scholarly journals Low dose hyperbaric bupivacaine 5 mg combined with 50 mcg fentanyl for cesarean section in maternal heart disease

Isngadi Isngadi ◽  
Rudi Hartono ◽  
Dewi Puspitorini Husodo ◽  
Eka Sunarwidhi Prasedya

Background & Aims: Most of the women with cardiovascular diseases suffer from worsening of their clinical condition during pregnancy. It is caused by cardiovascular physiological changes during pregnancy and increased demand of oxygen-metabolic system. Spinal anesthesia is the most commonly used technique in cesarean section (CS) patients, but there are concerns about sudden hemodynamic decrease. We aimed to investigate the use of low dose hyperbaric bupivacaine 5 mg combined with 50 μg fentanyl for caesarean section in patient with heart disease.Methodology: This study is a retrospective study in 33 patients with maternal heart disease undergoing CS under low dose spinal anesthesia in Saiful Anwar Hospital Malang Indonesia from September 2017 until September 2018. The spinal regimen was administered with 5 mg bupivacaine heavy 0.5% combined with 50 μg fentanyl. We evaluated the hemodynamic preoperative, post injection of spinal anesthetics, postdelivery, and at the end of surgery. We also evaluated Bromage score, Apgar score of the baby, and satisfaction level by the obstetrician.Results: Combination of low dose spinal and opioid for the CS delivery show no significant hypotension effects. Hemodynamic stabilization was achieved. Furthermore, target blocked was reached well in all cases, no significant changes in Apgar score of the baby, and obstetrician satisfied with motor relaxation.Conclusion: Low dose spinal anesthesia using 5 mg of bupivacaine heavy 0.5% and adjuvant opioid fentanyl 50 μg can be successfully used for the performance of CS delivery satisfactory block, good fetal outcome, and impressive cardiovascular stability.Citation: Husodo DP, Isngadi I, Hartono R, Prasedya ES. Low dose hyperbaric bupivacaine 5 mg combined with 50 mcg fentanyl for cesarean section in maternal heart disease. Anaesth pain & intensive care 2019;23(3):274-278

2016 ◽  
Vol 66 (6) ◽  
pp. 622-627 ◽  
Alexandre Dubeux Dourado ◽  
Ruy Leite de Melo Lins Filho ◽  
Raphaella Amanda Maria Leite Fernandes ◽  
Marcelo Cavalcanti de Sá Gondim ◽  
Emmanuel Victor Magalhães Nogueira

2019 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 79-82
Bharati Devi Sharma Regmi ◽  
Gopendra Prasad Deo ◽  
Subin Shrestha ◽  
Sabita Shrestha ◽  
Renuka Tamrakar Mishra

Background: Spinal anesthesia with hyperbaric bupivacaine provides a dense neural block in cesarean delivery but associated with side effects like hypotension, bradycardia nausea and vomiting. Addition of low dose fentanyl with low dose of hyperbaric bupivacaine may decrease the in­cidence of these complications. The aims of study was to compare the hemodynamic parameters (blood pressure and heart rate), nausea and vomiting with low dose intrathecal hyperbaric bupivacaine with fentanyl vs a conventional dose of intrathecal hyperbaric bupivacaine in patient undergoing elective cesarean section. Methods: Seventy-four pregnant women aged 20-35 years old which un­derwent elective cesarean section at Chitwan Medical College were ran­domized into two groups. One group received spinal anesthesia with 8mg of0.5% hyperbaric bupivacaine and 25μg fentanyl and another group re­ceived 12mg 0.5% bupivacaine. Results: The mean age, baseline heart rate, systolic and diastolic blood pressure were comparable in both groups. Significant difference in hypo­tension (24.31% vs. 62.16%, p<0.05) and Nausea and vomiting (16.20% vs. 27%, p<0.05) were found in bupivacaine-fentanyl group versus a conven­tional dose of spinal bupivacaine group. Conclusions: Low dose of bupivacaine with Fentanyl provides good spinal anesthesia for cesarean section with less hypotension, nausea and vomit­ing in comparison to bupivacaine alone.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 100-07
Nopian Hidayat ◽  
Yusmein Uyun ◽  
Dewi Yulianti Bisri

