scholarly journals Design and development of a power groundnut sheller

2018 ◽  
Vol 43 (4) ◽  
pp. 631-645
MA Hoque ◽  
MZ Hossain ◽  
MA Hossain

In Bangladesh groundnut shelling is done manually which is laborious, time consuming and costly. Shelling of groundnut pod with the help of mechanical power can be a probable solution of this problem. A power groundnut sheller was designed and fabricated in Farm Machinery and Postharvest Process Engineering (FMPE) Division, Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute (BARI), Gazipur during 2011-13. The sheller was made of Mild Steel (MS) angle bar, MS flat bar, MS rod, MS sheet, MS sieve, rubber pad etc. The shelling capacities of power groundnut sheller were 110 and 115 kg/h for Dhaka-1 and BARI Badam-8, respectively. Average breakage of groundnut kernel was 2% at 7.5% moisture content (wb). The maximum and minimum unshelled pods were about12.4% and 9.18% for Dhaka -1 and BARI Badam-8, respectively. The shelling efficiency of the power groundnut sheller for Dhaka-1 and BARI Badam-8 were 86.6 and 88.82% respectively at 11.5% moisture content (wb). Winnowing efficiency was found to be 99% in the power groundnut sheller. The use of power groundnut sheller can reduce the cost of shelling by 76% over the manual groundnut sheller. This power groundnut sheller is recommended for shelling of groundnut at farm level and small industry level in Bangladesh.Bangladesh J. Agril. Res. 43(4): 631-645, December 2018

2018 ◽  
Vol 16 (2) ◽  
pp. 303-308
MA Hoque ◽  
MA Hossain

Dried turmeric rhizomes are generally polished to remove the outer dirty skins, roots and soil, and to transform them to relatively smooth, bright and yellowish rhizomes. In farm level, turmeric polishing is carried out manually following conventional methods, which are slow, tedious and labor-intensive operation. To overcome these problems, a medium-size turmeric polisher was designed and fabricated in Farm Machinery and Postharvest Process Engineering (FMPE) Division of Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute (BARI) during 2013–14. Length, width and height of the polisher were 1040 mm, 850 mm and 1450 mm, respectively. Weight of the turmeric polisher was 90 kg. A 0.37-kW single-phase induction-type electric motor was used as the source of power for operating the polisher. The polisher was tested in FMPE Division, Regional Spices Research Station (RSRS), Magura and Hill Agricultural Research Station (HARS), Khagrachari. The polisher took 25 minutes to polish a batch of 30 kg dried turmeric. The price of the polisher was Tk 30000. The average cost of polishing by the polisher was Tk 1.42 per kilogram turmeric against the hand beating polishing cost of Tk 5.12 per kilogram. The polisher can save 81% time and 78% cost of polishing than that of hand beating method. Payback period of the polisher is 97 hours. Therefore, the polisher can be recommended for turmeric polishing in Bangladesh as well as for other turmeric growing countries.J. Bangladesh Agril. Univ. 16(2): 303-308, August 2018

MM Molla ◽  
TAA Nasrin ◽  
M Nazrul Islam

A study was conducted at Postharvest Technology Section, Horticulture Research Centre (HRC) under Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute (BARI), Joydebpur, Gazipur during October 2007 to December 2008 to find a suitable variety for preparation of quality banana chips and their good packaging. Three banana varieties viz. Sabri, BARI Kola-1 and BARI Kola-2 and three packaging materials viz. low density polyethylene, medium density polyethylene and metalex foil pouch were selected for this. The fresh pulps of banana were analyzed for its nutritional composition like moisture content, protein, fat, reducing sugar, non- reducing sugar and total sugar. Based on taste testing panel, freshly prepared chips from Sabri kola scored first for its colour. For crispiness, BARI Kola-2 obtained the lowest score while Sabri and BARI Kola-1 showed the same score. There was no statistically difference for taste, flavour and overall acceptability of the products. Key words: Banana chips, oil content, moisture content, packaging, sensory evaluation. DOI: 10.3329/jard.v7i1.4425 J Agric Rural Dev 7(1&2), 81-86, June 2009

