scholarly journals Desertificação em Irauçuba (CE): Investigação de Possíveis Causas Climáticas e Antrópicas (Desertification in Irauçuba (CE): Investigation of Possibles Causes Climate and Anthropogenic)

2011 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 1 ◽  
Rafael Bezerra Tavares Vasques Landim ◽  
Djane Fonseca Da Silva ◽  
Henrique Ravi Rocha De Carvalho Almeida

O objetivo geral deste trabalho é investigar possíveis causas climáticas e antrópicas do processo de desertificação em Irauçuba (Ceará). Para tanto, foram utilizados dados de precipitação para o período de 1981-2008 para a localidade de Irauçuba (CE). Foram também utilizadas duas imagens do sensor TM (Thematic Mapper) do satélite Landsat-5, composta por sete bandas espectrais, obtidas junto à Divisão de Geração de Imagens - DGI - do Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais – INPE. As imagens estão localizadas na órbita e ponto 217/63 e possuem data de passagem nos dias 24 de julho de 2004 (DJ 205) e 14 de julho de 2006 (DJ 195). De acordo com a investigação climática, a principal escala temporal da variabilidade climática em Irauçuba é de 4,6 - 5 anos ligada ao ENOS. Assim, essa região é influenciada pelos eventos de El Niño e La Niña, o que pode ser um dos fatores que modificam o ambiente, diminuindo o volume dos corpos hídricos em anos de El Niño e assim ser uma das causas da desertificação local. Já na ánálise do uso do solo pelo NDVI, áreas propensas à desertificação diminuíram 11,185%. As áreas com vegetação fotossinteticamente ativa aumentaram 8,63%. Corpos hídricos e solos propensos à desertificação também diminuíram. Assim, concluí-se que o uso da terra para agricultura (a qual aumentou ao longo do tempo) é também um importante fator degradante dos corpos hídricos e do solo em Irauçuba.Palavras-chave: Análise de Ondeletas, NDVI, desertificação, Irauçuba  Desertification in Irauçuba (CE): Investigation of Possibles Causes Climate and Anthropogenic ABSTRACTThe aim of this study is to investigate possible causes of anthropogenic climate change and desertification process in Irauçuba (Ceará). Thus, we used rainfall data for the period 1981-2008 to the location of Irauçuba (EC). We also used two images of the TM sensor (Thematic Mapper) satellite Landsat-5, consisting of seven spectral bands, obtained from the Division of Imaging - DGI - National Institute for Space Research - INPE. The images are located in orbit and 217 / 63 point and have the date of passage in the day July 24, 2004 (DJ 205) and July 14, 2006 (DJ 195). According to climate research, the main time scale climate variability in Irauçuba is 4.6 - 5 years related to ENSO. Thus, this region is influenced by El Niño and La Niña, which may be one of the factors that modify the environment by reducing the volume of water bodies in El Niño years and thus be a cause of local desertification. In the analysis of NDVI for land use, areas prone to desertification dropped 11.185%. Areas with vegetation PAR increased 8.63%. Water bodies and soils prone to desertification have also decreased. Thus, I concluded that the use of land for agriculture (which increased over time) is also a major factor degrading the water bodies and soil Irauçuba.Key-words: Wavelet analysis, IVDN, desertification, Irauçuba

2004 ◽  
Vol 24 (1) ◽  
pp. 89-104 ◽  
Matthew Collins ◽  
El Niño ◽  
El Nino ◽  
La Niña ◽  

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 130-144
Putu Shantiawan ◽  
Putu Suwardike

