scholarly journals Modified Playfair Cipher Using Random Key Linear Congruent Method

2017 ◽  
Andysah Putera Utama Siahaan ◽  
Mesran Mesran ◽  
Robbi Rahim ◽  
Muhammad Syahrizal ◽  
Surya Darma Nasution

The number of crimes that arise due to data does not have good security makes many users choose one or more cryptographic algorithms to secure data. The application of cryptographic algorithms is widely used such as to secure text data, secure messages on short message service (SMS), secure messages on chat applications, secure records on the database. Many modifications were made to obtain safer algorithms and in this study Playfair cipher which is a classical cryptographic algorithm modified by changing the key consisting of 25 characters to 255 characters and the key used to encode resulting from randomization using a linear congruent method. The result obtained is that the encoded text is hard to know and the key used is random, making it difficult to solve by cryptanalyst.

Raesul Azhar ◽  

Mobile phones and smartphones providing the basic features of SMS (Short Message Service).Messages sent through SMS facility sometimes confidential, so that the necessary mechanisms to protect messages from crime. Mechanism that can be used to protect the message is to use a cryptographic algorithm Rijndael. This algorithm is a cryptographic algorithm chipher 128-bit block that has the ability to protect confidential messages. This research resulted in an application that can be used to protect the SMS message when the message is sent and received by users. Based on research conducted on the length of different messages with the same key length is obtained that the length of the message used computing time takes longer than the length of the message is the same and different key lengths.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 101
Yusuf Anshori ◽  
Deny Wiria Nugraha ◽  
Arief Pratomo

Short Message Service (SMS) still has security problems with attempts to steal messages, intercept messages, hijack messages by parties who are not responsible for obtaining information. Cryptography is the science of maintaining the confidentiality of information from aspects that can threaten information security with certain mathematical algorithms and techniques. The Luc algorithm is a public key cryptographic algorithm that was developed using the lucas function. This study aims to implement the Luc algorithm on an Android-based SMS security application in the National Narcotics Agency of Central Sulawesi Province to maintain privacy in communication between the sender and recipient of the message. This application was created using an Android studio developer with the Java programming language. Based on the results of the first test for a sample of plain messages in the word KOTA PALU that uses public key 13 produces the message cipher P=Se!CQa. The second test result for the message sample on the word KOTA PALU that uses public key 29 generates the AD*`_$(NQ cipher message

2018 ◽  
Andysah Putera Utama Siahaan ◽  
Mesran Mesran

Data is the essential thing in the world of communication. Text messaging is a way of communicating that is sent in digital form. This message is very widely used in electronic media such as short message service. This message was sent through the service provider. Messages sent are unsafe and can be intercepted at the time of submission. Message delivery needs to apply cryptographic algorithms to text messages sent using encryption and decryption techniques. Super Playfair cipher and two square cipher algorithms are a development of Playfair cipher method. This method is a quite complicated way of solving it than other classical methods. These methods belong to classical cryptographic algorithms that use substitution encoding techniques and character transitions that use a symmetric key in the process of encryption and decryption.

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 33
Nurainun Sinaga ◽  
Syarifah Aini ◽  
Bezatulo Gulo

The security and confidentiality of Short Message Service (SMS) is very important for senders and recipients of messages. Generally, SMS is displayed in plain text form which can make it easy for the cryptanalyst to skipjack the message to be distributed. SMS security can be done by encrypting it based on one of the cryptographic algorithms in order to maintain the authenticity and security of messages and can make it difficult for others to know the original meaning of the SMS. Skipjack algorithm is one of cryptography algorithm that can be used for SMS encoding. The Skipjack algorithm is an electronic 64-bit codebook algorithm that converts 64-bit blocks into 64-bit blocks of output. The parameter used for encryption is 80-bit key and has 32 rounds of the encryption process and description. This study describes how SMS text encoding based on skipjack algorithm with the purpose of distributed SMS can be guaranteed to be safe and avoid misuse.

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (3) ◽  
pp. 153
Intan Fitriani ◽  
Aryo Baskoro Utomo

Along with the development of technology, Short Message Service (SMS) has begun to be used to communicate between someone and the system in an agency. But in some cases, the security of messages sent through the SMS application has not been well protected. To improve data security and confidentiality, cryptographic algorithms with Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) can be done. The method used is the Waterfall method. AES encryption testing is done by comparing the manual calculations and the results of the encryption on the system. Blackbox test, CrackStation test, and Avalanche Effect (AE) test were also carried out. Brute force test results using CrackStation software that ciphertext cannot be solved. And in the avalanche effect (AE) test, the AE value of each 128-bit AES key is 44.53%, 192-bit is 48.44%, and 256-bit is 56.25%. Therefore, 192-bit and 256-bit AES keys are recommended for use because AE values are in the range of 45% - 60%.

Albert Panjaitan ◽  
Hairul Amren ◽  
Darmeli Nasution ◽  
Rizaldy Khair ◽  
Iswandi Idris

