potato research
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2022 ◽  
pp. 23-26
А.Э. Шабанов ◽  
А.И. Киселев ◽  
П.В. Соломенцев

Цель исследований: изучить реакцию нового среднераннего сорта картофеля Азарт селекции ФГБНУ «ФИЦ картофеля имени А.Г. Лорха» на густоту, сроки посадки и способы внесения минеральных удобрений, по комплексу хозяйственно ценных признаков (морфологические и биологические особенности, потребительские и столовые качества клубней, урожайность, показатели качества клубней, устойчивость к болезням, лежкость при хранении). Опыты проводили на экспериментальной базе «Коренево» ФГБНУ «ФИЦ картофеля имени А.Г. Лорха» (Московская область) в 2018–2020 годах на дерново-подзолистой супесчаной почве с низким содержанием гумуса (1,8–1,9%), высоким – подвижного фосфора (269–278 мг/кг почвы) и ниже среднего – обменного калия (128–130 мг/кг почвы). Минеральные удобрения (азофоска с добавлением калимагнезии) вносили локально двумя лентами при нарезке гребней культиватором КРН-4,2 с туковысевающими аппаратами в середине апреля. Изучали три приема внесения: 1. Единовременное N90P90K135(контроль); 2. Дробно-локальное (стартовое N60P60K90+ подкормка N30P30K45) через 7–10 дней после всходов; 3. Дробное (стартовое N30P30K45 + подкормка N30P30K45) через 7–10 дней после всходов + подкормка N30P30K45 в фазе бутонизации. Посадку картофеля проводили в два срока: ранний (третья декада апреля при температуре почвы не ниже 5–7 °C) и базовый (контроль) – через 7–10 дней после первого срока. Клубни массой 50–80 г высаживали клоновой сажалкой СН-4Б-К на глубину 8–10 см. Исследовали три густоты посадки: 44 (контроль), 50 и 56 тыс. клубней/га по схеме 75×30, 75×27, 75×24 см. Определен наиболее эффективный агрокомплекс приемов, включающий раннюю посадку (третья декада апреля при температуре почвы не ниже 5–7 °C) с густотой 44 тыс. клубней/га на фоне дробно-локального внесения удобрений (стартовое N60P60K90при нарезке гребней + подкормка N30P30K45) при междурядной обработке через 7–10 дней после всходов. В условиях дерново-подзолистой супесчаной почвы Центрального региона Нечерноземной зоны сорт дает прибавку урожая в размере 3,9 т/га, или 10,3%. При этом условный доход составил 39,0 тыс. р/га. The purpose of the research: to study the reaction of a new medium-early potato variety Azart selection of the Russian Potato Research Centre on the density, planting dates and methods of applying mineral fertilizers, according to a complex of economically valuable characteristics (morphological and biological features, consumer and table qualities of tubers, yield, quality indicators of tubers, resistance to diseases, storage shelf life). The experiments were carried out at the experimental base Korenevo Russian Potato Research Centre (Moscow region) in 2018–2020 on sod-podzolic sandy loam soil with low humus content (1.8–1.9%), high – mobile phosphorus (269–278 mg/kg of soil) and below average – exchangeable potassium (128–130 mg/kg of soil). Mineral fertilizers (azofoska with the addition of kalimagnesia) were applied locally with two ribbons when cutting the ridges with a KRN-4,2 cultivator with tow-raising devices in mid-April. We studied three methods of making: 1. One-time N90P90K135 (control); 2. Fractional-local (starting N60P60K90 + top dressing N30P30K45) 7–10 days after germination; 3. Fractional (starting N30P30K45+ top dressing N30P30K45) 7–10 days after germination + top dressing N30P30K45 in the budding phase. Potato planting was carried out in two terms: early (the third decade of April at a soil temperature of at least 5–7 °C) and basic (control) – 7–10 days after the first term. Tubers weighing 50–80 g were planted with a clone planter CH-4B-K to a depth of 8–10 cm. Three planting densities were studied: 44 (control), 50 and 56 thousand tubers/ha according to the scheme 75×30, 75×27, 75×24 cm. The most effective agrocomplex of techniques has been determined, including early planting (the third decade of April at a soil temperature of at least 5–7 °C) with a density of 44 thousand tubers/ha against the background of fractional-local fertilization (starting N60P60K90when cutting ridges + top dressing N30P30K45) with row-to-row processing 7–10 days after germination. In the conditions of sod-podzolic sandy loam soil of the Central region of the Non-Chernozem zone, the variety gives an increase in yield of 3.9 t/ha or 10.3%. At the same time, the conditional income amounted to 39.0 thousand rubles/ha.

