Agrotechnological passport of the potato variety Azart

2022 ◽  
pp. 23-26
А.Э. Шабанов ◽  
А.И. Киселев ◽  
П.В. Соломенцев

Цель исследований: изучить реакцию нового среднераннего сорта картофеля Азарт селекции ФГБНУ «ФИЦ картофеля имени А.Г. Лорха» на густоту, сроки посадки и способы внесения минеральных удобрений, по комплексу хозяйственно ценных признаков (морфологические и биологические особенности, потребительские и столовые качества клубней, урожайность, показатели качества клубней, устойчивость к болезням, лежкость при хранении). Опыты проводили на экспериментальной базе «Коренево» ФГБНУ «ФИЦ картофеля имени А.Г. Лорха» (Московская область) в 2018–2020 годах на дерново-подзолистой супесчаной почве с низким содержанием гумуса (1,8–1,9%), высоким – подвижного фосфора (269–278 мг/кг почвы) и ниже среднего – обменного калия (128–130 мг/кг почвы). Минеральные удобрения (азофоска с добавлением калимагнезии) вносили локально двумя лентами при нарезке гребней культиватором КРН-4,2 с туковысевающими аппаратами в середине апреля. Изучали три приема внесения: 1. Единовременное N90P90K135(контроль); 2. Дробно-локальное (стартовое N60P60K90+ подкормка N30P30K45) через 7–10 дней после всходов; 3. Дробное (стартовое N30P30K45 + подкормка N30P30K45) через 7–10 дней после всходов + подкормка N30P30K45 в фазе бутонизации. Посадку картофеля проводили в два срока: ранний (третья декада апреля при температуре почвы не ниже 5–7 °C) и базовый (контроль) – через 7–10 дней после первого срока. Клубни массой 50–80 г высаживали клоновой сажалкой СН-4Б-К на глубину 8–10 см. Исследовали три густоты посадки: 44 (контроль), 50 и 56 тыс. клубней/га по схеме 75×30, 75×27, 75×24 см. Определен наиболее эффективный агрокомплекс приемов, включающий раннюю посадку (третья декада апреля при температуре почвы не ниже 5–7 °C) с густотой 44 тыс. клубней/га на фоне дробно-локального внесения удобрений (стартовое N60P60K90при нарезке гребней + подкормка N30P30K45) при междурядной обработке через 7–10 дней после всходов. В условиях дерново-подзолистой супесчаной почвы Центрального региона Нечерноземной зоны сорт дает прибавку урожая в размере 3,9 т/га, или 10,3%. При этом условный доход составил 39,0 тыс. р/га. The purpose of the research: to study the reaction of a new medium-early potato variety Azart selection of the Russian Potato Research Centre on the density, planting dates and methods of applying mineral fertilizers, according to a complex of economically valuable characteristics (morphological and biological features, consumer and table qualities of tubers, yield, quality indicators of tubers, resistance to diseases, storage shelf life). The experiments were carried out at the experimental base Korenevo Russian Potato Research Centre (Moscow region) in 2018–2020 on sod-podzolic sandy loam soil with low humus content (1.8–1.9%), high – mobile phosphorus (269–278 mg/kg of soil) and below average – exchangeable potassium (128–130 mg/kg of soil). Mineral fertilizers (azofoska with the addition of kalimagnesia) were applied locally with two ribbons when cutting the ridges with a KRN-4,2 cultivator with tow-raising devices in mid-April. We studied three methods of making: 1. One-time N90P90K135 (control); 2. Fractional-local (starting N60P60K90 + top dressing N30P30K45) 7–10 days after germination; 3. Fractional (starting N30P30K45+ top dressing N30P30K45) 7–10 days after germination + top dressing N30P30K45 in the budding phase. Potato planting was carried out in two terms: early (the third decade of April at a soil temperature of at least 5–7 °C) and basic (control) – 7–10 days after the first term. Tubers weighing 50–80 g were planted with a clone planter CH-4B-K to a depth of 8–10 cm. Three planting densities were studied: 44 (control), 50 and 56 thousand tubers/ha according to the scheme 75×30, 75×27, 75×24 cm. The most effective agrocomplex of techniques has been determined, including early planting (the third decade of April at a soil temperature of at least 5–7 °C) with a density of 44 thousand tubers/ha against the background of fractional-local fertilization (starting N60P60K90when cutting ridges + top dressing N30P30K45) with row-to-row processing 7–10 days after germination. In the conditions of sod-podzolic sandy loam soil of the Central region of the Non-Chernozem zone, the variety gives an increase in yield of 3.9 t/ha or 10.3%. At the same time, the conditional income amounted to 39.0 thousand rubles/ha.

