2017 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 48
Setianingsih Setianingsih ◽  
Febi Riandhyanita ◽  
Ahmad Asyrofi

AbstrakOral hygiene merupakan salah satu tindakan keperawatan yang dilakukan agar kondisi rongga mulut tetap bersih dan segar sehingga terhindar dari infeksi. Oral hygiene juga mampu mengurangi jumlah mikroorganisme dan pengumpulan organisme yang mengalami translokasi serta kolonisasi di dalam mulut. Pasien di ruang ICU sangat berisiko terkena infeksi. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui gambaran pelaksanaan tindakan perawatan oral hygiene pada pasien di ruang Intensive Care Unit (ICU). Desain penelitian ini menggunakan deskriptif sejumlah 35 responden yaitu perawat yang bekerja diruang Intensive Care Unit (ICU) menggunakan teknik total sampling. Pelaksanaan tindakan perawatan oral hygiene dalam kategori kurang sebanyak 21 responden (60,0%). Hal tersebut dipengaruhi oleh ketidakseimbangan antara rasio perawat dengan pasien, fasilitas dalam pelaksanaan oral hygiene masih belum memadai, dan perawat juga belum memahami sepenuhnya bagaimana pelaksanaan oral hygiene yang sesuai dengan standar operasional prosedur. Hasil penelitian ini menyarankan, sebaiknya memberikan reward/penghargaan kepada perawat untuk meningkatkan motivasinya dalam tindakan oral hygiene di ICU. Kata kunci     :         Oral Hygiene, Intensive Care Unit, Perawat AbstractDescription of Implementation Oral Hygiene in Patients in the ICU room.Oral hygiene is one of the nursing actions carried out so that the condition of the oral cavity remains clean and fresh so as to avoid infection. Oral hygiene is also able to reduce the number of microorganisms and the collection of organisms that experience translocation and colonization in the mouth. Patients in the ICU room are very at risk for infection. The purpose of this study was to determine the description of the implementation of oral hygiene in patients in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU). This study design using descriptive analytical 35 respondents, a number of respondents is 35 nurses working at Intensive Care Unit (ICU) room using total sampling technique. The implementation of oral hygiene care measures in the less category as many as 21 respondents (60.0%). This is influenced by the imbalance between the ratio of nurses and patients, facilities in the implementation of oral hygiene are still inadequate, and nurses also do not fully understand how the implementation of oral hygiene is in accordance with standard operating procedures. The results of this study suggest, should give rewards / awards to nurses to improve oral hygiene motivation to act in the ICU. Keywords: Oral Hygiene, Intensive Care Unit,  Nurses   

2017 ◽  
Vol 19 (2) ◽  
pp. 83
Thainah Bruna Dos Santos ◽  
Marcos Antônio Do Amaral ◽  
Nora Gavilanes Peralta ◽  
Ricardo Sergio Almeida

A Odontologia hospitalar vem adquirindo importância no cenário da equipe multidisciplinar de saúde para manter a qualidade de vida dos pacientes. Contudo, a atuação do cirurgião-dentista nos hospitais possui certa deficiência, mesmo sabendo que é imprescindível a higiene bucal para excluir doenças e manter a normalidade na cavidade bucal. Os pacientes internados em Unidade de Terapia Intensiva - UTI, frequentemente, apresentam baixa imunidade, apresentando como fatores contribuintes a hipossalivação, a utilização de antibióticos e a ausência de higiene bucal. É importante ressaltar que a cavidade bucal abriga quase a metade da microbiota do corpo humano e é considerada uma incubadora microbiana ideal devido a suas características de temperatura, de umidade, de pH, de tensão de oxigênio e presença de nutrientes. Para o presente artigo de revisão foi usado o método de buscas, em revisão integrativa, utilizando-se as bases de dados Pubmed, Scopus, Web of Science, e SciELO. Os artigos usados foram selecionados por critérios segundo o tema odontologia aplicada à Unidade de Terapia Intensiva. O objetivo desse estudo é analisar a importância de uma equipe odontológica para o atendimento integral de pacientes internados em UTI na redução da disseminação de infecções a partir da cavidade bucal. Conclui-se que é necessário maior reconhecimento da participação Odontológica na equipe multidisciplinar de saúde, sendo de fundamental importância para a prevenção das infecções nas UTI, especialmente, de pneumonias, colaborando para reduzir quadros de septicemia grave. Nas buscas realizadas destaca-se a Pubmed por ser mais abrangente que as outras bases de dados, obtendo um total de 800 publicações.Palavras-chave: Infecção. Saúde Bucal. Equipe Hospitalar de Odontologia.AbstractHospital Dentistry has been gaining importance in the scenery of multidisciplinary health team to maintain the patients’ life quality patients. However, the dentist’s role in hospitals presentssome deficiency, knowing that oral hygiene is essential to exclude diseases and maintain normalcy in the oral cavity. Patients in intensive care unit (ICU) often have low immunity, presenting as contributing factors hyposalivation, the use of antibiotics and the lack of oral hygiene. It important to highlight that the oral cavity is home to almost half of the microbiota of the human body and is considered an ideal microbial incubator due to its characteristics of temperature, moisture, pH, oxygen tension and presence of nutrients. For the present review, it was used the method searches in integrative review using databases Pubmed, Scopus, Web of Science, e SciELO. Used articles were selected according to the subject and criteria of dentistry applied to the Intensive Care Unit. The aim of this study is to analyze the importance of a dentistry team for the comprehensive care of ICU patients in reducing the spread of infection from the oral cavity. It was concluded that it is necessary a better recognition of Dentistry participation in multidisciplinary health team, being of fundamental importance for the prevention of infections in ICUs, especially pneumonia, helping reduce severe sepsis clinical signs. In the searches carried out PUBMED stands out because it is more comprehensive than the other databases, obtaining a total of 800 publications.Keywords: Infection. Oral Health. Dental Staff, Hospital.