2021 ◽  
Vol 941 (1) ◽  
pp. 012028
A K Koroleva ◽  
A B Sivolapova ◽  
M S Voinova ◽  
A S Ivanova ◽  
A A Meleshin ◽  

Abstract The potato cyst nematodes (PCN) Globodera rostochiensis and Globodera pallida are the most common pests feeding on potato roots. These pests have an aggressive distribution dynamic and bring a lot of damage to yield. The study presents results of comprehensively test new potato genotypes for resistance to the golden potato nematode (Globodera rostochiensis), for its further use in breeding and the creation of economically valuable resistant varieties. Almost half of the samples showed laboratory resistance to golden potato nematode, the rest were susceptible. 26 samples have shown the presence of two molecular markers (N146, N19), indicating the presence of H1 gene. Almost all samples showed a correspondence between laboratory resistance and the presence of H1 gene markers.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  

Phosphorus (P) is an important element that is applied in the form of di-ammonium phosphate or single super phosphate in potatoes. An experiment was conducted at ICAR-Central Potato Research Station, Patna, Bihar during Rabi, 2017-18 and 2018-19 to evaluate invariably use of phosphorus fertilizers in potato crop. The use of phosphorus is often applied at higher rate than its uptake from the soil. Therefore, experiment was undertaken with the objective to optimize and utilize soil phosphorus more efficiently. Potato variety Kufri Khyati was planted in three replications with eight different treatments of fertilizer phosphorus. Data on tuber yield (t/ha) and tuber number (lacs/ha) was recorded. The maximum tubers were recorded at 20% of recommended dose of phosphorus i.e. 5.14 lacs/ha followed by 100% recommended dose of phosphorus (4.56 lacs/ha). The tuber yield was maximum at 100% recommended dose of phosphorus (33.53 t/ha) followed by 50% recommended dose of phosphorus (31.35 t/ha), which was at par with the yield obtained at 20% (30.29 t/ha) to 40% (29.98 t/ha) of recommended dose of phosphorus. The recorded results showed that the omission of phosphorus does not have any significant reduction in the yield as compare to tuber numbers. Therefore it may be recommended that in high P soils, the maintenance dose of 20 % of recommended dose of P is sufficient to harvest economic yield.

2020 ◽  
Vol 11 ◽  
Sergey N. Lomin ◽  
Yulia A. Myakushina ◽  
Oksana O. Kolachevskaya ◽  
Irina A. Getman ◽  
Ekaterina M. Savelieva ◽  

