scholarly journals TRT EBA Secondary School Channel Social Studies Courses: Attitude and Perceptions of Students

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
Ahmed Emin Osmanoğlu ◽  
Usame Ömer Osmanoğlu
2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
Miikka Korventausta ◽  
Tero Järvinen ◽  
Tomi Jaakkola ◽  
Marjaana Veermans

Artikkelissa raportoitavan tutkimuksen kohteena on peruskoulun yhteiskuntaopin opetuksen yhteys nuorten poliittiseen kiinnittymiseen, joka jaetaan tutkimuksessa neljään ulottuvuuteen: poliittiseen kiinnostukseen, poliittiseen tietämykseen ja itsearvioon tietämyksestä, poliittiseen osallistumishalukkuuteen sekä politiikkaa koskeviin käsityksiin. Tutkimusaineistona on peruskoulun yläkouluikäisten nuorten vastaukset poliittista kiinnittymistä mittaavaan kyselyyn kahtena eri ajankohtana. Osallistujat olivat ensimmäisen mittauksen aikana kahdeksannella luokalla (n = 67) ja toisen mittauksen aikana yhdeksännellä luokalla (n = 63). Nuoret opiskelivat mittausten välillä lukuvuoden ajan yhteiskuntaoppia ensimmäistä kertaa koulu-urallaan. Tulosten mukaan nuorten poliittinen kiinnostus, tietämys ja itsearvio tietämyksestä olivat 9. luokalla tilastollisesti korkeampia kuin 8. luokalla. Osallistumishalukkuudessa ei havaittu eroja ikäryhmien välillä, ja politiikkaa koskevien käsitysten osalta eroja ilmeni yhden väitteen kohdalla. 8.-luokkalaiset pitivät kotia tärkeimpänä lähteenä oppia tietoja yhteiskunnallisten asioiden ymmärtämiseksi, kun taas 9.-luokkalaisille koulu oli keskeisin tietolähde yhteiskunnallisten asioiden oppimisessa. Tulosten mukaan koulu näyttäisi onnistuvan yhteiskunnallisen kasvatuksen tavoitteissaan vain osittain. Jatkossa olisi tärkeää kiinnittää huomiota siihen, miten koulussa voitaisiin tukea tiedollisten sisältöjen oppimisen lisäksi nuorten yhteiskunnallista osallistumista edistävien valmiuksien omaksumista.   Social studies and political engagement in lower secondary school Abstract In this article, interest is directed at the connection between the teaching of social studies subject at school and young people’s political engagement. In the present study, political engagement is seen as consisting of the following four dimensions: the political interest, political knowledge and self-assessment of political knowledge, willingness to participate, and perceptions of politics. The study data consists of two surveys targeted at lower secondary school students. The study participants were in the 8th grade during the first measurement (n = 67), and in the 9th grade during the second measurement (n = 63). The participants studied social studies for one school year between the measurements. The results showed that students’ political interest, knowledge and self-assessment of knowledge were statistically higher in the 9th grade than they were in the 8th grade. No differences were observed between the age groups concerning willingness to participate, and differences in the perceptions of politics were observed for one claim. While among 8th graders home circle was seen as the most important source to learn about society and politics, in the responses of the 9th graders the most important source of knowledge was school. According to results, it seems that school is successful in its task of civic education only partly. We suggest that in the future it would be important to pay more attention to support not only the gaining of political knowledge, but also to promote the development of the qualities needed in active societal participation. Keywords: social studies, political engagement, youth, civic education  

2018 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-28
Kurniawati Kurniawati

This research explores the history learning which is integrated to IPS subject or also known as social studies at secondary school in SMPN 4 Kota Bekasi. The Method used in this research was evaluation method which employed responsive evaluation developed by Stake. Responsive evaluation by Stake used responsive clock as guided stages for evaluator. There were three components of evaluation following his earlier countenance model antecedent, transactions and outcomes. The things considered as antecedent were policy of the program, goal of the program, curriculum, book, means and infrastructure, and teacher’s competency. The things considered as transactions were lessons plan, instructional implementation, assessment, method and media of instructions. The results of the research show that there were several problems in the school related to program being evaluated, therefore several recommendation are given to IPS’s teacher, headmaster, government and also parents and community.   Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan pembelajaran sejarah yang terintegrasi dalam mata pelajaran IPS atau yang dikenal juga sebagai social studies di sekolah menengah pertama SMPN 4 Kota Bekasi. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode evaluasi yang menggunakan model evaluasi responsive yang dikembangkan oleh Stake. Evaluasi responsive yang dikembangkan oleh Stake menggunakan responsive clock sebagai panduan bagi evaluator. Terdapat tiga komponen evaluasi mengikuti model countenance yang telah dikembangkan sebelumnya oleh   Stake   yaitu   komponen   antecedent,   komponen   transactions   dan   komponen outcomes. Termasuk komponen antecedent adalah kebijakan program, tujuan program, kurikulum, buku, sarana prasarana, dan kompetensi guru. Termasuk dalam komponen transactions adalah perencanaan pembelajaran, pelaksanaan pembelajaran, metode pembelajaran, media pembelajaran dan penilaian proses pembelajaran. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat beberapa masalah di sekolah berkaitan dengan program pembelajaran sejarah yang terintegrasi dalam   mata pelajaran IPS di SMP N 4 Kota Bekasi, sehingga beberapa saran diberikan kepada sekolah dan guru, MGMP, pemerintah, orang tua dan masyarakat.

1977 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 90-111 ◽  
Anne Colby ◽  
Lawrence Kohlberg ◽  
Edwin Fenton ◽  
Betsy Speicher‐Dubin ◽  
Marcus Lieberman

1991 ◽  
Vol 84 (6) ◽  
pp. 423-433
Margaret E. Mcintosh

Many school districts are beginning to use a “writing across the curriculum” approach in the middle and secondary school. Certainly, English teachers are aware of the need to have students write. Social studies teachers are reasonably easy to convince that their students should write as a part of their class (e.g., writing reports, keeping diaries like someone from a different historical period, and so forth). Science teachers can see the reasoning behind having students write as part of the science curriculum (e.g., using writing as problem solving, writing up results of experiments, and so forth). Teachers in other content areas, such as health, foreign language, business education, and so on, are amenable to the notion that they shou1d require some writing from their students other than the typical short-answer, fill-in-the-blank-type exercises that they have been using as a means of facilitating and assessing students' learning.

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