2022 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
Nur Kharisma

This paper aims to describe the procedures for the development and form of the resulting listening skills test instrument for grade IX junior high school students. This research is based online using google form. Development uses the ADDIE model. The development is carried out in several stages, namely: (1) needs analysis, (2) product design (Design), (3) initial product development (Development), (4) initial product testing (Implementation), (5) revision initial product (Evaluation), (6) revised product trial, (7) revised product revision. The trial was carried out on class IX SMP / MTs with accidental sampling technique. This development resulted in a google form-based test consisting of bio data for test takers, short stories recording material for 11 minutes of reading, 25 questions (22 multiple choice and 3 short answers) complete with 951 word answer keys, having different scores on each question. , and a listening skill assessment rubric. Initial product trials obtained by respondents as many as 20 people. The revisions that the researchers carried out were (1) revising the questions and instructions for solving the questions, (2) replacing some of the components of the assessment that were not good enough, and (3) replacing some incorrect word choices. The revisions that the researchers carried out were (1) revising the duration of the listening skills test instrument, (2) revising the questions and instructions for solving the questions, and (3) replacing some incorrect word choices.

Lila Puspitaningrum ◽  
Blasius Boli Lasan ◽  
Ella Faridati Zen

Abstract: The purpose of this development research is to produce a training package for guidance with outbound techniques to develop resilience of junior high school students who meet the acceptance criteria. The steps of this development are (1) the preparation stage consisting of literature review, analysis of needs and potential problems, determining development objectives and preparing the necessary materials (2) the development stage consisting of preparing a product prototype and product design (3) the validation stage consisting of initial product testing, revision I, testing of prospective product users, revision II and final product preparation. The results showed that outbound techniques to develop resilience in junior high school students met the appropriate requirements for counseling guidance services by counselors. Abstrak: Tujuan penelitian pengembangan ini adalah untuk menghasilkan paket pelatihan bimbingan dengan teknik outbound untuk mengembangkan resiliensi siswa SMP yang memenuhi kriteria keberterimaan. Langkah dari pengembangan ini adalah (1) tahap persiapan yang terdiri dari kajian pustaka, analisis kebutuhan dan potensi masalah, menentukan tujuan pengembangan dan menyiapkan bahan yang diperlukan (2) tahap pengembangan terdiri dari penyusunan prototype produk dan desain produk (3) tahap validasi terdiri dari uji coba produk awal, revisi I, uji coba calon pengguna produk, revisi II dan penyusunan produk akhir. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan teknik outbound untuk mengembangkan resiliensi pada siswa SMP telah memenuhi syarat yang layak digunakan untuk layanan bimbingan konseling oleh konselor.

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
Silvy Juditya ◽  
Adang Suherman ◽  
Amung Ma’mun ◽  
Agus Rusdiana

This study was basically aimed at meeting the needs of physical Education teachers in conducting the assessment process of the psychomotor aspects, thus this research focused on testing the validity of a basic movement skill test instrument in ball games specifically for students aged 13-15 years. Quantitative descriptive method was used in this study and carried out on 25 junior high school students grade VII in Cimahi city. The instrument developed was the basic movement skill test instrument of the ball game consisting of skill for passing, service up, service down, chest passing, bounding passing (boundpass), overhead passing, overhead dribbling, inner leg passing, outer foot passing, dorsal passing, and dribbling. The validity method used was related validity criteria by using composite scores. The trial results obtained from students were analysed by using the Pearson product moment technique. The results of the validity analysis showed that the value of the validity coefficient criteria was ranging from rxy = 0.84 to 0.96 for the basic movement skill instrument of volleyball, rxy = 0.95 to 0.97 for the basic movement skill of the soccer game, and rxy = 0, 93 – 0.97 for the basic movement skill instrument of basketball games. Therefore, the study concludes that the basic movement skill instrument of ball games can be used to assess the ability of basic movement skills of junior high school students. AbstrakPenelitian ini pada dasarnya bertujuan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan guru PJOK dalam melakukan proses penilaian pada aspek psikomotor maka dari itu penelitian ini berfokus pada pengujian validitas sebuah instrument tes keterampilan gerak dasar pada permainan bola besar khusus untuk siswa dengan rentang usia 13-15 tahun. Metode deskriprif kuantitatif yang digunakan pada penelitian ini dan dilakukan pada siswa sekolah menengah pertama kelas VII di kota cimahi sebanyak 25 orang. Instrument yang dikembangkan yaitu instrument tes keterampilan gerak dasar permainan bola besar  terdiri dari keterampilan gerak passing atas, passing bawah, service atas, service bawah, passing dada, passing pantul, passing atas kepala, menggiring bola, passing kaki bagian dalam, passing kaki bagian luar, passing bagian punggung kaki, dan menggiring bola. Adapun tahapan yang dilakukan yaitu dengan menguji validitas dengan analisis person Product Moment menggunakan composite score dan menguji reliabilitas dengan menggunakan uji tes tes retest. Skor hasil uji coba yang diperoleh dari siswa dikorelasikan dengan menggunakan teknik pearson product moment. Hasil analisis validitas diperoleh nilai koefisien validitas kriteria terentang antara rxy = 0,84 – 0,96 untuk instrument keterampilan gerak dasar permainan bola voli, rxy = 0,95 – 0,97 untuk instrument keterampilan gerak dasar permainan sepak bola dan rxy = 0,93 – 0,97 untuk instrument keterampilan gerak dasar permainan bola basket. Maka dari itu kesimpulan dari penelitian ini yaitu instrument keterampilan gerak dasar permainan bola dapat dipergunakan untuk menilai kemampuan keterampilan gerak dasar siswa sekolah menengah pertama.

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