Cytokinins (CKs) were earlier shown to promote potato tuberization. Our study aimed to identify and characterize CK-related genes which constitute CK regulatory system in the core potato (Solanum tuberosum) genome. For that, CK-related genes were retrieved from the sequenced genome of the S. tuberosum doubled monoploid (DM) Phureja group, classified and compared with Arabidopsis orthologs. Analysis of selected gene expression was performed with a transcriptome database for the S. tuberosum heterozygous diploid line RH89-039-16. Genes responsible for CK signaling, biosynthesis, transport, and metabolism were categorized in an organ-specific fashion. According to this database, CK receptors StHK2/3 predominate in leaves and flowers, StHK4 in roots. Among phosphotransmitters, StHP1a expression largely predominates. Surprisingly, two pseudo-phosphotransmitters intended to suppress CK effects are hardly expressed in studied organs. Among B-type RR genes, StRR1b, StRR11, and StRR18a are actively expressed, with StRR1b expressing most uniformly in all organs and StRR11 exhibiting the highest expression in roots. By cluster analysis four types of prevailing CK-signaling chains were identified in (1) leaves and flowers, StHK2/3→StHP1a→StRR1b/+; (2) shoot apical meristems, stolons, and mature tubers, StHK2/4→StHP1a→StRR1b/+; (3) stems and young tubers, StHK2/4→StHP1a→StRR1b/11/18a; and (4) roots and tuber sprouts, StHK4→StHP1a→StRR11/18a. CK synthesis genes StIPT3/5 and StCYP735A are expressed mainly in roots followed by tuber sprouts, but rather weakly in stolons and tubers. By contrast, CK-activation genes StLOGs are active in stolons, and StLOG3b expression is even stolon-confined. Apparently, the main CK effects on tuber initiation are realized via activity of StLOG1/3a/3b/7c/8a genes in stolons. Current advances and future directions in potato research are discussed.

В.Ю. Кордабовский

Современные конкурентоспособные сорта картофеля должны иметь лучшее сочетание биоморфологических и хозяйственно ценных признаков, быть максимально адаптированными к эколого-географическому пространству, для которого они создаются. Основная цель нашей селекционной работы заключается в получении экологически пластичных, приспособленных к специфическим условиям Магаданской области новых генотипов картофеля с унаследованными и закрепленными гибридным потомством ценными хозяйственными признаками: скороспелостью, высокой урожайностью и потребительскими качествами получаемой продукции, устойчивостью к фитофторозу. Правильный выбор генетических источников для селекции с учетом характера наследования в условиях севера Дальнего Востока позволяет получать генотипы с уникальным набором генов, формирующих признаки, необходимые для создания сорта. Один из таких сортов нового поколения – среднеранний сорт Зоя, созданный на базе ФГБНУ Магаданский НИИСХ совместно с ФГБНУ ВНИИКХ им. А.Г. Лорха. Modern competitive potato varieties should include the best combination of biomorphological and economically valuable characteristics, and be maximally adapted to the ecological and geographical space for which they are created. The main goal of our selection work is to obtain environmentally plastic, adapted to the specific conditions of the Magadan Region, new genotypes of potatoes with inherited and fixed hybrid offspring valuable economic characteristics: ripeness, high yield and consumer qualities of the resulting products, resistance to late blight. The correct choice of genetic sources for selection, taking into account the nature of inheritance in the North of the Far East, allows you to get genotypes with a unique set of genes that form the characteristics necessary for creating a variety. One such varieties of new generation - mid-season variety Zoya, created on the basis of Magadan Research Agricultural Institute with FSBIS A.G. Lorch Potato Research Institute.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (Supplement_2) ◽  
pp. 671-671
Sam Walker ◽  
Jamie Baum ◽  
Aubree Hawley ◽  
Angela Tacinelli ◽  
Drake Enderlin ◽  

Abstract Objectives The objective of this study was to determine the effect of carbohydrate source within a higher protein breakfast on postprandial appetite response in adults with metabolic syndrome. Methods Fourteen adults with metabolic syndrome were randomly assigned to consume one of three iso-caloric, higher protein breakfasts (352 kcal; 26.5 ± 0.3 g Pro; 20.0 ± 0.5 g CHO; 19.8 ± 0.3 g 18.0 ± 0.1 g Fat) containing servings of different carbohydrate sources: white potatoes (n = 5; 5 female; 37.6 ± 8.5 y; 98.0 ± 14.1 kg; 39.5 ± 7.3 BMI); 2) processed potatoes (hash browns) (n = 2; 1 female,1 male; 53.0 ± 15.0 y; 81.4 ± 17.0 kg; 29.6 ± 3.0 BMI); or 3) starchy carbohydrate (white rice; n = 5; 4 female,1 male; 33.6 ± 5.0 y; 95.1 ± 18.2 kg; 35.3 ± 4.7 BMI). All participants reported to the lab following an overnight fast. Participants were served their assigned meal (quiche) and were given 15 minutes to fully consume the entire portion. Appetite was assessed via visual analogue scale (VAS) with opposing anchors (e.g., “extremely hungry” or “not hungry at all”) at time points 0, 15, 30, 60, 90, 120, 180 and 240 min. Data were analyzed using Prism GraphPad version 8.0. Significance was set at P < 0.05. Results Although not significant, participants who consumed the starchy carbohydrate meal reported increased hunger (182%), desire to eat (64%), and decreased fullness (8%) when compared to participants consuming the potato meal. In addition, the starchy carbohydrate meal consumption was a significantly associated with a desire for sweetness (P < 0.05). No significant differences in appetite were observed between participants consuming the potato meal and the processed potato meal. Conclusions Preliminary results indicate the source of carbohydrate as part of a higher protein breakfast influences postprandial appetite response in adults with metabolic syndrome, however further research is needed. Funding Sources Alliance for Potato Research and Education.

