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Published By Lembaga Penelitian Dan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat (Lp2m) Universitas Islam Negeri (Uin) Sultan Maulana Hasanuddin Banten

2620-598x, 1410-3222

2021 ◽  
Vol 38 (1) ◽  
pp. 97
Najmudin Najmudin ◽  
M. Ainun Najib ◽  
Isti Nuzulul Atiah

This study aims to (1) determine the effect of zakat funds on the economic empowerment of MSMEs actors after the Sunda Strait Tsunami disaster. (2) to determine the effect of Business Development Service (BDS) on the economic empowerment of MSMEs actors after the Sunda Strait Tsunami disaster. (3) determine the effectiveness of zakat funds and Business Development Service (BDS) for the economic empowerment of MSMEs actors after the Sunda Strait Tsunami disaster. The method used in this research is quantitative method. All of the data in this study are primary data obtained by distributing questionnaires to 11 Sumur sub-district MSMEs who receive zakat funds and business development services (BDS) from the Harapan Dhuafa Amil Zakat Institute. The analysis technique used is multiple linear regression analysis. All data were tested using SPSS v.19 software. The results of this study indicate, (1) Zakat funds partially have a significant effect on the economic empowerment of MSMEs actors after the Sunda Strait Tsunami disaster, because the t value of the variable capital assistance is greater than the t table value (9,476> 1,894) and the significance value is smaller than the alpha value (0.000 <0.05). (2) Business Development Service (BDS) partially has a significant effect on the economic empowerment of MSMEs actors after the Sunda Strait Tsunami disaster, because because the t value of the BDS variable is greater than the t table value (10,086> 1,894) and the significance value is smaller than the alpha value. (0.000 <0.05). (3). Zakat funds and Business Development Service (BDS) for the economic empowerment of MSMEs actors after the Sunda Strait Tsunami disaster.

2021 ◽  
Vol 38 (1) ◽  
pp. 145
Azis Faturokhman

This study aimed to  discuss kaidah AL-ʻIBROTU BIMÂ ROWÂHU AL-RÂWI LÂ BIRAʼYIH and explained the dissent of ushuliyyin on that kaidah then applied it to the context of fiqh munakahat. Based on the results of the study, the author concluded that the rajih opinion was jumhur ulama opinion, which said that the hadith excluded by the rawi was a hujjah. As for the opinion of the ulama hanafi, if the rawi opinion was different from the hadith that he narrated, then the hadith could not be used as hujjah and it became a weak opinion according to the arguments and the discussions that had been elaborated by the author in his study.              

2021 ◽  
Vol 38 (1) ◽  
pp. 115
Mohammad Syairozi Dimyathi ◽  
Ahmad Satori Ismail

تبحث هذه الدراسة عن مظاهر الازدهار الحضاري الإسلامي في إندونيسيا المعاصرة من  مظاهر الازدهار السياسي والثقافي والاقتصادي والعمراني الإسلامي في إندونيسيا. ويستخدم في هذا البحث المنهج الوصفي الاستقرائي. حيث يتم به استقراء البيانات وجمعها من الكتب والبحوث والوثائق والمعلومات فى الموضوع الذى تم تحديده، ويقوم الباحثون بإجراء المسح المكتبي فى المكتبات المتاحة وتنظيم البيانات، ثم عرضها على عدد من الباحثين وأساتذة الكلية الذين سيناقشون ويضيفون عليها ويغيرون محتواها حتى تستقر فى وضعها النهائي. ومن نتائج هذا البحث، أنه ظهر في عصر الإصلاح العديد من الأحزاب السياسة الإسلامية  مثل حزب الاتحاد والتنمية،  وحزب القمر والنجم، وحزب العدالة والرخاء، وحزب ماشومي، وحزب صحوة الأمة (PKU) ، وحزب اليتامى (PAY) ، وحزب شركة الإسلام PSII-1905، وحزب نهضة العلماء PNU ، وحزب محبة السلام(PCD) ، وحزب نهضة الشعب PKB ،  وحزب الأمانة الوطنية PAN ، وحزب التضامن الوطني الإندونيسي (SUNI). وعلى الرغم من أن هذه الأحزاب الإسلامية لا تحظى بكثير من أصوات الناخبين، إلا أن ائتلافها يمكنها إخراج العديد من الشخصيات البارزة في المناصب الاستراتيجية في المؤسسات التنفيذية والتشريعية في البلاد. وفى عهد الإصلاح أيضا ظهر التقدم فى مجال التربية و التعليم، ومن بينه إنشاء المدارس الإسلامية المتكاملة الأهلية والحكومية من المراحل الابتدائية و الإعدادية والثانوية  كما أنشأت الجامعات الاسلامية الحكومية والأهلية التي فتحت الكليات العامة لخلق التكامل المعرفي فيها. وفى أواخر عهد سوهرتو بدأ التقدم فى مجال الاقتصاد الإسلامى بإنشاء بنك المعاملات الإسلامي. وانتشرت بعد ذلك البنوك الإسلامية مثل BSM الشريعةBRI  الشريعة  BNI الشريعة   وغيرها من البنوك الإسلامية. كما أنشئت كذلك المؤسسات المالية الإسلامية الأخرى. ومن مظاهر التقدم فى مجال الفنون المعمارية وجود الهندسة المعمارية للمساجد في إندونيسيا بحيث تنهج أنماطا كثيرة، وقلدت الدول الإسلامية في الشرق الأوسط. ومع ذلك هناك نمط معماري آخر في إندونيسيا الذي وضعته مؤسسة بانشاسيلا الخيرية الإسلامية (YAMP). تم بناء المئات من المساجد من قبل مؤسسة بانشاسيلا الخيرية الإسلامية (YAMP) فكلها على نفس النمط المعماري، لها شكل مربع مع السقف الخاص المكون من جوغلو التي رتبت على ثلاثة مستويات وهي مثل الهندسة المعمارية في مسجد ديماك بجاوى الوسطى. وبالإضافة إلى ذلك، هناك العديد من الفنون المعمارية الأخرى للمساجد التي يمكن أيضا أن نعدها من المساجد العجيبة والفريدة من نوعها في إندونيسيا.