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 89
Khusnul Aini ◽  
Mariyati Mariyati

Pasien gangguan jiwa berat memiliki risiko bunuh diri sebesar 90%. Membutuhkan kesiapan tenaga kesehatan jiwa, khususnya perawat yang memiliki waktu paling banyak dengan pasien, untuk memberikan manajemen asuhan yang tangkas, cermat dan professional di ruang akut. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengalaman perawat unit perawatan intensif psikiatri dalam memberikan asuhan keperawatan pada pasien gangguan jiwa dengan risiko bunuh diri. Metode penelitian yang dilakukan adalah kualitatif dengan pendekatan fenomenologi dengan indepth interview pada 5 orang perawat di ruang Unit Perawatan Intensif Psikiatri (UPIP) RSJ dr. Amino Gondohutomo Semarang, pada bulan November-Desember 2018. Hasil penelitian ini menguraikan tentang  pengalaman perawat unit perawatan intensif psikiatri dalam merawat pasien dengan risiko bunuh diri. Penelitian ini menghasilkan 5 tema, yaitu:  1)Persepsi terhadap fenomena bunuh diri pada pasien gangguan jiwa, 2)Intervensi krisis pada pasien dengan risiko bunuh diri 3)Motivasi yang diberikan pada pasien dengan risiko bunuh diri, 4)Melibatkan keluarga dalam perawatan pasien dengan risiko bunuh diri, 5)Kendala dalam merawat pasien dengan risiko bunuh diri. Dari hasil penelitian ini diharapkan dapat meningkatkan pelayanan keperawatan pada pasien dengan risiko bunuh diri di ruang unit perawatan intensif psikiatri. Kata kunci: perawat, unit perawatan intensif psikiatri,  risiko bunuh diri THE EXPERIENCE OF PSYCHIATRIC INTENSIVE CARE UNIT NURSES FOR CARING CLIENTS WITH SUICIDE RISK  ABSTRACTSevere mental patients have a suicide risk of 90%. Requires readiness of mental health personnel, especially nurses who have the most time with patients, to provide competent, careful and professional care management in the acute space.This study aims to determine experience of psychiatric intensive care unit nurses in providing nursing care to mental patients with suicide risk.The research method used qualitative with a phenomenological approach by conducting in-depth interviews of 5 nurses in the Psychiatric Intensive Care Unit (UPIP) at dr. Amino Gondohutomo hospital on November until December 2018. The results of this study described the experience of psychiatric intensive care nurses in caring patients at risk of suicide.The number of participants in this study were 5 nurses in psychiatric intensive care unit with 2 until 8 years experiences.This study resulted in five themes: 1) The perception of the phenomenon of suicide in patients with mental disorders, 2) Crisis intervention in patients at risk of suicide 3) Motivation given to patients at risk of suicide, 4) Involve the family in the care of patients withsuicide risk, 5) Constraints in treating patients at risk of suicide. From the results of this study are expected to improve nursing care in patients at risk of suicide in the psychiatric intensive care unit. Keywords: nurses, psychiatric intensive care unit, risk of suicide