MA Hoque ◽  
MA Wohab

To achieve optimum yield of onion by placing the seeds at a certain depth in lines, a manually operated drum seeder for onion has been designed, fabricated and tested in Farm Machinery and Postharvest Process (FMP) Engineering Division of Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute (BARI). The seeder is suitable for the small farmers who have practice of direct seeding of onion under dry land cultivation. The seeder consists of a frame, a PVC drum, furrow openers, furrow closer, wheels and handle. In 2009-2010, the seeder was fabricated in FMP Engineering divisional workshop and tested in experimental plot, BARI, Gazipur. Seed rate of the seeder was 4 kg ha-1 and field capacity was 0.08 ha hr-1. Weight and price of the seeder were 5.5 kg and Tk 2500 per unit, respectively. In 2010-2011, a drug chain was added in the seeder and field performance evaluation of the seeder was repeated comparing with manual line sowing and traditional broadcasting methods in experimental plot of BARI, Gazipur. There was no significant variation between average yield of onion by using the seeder (13.26 ton ha-1) and in that of manual line sowing (12.90 ton ha-1) but there was significantly higher yield of onion by using the seeder than that in traditional (10.25 ton ha-1). But sowing time (6 h ha-1) was significantly lower for seeder use than manual line sowing (48 h ha-1) which contribute to reduce the cost of sowing for direct seeded onion. Int. J. Agril. Res. Innov. & Tech. 3 (1): 26-28, June, 2013 DOI:

T.I. Mokryanskaya

Дана характеристика основным хозяйственно ценным признакам и свойствам трех новых перспективных пчелоопыляемых гибридов универсального назначения Королек, Сверчок и Вьюрок, созданных в Приднестровском НИИ сельского хозяйства. Полученные гибриды сочетают в себе комплекс признаков лучших отечественных и зарубежных сортообразцов.There was given a characteristic of the basic economic-valuable features and properties of three new promising hybrids pollinated by bees of multi-purpose Corolek, Cricket and Reel, created in the Transnistrian agricultural research Institute. The received hybrids combine a set of features of the best domestic and foreign varieties.

2012 ◽  
Vol 29 (4) ◽  
pp. 9-13
G.A. Batalova ◽  
I.I. Rusakova ◽  
G.P. Zhuravleva ◽  
M.V. Tuljakova ◽  

V. Z. Venevtsev ◽  
М. N. Zakharova ◽  
L. V. Rozhkova

Ryazan region annually receives stable yields of sugar beet roots 40 t/ha. Further growth of yields depends on balanced nutrition of plants cultivated hybrids, from the quality of the soil and of the phytosanitary State of sowing culture. Weed vegetation in wider spaced row crops of sugar beet in the initial periods of vegetation is high competition culture. The article presents the results of three studies on the effectiveness of the herbicide betanalnoj group, used to reduce contamination of sowing culture annual dicotyledonous weeds and increase the harvest of sugar beet roots. Studies conducted on experimental fields ISSA-branch FGBNU FNAC WIM (former AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH INSTITUTE in Ryazan). Soil: dark grey forest tjazhelosuglinistaja, humus content 4.0%, potassium and phosphorus-high pH is 5.8. Area of cultivated plots 50 m2, repetition, four sugar beet variety-Ocean. The predecessor-winter wheat. Under the autumn ploughing had made NPK120 under presowing cultivation-N60, SEV conducted seeder sowing machine. For crop protection herbicides were tested annually of sugar beet Betanal progress, UF-1.0 l/HA, Forte di Belvedere-1.0 l/HA, Betanal Max Pro-1.5 l/HA, Bajrang engineering works Super-1.5 l/HA, once applied to weeds. The harvest of sugar beet roots, take into account the square 10 m2 in 4-times repeated with each experimental plot by weighing machinery, processed data by ANOVA. The research found that studied herbicides efficiently at 87-92%, reduced infestation annual dicotyledonous weeds and increase the harvest of sugar beet roots to 29.9-44.1%

