scholarly journals Hubungan Pengetahuan Dengan Keterampilan Perawat Dan Dokter Dalam Penatalaksanaan Primary Survey Pada Pasien Penurunan Kesadaran Di IGD RS Siloam Sriwijaya Palembang Tahun 2018

2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (2) ◽  
pp. 70-73
Sri Hartati S.kep,m.kes

Pengelolaan pasien dengan penurunan kesadaran memerlukan penilaian cepat dan tindakan tepat untuk menghindari kematian dan kecacatan dengan penatalaksanaan initial assement (penilaian awal) yang meliputi : primary survey (ABCDE), secondary survey (pemeriksaan Head To Toe), reevaluasi berkesinambungan dan terapi definitive. Jenis penelitian kuantitatif dengan pendekatan cross sectional. Teknik pengambilan sampel yang digunakan adalah total sampling dengan jumlah sampel sebanyak 32 responden. Hasil dalam penelitian ini menunjukkan tingkat pengetahuan perawat dan dokter dalam kategori baik yaitu 19 (59,5%), dan hasil keterampilan perawat dan dokter dalam kategori terampil yaitu 25 (78,1%). Berdasarkan uji statistik menggunakan alternatif uji Fisher menunjukkan nilai signifikansi sebesar 0,01 (p ≤ 0,05). Dengan demikian dapat disimpulkan bahwa ada hubungan bermakna antara pengetahuan dengan keterampilan perawat dan dokter dalam penatalaksanaan primary survey pada pasien dengan penurunan kesadaran di IGD RS Siloam Sriwijaya Palembang. Diharapkan penelitian ini dapat bermanfaat untuk memberikan informasi tentang hubungan pengetahuan dan keterampilan perawat dan dokter dalam penatalaksanaan primary survey pada pasien penurunan kesadaran di IGD. Kata kunci : Hubungan Pengetahuan, Keterampilan, Primary Survey

Clay Cothren Burlew ◽  
Ernest E. Moore

Trauma remains the most common cause of death for all individuals between the ages of 1 and 44 years, and is the third most common cause of death regardless of age. It is also the leading cause of years of productive life lost. However, death rate underestimates the magnitude of the societal toll. Organized trauma systems have improved mortality by providing timely and expert care to severely-injured patients. Patient management consists of rapid primary survey, which should focus on the identification and simultaneous treatment of immediately life-threatening injuries. A classical ABC (airway, breathing, circulation) approach is recommended and is best carried out by a trained and practiced trauma team. The primary survey is followed by a more detailed examination, the secondary survey, which consists of a head-to-toe examination to identify all specific injuries. The secondary survey should be followed by investigation and definitive care.

1970 ◽  
Vol 27 (1) ◽  
pp. 30-38
Md Abdul Hannan ◽  
AKM Zafrullah Siddiq ◽  
Anjan Kumar Deb ◽  
Abdullah Al Maruf

Managing war injury is no longer the exclusive preserve of military surgeons. Increasing numbers of non-combatants are injured in modern conflicts, and peacetime surgical facilities and expertise may not be available. Although all resources are not always available, adherence to the basic management principles following ATLS guideline, can be made in injured patient care in any situation ranging from single person "Buddy" first aid through to major hospital multiple member trauma teams. This article addresses the management of war wounds including mass casualties by non-specialist surgeons with limited resources and expertise. The Initial measures for treating war casualties are similar to those for any severe injury. The warfare Injured patient management is performed into the following levels: a .Management at the site of incident. b. Management en-route to the hospital. c. Hospital management. The primary objectives of injury patient management are: 1. Rapid and accurate assessment of the patients' condition. 2. Resuscitation and stabilization. 3. Ensuring a smooth and rapid hospital transfer. Management is divided into four phases: a. Primary survey b. Resuscitation. c. Secondary survey and d. Definitive care. These proceed sequentially, with the exception that the primary survey and resuscitation should be started at the site of incident & usually proceed simultaneously, with life threatening situations being managed as soon as they are found. A repeat of the secondary survey (Tertiary survey) may also be performed 24 hours later. DOI: 10.3329/jbcps.v27i1.4241 J Bangladesh Coll Phys Surg 2009; 27: 30-38