Claudete Aparecida Conz ◽  
Vanessa Augusta Souza Braga ◽  
Rosianne Vasconcelos ◽  
Flávia Helena Ribeiro da Silva Machado ◽  
Maria Cristina Pinto de Jesus ◽  

ABSTRACT Objective: To understand the experiences of intensive care unit nurses who provide care to patients with COVID-19. Methods: Qualitative study grounded in Alfred Schütz’s social phenomenology in which 20 nurses who work in intensive care units at public and private hospitals were interviewed between July and September 2020. Data were analyzed according to the adopted theoretical-methodological framework and the literature related to the subject. Results: The interviewed nurses mentioned demands about working conditions, professional recognition and training, and support to physical and mental health, which proved necessary considering the care intensity experienced by these professionals during the COVID-19 pandemic. Conclusion: Learning the nurses’ experiences evidenced the need to adjust to a new way of providing care that included the physical space, new institutional protocols, continuous use of protective equipment, and patients’ demand for special care. This originated the necessity to be around situations that interfered with their health and motivated them to carry out professional projects after the COVID-19 pandemic.

Nima Ahmadi ◽  
Farzan Sasangohar ◽  
Tariq Nisar ◽  
Valerie Danesh ◽  
Ethan Larsen ◽  

Objective To identify physiological correlates to stress in intensive care unit nurses. Background Most research on stress correlates are done in laboratory environments; naturalistic investigation of stress remains a general gap. Method Electrodermal activity, heart rate, and skin temperatures were recorded continuously for 12-hr nursing shifts (23 participants) using a wrist-worn wearable technology (Empatica E4). Results Positive correlations included stress and heart rate (ρ = .35, p < .001), stress and skin temperature (ρ = .49, p < .05), and heart rate and skin temperatures (ρ = .54, p = .0008). Discussion The presence and direction of some correlations found in this study differ from those anticipated from prior literature, illustrating the importance of complementing laboratory research with naturalistic studies. Further work is warranted to recognize nursing activities associated with a high level of stress and the underlying reasons associated with changes in physiological responses. Application Heart rate and skin temperature may be used for real-time detection of stress, but more work is needed to validate such surrogate measures.

2021 ◽  
Bitew Tefera ◽  
Haymanot Zeleke ◽  
Abebe Abate ◽  
Haimanot Abebe ◽  
Zebene Mekonnen ◽  

Abstract Background Low back pain is a common public health problem throughout the world with the global prevalence from 28–86%. Nurses working in intensive care units are handling people who are critically ill and helpless, which requires more assistance for transferring and handling activities. This possesses a risk for low back pain but little is known about it in Ethiopia. The aim of this study was to assess the magnitude of low back pain and associated factors among nurses who work at an intensive care units in Amhara region public hospitals, North Ethiopia. Methods A multi-centered institution-based cross-sectional study was conducted at Amhara region public hospitals from March 1–30/2020. Simple random sampling technique after proportional allocation was used to select the study participants. Data were collected using a standard modified Nordic musculoskeletal assessment tool. After data were checked for completeness and consistency, it was entered into Epidata version 3.1 and exported to Statistical Package for Social Science software version 26 for analysis. Descriptive statistics were computed. A binary logistic regression model was used to identify factors associated with low back pain. Finally, those variables with a p-value of < 0.05 in multivariable analysis were considered statistically significant. Result -The study was conducted among 412 intensive care unit nurses giving a response rate of 97.6%. The magnitude of low back pain was 313 (76 %) [95% CI: (71.6%-79.9%)]. Being female [AOR = 2.674 (1.404, 5.076)], unavailability of assistive device for patient handling [AOR = 2.139 (1.035, 4.410)], lack of training on intensive care [AOR = 2.017 (1.092 ,3.943)], lack of regular exercise [AOR = 2.164 (1.164 ,4.108)] and job stress [AOR = 3.66 (1.955, 6.498)] were factors significantly associated with low back pain. Conclusions In this study the magnitude of low back pain was high. Being female, unavailability of assistive device for patient handling, lack of training on intensive care, lack of regular exercise and job stress were factors associated with low back pain. Policy makers and concerned bodies should give emphasis on accessability of assistive devices for patient care, provision of training on intensive care and adaptive working environment for intensive care unit nurses.

2016 ◽  
Vol 18 (3) ◽  
pp. 212-218 ◽  
Marijke Noome ◽  
Boukje M. Dijkstra ◽  
Evert van Leeuwen ◽  
Lilian C. M. Vloet

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