organic fertilizers
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Tingda Wu ◽  
Chao Li ◽  
Xu Xing ◽  
Xipeng Pan ◽  
Changhui Liu ◽  

Soil Systems ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 8
Sarah M. Denton-Thompson ◽  
Emma J. Sayer

Soil micronutrients limit crop productivity in many regions worldwide, and micronutrient deficiencies affect over two billion people globally. Microbial biofertilizers could combat these issues by inoculating arable soils with microorganisms that mobilize micronutrients, increasing their availability to crop plants in an environmentally sustainable and cost-effective manner. However, the widespread application of biofertilizers is limited by complex micronutrient–microbe–plant interactions, which reduce their effectiveness under field conditions. Here, we review the current state of seven micronutrients in food production. We examine the mechanisms underpinning microbial micronutrient mobilization in natural ecosystems and synthesize the state-of-knowledge to improve our overall understanding of biofertilizers in food crop production. We demonstrate that, although soil micronutrient concentrations are strongly influenced by soil conditions, land management practices can also substantially affect micronutrient availability and uptake by plants. The effectiveness of biofertilizers varies, but several lines of evidence indicate substantial benefits in co-applying biofertilizers with conventional inorganic or organic fertilizers. Studies of micronutrient cycling in natural ecosystems provide examples of microbial taxa capable of mobilizing multiple micronutrients whilst withstanding harsh environmental conditions. Research into the mechanisms of microbial nutrient mobilization in natural ecosystems could, therefore, yield effective biofertilizers to improve crop nutrition under global changes.

2022 ◽  
Vol 14 (2) ◽  
pp. 820
Chenming Lin ◽  
Sen Dou ◽  
Mahmoud Gamal Mohamed Abd El-Rahim ◽  
Xin Liu ◽  
Dong Wu ◽  

Increasing nitrogen fertilizer use efficiency has become an environmental and economic demand in order to minimize losses of nitrogen and maximize the output from nitrogen added. The application of organic amendments with N fertilizers could be proposed as an important economic and environmental practice for improving N fertilizer use. A two-year field experiment was carried out using the 15N tracer technique to study the impact of corn straw and woody peat application on uptake and utilization of N fertilizer by maize plant. Three treatments were set up: CK (15N labeled urea alone), CS (15N labeled urea + crushed corn straw) and WP (15N labeled urea+ crushed woody peat). The results showed that, as compared to CK, both straw and peat treatments led to (i) an increase in yield of maize, 15N urea utilization rate, and residual 15N urea remained in soil by 11.20% and 19.47%, 18.62% and 58.99%, 41.77% and 59.45%, respectively, but (ii) a decrease in the total loss rate by 6.21% and 16.83% (p < 0.05), respectively over the two seasons. Moreover, the significantly highest effect was recorded with woody peat application rather than that with corn straw. Our study suggests that corn straw and woody peat can be used as organic fertilizers to increase maize yields, promote nitrogen fertilizer balance sheet, reduce the leaching of N fertilizer into the subsurface soil layer, and facilitate the further absorption and utilization of soil residual nitrogen. Therefore, the application of humified organic material play a crucial role in N utilization efficiency enhancement.

2022 ◽  
pp. 19-22
В.А. Борисов ◽  
И.И. Вирченко ◽  
Е.В. Янченко ◽  
О.Н. Успенская

Цветная капуста – одна из наиболее ценных овощных культур по своим питательным и лечебным свойствам. Эта культура отличается высоким содержанием полноценного растительного белка, ее используют как диетический продукт при диабете и заболеваниях желудка, кишечника, печени. Однако выращивание цветной капусты сопряжено с большими проблемами ввиду очень высокой требовательности этой культуры к уровню плодородия почвы, элементам минерального питания, влажности почвы и воздуха. В почвенно-климатических условиях ЦНЗ России уровень урожайности цветной капусты колеблется в пределах 10–20 т/га, в среднем по России – 9,7 т/га, что не всегда компенсирует затраты на ее выращивание. Важнейшее условие повышения урожайности и рентабельности этой культуры – оптимизация питательного режима и внедрение новых высокоурожайных сортов и гибридов. Цель работы: поиск способов оптимизации питания капусты цветной с помощью органических удобрений (компостов) и их комбинаций с минеральными удобрениями. В 2020–2021 годах отделом земледелия и агрохимии ВНИИО-филиале ФГБНУ ФНЦО были проведены комплексные исследования по изучению отзывчивости некоторых сортов и гибридов цветной капусты на применение органических (птичий компост в дозе 6 т/га) и минеральных (N120P120K180) удобрений и их сочетаний, а также по влиянию этих удобрений на качество продукции. Было изучено семь сортов и гибридов капусты цветной отечественной и зарубежной селекции. Результаты исследований показали, что совместное применение минеральных и органических удобрений в наибольшей степени увеличивает продуктивность капусты, в среднем на 30%, в то время как чисто минеральные – на 25%, а чисто органические – на 19%. Совместное применение минеральных и органических удобрений позволяет получать в среднем 28,3 т/га головок цветной капусты, по отдельным сортам и гибридам – от 23,9 до 38,1 т/га. Качество продукции остается хорошим при применении минеральных и органических удобрений как раздельным, так и совместным способами. Cauliflower is one of the most valuable vegetable crops for its nutritional and medicinal properties. Differs in a high content of complete vegetable protein, is a dietary product for diseases of the stomach, intestines, liver and diabetes. However, the cultivation of cauliflower is fraught with great problems due to the very high demands of this crop on the level of soil fertility, elements of mineral nutrition, soil and air moisture. In the soil and climatic conditions of the Central Black Earth Region of Russia, the yield level of cauliflower fluctuates between 10–20 t/ha, on average in Russia 9.7 t/ha, which does not always compensate for the costs of its cultivation. The most important condition for increasing the yield and profitability of this crop is the optimization of the nutritional regime and the introduction of new high-yielding varieties and hybrids. The aim of our work was to find ways to optimize the nutrition of cauliflower using organic fertilizers – composts and their combinations with mineral fertilizers. In this regard, in 2020–2021, the Department of Agriculture and Agrochemistry of the ARRIVG-branch FSBSI FSVC conducted comprehensive studies to study the responsiveness of some varieties and hybrids of cauliflower to the use of organic (bird compost at a dose of 6 t/ha) and mineral (N120P120K180) fertilizers and their combinations, as well as the effect of these fertilizers on product quality. Seven varieties and hybrids of cauliflower of domestic and foreign selection were studied. The research results showed that the combined use of mineral and organic fertilizers to the greatest extent increases the productivity of cabbage, on average by 30%, while purely mineral fertilizers – by 25%, and purely organic – by 19%. The combined use of mineral and organic fertilizers allows to obtain an average of 28.3 t/ha of cauliflower heads; for individual varieties and hybrids from 23.9 to 38.1 t/ha. Product quality remains good when mineral and organic fertilizers are used both separately and jointly.