Abstract. Climate change as a result of global warming creates climate uncertainty (anomaly) in the form of excessive drought (El-Nino) and excessive rain (La Nina) which greatly affects the productivity of rice plants. Under normal conditions. Indonesia's rice production will decline to 65 million tons in 2050. But due to climate change, the decline in rice production can be even more drastic to reach 90 million tons or down by 38 per cent. Rice plants need around 2,500 litres of water to produce 1 kg of grain (rough rice). This water is filled from rainwater and/or irrigation water. La Nina can interfere with the growth and yield of rice plants because the plants suffer damage due to limited air exchange, both in the form of carbon dioxide (CO2) and oxygen (O2) which inhibits the process of photosynthesis and plant respiration. The level of growth disturbance and yield of rice due to excess water depends on the tolerance level of the variety, the level of inundation and the length of time of inundation. Physiologically the adaptation of lowland rice plants to excess water is classified as complex. Plants that produce PDC and ADH are more tolerant of inundation. Molecularly, plants that contain the Sub1 gene are more resistant to excess water.Keywords: flooding, global warming, climate change, rice, food Abstrak. Perubahan iklim (climate change) sebagai dampak pemanasan global menimbulkan ketidakpastian (anomali) iklim berupa kekeringan yang berlebihan (El-Nino) dan hujan yang berlebihan (La Nina) yang sangat berpengaruh terhadap produktivitas tanaman padi. Dalam kondisi normal. produksi padi di Indonesia akan mengalami penurunan hingga 65 juta ton pada tahun 2050. Namun akibat perubahan iklim, penurunan produksi padi dapat lebih derastis hingga mencapai 90 juta ton atau turun hingga 38 persen. Tanaman padi membutuhkan sekitar 2.500 liter air untuk menghasilkan 1 kg butir gabah (rough rice). Air ini dipenuhi dari air hujan dan/atau air irigasi. La Nina dapat mengganggu pertumbuhan dan hasil tanaman padi karena tanaman mengalami kerusakanakibat terbatasnya pertukaran udara, baik berupa karbondioksida (CO2) maupun oksigen (O2) yang menghambat proses fotosintesis dan respirasi tanaman. Tingkat gangguan pertumbuhan dan hasil tanaman padi akibat kelebihan air tergantung pada tingkat toleransi varietas, tingkat genangan dan lama waktu terjadinya genangan.  Secara fisiologis adaptasi tanaman padi sawah terhadap kelebihan air tergolong kompleks. Tanaman yang menghasilkan PDC dan ADH lebih banyak lebih toleran terhadap genangan.  Secara molekuler, tanaman yang mengandung gen Sub1 lebih tahan terhadap kelebihan air.Katakunci: penggenangan, pemanasan global, perubahan iklim, padi, pangan

2019 ◽  
Vol 58 (6) ◽  
pp. 1381-1397 ◽  
Anthony Arguez ◽  
Anand Inamdar ◽  
Michael A. Palecki ◽  
Carl J. Schreck ◽  
Alisa H. Young

AbstractClimate normals are traditionally calculated every decade as the average values over a period of time, often 30 years. Such an approach assumes a stationary climate, with several alternatives recently introduced to account for monotonic climate change. However, these methods fail to account for interannual climate variability [e.g., El Niño–Southern Oscillation (ENSO)] that systematically alters the background state of the climate similar to climate change. These effects and their uncertainties are well established, but they are not reflected in any readily available climate normals datasets. A new high-resolution set of normals is derived for the contiguous United States that accounts for ENSO and uses the optimal climate normal (OCN)—a 10-yr (15 yr) running average for temperature (precipitation)—to account for climate change. Anomalies are calculated by subtracting the running means and then compositing into 5 ENSO phase and intensity categories: Strong La Niña, Weak La Niña, Neutral, Weak El Niño, and Strong El Niño. Seasonal composites are produced for each of the five phases. The ENSO normals are the sum of these composites with the OCN for a given month. The result is five sets of normals, one for each phase, which users may consult with respect to anticipated ENSO outcomes. While well-established ENSO patterns are found in most cases, a distinct east–west temperature anomaly pattern emerges for Weak El Niño events. This new product can assist stakeholders in planning for a broad array of possible ENSO impacts in a changing climate.