2011 ◽  
Vol 47 (No. 3) ◽  
pp. 95-100 ◽  
A. Dreiseitl

  The resistance Heils Hanna (HH) was postulated in several tens of 471 previously tested winter barley cultivars. In this paper, new tests on 29 of these cultivars are reported. Thirty-two reference isolates of Blumeria graminis f.sp. hordei held in the pathogen genebank at the Agricultural Research Institute in Kromeriz, Ltd. including a Japanese isolate and five Israeli isolates were used for response tests. However, the resistance HH conferred by the gene Mla8 and herein characterised by reaction type 0 to an old Japanese isolate known as Race I was now postulated only in four cultivars. In the other 25 cultivars another resistance, characterised by reaction type 0 to Race I and also to two Israeli isolates, was detected. In addition to the two mentioned resistances, eight known (Bw, Dr2, Ha, IM9, Ln, Lv, Ra and Sp) resistances were found in the set examined. Lomerit was the only registered cultivar tested here in which the newly detected resistance was present alone, therefore, it is recommended that this resistance be designated Lo.

Zootaxa ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 4378 (3) ◽  
pp. 442 ◽  

Two new species of leafhoppers, Durgades sineprocessus sp. nov. (From Himachal Pradesh: Kalpa) and Japanagallia dolabra sp. nov. (From Sikkim: Lachung) from India, are described and illustrated. Photographic illustrations of Durgades aviana Viraktamath and a detailed note on intraspecific variation in male genitalia of Austroagallia sinuata (Mulsant & Rey) are also provided. Material is deposited in the National Pusa Collection, Division of Entomology, Indian Council of Agricultural Research-Indian Agricultural Research Institute (ICAR-IARI), New Delhi, India. 

Н. Зезин ◽  
М. Намятов

Исследования Уральского НИИСХ и опыт передовых хозяйств Свердловской области показывают, что для повышения эффективности и стабильности кормопроизводства необходимо в структуре кормовых культур увеличивать удельный вес высокобелковых, высокоэнергетических и засухоустойчивых культур, производить подсев многолетних трав ежегодно на площади не менее 60 тыс. га, а в перспективе 7080 тыс. га. За последние 7 лет (20112018 годы) площади люцерны в области увеличились в 2 раза (до 23 тыс. га), кукурузы по зерновой технологии в 2,4 раза (до 20,9 тыс. га) и масличных культур в 3,1 раза (до 30,8 тыс. га). Опыт СПК Килачёвский Ирбитского района показывает, что освоение научно обоснованных биологизированных севооборотов, прошедших изучение в стационарных опытах Уральского НИИСХ, позволяет ежегодно получать высокие и стабильные урожаи всех сельскохозяйственных культур. В этом хозяйстве каждая кормовая культура размещается в своём севообороте. В СПК Килачёвский и ряде других хозяйств Свердловской области большое значение придаётся возделыванию люцерны, кукурузы и масличных культур. Площадь этих культур в расчёте на одну корову мы назвали белковоэнергетическим коэффициентом (БЭК). Анализ показал тесную взаимосвязь между белковоэнергетическим коэффициентом и молочной продуктивностью. Так, в СПК Килачёвский в 2016 году при удое 10196кг БЭК был равен 1,25 в 2017 году удой достиг 10798кг, БЭК 1,43 в 2018 году соответственно 11493 кг и 1,47 при количестве коров 29002977 голов. According to the investigations conducted at the Ural Agricultural Research Institute and experience of the leading farms in the Sverdlovsk region high effectiveness and stability of Forage Production requires wide cultivation of droughtresistant crops rich in protein and energy as well as seeding over 60 thousand ha (in the future 7080 thousand ha) by perennial grasses annually. For the last 7 years (20112018) areas of alfalfa increased by 2 times (up to 23 thousand ha), grain maize by 2.4 times (up to 20.9 thousand ha), oil crops by 3.1 times (up to 30.8 thousand ha). SPK Kilachevskiy (agricultural production cooperative) reported that the use of approved crop rotations tested at the Ural Agricultural Research Institute resulted in annual high and stable yields of all the crops. SPK Kilachevskiy and other farms of the region widely grow alfalfa, maize and oil crops. Land area for the cultivation of these crops per one cow is called proteinenergy coefficient (PEC). Proteinenergy coefficient was shown to have a significant correlation with milk productivity. SPK Kilachevskiy reported that in 2016 PEC and milk yield reached 1.25 and 10196 kg in 2017 1.43 and 10798 kg in 2018 1.47 and 11493 kg, respectively under 29002977 cows.

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