I.G. Lyubimskaya ◽  
S.S. Kuznetsov

В 20172018 гг. в условиях Костромской области было проведено эколого-географическое испытание 10 сортов картофеля различных групп спелости селекции ФГБНУ ВНИИКХ: Метеор, Башкирский, Красавчик, Варяг, Вымпел, Фаворит, Великан, Колобок, Накра, Никулинский. Почва опытного участка дерново-подзолистая, легкосуглинистая, слабокислая, хорошо окультуренная, с высоким содержанием гумуса (2,53), подвижного фосфора (324 мг/кг почвы) и обменного калия (181,4 мг/кг почвы). Предшественник кукуруза на зелёную массу. Схема посадки 7030 см, площадь делянки каждого сортообразца 4,2 м2, повторность трёхкратная, расположение сортов систематическое. В 2017 году урожайность сортов ранней группы спелости составила 21,2936,61 т/га, а среднеспелой группы 29,0760,36 т/га. В 2018 году разница в урожайности была менее заметна и составила 19,4132,32 т/га и 33,2445,11 т/га соответственно. В целом урожайность разных сортов в 2018 году была более выровненная, чем в 2017 году, что можно объяснить климатическими условиями. Содержание сухого вещества и крахмала составило в 2017 году 16,526,9 и 10,821,2, в 2018 году 15,428,2 и 9,722,5 соответственно. В среднем за два года наивысшая урожайность и содержание сухого вещества и крахмала в раннеспелой группе сортов было отмечено у сорта Красавчик. В группе среднеспелых сортов самая высокая урожайность зафиксирована у сорта Великан, а самое высокое содержание сухого вещества и крахмала у сорта Накра.In 20172018 in the conditions of the Kostroma region an ecological and geographical test of 10 potato varieties of various maturity groups of the FSBSI Lorch Potato Research Institute was conducted: Meteor, Bashkirsky, Krasavchik, Varyag, Vympel, Favorit, Velikan, Kolobok, Nakra, Nikulinsky. The soil of the experimental plot was soddy podzolic, light loamy, subacid, well cultivated with a high content of humus (2.53), labile phosphorus (324 mg/kg of soil) and exchangeable potassium (181.4 mg/kg of soil). The predecessor was corn for green mass. The planting system was 70 30 cm, plot area of each variety specimen was 4.2 m2, it was repeated three times, the arrangement of varieties was systematic. In 2017 the yield of varieties of the early ripening group was 21.2936.61 t/ha and the mid-ripening group was 29.0760.36 t/ha. In 2018 the difference in yield was less noticeable and amounted to 19.4132.32 t/ha and 33.2445.11 t/ha respectively. In general the yield of different varieties in 2018 was more leveled than in 2017 which can be explained by climatic conditions. The dry matter and starch content in 2017 amounted to 16.526.9 and 10.821.2, in 2018 15.428.2 and 9.722.5, respectively. On average over two years the highest yield and dry matter and starch content in the early ripening group of varieties were noted in the Krasavchik variety. In the group of mid-ripening varieties the highest yield was recorded in the Velikan variety and the highest dry matter and starch content was in the Nakra variety.

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