Science ◽  
2005 ◽  
Vol 309 (5735) ◽  
pp. 687-687 ◽  
R. A. Kerr
El Niño ◽  
El Nino ◽  
La Niña ◽  
The Past ◽  
La Nina ◽  

2019 ◽  
Vol 38 (1) ◽  
pp. 55
Yusdar Hilman ◽  
Suciantini Suciantini ◽  
Rini Rosliani

<p>Horticultural products (fruits, vegetables and ornamental crops) which have high competitiveness and added value, require supporting appropriate cultivation technology. The objective of this paper was to sort out adaptive technologies that can be implemented for horticultural cultivation, especially on dry land, to minimize yield loss due to climate changes. Horticultural crops in dry lands faced various problems. Characteristics of horticultural crops, among others were easily damage, bulky, sensitive to water stress and the incidence of pests and diseases. Another issue that has begun to happen in the field is the occurrence of extreme climate change, especially El Nino or La Nina that caused crop failures, damage to agricultural land resources, increased in frequency, extent, and intensity of drought, increased moisture, increased in the susceptibility to pests and the disease. Thus the integrated efforts that are needed in strengthening the capability of dry land to face climate change are by the application of adaptative technology, drafting disaster mitigation concepts, observing climate change, policy analysis related to the application of adaptive technology on climate change. The discussed Horticulture Commodities are focused on economically profitable crops, including: vegetables (potatoes, shallots, chili), fruits (bananas, citrus and melons) and ornamental crops (chrysanthemums, orchids, Polycias and Gerbera) scattered in two zoning zones where namely (i) lowland (0-600 meters above sea level); (ii) highlands (&gt; 600 meters above sea level) and (iii) in both elevations of the site which have wet climates and dry climates. Attempsto be made to promote horticultural crops include performing water-efficient irrigation (drip irrigation), mulching, the use of shading on certain crops, proper fertilization, the use of organic fertilizer, planting system and planting distance, and tolerant varieties. Some adaptative technologies that can be adopted for horticultural crops include (1) developing watersaving irrigation technologies (drip and sprinkler irrigation on shallots), (2) applying healthy crop cultivation (good quality seeds, variety tolerant to disease and sub-optimal environment for tomatoes, red or hot chilli shallots and bananas), (3) using environmentally friendly chemical control (concept of threshold control in red or hot chilli), (4) protecting yield and quality of harvest (the use of silver black mulch on shallots and melons, and the use of shade for ornamental plants on dry land).</p><p>Keywords: Horticulture, climate change, upland, adaptation technology</p><p> </p><p><strong>Abstrak</strong></p><p>Sistem produksi hortikultura (buah buahan, sayuran, dan tanaman hias) yang berdaya saing tinggi dan bernilai tambah memerlukan dukungan teknologi. Tulisan ini merangkum teknologi adaptasi komoditas hortikultura pada lahan kering dalam upaya meminimalisasi tingkat kehilangan hasil akibat perubahan iklim. Usaha tani tanaman hortikultura pada lahan kering dihadapkan pada berbagai masalah, di antaranya tanaman mudah dan cepat rusak, sensitif terhadap cekaman lingkungan, dan rentan terhadap hama dan penyakit. Masalah lain yang berdampak negatif terhadap sistem produksi komoditas hortikultura ialah perubahan iklim ekstrem, terutama el-nino dan la-nina. Perubahan iklim tidak hanya menyebabkan kegagalan panen, tetapi juga merusak sumber daya lahan pertanian, meningkatkan luas areal dan intensitas tanaman yang mengalami kekeringan, meningkatkan kelembaban, dan perkembangan hama dan penyakit tanaman. Oleh karena itu diperlukan integrasi pengelolaan lahan dan aplikasi teknologi adaptif perubahan iklim, penyusunan konsep mitigasi bencana, observasi perubahan iklim, dan analisis kebijakan yang terkait dengan aplikasi teknologi adaptasi terhadap perubahan iklim. Pembahasan difokuskan pada tanaman yang secara ekonomi menguntungkan, antara lain kentang, bawang merah, cabai untuk komoditas sayuran; pisang, jeruk, dan melon untuk komoditas buah-buahan; dan krisan, anggrek, polycias dan gerbera untuk tanaman hias. Komoditas hortikultura tersebut tersebar di dua zonasi ketinggian tempat, yakni dataran rendah (0–600 m dpl) dan dataran tinggi (&gt; 600 m dpl). Beberapa teknologi adaptasi yang dapat diadopsi di antaranya (1) irigasi hemat air (irigasi tetes dan irigasi curah pada bawang merah), (2) budi daya tanaman sehat (benih bermutu, varietas toleran penyakit dan lingkungan suboptimal untuk komoditas kentang, cabai, bawang merah, dan pisang, (3) pengendalian hama dan penyakit ramah lingkungan (konsep ambang pengendalian pada cabai, jeruk), dan (4) perlindungan hasil dan peningkatan kualitas hasil panen (penggunaan mulsa plastik hitam perak pada tanaman bawang merah dan melon, serta penggunaan naungan pada tanaman hias anggrek dan krisan). Kata kunci: hortikultura, perubahan iklim, lahan kering, teknologi adaptasi</p>

