scholarly journals Implications of Dalalah Amr in Terms the Law of Serving in Covid19 Pandemic Situation

Asmuni Asmuni ◽  
Hasan Matsum ◽  
Hadi Munawwar

It is an agreement of the ummah, that what Allah revealed in the Al-Qur'an and also what was conveyed by the Messenger of Allah in the Hadith are the basic sources of Islamic law. The two sources, of which there is an order (Amr), this Amr has various meanings such as obligatory, mustahab and others. In this study, the researcher attempted to describe the views of the scholars of jurisprudence in understanding the meaning of amar and its implications for one of the Islamic laws, and here the researcher took one case, namely the practice of worship during the Covid-19 Pandemic. Although most of the Ulama proposing fiqh are of the view that amr basically has a mandatory meaning unless there is a qarinah, in practice there are differences between them. In this study, the researcher used an analytic descriptive method in which after the researcher described the views of the Ulama with regard to the meaning of amr, the designation of the meaning of amar and the legal implications of practicing worship during the Covid-19 Pandemic, considering that at this time there were differences in worship practices that had never happened before Furthermore, the researcher provides some analysis of what the researchers understand based on the views of scholars and experts in this matter.

2017 ◽  
Vol 17 (02) ◽  
pp. 82
Muchammad Ichsan

This study aims at examining the legality of interreligious marriage according to Islamic law and Indonesian positive law. To reach the goal set by this research, a descriptive method is used in the writing while an analytical method is employed to scrutinize the relevant problems. This study finds that interreligious marriage has spread widely among Indonesians that it has now become a phenomenon. However, Islam does not recognize a Muslim woman's marriage unless she is married by a man belonging to the same religion, i.e. a Muslim. A Muslim man is not permitted to marry a mushrik (polytheist) woman. It is lawful for him to marry a woman from the Ahlul Kitaab (Jews and Christians), but Indonesian ulemas prohibit such a marriage as well because of the negative outcomes. Meanwhile, the 1974 Indonesian Marriage Law fails to address the issue of interreligious marriage in a clear manner. This brings forth at least three interpretations: firstly, the law does not regulate interreligious marriage at all; secondly, the law allows it; and thirdly, the law denies it. Through an analysis, the last interpretation is found to have stronger reasons than the others.  Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji legalitas pernikahan antaragama menurut hukum Islam dan hukum positif Indonesia. Agar tercapai tujuan yang diinginkan, maka penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif untuk menganalisis masalah yang sedang diteliti. Studi ini menemukan bahwa pernikahan antaragama telah menyebar luas di kalangan masyarakat Indonesia yang kini telah menjadi fenomena. Namun, Islam tidak mengenali pernikahan wanita Muslim kecuali jika dia menikah dengan pria yang memiliki agama yang sama, yaitu seorang Muslim. Seorang pria Muslim tidak diizinkan untuk menikahi wanita musyrik (politeis). Dan halal baginya untuk menikahi wanita dari Ahlul Kitaab (Yahudi dan Kristen), namun sebagian ulama Indonesia tetap melarang pernikahan semacam ini, karena beberapa alasan. Sementara itu, Undang-Undang Perkawinan Indonesia 1974 gagal menangani masalah pernikahan antaragama dengan cara yang jelas. Ini setidaknya menghasilkan tiga interpretasi: pertama, hukum sama sekali tidak mengatur pernikahan antaragama; Kedua, hukum mengizinkannya; Ketiga, undang-undang tersebut menolaknya. Melalui sebuah analisis tersebut di atas, disimpulkan bahwa jenis interpretasi yang terakhir ditemukan memiliki alasan yang lebih kuat daripada alasan yang lainnya.