Perkembangan yang sangat pesat terjadi pada bidang teknologi informasi dan telekomunikasi saat ini mendorong masyarakta dunia memasuki era revolusi industri 4.0 yang serba cepat, sekaligus menjadikan informasi sentral dalam dunia industri maupun dunia usaha hingga dunia pendidikan. Akademi Teknik dan Keselamatan Penerbangan (ATKP) Medan merupakan institusi pendidikan di bawah naungan pemerintah yang sudah mulai menggunakan berbagai hal teknologi informasi dan telekomunikasi. Dengan adanya perkembangan tersebut berdampak memeberikan fasilitas yang dapat digunakan oleh pengguna layanan komunikasi, dan informasi, seperti Short Message Service (SMS) hingga sistem berbasis aplikasi menggunakan smartphone android maupun iOS. Layanan aplikasi sms hingga sistem aplikasi tersebut adalah teknologi yang memungkinkan manusia untuk mendapatkan atau mengirimkankan informasi kapanpun dan dimanapun dibutuhkan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membuat sistem aplikasi monitoring evaluasi pelaporan kegiatan taruna di ATKP medan berbasis web app. Dalam pembuatannya, aplikasi ini disesuaikan dengan kenutuhan user/orang tua taruna dan institusi ATKP secara umum. Sistem aplikasi ini akan memberikan kemudahan kepada orang tua taruna dalam memonitoring, kegiatan hingga prilaku taruna selama pendidikan di ATKP Medan serta  kemudahan mengakses nilai dengan cepat. Sistem aplikasi ini dibuat dengan menggunakan bahasa pemrograman php (web).

1970 ◽  
Vol 2 (3) ◽  
Ermiati E ◽  
Imas Rafiyah ◽  
Devi Kusnanti

Anemia merupakan salah satu penyebab terjadinya perdarahan dan bisa mengakibatkan kematian pada ibu hamil. Suplementasi besi merupakan program pemerintah dalam mengatasi anemia pada wanita hamil dan beberapa wanita hamil masih ada yang belum patuh dalam mengkonsumsi tablet besi. Oleh karena itu, diperlukan sebuah metode yang bisa meningkatkan kepatuhan wanita hamil dalam mengonsumsi tablet besi yaitu dengan short message service (SMS) reminder. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi efektivitas SMS reminderterhadap kepatuhan konsumsi tablet besi pada ibu hamil di (unit pelayanan terpadu) UPT Puskesmas Cibuntu Kota Bandung. Rancangan penelitian quasi experimentaldengan desain posttest-only with control group designdengan teknik pengambilan sampel yang digunakan adalah purposive sampling. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan dari bulan April–Mei tahun 2014 di Puskesmas X Kota Bandung. Sampel berjumlah 40 orang wanita hamil yang tidak patuh dalam mengonsumsi tablet besi yang dibagi menjadi 20 kelompok intervensi dan 20 kelompok kontrol. Data diperoleh melalui kuesioner dalam bentuk self report.Analisis data yang digunakan adalah analisis deskriptif dan uji chi square. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan sebagian besar kelompok intervensi 17 orang (85%) patuh dan sebagian besar kelompok kontrol 16 orang (80%) tidak patuh. Hasil analisis dengan menggunakan chi squaredidapatkan p(0.000) dengan taraf signifikan <0.05 sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa SMS reminder efektif terhadap kepatuhan konsumsi tablet besi pada wanita hamil dan bisa dijadikan bahan pertimbangan bagi pihak Puskesmas untuk menjalin kerjasama dengan pihak provideratau mengajukan dana ke Dinas Kesehatan untuk mengaktifkan SMS reminderdi Puskesmas.Kata kunci: Kepatuhan, SMS reminder,tablet besi, wanita hamil AbstractAnemia is one of the leading causes of hemorrhage during pregnancy, and it can cause death to expectant mothers. Iron supplementation is a government program to overcome anemia among expectant mothers, and some of the expectant mothers still do not obediently consume iron tablets. Therefore, to increase the obedience of the expectant mothers on consuming the iron tablets, SMS reminder is the appropriate method needed. This research aims to identify the effectiveness of SMS reminder to the obedience of iron tablets consumption among expectant mothers at UPT Puskesmas Cibuntu , Bandung. The research employed quasi-experimental design with posttest-only control group design using purposive sampling technique. The research was held on April–May 2014 at UPT Puskesmas Cibuntu, Bandung. Forty expectant mothers consuming iron tablets disobediently divided into 20 intervention groups and 20 control groups were taken as the samples. Questionnaire in form of self report was used to obtain data. In addition, descriptive analysis and chi square test were applied to analyze the data. The result of the research showed that 17 persons (85%) of intervention groups were mostly obedient, and 16 persons (80%) of control groups were mostly disobedient. From the analysis using chi square, it was found the difference of the obedience of iron tablets consumption after SMS reminder (p=0.00) had been delivered with significant level <0.05. Based on the result of this research, SMS reminder had an effective impact toward the obedience of iron tablets consumption among the expectant mothers. The result will be a good consideration for Puskesmas to cooperate with provider or proposed some funds to Dinas Kesehatan to activate SMS reminder.Key words:Expectant mothers, obedience, SMS reminder, iron tablets

2018 ◽  
Rivalri Kristianto Hondro

Kemajuan perkembangan teknologi komputer dan telekomunikasi dapat membantu menyelesaikan pekerjaan dengan cepat, akurat dan efisien. Alat komunikasi yang banyak digunakan pada saat ini adalah mobile phone atau disebut juga telepon seluler. Salah satu teknologi yang digunakan untuk berkomunikasi pada mobile phone adalah dengan mengirimkan data berupa pesan singkat atau SMS (Short Message Service). Permasalahan yang ditemukan dalam berkomunikasi menggunakan mobile phone adalah pencurian, penyadapan, atau penghapusan data khususnya data SMS (Short Message Service) sehingga aspek keamanan data dianggap penting. Oleh karena itu dibutuhkan sistem kriptografi enkripsi dan dekripsi SMS, disini digunakan enkripsi simetris. Sistem ini merupakan aplikasi yang menerapkan metode zig zag cipher yang menggunakan kunci simtetris. Hasil pengujian dari sistem ini adalah pesan SMS dienkripsi dengan pola zig zag menggunakan kunci dan didekripsi menggunakan kunci yang sama dengan enkripsi.

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