administrasi layanan khusus

2020 ◽  

Special school services are one of the substances in education management that are provided specifically to students so that they are more optimal in implementing the learning process. The existence of special services in schools is intended to meet the needs of students in supporting the success of the learning process

2020 ◽  

Special school services are one of the substances in education management that are provided specifically to students so that they are more optimal in implementing the learning process. The existence of special services in schools is intended to meet the needs of students in supporting the success of the learning process.

2019 ◽  
Annisa Fortuna Ramadhani

Special school services are one of the substances in the management of education that are provided specifically to students so that they are more optimal in implementing the learning process. According to one expert, the existence of special services in schools is intended to meet the needs of students in supporting the success of the learning process. In the teaching and learning process or often abbreviated as PBM in schools, several facilities are needed to support the success of education in schools. the intended facilities include a learning resource center or library; school health efforts (UKS); school cafeteria; hostel; worship place; cooperatives, and also means of transportation for student helpers at school.

2020 ◽  

Special school services are one of the substances in the management of education that are provided specifically to students so that they are more optimal in implementing the learning process. According to an expert, the existence of special services in schools is intended to meet the needs of students in supporting the success of the learning process. In this article we will discuss about the understanding of special service administration, types of special services in schools and the role of teachers in the administration of special services in schools. In general, the notion of administration is the whole process of structuring the cooperation of a group of people by using existing facilities and equipment to expedite and streamline the achievement of the goals of an organization. School library administration is: "The whole process of activities carried out in the library by using existing facilities to facilitate and accelerate the achievement of school library goals".This article was compiled in a way that was as efficient as possible. This article can be written with the existence of sufficient literature found so this article was created. The author hopes that with this article, it can help readers understand, add and make it easier to do things related to the theme of this article, even more so for future educators who will educate the next generation of intelligent nations in the future. Special services are provided by schools to their students so that they are more optimal in implementing the learning process. Administration of special services in schools is basically defined and organized to facilitate or facilitate learning, and can meet the special needs of students at school.

2019 ◽  
Nelatu Fadila

this article about Special school services are one of the substances in the management of education that are provided specifically to students so that they are more optimal in implementing the learning process. schools need a special service administration that can manage all the needs of students so that educational goals can be achieved. Special service administration in schools is established and organized to facilitate or facilitate learning, and can meet the special needs of students at school

2020 ◽  
Niken Surah

This article was created to fulfill the tasks of education administration as well as to increase understanding of special service administration. This article was made based on reliable sources, namely books and articles. Special service administration is the management, planning of services that indirectly support the educational process in schools. Where without these services can be a learning process in schools can not take place smoothly. Special services available at schools include dormitories, cafeterias, UKS, cooperatives, and so on.

2020 ◽  
Haisya Hamini

This article describes the administration of special services. The teaching and learning process requires the support of facilities that are not directly used in the classroom. Facilities that do not directly include school libraries, school cooperatives, school health businesses and school cafeterias. Management of special services in schools is effective and efficient School Based Management (SBM). School is one of the facilities that can be used to improve the quality of Indonesia's population. Schools not only have responsibilities and duties to carry out the learning process in developing science and technology, but must maintain and improve students' physical and spiritual health.Special service management in schools is basically defined and organized to facilitate or facilitate learning, and can meet the special needs of students at school. Special services are provided in schools with a view to facilitating the implementation of teaching in the context of achieving educational goals in schools. Special services include guidance and counseling, libraries, laboratories, school health efforts (uks), canteens, school cooperatives, and transportation.

2020 ◽  
nurul atika

Abstrak- In general, this research aims to find out and analyze what is administration in various specialized service fields. This research uses the literature study method by collecting literature (material materials) sourced from books, journals, and other sources related to the science of Educational Administration. Special service administration, namely providing special services or a business that is not directly related to the teaching and learning process in the classroom. But specifically given by schools to students so that they are more optimal in implementing the learning process. The types of special services are libraries, labor, UKS, cafes, religious facilities and dormitories. There are several roles of a teacher in the administration of special services, namely: Teacher involvement in library administration for example introducing books to students, knowing the types and mastering general criteria that determine the merits of a library of books, and promoting the library both for use and for guidance.