Asy-Syari ah ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 19 (1) ◽  
pp. 49-68
Riskiyanto Munawar

AbstractIn Islamic law, a deliberate act of murder is sanctioned with qishash according to Allah’s SWT commandment in al-Quran Surah al-Baqarah verse 178. In its application, the Islamic Law scholars agree that if someone kills intentionally without any shar’i reasons, then the penalty is qishash. However there is a disagreement about sanctions for a Muslim who kills a non-muslim, whether the qishash is applied to this situation or not. Using a comparative descriptive method, the results show that the death penalty (qishash) according to al-Shafi'i can only be applied if both the perpetrator and victim are fellow Muslims, and qishash does not apply if the victim is a non-Muslim. His view is based upon dzahir nash. As for Abu Hanifa, it was argued that qishash was still carried out even though the victim was a dhimmi (a protected non-muslim), considering that Islamic law does not only apply to Muslims, but also to all human. This opinion is in line with the principle of equality before the law as applicable in Indonesia.Keywords: qishash, equality before the law, human rightsAbstrakDalam Hukum Islam, tindakan pembunuhan yang disengaja disanksi dengan qishash sebagaimana firman Allah SAW dalam al-Quran surat al-Baqarah ayat 178. Dalam penerapan­nya, jumhur ulama sepakat, bahwa apabila seseorang membunuh dengan sengaja tanpa alasan yang dibenarkan syar’i, maka hukumannya adalah qishash. Namun mereka berbeda pendapat tentang sanksi bagi seorang muslim yang membunuh seorang kafir (dzimmi). Dengan menggunakan metode deskriptif komparatif, Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa sanksi hukuman mati (qishash) menurut al-Syafi’i hanya dapat diterapkan apabila pelaku dan korban adalah sesama muslim, dan qishash tidak berlaku apabila korban seorang non-muslim karena adanya perbedaan keyakinan antara pembunuh dan yang dibunuh sebagaimana dzahir nash. Adapun Abu Hanifah berpendapat, bahwa qishah tetap dilakukan meskipun korban adalah seorang dzimmi, mengingat hukum Islam tidak hanya berlaku bagi umat muslim saja, namun juga bagi seluruh manusia. pendapat tersebut sejalan dengan asas persamaan dihadapan hukum sebagaimana yang berlaku di Indonesia.Kata Kunci: Qishash, persamaan dihadapan hukum, hak asasi manusia 

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 41-50
Yudisthessar Yudisthessar ◽  
Asri Andrias HB ◽  
Elvina Sari Taufiq

Kendari City is a taqwa city. Kendari is one of the areas with the majority Muslim population, which is about 93,27% or around 345.778 inhabitantas are Muslims and Muslimates. Muslims are encouraged to exercise in order to get good benefits such as good physical and healthy body. The Kendari City Goverment has provided sport facilities and infrastructure such as teh City Park, but specifically some Muslimates are contrained by the law in Islamic Shari'a. In Islamic Law, Muslims and Muslimates are required to be devoted to Allah subhanahu wataala. The Muslimats really want to implement religious advice to exercise but also very much want to carry out religious advice to keep the aurats, keep their eyes down and avoid interfering with the opposite sex who are not mahromes. Because of these problems, Kendari City Muslimates need special facilities and infrastructure for sports. The method used in the planning this Gelanggang Olahraga Khusus Muslimat is descriptive method, observation dan study of literature from various literary sourches. From the Islamic Shari'a approach taken in planning, a shar'i sports arena design can be produced in Kendari City.

2013 ◽  
Vol 30 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
Muhammad Nadratuzzaman Hosen ◽  
Deden Misbahudin Muayyad

This article explains about the Islamic law of gift from Bank to customers related to saving and gyro accounts of Islamic Bank. The Islamic Banks give gift directly  and  indirectly  to  new  ettstomers  and  old  customers  through drawing  (qur'ah) or lottery and non-drawing. There are disputes (ikhtilaf) among Islamic Law  Experts (Fuqaha’) about the status of law when Islamic Banks give the gift. Hanafi and  Syafi'i  Schools  of thought  opined  that  the gift  can  be given  to  the customers as long as there is no agreement between bank and costomers meanwhile the banks still have a debt to consumers, this is permissible. Maliki and Hanbali schools opined that the gift is not permissible during the time of borrowing and lending. Majority Islamic Exsperts allow to give gift after banks have already paid­ back the debt to consumers as long as there is no agreement between bank and cusiomers, but Maliki School do not allow lo give gift at that condition. Also, for giving gift should free from gambling or elements of gambling (muqamarah).  The method of this article is using literature reviews from classical Islamic Law's books and contemporary Islamic law's books related to drawing or lottery and gambling, meanwhile the aims if this mticle are to investigate the law status if gift from bank to new customers and old customers with direct and indirect ways.   Keywords : gift, saving and gyro accounts, disputes, drawing and elements of gambling

