2019 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
pp. 185
Erniwati Erniwati

Artikel ini menjelaskan tentang identitas etnis Tionghoa yang ada di Padang pada masa Pemerintah Hindia Belanda. Mengkonstruksi identitas etnis Tionghoa di Padang menggunakan metode sejarah melalui studi pustaka dan arsip dengan menelusuri sumber-sumber berupa buku, arsip Pemerintah Hindia Belanda, dokumen perkumpulan sosial, budaya, dan pemakaman Heng Beng Tong serta Hok Tek Tong. Data yang diperoleh kemudian dikritik dan dikronologiskan untuk menghasilkan karya historiografi. Temuan artikel ini menunjukkan bahwa identitas etnis Tionghoa di Padang masa Pemerintah Hindia Belanda dipengaruhi oleh penataan masyarakat di daerah koloni oleh pemerintah Hindia Belanda dengan menerapkan sistem pemukiman (wijkenstelsel), pembagian masyarakat melalui Indische Staatregeling serta berbagai aturan lainnya. Penerapan sistem tersebut membentuk identitas etnis Tionghoa di Padang di mana secara politis berada di bawah kontrol Pemerintah Hindia Belanda, namun secara social dan budaya masih berorientasi kepada kebudayaan Tionghoa.This article aims to explain the Chinese in Padang during the Dutch East Indies government. Constructing a Chinese identity in Padang use historical methods through library studies and archives by tracing sources such as books, Dutch East Indies government archives, documents on social and funeral associations Heng Beg Tong and Hok Tek Tong. The data obtained, critical and chronologist to produce historiography works. The findings of this article indicate that the ethnic Chinese identity in Padang during the Dutch East Indies government by implementing settlement system (wijkwnstelsel), classification of communities through the Indische Staatregeling and other rules. The implementation of the system formed a Chinese ethnic identity in Padang where it was politically under the control of the Dutch East Indies government, but socially and culturally still oriented to Chinese culture.

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 142-161
Risa Marta Yati

Abstrak: Tulisan ini bertujuan untuk mengelaborasi dan menganalisis bagaimana perkembangan dunia pers di Sumatra’s Westkust? Seberapa besar perempuan Minangkabau mengambil bagian di dalam kemajuan pers Bumiputra di Sumatra’s Westkust? Apa kontribusi kemajuan pers ini bagi peningkatan kualitas kehidupan perempuan Minangkabau masa itu? Berpijak pada empat tahapan metode sejarah yakni heuristik, kritik, interpretasi dan historiografi, hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa keterlibatan perempuan Minangkabau dalam dunia pers di Sumatra’s Westkust ditandai dengan kemunculan mereka sebagai penulis, editor dan redaktur surat kabar seperti Roehana Koeddoes, Zoebeidah Ratna Djoewita, Saadah Alim, Rasoena Said, dan Rangkaja Ch. Sjamsoe isteri Datoek Toemenggoeng. Kehadiran perempuan Minangkabau dalam dunia pers ini semakin kokoh melalui penerbitan beberapa surat kabar khusus perempuan seperti Soenting Melajoe (1912), Soeara Perempoean (1917), ASJRAQ (1925), Soeara Kaoem Iboe Soematra (1925), Medan Puteri, Suara Puteri. Kemunculan surat kabar khusus perempuan ini berhasil menjadi pemantik yang sukses mengobarkan semangat kemajuan di antara perempuan Minangkabau saat itu dan menginiasiasi perempuan-perempuan lainnya di Hindia-Belanda untuk semakin sadar akan pentingnya eksistensi perempuan dalam kemajuan kaumnya serta pergerakan kemerdekaan bangsanya.  Kata kunci: perempuan Minangkabau, pers, Sumatra’s Westkust.Abstract: This paper aims to elaborate and analyze how the development of the press world in Sumatra’s Westkust? How much the Minangkabau women had taken part in the progress of the Bumiputra’s press in Sumatra’s Westkust? What was the contribution of this press progress to improving the quality of life of the Minangkabau woman at that time? Based on four stages of historical methods namely heuristics, criticism, interpretation and historiography, the results showed that the involvement of Minangkabau women in the press world in Sumatra's Westkust was marked by their emergence as journalism, editor and newspapers editor in chief such as Roehana Koeddoes, Zoebeidah Ratna Djoewita, Saadah Alim, Rasoena Said and Rangkaja Ch. Sjamsoe.  The presence of Minangkabau women in the press world was strengthened through the publication of several women’s newspapers such as Soenting Melajoe (1912), Soeara Perempoean (1917), ASJRAQ (1925), Soeara Kaoem Iboe Soematra (1925), Medan Puteri, Suara Puteri. The publication of this women's newspaper became a successful flintstone that fueled the spirit of progress among the Minangkabau women at the time and initiated other women in the Dutch East Indies to become increasingly aware of the importance of women's existence in the advancement of their people and the independence movement of their nation.Keywords: Minangkabau women, press, Sumatra’s Westkust.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
Omar Mohtar