2021 ◽  
pp. 33-36
А.Э. Шабанов ◽  
А.И. Киселев

Опыты проводили в 2018–2020 годах на экспериментальной базе «Коренево» (Московская область) в условиях дерново-подзолистой супесчаной почвы Центрального региона Нечерноземной зоны России. Цель исследований – изучить реакцию нового среднеспелого сорта картофеля Сигнал селекции ФГБНУ «ФИЦ картофеля имени А.Г. Лорха» на сроки, густоту посадки и приемы внесения минеральных удобрений по комплексу хозяйственно ценных признаков (морфологические и биологические особенности, потребительские и столовые качества клубней, урожайность, показатели качества клубней, устойчивость к болезням, лежкость при хранении). Выбор исследуемых агроприемов обусловлен необходимостью ускорения появления всходов, последующего развития растений и формирования достаточно значимого уровня урожая клубней до наступления неблагоприятных метеорологических условий (жара, засуха), а также обеспечения бесперебойного питания растений в течение всей вегетации, так как на супесчаных почвах во время выпадения осадков происходит вымывание питательных веществ в недоступные для корневой системы растений слои. Клубни высаживали в два срока: ранний (третья декада апреля при температуре почвы не ниже 5–7 °C) и базовый (контроль) – через 7–10 дней после первого срока. Посадку проводили на фоне удобрений, внесенных локально тремя приемами при нарезке гребней и последующих междурядных обработках двумя лентами: 1. Основное N90P90K135(контроль); 2. Дробное №1 (стартовое N60P60K90+ подкормка N30P30K45 через 7–10 дней после всходов); 3. Дробное №2 (стартовое N30P30K45 + подкормка N30P30K45 через 7–10 дней после всходов + подкормка N30P30K45 в фазе бутонизации). Густота посадки: 44, 50 и 56 тыс. клубней/га по схеме 75×30; 75×27 и 75×24 см. Определен наиболее эффективный комплекс агроприемов, включающий раннюю посадку (третья декада апреля при температуре почвы не ниже 5 °C) с густотой 44 тыс. клубней/га на фоне дробно-локального внесения удобрений (№1). В условиях дерново-подзолистой супесчаной почвы Центрального региона Нечерноземной зоны сорт дает прибавку урожая в размере 3,9 т/га, или 10,3%. При этом условный доход составляет 43,0 тыс. р/га. Ключевые слова: агротехнологический паспорт, урожайность, срок, густота посадки, прием внесения, потребительские и столовые качества, условный доход. The experiments were carried out in 2018–2020 at the experimental base Korenevo (Moscow region) in the conditions of sod-podzolic sandy loam soil of the Central region of the Non-Chernozem zone of Russia. The aim of the research is to study the reaction of a new medium-ripe potato variety from the selection of Russian Potato Research Centre on the timing, planting density and methods of applying mineral fertilizers according to a complex of economically valuable characteristics (morphological and biological features, consumer and table qualities of tubers, yield, quality indicators of tubers, disease resistance, shelf life). The choice of the studied agricultural practices is due to the need to accelerate the emergence of seedlings, the subsequent development of plants and the formation of a sufficiently significant level of tuber yield before the onset of adverse meteorological conditions (heat, drought), as well as to ensure uninterrupted nutrition of plants throughout the growing season, since on sandy loam soils during precipitation, nutrients are leached into layers inaccessible to the root system of plants. Tubers were planted in two terms: early (3rd decade of April at a soil temperature not lower than 5–7 °C) and basic (control) – 7–10 days after the first term. The planting was carried out against the background of fertilizers applied locally in three methods when cutting the ridges and subsequent row-to-row treatments with two tapes: 1. Basic N90P90K135 (control); 2. Fractional No1 (starting N60P60K90 + top dressing N30P30K45 7–10 days after germination); 3. Fractional No2 (starting N30P30K45+ top dressing N30P30K45 7–10 days after germination + top dressing N30P30K45 in the budding phase). Planting density: 44, 50 and 56 thousand tubers/ha according to the scheme 75×30; 75×27 and 75×24 cm. The most effective agro-complex of techniques was determined, including early planting (3rd decade of April at soil t not lower than 5 °C) with a density of 44 thousand tubers/ha against the background of fractional local fertilization (№1). In the conditions of sod-podzolic sandy loam soil of the Central region of the Non-Chernozem zone, the variety gives an increase in yield of 3.9 t/ha, or 10.3%. At the same time, the conditional income is 43.0 thousand rub/ha.