2018 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 60-78
Aidil Alfin ◽  
Busyro Busyro

The differences of laws in marriage registration have generated argumentative conflicts among the ulama. Some of them agree and the others disagree. Ulama who agree say that proscribing secretly marriage (nikah siri) is in accordance to Islamic law. Even though the regulation about marriage registration has been written in The Indonesian Act No. 1 of 1974 on Marriage and in the Compilation of Islamic Law in Indonesian, the practice of secret marriage is still existed among Indonesian Muslim society. They base their practices on what some of local ShafiiyahUlema say all the time that this kind of marriage is in accordance to shari’ah. It is common to say that Shafi’ischool of law is the largest shari’ahschool of law in Indonesia. In the sociology of Islamic law, most of the scholars in Indonesia who adhere to the Shafi'i school and also most of the Indonesian Muslim community adhere to the same school, may have a significant influence on the constraints of reform of Islamic law related to the registration of marriages in particular and other matters about marriage in general contained in the Law No. 1 of 1974 and the Compilation of Islamic Law in Indonesia.

2020 ◽  
Vol 14 (2) ◽  
pp. 239-250
Sarmo Sarmo

This article discusses the practice of changing waqf for socio-educational purposes. The jurists of the fiqh schools argue over the permissibility of exchanging waqf land. As a country where the majority of the population is Muslim, Indonesia has made the guidelines for waqf which are stated in the law. No. 41 of 2004 concerning Waqf, Government Regulation Number 42 of 2006 concerning the implementation of law number 41 of 2004, and the Compilation of Islamic Law in Indonesia. This study is field research conducted in Keniten Village, Kedungbanteng District, Banyumas Regency. This study concluded that the exchange of waqf land in this village was in accordance with the purpose of the waqf and in accordance with the law. No. 41 of 2004 Article 41 paragraph (3). The process of changing donated land for TK Diponegoro 136 is in accordance with Government Regulation Number 42 of 2006 concerning the implementation of law number 41 of 2004. Meanwhile, the relation of Islamic law to the exchange of waqf land in Keniten Village, Kedungbanteng District, Banyumas Regency is debated in accordance with the rules used by each jurisprudence school. Referring to the argument of jalb al-maṣāliḥ wa dar 'al-mafāsid, the exchange of waqf land in Keniten Village, Kedungbanteng District, Banyumas Regency is not against Islamic law because it brings more benefits.

2019 ◽  
Vol 13 (2) ◽  
pp. 187-202
Hamid Pongoliu
The Will ◽  

Gorontalo has a customary principle derived from sharia law, and the sharia law is sourced from the Qur'an, hadith, ijmak and qiyas (adati-hula'a to syara'a, syara'a hula'a to Kitabi), which should reflect the existence of the implementation of the distribution of inheritance in Islam in the Gorontalo community. This customary principle can be a source of law if it is a rational act, not immorality, done always repeatedly, does not bring harm and does not conflict with the law of sharak. But in reality there is the implementation of inheritance that violates Islamic law, namely the distribution by way of deliberation, the determination of the amount of heirs equally, the delay in the distribution of inheritance, wills with houses given to girls, wills not to distribute inheritance, distribution of assets it depends on the will of the heir and the delay in the distribution of inheritance on the grounds that one of the parents is still alive. The distribution by deliberation and determination of the amount of the portion for each heir are equally acceptable as long as they follow the guidelines of the Compilation of Islamic Law article 183 and the concept of takharruj which was previously preceded by the Shari'a division. After the heirs know the size of the portion, then they may agree to share it in their own way or leave the inheritance according to Shari'a and agree to give to each other with other heirs.

Donald R. Davis

This chapter examines the history and use of maxims in legal traditions from several areas of the world. A comparison of legal maxims in Roman, Hindu, Jewish, and Islamic law shows that maxims function both as a basic tools for legal interpretation and as distillations of substantive legal principles applicable to many cases. Maxims are characterized by their unquestionable character, even though it is often easy to demonstrate contradictions between them. As a result, legal maxims seem linked to the recurrent desire for law to have a moral foundation. Although maxims have lost their purchase in most contemporary jurisprudence and legal practice, categories such as “canons of construction,” “legal principles,” and “super precedents” all show similarities to the brief and limited collections of maxims in older legal traditions. The search for core ideas underlying the law thus continues under different names.

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