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
Rina Raffa ◽  
Yunita Dwi Anggreini ◽  
Nurul Amaliyah

Latar Belakang: IGD (Instalasi Gawat Darurat) merupakan salah satu unit Rumah Sakit yang dimana perawat memberikan tindakan keperawatan gawat darurat yang memerlukan penanganan Primary Survey terkait dalam pengetahuannya.Tujuan: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan tingkat pengetahuan perawat tentang BTCLS (Basic Trauma Cardiac Life Support) dengan penanganan Primary Survey di IGD. Penelitian ini dilakukan di IGD RSU Yarsi Pontianak Provinsi Kalimantan Barat.Metode: Penelitian ini merupakan jenis penelitian kuantitatif dengan metode analitik korelatif menggunakan desain cross sectional. Teknik pengambilan sampel dalam penelitian ini menggunakan teknik total sampling yaitu sebanyak 16 responden. Uji data statistik ini menggunakan uji Chi-Squere dengan program SPSS.Hasil: Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa tingkat pengetahuan perawat dengan BTCLS 75 % dengan kategori baik pada penanganan primary survey yang terampil dan 25%  dengan kategori kurang dalam pengetahuan perawat tentang BTCLS dengan penanganan Primary Survey tidak terampil. Maka didapatkan nilai p value =0,046 (p value 0,05) sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa Ha diterima, yang artinya ada hubungan pengetahuan perawat tentang BTCLS dengan penanganan Primary Survey.Kesimpulan: Tingkat pengetahuan perawat tentang Basic Trauma Cardiac Life Support ada berhubungan dengan penanganan Primary Survey. Sehingga rumah sakit secara umum dan instalasi gawat darurat pada khususnya diharapkan melakukan pelatihan, workshop dan seminar untuk meningkatkan ketempilan dan pengetahuan perawat dalam penanganan keperawatan gawat darurat .

2018 ◽  
Emily Cantrell ◽  
Jay Doucet

Management of the critically injured patient is optimized by a coordinated team effort in an organized trauma system that allows for rapid assessment and initiation of life-preserving therapies. This initial assessment must proceed systematically and be prioritized according to physiologic necessity for survival. Beginning in the prehospital setting, coordination, preparation, and appropriate triage of the injured are crucial to facilitating rapid resuscitation of the trauma patient. Next, active efforts to support airway, breathing, circulation, and disability are performed with simultaneous intervention to treat life-threatening injuries and restore hemodynamic stability in the primary survey. With ongoing evaluation and continued resuscitation, a secondary survey provides a head-to-toe assessment of the patient allowing for further diagnosis of injuries and triage to more definitive care. This review contains 12 figures, 8 tables and 63 references Key Words: advanced trauma life support, definitive airway, FAST/eFAST, field triage, Glasgow coma scale, primary survey, 1:1:1 resuscitation, secondary survey

2020 ◽  
Yasutoshi Moteki

Government evaluations in Japan are linked to the business culture. This study investigated government evaluations in cities and towns/villages using primary survey data from 2014 and 2015. The dominant method was <i>Jimujigyo Hyoka</i>, a cross-sectional evaluation of programs using performance measures, implemented by 80% of municipalities with government evaluations. Cities were more likely than smaller municipalities to have implemented evaluations (84.6% vs. 37.4%). Almost none of the smaller municipalities had implemented evaluations because of the lack of resources. The main problems were the lack of clarity and internal consistency in the results and the effort and workload involved.<br>

