scholarly journals Puskesmas

2019 ◽  
Zulkarnain hidayat

PENJELASAN SOURCE CODE (KETIK DIBAWAH INI)Public class puskesmas {Artinya pengaksesan suatu instance variable dan method dapat dilakukan dari luar kelasPublic static void main(string[]args)Adalah sebuah metode dengan nama main,yang nama metode ini adalah metode utama untuk menjalankan sebuah program tanpa adanya metode main program tidak akan mengeluarkan hasil apa-apaSystem.out.printlnAdalah untuk menyetak text atau angka yang berada di antara tanda kutip dua ke layar monitor,system.out.println memiliki fungsi yang sama yaitu sama-sama berfungsi untuk mencetak angka atau karakter di layarDouble Adalah memiliki karakteristik tersendiri yang berbeda dari tipe-tipe data lainya dalam bahasa pemograman,double berupa bilangan rillStringDalam pemograman komputer adalah sebuah deret simbol,tipe data string adalah tipe data yang digunakan untuk menyimpam barisan karakterIfAdalah merupakan salah satu bentuk pernyataan yang berfungsi untuk mengambil keputusan dari dua buah,fungsi if merupakan salah satu fungsi paling populer di excelIF else ifAdalah berfungsi untuk mencari kondisi benar dan mencari kondisi salah,pernyataan yang dijalankan,bila kondisi benar}else{

2011 ◽  
Vol 230-232 ◽  
pp. 1204-1209
Ji Hong Xu ◽  
Xiao Lin Dai ◽  
Shu Ping Gao

Data was obtained through scanning manikin and coats separated by using [TC]2 3D body scanner. The method, using [TC]2 scanner as the experimental method and through double converting the scanned data format to get torso geometric section sets, was analyzed. Main program source code of Torso was provided in this paper. Geometric algorithms of point cloud data and curve data in there sections was provided based on the interception ways of horizontal sections, vertical sections and other random oblique sections toward torso geometric cross section.

2019 ◽  
Vol 17 (3) ◽  
pp. 411-421
Anjana Gosain ◽  
Ganga Sharma

Various class cohesion metrics exist in literature both at design level and source code level to assess the quality of Object Oriented (OO) software. However, the idea of cohesive interactions (or relationships) between instance variables (i.e., attributes) and methods of a class for measuring cohesion varies from one metric to another. Some authors have used instance variable usage by methods of the class to measure class cohesion while some focus on similarity of methods based on sharing of instance variables. However, researchers believe that such metrics still do not properly capture cohesiveness of classes. Therefore, measures based on different perspective on the idea of cohesive interactions should be developed. Consequently, in this paper, we propose a source code level class cohesion metric based on instance variable usage by methods. We first formalize three types of cohesive interactions and then categorize these cohesive interactions by providing them ranking and weights in order to compute our proposed measure. To determine the usefulness of the proposed measure, theoretical validation using a property based axiomatic framework has been done. For empirical validation, we have used Pearson correlation analysis and logistic regression in an experimental study conducted on 28 Java classes to determine the relationship between the proposed measure and maintenance-effort of classes. The results indicate that the proposed cohesion measure is strongly correlated with maintenance-effort and can serve as a good predictor of the same.

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-16
Nana Suarna

Seiring waktu, jumlah surat dalam sebuah perusahaan semakin hari makin banyak, sehingga muncul permasalahan dalam mengelolanya administrasi suarat, baik ketika dalam pencatatan surat maupun proses disposisi, serta pada saat pencarian arsip surat. Hampir sebagai besar surat yang ada di kantor-kantor masih disimpan dalam bentuk file-file yang masih bersifat manual, sehingga memungkinkan surat tersebut menunpuk, dan memerlukan waktu yang lama dalam pencarian dan pemrosesannya. Dengan dibangunnya  sistem manajemen pengarsipan bertujuan untuk mengatasi permasalahan-permasalahan tersebut di atas. Pemrograman  saat ini, baik desktop maupun web based, semakin marak  pengerjaannya menggunakan framework code igniter berbasis PHP. Framework CI memang dikembangkan untuk memudahkan dalam developing aplikasi dengan struktur  file source code-nya menggunakan pendekatan Models-Views-Controller (MVC) dan pemrograman berorientasi objek, oleh sebab itu penulis menggunakan CI dalam developing aplikasi ini. Aplikasi sistem manajemen surat dan pengarsipan ini dapat diakses dalam internal perusahaan web, yang bertujuan untuk memudahkan karyawan  dalam pengelolaan dan  mengaksesnya surat menyurat, selain itu aplikasi ini juga memberikan kemudahan dalam proses pencatatan surat,  disposisi, dan proses pencarian sehingga aplikasisi ini memiliki performa yang handal, mudah untuk di-maintenance dan dikembangkan lebih lanjut seiring perkembangan kebutuhan penggunanya.

Himanshi Vashisht ◽  
Sanjay Bharadwaj ◽  
Sushma Sharma

Code refactoring is a “Process of restructuring an existing source code.”. It also helps in improving the internal structure of the code without really affecting its external behaviour”. It changes a source code in such a way that it does not alter the external behaviour yet still it improves its internal structure. It is a way to clean up code that minimizes the chances of introducing bugs. Refactoring is a change made to the internal structure of a software component to make it easier to understand and cheaper to modify, without changing the observable behaviour of that software component. Bad smells indicate that there is something wrong in the code that have to refactor. There are different tools that are available to identify and emove these bad smells. A software has two types of quality attributes- Internal and external. In this paper we will study the effect of clone refactoring on software quality attributes.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2020 (1) ◽  
pp. 91-95
Philipp Backes ◽  
Jan Fröhlich

Non-regular sampling is a well-known method to avoid aliasing in digital images. However, the vast majority of single sensor cameras use regular organized color filter arrays (CFAs), that require an optical-lowpass filter (OLPF) and sophisticated demosaicing algorithms to suppress sampling errors. In this paper a variety of non-regular sampling patterns are evaluated, and a new universal demosaicing algorithm based on the frequency selective reconstruction is presented. By simulating such sensors it is shown that images acquired with non-regular CFAs and no OLPF can lead to a similar image quality compared to their filtered and regular sampled counterparts. The MATLAB source code and results are available at: http://github. com/PhilippBackes/dFSR

Tran Thanh Luong ◽  
Le My Canh

JavaScript has become more and more popular in recent years because its wealthy features as being dynamic, interpreted and object-oriented with first-class functions. Furthermore, JavaScript is designed with event-driven and I/O non-blocking model that boosts the performance of overall application especially in the case of Node.js. To take advantage of these characteristics, many design patterns that implement asynchronous programming for JavaScript were proposed. However, choosing a right pattern and implementing a good asynchronous source code is a challenge and thus easily lead into less robust application and low quality source code. Extended from our previous works on exception handling code smells in JavaScript and exception handling code smells in JavaScript asynchronous programming with promise, this research aims at studying the impact of three JavaScript asynchronous programming patterns on quality of source code and application.

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