2020 ◽  
Sunyi Angelista

Special service administration is to provide services specifically or a business that is not directly related to the teaching and learning process in the classroom. But specifically given by the school to the students so that they are more optimal in carrying out the learning process Special service management in schools is basically set and organized to facilitate or facilitate learning, and can meet the special needs of students at school. Special services are held in schools with the aim of facilitating the implementation of teaching in the context of achieving educational goals in schools. Education in schools also includes trying to keep students in good condition. Good here concerning physical and spiritual aspects. Special services provided by schools to students, between schools one with other schools are generally the same, but the management process and utilization are different. Some special services available at school include: Library, Labor, UKS (School of Health Business), School Kafetaria, Facilities of worship, Dormitory, Cooperatives and Transportation. Thus, special service management is a process of providing services to students to support learning activities so that educational goals can be achieved effectively and efficiently.

2020 ◽  
Vol 14 (02) ◽  
Nurotun Mumtahanah ◽  
Elok Nuriyyah Pratama ◽  
Ahmad Suyuthi

Sebagai salah satu problem yang sering muncul dalam proses pembelajaran tentang bagaimana pola hubungan antara guru dan peserta didik. Kaidah Kitab Ta’lim al-Muta’allim perlu diimplementasikan dalam lembaga pendidikan. Eksistensi pelaksanaan manajemen pendidikan yang terkandung dalam kitab Ta’lim al-Muta’allim sebagaimana yang diterapkan dalam lembaga-lembaga pendidikan. seperti apa yang sudah diterapkan oleh kepala sekolah. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa bahwa Manajemen Pendidikan dalam kitab Ta’lim al-muta’allim sangatlah bagus diterapkan dalam lembaga pendidikan saat ini. Pengajaran tentang cara menjadi seorang siswa dan guru yang baik. Pemikiran dan keyakinan Syekh Az Zarnuji tentan kaifiyah etika menuntut ilmu yang itu semua dapat meraih kemanfaatan dan keberkahan ilmu. Manajemen pendidikan yang mengamalkan kaidah kitab Ta’lim al-Muta’allim di SMP Plus Ar Rahmat tentang Pembiasaan karakter yang di terapkan dalam kaidah Ta’lim al-Muta’allim adalah kejujuran, kedisiplinan, kerja keras, fokus kepada tujuan, pantang menyerah, kesederhanaan, menghargai proses, pentingnya keseimbangan ihtiar lahir dan batin, need of achievment, dan beberapa filosofi hidup dan motto yang berisi motivasi. Eksistensi manajemen pendidikan kitab Ta’lim al-Muta’allim di Ar-Rahmat yang masih begitu eksis pelaksanaannya.As one of the problems often arising in the learning process on the pattern of relationships between teachers and students, the rules of the so-called Ta'lim al-Muta'allim need to be implemented in educational institutions. The implementation of education management contained in the Ta'lim a-Muta'allim as applied in educational institutions as what implemented by the principal. The results of the study show that the education management in the Ta'limul Muta'allim is extremely important applied in educational institutions today. It teaches on how to be a good student and teacher. The thoughts of Syekh Az Zarnuji on the ethics of studying in addition to achieving the benefits and blessings of knowledge. Educational management that practices the rules as contained in the Ta'lim al-Muta'allim in Ar Rahmat about the character habituation is honesty, discipline, hard work, focus on goals, never give up, simplicity, respect for the process, the importance of balance of physical and spiritual exercise, need of achievement, and several life philosophies and mottos that contain motivation.

2019 ◽  
Melia sri devi

Abstrak—Special service administration is to provide servicesspecifically or a business that is not directly related to the teachingand learning process in the classroom. But specifically given by theschool to the students so that they are more optimal in carrying outthe learning process Special service management in schools isbasically set and organized to facilitate or facilitate learning, andcan meet the special needs of students at school. Special services are held in schools with the aim of facilitating the implementationof teaching in the context of achieving educational goals in schools.Education in schools also includes trying to keep students in goodcondition. Good here concerning physical and spiritual aspects.Special services provided by schools to students, between schools one with other schools are generally the same, but the managementprocess and utilization are different. Some special services availableat school include: Library, Labor, UKS (School of Health Business),School Kafetaria, Facilities of worship, Dormitory, Cooperativesand Transportation. Thus, special service management is a processof providing services to students to support learning activities sothat educational goals can be achieved effectively and efficiently

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