The train that appeared in Dutch East Indies in the mid 19th century was originally used for plantation product transport. However, the train was also used as transportation for the public. In 1894, between Batavia and Surabaya was connected with the railway line. Both cities can be reached by train in two days. To reduce travel time between those two cities, the Dutch East Indies railway company, Staatsspoorwegen was launched two high-speed trains, Eendaagsche Express in 1929 and Java Nacht Express in 1936. These two high-speed trains brought changes for railways condition in Dutch East Indies, especially in Java. During operation, these two high-speed trains also had interesting stories to write about. To write this problem, historical methods are used which consisting of heuristics, criticism, interpretation, and historiography. Based on the research conducted, these two high-speed trains made the travel time of Batavia – Surabaya 12 hours and made railways technology in the Dutch East Indies develop.

Wu-Ling Chong

This chapter explores the origins of the ambivalent position of ethnic Chinese in Indonesia. Historically, the Chinese have their ancestral roots in China and do not have particular regions in Indonesia to identify with. During the Dutch period, the colonial regime’s divide-and-rule policy, the granting of economic privileges to the Chinese, and subsequently the emergence of nationalist sentiments oriented towards China in early twentieth-century Dutch East Indies effectively prevented the Chinese from integrating into the wider indigenous population. The Chinese therefore began to be perceived as an alien minority associated with various negative attributes, occupying an ambivalent position in Indonesian society.

2020 ◽  
Vol 16 (1) ◽  
pp. 48
Ahmad Fathoni ◽  
Sarkawi B. Husain

The opium trade in Kediri Residency was monopolized by Dutch East Indies government. The problem discussed in this study regarding opium trade monopoly at Kediri Residency through bookie intermediary (opiumpachter) in 1833-1900. The methods used in this research is historical methods which includes heuristics, criticism, interpretation and historiography. The result showed that the opium trade monopoly through bookie intermediary (opiumpachter) in Kediri Residency included auction and distribution processions also the sale of raw opium to opium dealers. Generally, the opium trade in Kediri Residency was controlled by Chinese. They become intermediary traders who sell government opium to people in Kediri Residency. The high tax offer at opium auction in Kediri Residency gave high profits to the country. On the contrary, that puts a great deal of pressure on the opium port. The crisis which occurred at the end of the 19th century, caused a setback in the opium trade monopoly through bookie intermediary (opiumpachter) in Kediri Residency.

2020 ◽  
Vol 30 (2) ◽  
pp. 157-169
Baskoro Suryo Banindro ◽  
Arif Agung Swasono ◽  
Rikhana Widya Ardila

This study discusses the media of tourism promotion in the Dutch East Indies period, in the form of lithographic print art images. The purpose of this research is to determine the meaning of visual language in the promotional media images. Promotional objects in question are pictures of lodging, photos of exotic cultural and natural products of the colonies insulinde printed between 1930 and 1940. With socio-historical methods consisting of social and historical studies, data obtained from literature studies, literature studies, and field observations will be analyzed using Teun A. van Dijk’s critical discourse approach. Furthermore, the results of the study will be interpreted descriptive qualitatively and presented with a historiographic approach. The findings of this study are there had been a process of Westernization in visual culture in the colonial period. The conclusion of this research is the portrayal of media promotion tourism during the Dutch East Indies of 1930-1940, which has given birth to traces of art deco style lithographic print as an effort of modernization in supporting modernity and developing a modernistic Dutch colonialist tourism aimed at European travelers. Penelitian ini membahas tentang media promosi wisata di masa kolonial Belanda, berupa gambar seni cetak litografi. Tujuan penelitian untuk mengetahui makna bahasa rupa yang ada dalam gambar media promosi tersebut. Objek promosi yang dimaksud adalah gambar penginapan, gambar hasil budaya dan alam eksotik pedalaman tanah jajahan insulinde yang dicetak antara tahun 1930 hingga 1940. Dengan metode sosio historis yang terdiri dari kajian sosial dan sejarah, data yang diperoleh dari studi literatur, kajian pustaka dan observasi lapangan akan dianalisis dengan pendekatan wacana kritis Teun A. van Dijk. Selanjutnya berdasarkan data yang ada, hasil penelitian akan diintepretasikan secara deskriptif kualitatif dan dipaparkan dengan pendekatan historiografi. Hasil temuan dari penelitian ini adalah bahwa telah terjadi proses pembaratan dalam budaya visual di masa kolonial. Adapun kesimpulan penelitian ini yaitu penggambaran media promosi wisata masa Hindia Belanda 1930 - 1940, telah melahirkan jejak seni cetak litografi bergaya art deco sebagai upaya modernisasi dalam mendukung modernitas dan memajukan pariwisata kolonialis Belanda yang modernistik di Hindia Belanda yang ditujukan bagi pelancong orang-orang Eropa. 