2021 ◽  
Vol 38 (1) ◽  
pp. 47
Rohman Rohman

The establishment of Banten Province in 2000 has had a profound impact on the political and social situations. It also stimulated the rise of the implementation of Islamic law (sharī’ah) discourse in Banten. It is well known that Bantenese is one of the societies that strictly perform Islamic teachings in Java. The rise of Panitia Persiapan Penerapan Syariat Islam Banten (P3SIB/ The Committee of Sharī’ah Implementation Preparation in Banten), a local organization that propagated the important of the implementation of sharī’ah in Banten for instance, illustrated the willingness of Bantenese to implement it. Supported by some local organizations among others alumnae of PII, FSPP (Forum Silaturrahim Pondok Pesantren/Forum for Friendly Relation among Islamic Boarding Schools), as well as transnational organization such as HTI and Tarbiyah, P3SIB organized public meetings, discussions, and seminars about the importance of the implementation of sharī’ah in Banten. Those activities however are not followed by any further serious steps. This paper analyzes the development of the sharī’ah implementation discourse in one of the “religious” provinces in Indonesia and looks at the future of the discourse in Banten.

2021 ◽  
Vol 38 (1) ◽  
pp. 25
Mamat Rahmatullah

This systematic review aims to determine the management strategy for improving the quality of madrasah in Banten Province. The method used is a systematic review. The number of research results (journals and theses) reviewed is 4 documents. The inclusion criteria used are related to the management strategy for improving the quality of madrasas in Banten Province. The protocol used in the review is the Prism model. The conclusion of this review is that the management strategy for improving the internal quality of madrasas, for example, is carried out by managing the quality of education and intensifying local content, increasing the formulation of the vision and mission of madrasah, improving the quality of teachers, improving active learning processes, improving the quality of facilities, and improving the quality of output. Another strategy, for example, is to integrate learning values and local culture for the public of Banten Province.

2021 ◽  
Vol 38 (1) ◽  
pp. 73
Muh. Nadratuzzaman ◽  
Muhammad Taufiki ◽  
Laila Yumna

Sari Asih Ciledug Hospital is a hospital with management based on sharia principles, which is equipped with modern health facilities and equipment. However, based on the author's preliminary observations, that there are several implementations in the operation of hospitals based on sharia principles that contradict the basic reference, namely the Fatwa of the National Sharia Council of the Indonesian Ulema Council (DSN-MUI) Number 107 of 2016. This research has purposed to: first, how the management evaluation and compliance in implementing management and service based on sharia principles? Second, how Sari Asih Ciledug Hospital apply Islamic principles in management and service based on sharia principles? This research is juridical empirical research with Islamic law regulation approach, which then carried out a quantitative analysis with descriptive statistics and inferencing statistics, then analyzed qualitatively. The conclusion of this research is Sari Asih Ciledug Hospital management has met the aspect of sharia compliance with a percentage of 87,5%. As for the difference of that percentage is 12,5% found in the practice that the hospital civitas has not yet embodied good morals with image brand which build by the hospital that is smiling and greeting in service to the patient, have not cooperated with Islamic education institute in human capital recruitment and the surrounding community has not felt the impact of social activities carried out by the hospital. Besides, the limited number of medicines that are halal-certified by the organizing agency for guaranteeing halal products (BPJPH) is an obstacle for hospitals in grouping formularies containing haram elements.

