scholarly journals Made/maid in the media: narrative discourses surrounding Filipina nannies in the live-in caregiver program.

Holly Dae Edejer

This paper explores the various narratives and media representations surrounding Filipinas in Canada’s Live-In Caregiver Program. This study draws upon existing scholarship in global migration of (gendered, racialized, and class-based) domestic labour, as well as theories of postcolonialism and media studies. Using critical discourse analysis, the content of 132 news articles from 1988 to 2014 in the Toronto Star are coded and discussed. The five main categories in which these Filipina live-in caregivers – ‘or Filipina nannies’ – are constructed are identified as foreigners, mothers, workers, victims, and activists. The research findings suggest that representations of Filipina live-in caregivers are framed by notions of difference and social hierarchy in Canada’s most widely disseminated newspaper. Thus this newsprint media discourse reproduces the subaltern status and dual in/visibility of this minority group in Canadian society.

2021 ◽  
Holly Dae Edejer

This paper explores the various narratives and media representations surrounding Filipinas in Canada’s Live-In Caregiver Program. This study draws upon existing scholarship in global migration of (gendered, racialized, and class-based) domestic labour, as well as theories of postcolonialism and media studies. Using critical discourse analysis, the content of 132 news articles from 1988 to 2014 in the Toronto Star are coded and discussed. The five main categories in which these Filipina live-in caregivers – ‘or Filipina nannies’ – are constructed are identified as foreigners, mothers, workers, victims, and activists. The research findings suggest that representations of Filipina live-in caregivers are framed by notions of difference and social hierarchy in Canada’s most widely disseminated newspaper. Thus this newsprint media discourse reproduces the subaltern status and dual in/visibility of this minority group in Canadian society.

Robin Björkas ◽  
Mariah Larsson

AbstractSex dolls are a complex phenomenon with several diverse possible emotional, sexual and therapeutic uses. They can be part of a broad variety of sexual practices, and also function as a sexual aid. However, the media discourse on sex dolls first and foremost concerns how we perceive the relationship between intimacy and technology. A critical discourse analysis of the Swedish media discourse on sex dolls reveals six themes which dominate the discourse: (a) the definition of what a human being is; (b) a discourse on the (technological and existential) future; (c) a social effort; (d) a loveless phenomenon; (e) men’s violence against women; and (f) pedophilia. Accordingly, this discourse is very conservative and normative in its view of sexuality, technology, and humanity. Overall, the dominant themes do not provide any space for positive effects of technology on human sexuality, and if they do, it is usually as a substitute for something else.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (3) ◽  
pp. 23-44
M. S. Matytsina ◽  
O. N. Prokhorova ◽  
I. V. Chekulai

The paper based on the content of the Facebook group Immigrants in EU and The Daily Mail publications discusses the issue of discursive construction of an immigrant image in media discourse. Using the framework of Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA), the authors claim that the image of an immigrant can be viewed as a discursive construct, and the main discursive strategies involved in its construction include the reference strategy and the prediction strategy. As a result of the analysis, the so called CDA-categories (topic blocks) underlying the formation of the immigrant figure, are identified and illustrated by the relevant examples, the need for further study of the social media discourse as part of critical discourse analysis is justified. The relevance of such study is due to the growing research interest in discursive construction of the immigrant figure in the media discourse, since it underpins the definition of discourse as a form of social practice, not only reflecting processes in the society, but also exerting a reciprocal effect on them. The use of both verbal and non-verbal means in the media texts under study reflects the intention of the authors of the messages to use all possible communication channels when constructing an immigrant’s image. The results show that the dichotomy of “friends and foes” is being formed and maintained by the British newspaper The Daily Mail, while the members of the Immigrants in EU group try to mitigate the conflict between immigrants and indigenous people.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 32-36
Anwar Anwar ◽  
Asri Laraswati ◽  
Ridhani Ridhani

This research examines the field of discourse analysis which has popularity in the media field and communication studies. The research is focused on the application of critical discourse analysis (CDA) in Indonesia. This study is especially interested in examining CDA’s variety of approaches. The goal of this review research is to discover and to know the role of CDA in the hidden ideologies in the media of discourse studies. The data in this study is on ten selected article journals to clarify the methods, ways, and to find in which CDA has been used in understanding social and educational phenomena. This study determined three themes in critical discourse analysis application, i.e. economic, political, and social contexts.

2021 ◽  
Vol Volume 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 240-254
Amna Zulfiqar ◽  
Sadaf Asif ◽  
Ayesha Siddiqua

The article is intended to compare and analyze the media discourse in the editorials of two daily English newspapers of Pakistan in the context of one of the most controversial antiterrorist operation which is named as the Osama Bin Laden (OBL) operation. For this purpose editorials of two leading English newspapers of Pakistan i.e., Dawn and The News were selected from 3rd May, 2011, to 26th August, 2011. Moreover, the current study employed the method of critical discourse analysis and has also studied the theoretical notion of agenda setting and framing. Results reveal that The News used very strong, rather harsh vocabulary during the editorial coverage of OBL operation. Whereas, Dawn adopted literary phrases and less harsh tone to cover OBL operation. Also, editorials of both the newspapers constructed similar frames such as “failure of military establishment” and “security lapse” throughout the coverage of OBL operation

2018 ◽  
Asri Laraswati

This research examines the field of discourse analysis which has popularity in the media field and communication studies. The research is focused on the application in 1990s era of Indonesia in critical discourse analysis that is examining a variety of approaches it. The goal of the review research is to discover and to know the role of CDA in the hidden ideologies in media of discourse studies. There are ten article journals to clarify the methods, ways, and finding in which CDA has found in our phenomenon of social and in education. That was found a CDA has been applied whilst presenting a positive drawing for a group of people in their communication.