Penyakit jantung pada kehamilan meningkatkan angka morbiditas dan mortalitas ibu dan janin. Mitral stenosis adalah lesi katup jantung yang paling sering didapatkan pada wanita hamil dan hampir selalu disebabkan oleh penyakit jantung rematik. Perubahan fisiologis yang terjadi selama kehamilan dan periode peripartum dapat memperburuk gejala dan derajat penyakit jantung. Akibatnya, banyak wanita pertama kali didiagnosis penyakit jantung selama kehamilan. Seorang wanita berusia 24 tahun gravida 32–33 minggu dengan kongesti gagal jantung fungsional kelas III, mitral stenosis berat, ejection fraction (EF) 59%, regurgitasi trikuspid sedang, dan dilatasi atrium kiri menjalani seksio sesarea dengan anestesi spinal dosis rendah menggunakan bupivakaine 0,5% hiperbarik 7,5 mg ditambah fentanyl 50 mcg secara intratekal. Blok sensoris dicapai setinggi torakal 6 dalam waktu 4 menit 20 detik. Hemodinamik pasien stabil selama operasi maupun pasca operasi. Tidak diperlukan pemberian vasopresor. Pasca operasi pasien dirawat di intensive care unit (ICU) selama 3 hari dengan hemodinamik yang stabil. Laporan ini menyoroti bahwa anestesi spinal dosis rendah dapat menjadi pilihan yang baik dalam manajemen anestesi untuk seksio sesarea yang disertai dengan mitral stenosis berat. Low Dose Spinal Anesthesia for Cesarean Section with Severe Mitral Stenosis Abstract Heart disease in pregnancy increases maternal and fetal morbidity and mortality. Mitral stenosis is the most common heart valve lesion in parturient and is almost always caused by rheumatic heart disease. Physiological changes that occur during pregnancy and the peripartum period can worsen symptoms and the degree of the heart disease. As a result, many women are first diagnosed with heart disease during pregnancy. Twenty four year old woman gravida 32–33 weeks with congestive heart failure class III, severe mitral stenosis, EF 59%, moderate tricuspid regurgitation, and left atrial dilatation undergoing cesarean section with low-dose spinal anesthesia using bupivacaine 0,5% hyperbaric 7.5 mg plus fentanyl 50 mcg intrathecally. Sensory blocks were reached as high as thoracic 6th in 4 minutes and 20 seconds. The patient's hemodynamics are stable during both surgery and post surgery. Vasopressors were not needed. After surgery the patient was transferred to ICU for 3 days with stable hemodynamics. This report highlights that low-dose spinal anesthesia can be a good choice in the management of anesthesia for cesarean section accompanied by severe mitral stenosis.  

QJM ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 114 (Supplement_1) ◽  
Nada Mohamed Bahaa Eldin Mostafa Abdel Rahman ◽  
Khaled Mohammed Maghawry ◽  
Raham Hasan Mostafa ◽  
Ahmed Wagih Ezzat

Abstract Background Spinal anesthesia is the most popular procedure in the field of anesthesiology. Subarachnoid block is the preferred anesthetic technique for cesarean section, being simple to perform and economical with rapid onset. Lower incidence of failed block, less drug doses, minimal neonatal depression and decreased incidence of aspiration pneumonitis are added advantages of spinal anesthesia. Objectives The study aims to compare the postoperative analgesic efficacy of Fentanyl versus Nalbuphine when used with intrathecal injection of 0.5% hyperbaric bupivacaine in spinal anesthesia in patients undergoing cesarean section as the primary objective and compare intraoperative hemodynamic changes and postoperative pruritus and shivering as the secondary objectives. Methods and material After Approval was obtained from the research ethics committee of faculty of medicine, Ain Shams University and after obtaining a written informed consent. Fifty adult females underwent elective cesarean section with spinal anesthesia, their ages ranged between 18-45 years old and classified as ASA I and II were enrolled in the study at obstetrics and gynecology Ain Shams university hospital over 4 months. The patients were randomly divided using computer generated randomization into two groups 25patients in each (n = 25), Group A received intrathecal injection of 2 ml of 0.5% hyperbaric bupivacaine plus 0.5 ml fentanyl (25 μg); Group B received intrathecal injection of 2 ml of 0.5% hyperbaric bupivacaine plus 0.5 ml nalbuphine (0.8 mg) Results The main significant findings in this study was that fentanyl has a more rapid onset of motor block (5.63±0.25 minute in fentanyl group versus 5.88±0.19 minute in nalbuphine group), while nalbuphine produces less perioperative side effects as: shivering (7 patients in fentanyl group versus 1 patient in nalbuphine group), pruritis (6 patients in fentanyl group versus 1 patient in nalbuphine group), nausea and vomiting (5 patients in fentanyl group versus 1 patient in nalbuphine group). Regarding perioperative hemodynamic parameters and postoperative analgesia, they were comparable between the 2 groups. Conclusions We concluded that either intrathecal nalbuphine (0.8 mg) combined with (10 mg) Bupivacaine or intrathecal fentanyl (25 µg) combined with (10 mg) Bupivacaine improves intraoperative analgesia and prolongs early postoperative analgesia in cesarean section with significantly lower incidence of side effects as shivering, pruritis, nausea and vomiting in Nalbuphine.

