2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 51-60
Hadi Jatmiko ◽  
Syah Riza Octavy Sandy

Pertumbuhan sektor ekonomi Islam termasuk pariwisata syariah telah memacu pengelolaan bisnis berbasis syariah menjadi semakin marak. Khusus pada sektor pariwisata, tentunya tidak dapat dilepaskan dari bisnis akomodasi atau dalam penelitian ini difokuskan pada bisnis perhotelan. Penelitian ini bertujuan Untuk mengetahui potensi dan urgensi pengembangan perhotelan berbasis syariah di kota Jember, mengetahui persepsi masyarakat dan wisatawan terhadap potensi pengembangan perhotelan berbasis syariah. Analisa data yang digunakan adalah deskriptif dan SWOT dengan jumlah sampel 110 responden masyarakat, dan 150 responden wisatawan. Hasil penelitian menunjukan (1) wisatawan mempunyai persepsi yang baik terhadap pengembangan hotel berbasis syariah, (2) masyarakat mempunyai persepsi nilai yang cukup baik terhadap pengembangan hotel berbasis syariah, (3) potensi yang dimiliki Kota Jember sehingga dapat dijadikan bahan rujukan pengembangan hotel berbasis syariah diantaranya mayoritas penduduk muslim, kesadaran dan gaya hidup masyarakat yang mendukung pengembangan hotel berbasis syariah.  


Un análisis de las novedades que presenta la Ley del Parlamento Vasco 2/2006, de 30 de junio, de Suelo y Urbanismo en la regulación del estatuto de la propiedad del suelo urbano, tanto de los criterios para su clasificación y categorización, como los deberes establecidos para los propietarios de este tipo de suelo. Asimismo, se destaca cómo el nuevo régimen del suelo urbano tiene incidencia en los procesos de revisión y modificación del planeamiento vigente, haciéndose hincapié en el estudio de las siguientes medidas: a) los límites mínimos y máximos a la edificabilidad urbanística; b) las reservas para dotaciones públicas; c) las limitaciones a los cambios de planeamiento. La autora anuncia una huida de la actividad urbanística hacia el suelo urbano que requiere de menos obras de urbanización, reservas para dotaciones y usos protegidos que el suelo urbanizable. Lurzoruari eta hirigintzari buruzko Eusko Legebiltzarraren ekainaren 30eko 2/2006 Legeak hiri-lurzoruaren jabetzaren estatutuaren arautzeari dakarzkion berritasunak aztertzen ditu, bai sailkatzeko eta kategorizatzeko irizpideei dagokienez, bai lurzoru-mota horren jabeentzat ezarritako betebeharrei dagokienez. Era berean, nabarmendu egiten da lurzoruaren araubide berriak eragina duela indarreko plangintza berrikusteko eta aldatzeko prozesuetan, eta hurrengo neurrien azterketan jartzen da arreta: a) hirigintza-eraikigarritasunaren mugak; b) zuzkidura publikoetarako erreserbak; c) plangintza-aldaketetarako mugak. Egileak hirigintza-jarduerak hiri-lurzorurantz ihes egingo dutela iragartzen du, lurzoru urbanizagarriak baino urbanizazio-obra, erabilera babestu eta zuzkiduretarako erreserba gutxiago behar baititu. An analysis of the new features in the Basque Parliament Act 2/2006, of June 30th, on Land and Urbanism of the regulation of the rules of the urban land, both by the criteria of its classification and designation and the duties established for the new land owners of this type of land. Likewise, it is emphasized how the new regime on city land has an impact on the process of revision and change in current planning, stressing the study of the following measures: a) minimum and maximum limits to the development potential; b) reserves for the public equipment; c) limitations to changes to the planning. The author announces an escape by the urban activity towards the city land which requires less urban works, equipment reserves and protected uses than building land.

2012 ◽  
Vol 50 (No. 4) ◽  
pp. 161-168
I. Pauhofová

The objective of the article is to describe the possibilities of the rural development in the Bratislava region. The rural region is represented by 71 municipalities in districts Malacky, Pezinok, Senec and by parts of the city Bratislava – Záhorská Bystrica, Vajnory, Jarovce, Rusovce and Čunovo. The analyses of the rural region are the segments of the Single Programming Document (SPD) for the 2004–2006. It aims to support the areas with the main economic and social problems according the Goal 2. The article deals with the development possibilities in industry, market services, tourism and agriculture. The branch structure, main economic parameters of effectiveness and production, employment, wages are analysed in period 1999–2002. The article contains also the results of SWOT analysis and the short-term activities to supporting rural development.

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 154-161
Anastasia Moskovchenko ◽  
Mariya Kozina

This study presents the results of the application of information technology to assess the urban development potential of the territory on the example of the city of Tomsk. A two stages GIS analysis of the territory of a large administrative district of the city of Tomsk was carried out. At the first stage, an assessment was made of the needs of the territory of the Oktyabrsky District for social infrastructure facilities. The second step, based on the results of the assessment, was the procedure for finding a land plot for the construction of a general education institution (school) in the residential quarter. Information systems used to search for a land plot for school construction are described and analyzed. Prospects for the development of a GIS resource were identified, in which data on social infrastructure elements for the entire city of Tomsk and the Tomsk region will be combined in a map format using data from GIS analysis methods.

1999 ◽  
Vol 27 (2) ◽  
pp. 202-203
Robert Chatham

The Court of Appeals of New York held, in Council of the City of New York u. Giuliani, slip op. 02634, 1999 WL 179257 (N.Y. Mar. 30, 1999), that New York City may not privatize a public city hospital without state statutory authorization. The court found invalid a sublease of a municipal hospital operated by a public benefit corporation to a private, for-profit entity. The court reasoned that the controlling statute prescribed the operation of a municipal hospital as a government function that must be fulfilled by the public benefit corporation as long as it exists, and nothing short of legislative action could put an end to the corporation's existence.In 1969, the New York State legislature enacted the Health and Hospitals Corporation Act (HHCA), establishing the New York City Health and Hospitals Corporation (HHC) as an attempt to improve the New York City public health system. Thirty years later, on a renewed perception that the public health system was once again lacking, the city administration approved a sublease of Coney Island Hospital from HHC to PHS New York, Inc. (PHS), a private, for-profit entity.

ASHA Leader ◽  
2013 ◽  
Vol 18 (7) ◽  
pp. 46-48

This year's Annual Convention features some sweet new twists like ice cream and free wi-fi. But it also draws on a rich history as it returns to Chicago, the city where the association's seeds were planted way back in 1930. Read on through our special convention section for a full flavor of can't-miss events, helpful tips, and speakers who remind why you do what you do.

ASHA Leader ◽  
2017 ◽  
Vol 22 (7) ◽  
Sean Sweeney

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