2017 ◽  
Vol 36 (2) ◽  
pp. 77 ◽  
M. Syakir ◽  
E. Surmaini

<p>Coffee is one of the Indonesian largest export commodities and has a strategic role in the economy of nearly two million farmers’ livelihood. The potency of Indonesia’s coffee export is quite high because of its preferred taste, however the trend of national coffee production is only 1-2% per year. On the other hand, the impacts of climate change also threaten the achievement of increased production targets. This paper reviews the impact climate change on coffee production and the adaptation strategies. The main coffee producing regions in Indonesia are Aceh, North Sumatera, South Sumatera, Lampung, Bengkulu, East Java and South Sulawesi Provinces. Most of these regions are vulnerable to climate change. The increasing of extreme climate events such as drought due to El Niño causes a decline in national coffee production to 10%. On the contrary, the longer wet season due to La Niña caused the decreased coffee production to 80%. Indirect impacts due to rising temperatures are increased incidence of coffee borer and leaf rust disease which can lead to a 50% decline on coffee production. Due to rising temperatures, the projected coffee production areas are projected to shift to higher elevations. Numerous adaptive technologies have been intoduced, however adaptive capacaity of farmers are still low. This condition is exacerbated by the limited access of most farmers to climate information, markets, technology, farming credits, and climate risk management information. To overcome the problem, policy makers, stakeholders and farmers have to accelerate the adaptation practices since the climate change has occurred and will continue to happen.</p><p>Keywords: Coffee, climate change, production, adaptation Top of Form</p><p> </p><p><strong>Abstrak</strong></p><p>Kopi merupakan salah satu komoditas ekspor yang berperan strategis dalam perekonomian hampir dua juta rumah petani di Indonesia. Potensi ekspor kopi Indonesia cukup tinggi karena cita rasanya yang disukai, namun tren peningkatan produksi kopi nasional hanya 1-2% per tahun. Di sisi lain, dampak perubahan iklim juga mengancam tercapainya target peningkatan produksi. Makalah ini merupakan tinjauan dampak perubahan iklim terhadap produksi kopi dan strategi adaptasinya di Indonesia. Daerah penghasil utama kopi seperti Aceh, Sumatera Utara, Sumatera Selatan, Lampung, Bengkulu, Jawa Timur dan Sulawesi Selatan rentan terhadap dampak perubahan iklim. Meningkatnya kejadian iklim ekstrim seperti kekeringan akibat El Niño mengakibatkan penurunan produksi kopi 10%. Sebaliknya, musim hujan yang panjang akibat La Niña menurunkan produksi kopi hingga 80%. Dampak tidak langsung perubahan iklim adalah meningkatnya serangan hama penggerek buah kopi dan penyakit karat daun yang menyebabkan penurunan produksi sekitar 50%. Akibat kenaikan suhu, sentra produksi kopi diproyeksikan akan berpindah ke wilayah dengan elevasi yang lebih tinggi. Berbagai teknologi adaptasi telah dihasilkan, namun tingkat adaptasi petani kopi umumnya masih rendah. Kondisi ini diperparah oleh terbatasnya akses sebagian besar petani terhadap informasi iklim, pasar, teknologi, kredit usaha tani, dan informasi pengelolaan risiko iklim. Untuk mengatasi masalah tersebut, pengambil kebijakan, stakeholder, dan petani harus mengakselerasi upaya adaptasi karena perubahan iklim telah terjadi dan akan terus berlangsung.</p><p>Kata kunci: Kopi, perubahan iklim, produksi, adaptasi</p>

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 130-144
Putu Shantiawan ◽  
Putu Suwardike