2018 ◽  
Vol 10 (3) ◽  
pp. 233-249 ◽  
Eran Tamir ◽  
Khen Tucker ◽  
Miri Yemini

This study maps, characterizes, and conceptualizes the media discourse and coverage of non-governmental organization–school interactions within public education in Israel, while depicting the evolving dynamics and framing of this ever prominent phenomenon. The authors employed two complementary methodologies for the analysis: critical discourse analysis and framing theory. Specifically, this study pinpoints how neo-liberal notions are used and communicated to the public, and what role different newspapers play in framing those interactions and in helping to shape public opinion regarding the new engagements between schools and non-governmental organizations. The authors depict the ways in which school–non-governmental organization interactions are presented and framed to popular and elite audiences, and discuss the possible implications of their findings in light of the growing prominence of external entities in public schooling.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 302-317
Muhammad Junaid Ghauri ◽  
Amrat Haq ◽  
Riffat Alam

Research conducted in some European countries and in the US has evidenced that there is a considerable difference in the media coverage of the National/Internal and Foreign/External Islam. Wherein, the latter is viewed and portrayed as a ‘greater threat’ to the mainstream society. This research endeavour is an effort to explore the predominant themes associated with the Foreign/External Islam in the editorials of the two selected Australian newspapers during January 1, 2016 to March 31, 2017. The researcher has employed Tuen A. van Dijk’s (1998) ideological square and lexicalization strategies from the Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA) paradigm to examine the editorials of The Age and The Australian. The research findings are evident that in the coverage of the Foreign Islam both the selected newspapers have associated ‘conflict’, ‘violence’ and ‘collectivism’ with Islam and Muslims, however The Australian highlighted ‘women underrepresentation’ also. While covering the National Islam, The Age highlighted the ‘victimization’ and ‘prejudice’ to Muslims in Australia and stressed on the need of ‘understanding’, ‘harmony’ and ‘cohesion’. However, in The Australian the National Islam also received the same treatment as did the Foreign Islam in terms of themes.

2018 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 169
Zhide Hou

This article studies the media representations of Shenzhen’s global image by adopting the corpus-based critical discourse analysis. Previous studies mainly analyze the shaping, publicity and construction of Shenzhen’s image from the perspective of urban culture and development and news dissemination. However, media construction on the global image of Shenzhen is empirical and noticeable. The findings demonstrate favorable representations of Shenzhen’s image associated with technology powerhouse, manufacturing heartland, industrial boomtown, jewelry fair advantages and giant headquarters economy in general. Negative representations associated with Shenzhen Stock trading drop, landslide accident and Apple’s Foxconn problems are amplified in media discourses.

2020 ◽  
Vol 14 (2) ◽  
pp. 1-16
Muhamad Fahrudin Yusuf

This article is the result of research, one of which is the lack of discourse studies, especially the representation of the news object studies in electronic newspapers. News about woman employees in Saudi Arabia was chosen because there have been many cases that occurred in Saudi Arabia. Several cases such as starting from illegal migrant workers, trafficking, prostitution, suicide, and various legal circumstances that befall Indonesian workers, how the news of women employee is written on newspaper, one of the leading online publications in Saudi Arabia. All cannot be separated from the media representation or depiction of an object. Representatives of woman employees will be dissected based on contextual illustration-writer-text-context reader theory by Sara Mills. The qualitative method of Critical Discourse Analysis was chosen as a means for collecting data. The technique of analyzing data used in this study is using the framework of Sara Mills's analysis related to the position of subject and object of the news. The research findings showed that portrays woman employees poorly, marginalizes minority groups by not showing woman employees in the news, dominant groups represent their presence, establishing ideology of dominant groups (employee) and tends to be gender-biased.   Artikel ini dilatarbelakangi minimnya kajian wacana, khususnya representasi pada objek kajian berita pada surat kabar elektronik (SKE). Berita tentang Tenaga Kerja Wanita (TKW) di Arab Saudi menjadi pilihan karena alasan banyaknya kasus yang terjadi pada TKW di Arab Saudi, mulai dari TKI ilegal, kasus trafficking, prostitusi TKW, bunuh diri dan beragam kasus hukum yang menimpa buruh migran wanita Indonesia. Bagaimana wacana TKW digambarkan dalam berita Sabq. Org, salah satu koran online terkemuka di Arab Saudi tidak lepas dari representasi atau penggambaran media atas suatu objek. Representasi TKW akan dibedah dengan teori ilustrasi konteks penulis- teks-konteks pembaca dari Sara Mills. Metode kualitatif Analisis Wacana Kritis (critical discourse analysis) dipilih sebagai alat mencari data. Teknik analisis penelitian ini menggunakan kerangka analisis Sara Mills terkait posisi subjek-objek berita. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah Sabq.Org menggambarkan TKW dengan buruk, memarjinalkan kelompok minoritas (TKW) dengan tidak menampilkan TKW dalam pemberitaan, kehadirannya diwakili oleh kelompok dominan, memapankan ideologi kelompok dominan (majikan) dan cenderung bias gender.

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