2014 ◽  
Vol 17 (1) ◽  
pp. 79
K.T. Zhantasov ◽  
Z.U. Myrhalykov ◽  
S.M. Moldabekov ◽  
M.K. Zhantasov ◽  
B.T. Omarov ◽  

Analysis of modern scientific literature and patents has shown the absence of acid-free production technology of a mechanically activated multicomponent mineral fertilizer containing water-holding substances. Experimental researches connecting with mechanochemical activation and physicochemical properties of Karatau phosphorites prove a possibility of development of a new multicomponent mineral fertilizer. Application of inorganic and organic activators considerably improves qualities of fertilizers because the developed fertilizer mixtures contain nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, humate and microelements. The suggested technology intends to use wastes of coal mining that leads to presence of humates and microelements in the end product. It was determined, that content of total nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium depends on a form of nitrogen-phosphorus-potassium-containing substances. The given article contains data of researches connecting with use of multicomponent mineral fertilizers in field conditions for cotton cultivation on irrigated light sierozems consisting of soil-forming rocks of loess and loess-type clay loams. The research results show the increase of soil’s fertility and cotton’s productivity. Studying of agronomic efficiency of the new kinds of mechanically activated multicomponent mineral fertilizers at the cultivation of a bean-cereal mixture has been carried out in the Negorelsk experimental nursery-garden of the Belarus State Technical University on a sod-podzol sandy-loam soil and has shown the essential influence on productivity and quality of the bean-cereal mixture. The researches fulfilled on a sod-podzol sandy-loam soil have revealed the essential increase of key indicators of feed productivity. Application of the mineral fertilizers has promoted increase of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium content in green plants. In so doing content of calcium and magnesium in green mass depends from quantity of the fertilizer used to a smaller extent. An essential difference of crop capacity and feed productivity indicators depending on forms of the applied mineral fertilizers has not been found.

Weed Science ◽  
1997 ◽  
Vol 45 (2) ◽  
pp. 198-204 ◽  
Nicholas D. Polge ◽  
Michael Barrett