Abstract. Climate change as a result of global warming creates climate uncertainty (anomaly) in the form of excessive drought (El-Nino) and excessive rain (La Nina) which greatly affects the productivity of rice plants. Under normal conditions. Indonesia's rice production will decline to 65 million tons in 2050. But due to climate change, the decline in rice production can be even more drastic to reach 90 million tons or down by 38 per cent. Rice plants need around 2,500 litres of water to produce 1 kg of grain (rough rice). This water is filled from rainwater and/or irrigation water. La Nina can interfere with the growth and yield of rice plants because the plants suffer damage due to limited air exchange, both in the form of carbon dioxide (CO2) and oxygen (O2) which inhibits the process of photosynthesis and plant respiration. The level of growth disturbance and yield of rice due to excess water depends on the tolerance level of the variety, the level of inundation and the length of time of inundation. Physiologically the adaptation of lowland rice plants to excess water is classified as complex. Plants that produce PDC and ADH are more tolerant of inundation. Molecularly, plants that contain the Sub1 gene are more resistant to excess water.Keywords: flooding, global warming, climate change, rice, food Abstrak. Perubahan iklim (climate change) sebagai dampak pemanasan global menimbulkan ketidakpastian (anomali) iklim berupa kekeringan yang berlebihan (El-Nino) dan hujan yang berlebihan (La Nina) yang sangat berpengaruh terhadap produktivitas tanaman padi. Dalam kondisi normal. produksi padi di Indonesia akan mengalami penurunan hingga 65 juta ton pada tahun 2050. Namun akibat perubahan iklim, penurunan produksi padi dapat lebih derastis hingga mencapai 90 juta ton atau turun hingga 38 persen. Tanaman padi membutuhkan sekitar 2.500 liter air untuk menghasilkan 1 kg butir gabah (rough rice). Air ini dipenuhi dari air hujan dan/atau air irigasi. La Nina dapat mengganggu pertumbuhan dan hasil tanaman padi karena tanaman mengalami kerusakanakibat terbatasnya pertukaran udara, baik berupa karbondioksida (CO2) maupun oksigen (O2) yang menghambat proses fotosintesis dan respirasi tanaman. Tingkat gangguan pertumbuhan dan hasil tanaman padi akibat kelebihan air tergantung pada tingkat toleransi varietas, tingkat genangan dan lama waktu terjadinya genangan.  Secara fisiologis adaptasi tanaman padi sawah terhadap kelebihan air tergolong kompleks. Tanaman yang menghasilkan PDC dan ADH lebih banyak lebih toleran terhadap genangan.  Secara molekuler, tanaman yang mengandung gen Sub1 lebih tahan terhadap kelebihan air.Katakunci: penggenangan, pemanasan global, perubahan iklim, padi, pangan

2018 ◽  
C. E. F. Monjardin ◽  
A. C. Bacuel ◽  
N. K. Rubin ◽  
M. A. J. Tiongson ◽  
G. Valdecanas ◽  

2021 ◽  
Vol 892 (1) ◽  
pp. 012057
D Firda ◽  
W Estiningtyas

Abstract Climate change has had a significant impact on the agricultural sector and the impact is different in each place due to spatial variations in Indonesia. One of the efforts that must be made to reduce risk is to adapt. The purpose of this paper is to determine the key locations and their relationship to rice production for adaptation to climate change. Rainfall data and Oceanic Nino Index (ONI) are used to see the relationship between these two parameters through regression analysis and significance in El Niño and La Niña conditions. In El Niño conditions 24 key locations were obtained and in La Niña 3 priority locations. From the selected key locations, regression analysis was performed to determine the relationship between rainfall and rice production. The regression results at the sample locations show a fairly high R2 value, namely 0.4 to 0.9, namely in Juntinyuat (West Java), Palasari (Bali), and Detusoko (East Nusa Tenggara). Other key locations are also found in several provinces. This key location is a priority location where the rainfall is strongly influenced by the extreme climate phenomenon El Niño and La Niña so that it can be used to assess the impact and monitor its impact on food farming. Socialization of the use of climate information to extension workers and farmers will greatly help reduce risks and increase capacity to adapt to climate change.

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