2021 ◽  
Vol 38 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
Sapiudin Shidiq ◽  
Ahmad Nasuki

Method of applying contemporary fiqh learning is still conventional. This research has purpose to describe method of applying fiqh learning effectiveness in MTs. This research uses a qualitative-descriptive and naturalistic approach by means of interview, observation and documentation instrument. By means of triangulation of data collection and tabulation technique, obtained a research outcome that implementation of fiqh learning method in MTs Pembangunan UIN Jakarta is proportionally considered effective in developing the students multiple intelligence. This is proofed by some implementations of learning method. 1). Movie learning method is effective for student who has talent of music, linguistic and visual-spatial intelligence, 2). Question-answer method is effective for student who has talent of math and logic, 3). Demonstration is effective for student who has talent of kinesthetic-bodily and interpersonal intelligence, 4). Concept chart method is effective for student who has talent of visual-spatial and intrapersonal intelligence. This research can be a model of method application in fiqh learning at MTs.

2020 ◽  
Vol 37 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
Umdatul Hasanah ◽  
Eneng Purwanti

The involvement of kiyai in political life can be seen from various sides, both in religion and politics itself. From the religious side, the involvement of religion leaders in political dynamics could be seen to strengthen religious life because of political support.  Meanwhile, from the political side it could also be seen to provide a positive point for political life because of the content of religiosity and morality. However, the involvement of the kyai in political dynamics is seen to have reduced his central position as a reference for religious behavior and sources of knowledge for all groups without barriers, while political traditions often divide. The relationship between politics and religion often makes religious instruments become a part that frames or become a political packaging, both the person, the institution and the activities including the activities of dakwah. Through observation and in-depth interviews, it was found that the use of religious spaces and dakwah patterns were still regarded significant in socializing and building awareness including political choices. Even though there is political narratives in the activities of dakwah, it does not undermine the marwah and glory of the dakwah itself. Political content and narratives in the religious space is only as distractions in affirming their choices, it is not found any elements of manipulation or politicization which distort the religious itself. This happened along with social control through communication technology.  In addition, people are more intelligent and critical, as well as there are variety of references that made people have many choices in determining their attitudes including political choices.

2019 ◽  
Vol 36 (2) ◽  
pp. 125
Lina Kushidayati ◽  
Moh. Rosyid

The manuscript is written to portray a hamlet which formed pesantren (Islamic Boarding School) in which the santri (students) consists of santri mukim (students staying in boarding school) from various regions and santri kalong (local residents) and in which there is a mosque, a boarding school, an Al-Quran educational park, a madrasah diniyah, houses of clerics (in one settlement of village), the learning system of bandongan using the Tarjumah Book with Pegon-language written by KH Ahmad Rifa'i. The action of K. Rifai against Dutch colonialism was known as the Rifaiyah movement, his resistance with the movement of writing the Book of Tarjumah which contained Tawheed, Fiqh, and Sufism written in Pegon. Pegon was a resistance form against colonial Latin writing. Until now it was continued by his santri in the village where he lived serving as the cleric of Islamic Boarding School. The location of this research is in Tambangsari Hamlet, Kedungwinong Village, Sukolilo District, Pati Regency, Central Java. The data were obtained from January to June 2019 through interviews and observation with a descriptive qualitative approach. This hamlet of rice plantation and palawija (secondary crops) has formed a specialty called the tarjumah santri village. The successor generation of K. Rifai’s student who introduced the Book of Tarjumah in Tambangsari Hamlet was K.Hannan and it is now continued by his grandson. The learning of the Tarjumah Book had formed a distinctive hamlet community, namely dukuh santri. The obedience in worship with the knowledge of Islamic religion through the tradition of learning the Salaf Tarjumah across ages and genders and with the behavior in life adhering to Islamic law has been a social reality.

2019 ◽  
Vol 36 (2) ◽  
pp. 145
Syamsuddin Arif ◽  
Nurhadi Ikhsan ◽  
Syaiful Ulum

In recent decades groups emerged in the name of the Islamic Group and claimed that their group was the most righteous and followed the Prophet in the case of aqidah, worship and Mu'amalah, while they were not aware that they fell into excessive (Ghuluw) both ghuluw in Aqidah , worship and Mua’malah, among the reasons is wrong in placing (Fiqh Tanzil) which distinguishes between the principal (Usul) and the branch (Furu’). While on the other hand there also emerged groups who claimed to be the most moderate (Wasath), Tolerant to the point of being too far and they fell into disparaging (tafrit) so that they sacrificed things that were in principle (aqeedah). Moderation (Washatiyyah) is also often misunderstood in its meaning and implementation, and it is not uncommon for certain groups to claim punishment for someone or other groups as radical or extreme. This study focuses on the first two issues relating to the Washatiyyah concept in Aqeedah and the analysis and criticism of extremism in aqeedah. the second is the determination of Standardization of wasathiyyah and wasathiyah methodology so that not only any group can claim that he and his group are the most moderate (wasath). And the most accurate implementation of wasathiyyah is on the subject of Shirk and in this case Ibn Taimiyyah is the most authoritative figure to be the Source of Reflections in the aqidah as well as the standard in wasathiyyah as he explains in his book "al-Aqidah al-Wasathiyyah"

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