Growth chamber experiments were conducted to determine the effects of soil temperature on the response of corn to imazaquin soil residues. In a silt loam soil, 24/30 C (night/day) or 18/24 C soil temperatures caused greater inhibition of shoot growth than 12/18 C soil temperature. However, in a sandy loam soil, inhibition of corn shoot growth was maximal at 18/24 C, and there was no difference in shoot-growth inhibition between the lowest and highest temperatures. Higher soil temperatures caused greater root-growth inhibition in the sandy loam soil but not in silt loam soil. Soil temperature did not affect14C-imazaquin uptake from either soil. Higher soil temperatures increased the translocation of imazaquin from root to shoot tissue in both soils. In the sandy loam soil, imazaquin metabolism in root tissue decreased as soil temperature increased, with twice as much parent herbicide recovered from roots of plants grown under the highest compared with the lowest temperature treatments. Soil temperature had no effect on imazaquin metabolism in shoot tissue. Longer-term experiments (22 d) were conducted with the sandy loam soil to determine the effect of changes in air temperature on corn response to imazaquin soil residues. Plants exposed to 24/30 C for 7 or 14 d of the final 14-d growing period showed greater inhibition of shoot growth compared with plants maintained at 12/18 C. Uptake and translocation of14C-imazaquin to shoots was greater in plants maintained at 24/30 C throughout the final 14-d period than in plants maintained at 12/18 C. Plants grown for 7 d at 24/30 C during the final 14-d period either preceding or following 7 d growth at 12/18 C showed increased translocation of imazaquin to shoots but no difference in imazaquin uptake compared with plants maintained at 12/18 C. Neither air nor soil temperature treatments had any effect on imazaquin concentration in soil water.

L. V. Boytsova ◽  
S. V. Neprimerova

The effect of applying mineral and organic fertilizers on the sequestration of organic matter in sod-podzolic sandy loam soil and on its mineralogical composition was studied. Soil samples for research were selected at the plots of the long field experience "agrophysical station", laid down in MOS FBGNU AFI (Gatchinsky district, Leningrad region, Russia) in 2006, in the system of crop rotation: annual grasses - potatoes - barley + perennial grasses - perennial grasses 1st year of use - perennial grasses 2 nd year of use. The soil of the experiment is soddy-podzolic sandy loamy of two kinds of cultivation: medium (MC) - organic fertilizers were not applied and high (HC) - 520 t / ha of manure was introduced over three years. Doses of mineral fertilizers were calculated for a given productivity of photosynthesis, in each kind of cultivation, three variants: 1 - control - no fertilizers (efficiency of the PAR 1-2%); 2 - NPK1 (the efficiency of the PAR is 2-3%); 3 - NPK2 (the efficiency of the PAR is 3 - 4%). Sampling was carried out in the sowing of perennial grasses of the second year of use. The analysis showed that the highest number of Corg and Cclay is characteristic for the variant of the HC soil (p <0,0001) and is 23,78 - 27,57 g / kg and 74,14 - 76,96 g / kg, respectively. The content of Corg in the MC soil is 17,29 - 18,43 g / kg of soil, the Cclay of 56,1 is 61,15 g / kg of the fraction. A positive relationship between the content of the Сclay and minerals for the MC of the soil was fixed with respect to quartz (r = 0,96), dioctahedral and trioctahedral micas (r = 0,73-0,77). In the HC variant, such a relationship was found for feldspars (r = 0,87-0,99).

2016 ◽  
Vol 32 (4) ◽  
pp. 583-593 ◽  
C. Peltre ◽  
T. Nyord ◽  
B. T. Christensen ◽  
J. L. Jensen ◽  
I. K. Thomsen ◽  

Agronomie ◽  
2002 ◽  
Vol 22 (7-8) ◽  
pp. 731-738 ◽  
Roland Harrison ◽  
Sharon Ellis ◽  
Roy Cross ◽  
James Harrison Hodgson

2020 ◽  
Vol 18 (4) ◽  
pp. 84-87
Yu.V. Leonova ◽  
T.A. Spasskaya ◽  

The change in the microbiological activity of sod-podzolic sandy loam soil when using coffee waste and sewage sludge as a fertilizer for oats in comparison with traditional fertilizers is considered. During the study, it was determined that the predominant groups were bacteria and actinomycetes. Bacilli and fungi are few in number. The introduction of sewage sludge and coffee waste into the sod-podzolic sandy loam soil at a dose of 10 t / ha increases the activity of the microflora of the sod-podzolic sandy loam soil, which increases the effective and potential fertility.

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