Ionics ◽  
2022 ◽  
Luiz R. G. Silva ◽  
Maria de L. S. Vasconcellos ◽  
Rafael de Q. Ferreira

Seda Bice Ataklı ◽  
Sezer Şahin ◽  
Sabriye Belgüzar

One of the most important factors that increase soil fertility is the amount of soil organic matter. One of the ways to increase soil organic matter is the addition of organic fertilizers. Yemsoy soybean cultivar was used in the study, and pot study was carried out in 3 replications according to the randomized blocks experimental design. In the study, three different fertilizer doses (EC 0- 0.5- 1), three different grape pomace compost (0- 20-40 %) were applied to the peat perlite mixture, and mycorrhiza and bacteria inoculation to these environments. At the end of a 60-day growing period, the plants were harvested from the top of the pot, and measurements were made. In the study, there was an increase in the above-ground fresh and dry weights, root fresh, and root dry weights of soybean plants grown with increasing fertilizer rates. The addition of compost to the growing medium, the addition of mycorrhiza, and bacteria caused different results in the investigated properties. The increase in compost and plant nutrition doses was effective in increasing plant growth.

Sezer Şahin ◽  
Seda Bice Ataklı

Organic matter has a positive effect on the uptake of nutrients in the soil. The increase in mycorrhizal activities in the soil causes an increase in the activities in the rhizosphere region. Vermicompost is among the most useful organic fertilizers that can be added to the soil in recent years. Soil microflora is capable of realizing the return of mineral substances. Akkız cowpea variety was used in the study: The experiment was carried out as a viol study with 3 replications according to the randomized blocks trial design. In the study, seedling development was achieved by mixing vermicompost (0, 15, 30 and 45%) with and without mycorrhiza in a soil containing 16% lime into the viols in order to develop seedlings. Sufficient minerals have been applied to the plants for their growth. Seedlings were harvested when they were 40 days old, and seedling measurement parameters and macronutrients in plant leaves were checked. As the amount of vermicompost increased, it caused an increase in the above-ground fresh and dry weights, root fresh and root dry weights of the seedlings. As the organic fertilizer mixture increased, the nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and magnesium concentrations of the plant leaves increased. The addition of mycorrhiza to the rearing medium has led to different results in the investigated characteristics. Addition of increasing organic fertilizer ratios in the study, Organic fertilizer and bacteria application of cowpea cultivars were effective in increasing the development of plants in calcareous soils.

Sinan Dündar ◽  
Hüdaverdi Bircan ◽  
Hasan Eleroğlu

Compared to industrial wastes, the recycling of agricultural wastes is more efficient because they are organic. The low organic matter content of Anatolian agricultural lands makes the recycling of agricultural wastes even more important. In the Samsun region, compost centres are recommended in order to help increase productivity in agricultural production, develop agricultural activities and ensure rural development. It is very important to use natural fertilizers because it is to protect and improve the organic structure of the soil. The low production costs of organic fertilizers compared to chemical fertilizers provide an advantage to farmers and prevent foreign exchange loss. In this study, it is aimed to determine the animal existence and optimum facility locations for evaluation of animal wastes as compost in Samsun. For this purpose, the number of animals of the enterprises in the region was determined by using the data obtained from Samsun Provincial Directorate of Agriculture and Forestry. The coordinates of the settlements of 1,284 enterprises with bovine capacity of 40 or more in Samsun were determined according to the rectangular coordinate system. In terms of animal distribution in Samsun province, 27 cluster numbers were preferred through Elbow method and f(K) Function method. The location of most suitable compost production centres according to the distance and the total number of animals was determined by the K-Means clustering analysis method using geographical coordinates. For Samsun, the group size was taken as 2,000-10,000 cattle and the enterprises with a focal length less than 15 km were included in the compost production clusters. In line with these criteria, 10 compost production clusters for compost production have been determined in Samsun and the locations of these cluster centres are shown on the map in a way that will provide the most efficient information to investors and relevant institutions.

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