2015 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 185
Hary Ganjar Budiman

AbstrakPenelitian ini berusaha menguraikan tentang perkembangan taman kota serta analisis persebarannya di Bandung pada masa pemerintahan Hindia Belanda. Penelitian ini penting untuk dilakukan agar diketahui contoh pola perancangan taman kota yang baik dalam perkembangan kota. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode sejarah (heuristik, kritik, interpretasi, dan historiografi) dengan pendekatan sosio-spatial. Adapun konsep yang digunakan adalah “dialektika sosiospatial”, yaitu di suatu sisi masyarakat menciptakan dan memodifikasi ruang-ruang perkotaan namun di sisi lain, pada saat bersamaan, berbagai ruang berusaha disesuaikan agar sesuai dengan ruang-ruang tempat mereka tinggal dan kerja. Melalui penelitian ini diketahui bahwa pembangunan taman-taman kota dipengaruhi oleh peranan elit Eropa (Preangerplanters dan pejabat pemerintah) di Bandung. Pembangunan taman kota terjadi sepanjang tahun 1918  hingga 1925 bersamaan dengan rencana perpindahan ibu kota Hindia Belanda ke Bandung. Taman kota dibangun sebagai fasilitas publik yang berada di dekat lingkungan pendidikan, perumahan, dan pemerintahan. Pengambil kebijakan di masa itu  menyadari pentingnya penyediaan ruang hijau ketika jumlah penduduk dan kehidupan kota semakin berkembang.  AbstractThis study tried to describe the development of the city park and the analysis of their distribution in Bandung during the reign of the Dutch East Indies. This research is important to do in order to know the examples of design pattern of a city park in both of the development of the city. This study uses historical methods (heuristic, criticism, interpretation, and historiography) with socio-spatial approach. The concept used in this research is the "dialectic sosiospatial" ; a society creates and modifies the urban spaces, but on the other hand, at the same time, a variety of space is tried to be adjusted to fit the spaces where they live and work.Through this research, can be inferred that the construction of city parks affected by the role of the European elite (Preangerplanters and government officials) in Bandung. City park development occurs throughout the 1918 to 1925 along with plans to transfer the capital of the Dutch East Indies to Bandung. City Park was built as a public facility that was located near an educational environment, housing, and governance. Policy makers at the time realized that the importance of providing green space when the population of city life is growing.

2020 ◽  
Vol 10 (3) ◽  
pp. 225
Fajar Muhammad Nugraha ◽  
Reynaldo De Archellie ◽  
Cresentia Carra Nethania Clement

<p>This article is a preliminary study that explores past events of the Dutch East Indies colonial government, specifically describing criminal cases of hate speech or haatzaai depicted in newspaper news between 1879 and 1942. The Dutch East Indies colonial government controlled freedom of thought, expression, and politics of the native population by using the legal instruments Wetboek van Strafrecht voor Nederlandsch Indie, especially articles 154, 155, 156, and 157. These four articles are known as haatzaai artikelen. This regulation was published and enforced in the Dutch East Indies in 1918. This article uses twenty-eight newspaper news articles published in ten cities on the islands of Java and Sumatra as the primary sources. This is research that uses historical methods by gathering primary<br />and secondary sources in the National Archives of the Republic of Indonesia (Jakarta), the National Library of the Republic of Indonesia (Jakarta), and the Constitutional Institution voor Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde (KITLV) (Jakarta). This article concludes that based on the news articles found, haatzaai artikelen, as a repressive legal product, is not only used<br />by the colonial government to control people’s behavior but also used by fellow members of the community of East Indies to quarrel with each other in many cases of hatred, incitement, and defamation.</p>

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