameters of the samples taken were monitored and the particle size analysis was determined. The granulometric composition of the samples is significantly different. The sample of spruce wood dust from sawing has the most numerous fraction (250 µm), while the sample from grinding has the most numerous fraction 63–250 µm (87%).The aim of the paper was to monitor the minimum ignition temperature of the settled spruce dust layer and to look for a significant dependence of the minimum ignition temperature and ignition time on the type of spruce dust sample. A significant dependence was not confirmed. Significant moisture dependence of the samples was confirmed; the highest humidity was observed in the container, the lowest in sawing.

E.Y. Chen ◽  
Peter Renner ◽  
K. Lee ◽  
Bing Guo ◽  
Hong Liang

Abstract Solar panel cleaning is important to maintain the efficiency of energy production. In this research, we investigated the effects of relative humidity and condensation on the effectiveness of cleaning. The dust particles are subjected to various forces once they are deposited on the surface of a solar panel. When the dust particles continue to build up, they are also subjected to the adhesion forces from the neighboring dust particles. The adhesion forces from the substrates and the neighboring particles are dependent on the ambient conditions. Fundamentally, the interaction between the adhesion force of particle-particle and particle-substrate under various conditions was discussed in this manuscript.

2022 ◽  
Deji Jing ◽  
Zhuo Jiang ◽  
Mingxing Ma ◽  
Tian Zhang ◽  
Hongwei Liu ◽  

Abstract To effectively solve the problem of dust pollution caused by the parallel double-belt transportation of coal in a coal preparation plant, taking the Huangyuchuan coal preparation plant as an example, a numerical model of the air flow-dust distribution was established by means of simulation. The flow lines between the strips of tape and the tail of the tape machine will gather, and there will be backflow on the right side of the 3001 tape and left side of the 3002 tape. Under the action of wind current, most of the dust particles larger than 10 μm are distributed in the range of 0~5 m on both sides of the tape; dust particles smaller than 10 μm spread to the entire preparation workshop. Combined with field test verification, dust pollution is mainly concentrated at the guide trough, the feed inlet, the rear of the machine, and the joint of the belt corridor. Based on this, a targeted spray dust reduction treatment plan is proposed. By measuring the dust concentration before and after the treatment of dust-polluted areas, it is proven that the dust reduction efficiency of this plan can reach more than 90%.

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