2007 ◽  
Vol 24 (Supplement 39) ◽  
pp. 144
E. Suppa ◽  
R. Pinto ◽  
B. A. Zanfini ◽  
A. Valente ◽  
G. Draisci

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 11-7
Fritzky Indradata ◽  
Heri Dwi Purnomo ◽  
Muh. Husni Thamrin ◽  
Sugeng Budi Santoso ◽  
Ardana Tri Arianto ◽  

Latar Belakang: Anestesi spinal mempunyai efek samping berupa hipotensi dan mual muntah. Tujuan: penelitian ini adalah membandingkan efek anestesi spinal bupivacain dosis normal 12,5 mg dan bupivacain dosis rendah 5 mg dengan fentanyl 50 mg pada seksio sesarea terhadap perubahan hemodinamik, ketinggian blok, onset, durasi dan efek samping. Subjek dan Metode: Penelitian double blind randomized control trial pada 36 pasien yang memenuhi kriteria. Pasien dibagi menjadi dua kelompok, yang masing-masing terdiri 18 pasien, kelompok 1 dilakukan anestesi spinal dengan bupivacain hiperbarik 5 mg ditambah adjuvan fentanyl 50 mcg, sedangkan kelompok 2 diberikan bupivacain hiperbarik 12,5 mg. Penilaian meliputi saat mula kerja blokade sensorik, mula kerja blokade motorik, durasi, tekanan darah, laju nadi, dan saturasi oksigen, lama kerja dan efek samping. Data hasil penelitian diuji secara statistik dengan uji chi-square. Hasil: Terdapat perbedaan signifikan pada onset dan durasi blokade sensorik dan motorik, bupivacain 12,5 mg lebih baik dibandingkan bupivacain 5 mg + fentanyl 50 mcg (p<0.05). Tidak ada perbedaan signifikan pada perubahan tanda vital dan efek samping (p>0.05). Simpulan: Bupivacain 12,5 mg menghasilkan onset lebih cepat dan durasi lebih lama dibandingkan bupivacain 5 mg + fentanil 50 mcg pada anestesi spinal untuk seksio sesarea   Comparison of The Effectiveness Spinal Anesthesia with Bupivacaine 12,5 Mg and Bupivacaine 5 Mg added Fentanyl 50 Mcg in Caesarean Section Abstract Background: Spinal anesthesia has side effects such as hypotension and nausea and vomiting. Objective: The aim of this study was to compare the effects of spinal anesthesia with normal doses of 12,5 mg of bupivacaine and 5 mg of low-dose bupivacaine with fentanyl 50 mg in the cesarean section on hemodynamic changes, block height, onset, duration, and side effects. Subjects and Methods: Double-blind randomized control trial in 36 patients who met the criteria. Patients were divided into two groups, each consisting of 18 patients, group 1 underwent spinal anesthesia with 5 mg of hyperbaric bupivacaine plus 50 mcg of fentanyl adjuvant, while group 2 was given 12,5 mg of hyperbaric bupivacaine. Assessments include the initiation of sensory block action, onset of motor block action, duration, blood pressure, pulse rate, and oxygen saturation, duration of action, and side effects. The research data were statistically tested with the chi-square test. Results: There were significant differences in the onset and duration of sensory and motor blockade, bupivacaine 12,5 mg was better than bupivacaine 5 mg + fentanyl 50 mcg (p <0.05). There was no significant difference in changes in vital signs and side effects (p> 0.05). Conclusion: Bupivacaine 12,5 mg resulted in a faster onset and longer duration than bupivacaine 5 mg + fentanyl 50 mcg in spinal anesthesia for cesarean section.

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