Marlisa Marlisa

Primary Survey (Penilaian Awal) merupakan usaha yang dilakukan untuk mempertahankan kehidupan pada saat pasien atau korban mengalami keadaan yang mengancam jiwa, Kepedulian perawat pada saat menemukan klien yang membutuhkan primary survey (penilaian awal) sangat mempengaruhi keberhasilan usaha pertolongan yang akan di lakukan. Perawat di tuntut memiliki pengetahuan dan sikap yang baik kepada semua intervensi dalam pelayanan di Rumah sakit khususnya primary survey (penilian awal) yang menyangkut kehidupan klien. Tujuan penelitian untuk mengetahui pengetahuan perawat tentang primary survey (penilaian awal) pada pasien gawat darurat di instalasi gawat darurat (IGD) RSUD Dr.pirngadi medan 2017, penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif dengan desain penelitian cross sectional dengan menggunakan tehnik total sampling dengan jumlah responden 30 orang perawat yang bekerja di instalasi gawat darurat RSUD.Dr.pirngadi medan tahun 2017. Hasil penelitian yang dilakukan pada 30 orang responden diperoleh bahwa pengetahuan perawat dalam primary survey (penilaian awal) di instalasi gawat darurat (IGD) RSUD. Dr.pirngadi medan tahun 2017 meliputi perawat berpengetahuan baik yaitu berpengetahuan baik dalam primary survey (penilaian awal) yaitu sebanyak 19 responden (63,3%), pengetahuan cukup sebanyak 11 responden (36,7%), dan tidak ditemukan responden dengan pengetahuan kurang. Berdasarkan pendidikan, mayoritas berpengetahuan baik yaitu responden yang berlatar belakang berpendidikan SI keperawatan sebanyak 12 responden (100%), dan berpengetahuan cukup yaitu responden yang berpendidikan DIII keperawatan sebanyak 11 responden (61,1%). Berdasarkan umur, mayoritas responden yang berpengetahuan baik yaitu umur 31-35 tahun 6 responden (60,0%), berpengetahuan cukup umur >40 tahun sebanyak 2 responden (28.6%). Berdasarkan masa kerja, mayoritas responden yang berpengetahuan baik yaitu masa kerja >10 tahun sebanyak 5 responden (100%), berpengetahuan cukup masa kerja 1-5 tahun sebanyak 9 responden (64,3%). Dengan pengetahuan yang baik diharapkan pelayanan pada pasien terutama pada pasien kondisi kritis (Darurat) dapat dilakukan dengan tepat, cepat, cermat dan efisien. Demi terlaksananya pelayanan holistik perawat harus selalu meningkatkan pengetahuan (diperbaharui secara berkala) agar tujuan akhir meningkatkan harapan hidup pasien dan mencegah kecacatan tercapai.

2018 ◽  
Emily Cantrell ◽  
Jay Doucet

Management of the critically injured patient is optimized by a coordinated team effort in an organized trauma system that allows for rapid assessment and initiation of life-preserving therapies. This initial assessment must proceed systematically and be prioritized according to physiologic necessity for survival. Beginning in the prehospital setting, coordination, preparation, and appropriate triage of the injured are crucial to facilitating rapid resuscitation of the trauma patient. Next, active efforts to support airway, breathing, circulation, and disability are performed with simultaneous intervention to treat life-threatening injuries and restore hemodynamic stability in the primary survey. With ongoing evaluation and continued resuscitation, a secondary survey provides a head-to-toe assessment of the patient allowing for further diagnosis of injuries and triage to more definitive care. This review contains 12 figures, 8 tables and 63 references Key Words: advanced trauma life support, definitive airway, FAST/eFAST, field triage, Glasgow coma scale, primary survey, 1:1:1 resuscitation, secondary survey

2018 ◽  
Emily Cantrell ◽  
Jay Doucet

Management of the critically injured patient is optimized by a coordinated team effort in an organized trauma system that allows for rapid assessment and initiation of life-preserving therapies. This initial assessment must proceed systematically and be prioritized according to physiologic necessity for survival. Beginning in the prehospital setting, coordination, preparation, and appropriate triage of the injured are crucial to facilitating rapid resuscitation of the trauma patient. Next, active efforts to support airway, breathing, circulation, and disability are performed with simultaneous intervention to treat life-threatening injuries and restore hemodynamic stability in the primary survey. With ongoing evaluation and continued resuscitation, a secondary survey provides a head-to-toe assessment of the patient allowing for further diagnosis of injuries and triage to more definitive care. This review contains 12 figures, 8 tables and 63 references Key Words: advanced trauma life support, definitive airway, FAST/eFAST, field triage, Glasgow coma scale, primary survey, 1:1:1 resuscitation, secondary survey

2000 ◽  
Vol 6 (1_suppl) ◽  
pp. 7-11 ◽  
Sapal Tachakra ◽  
Peter Jaye ◽  
Julie Bak ◽  
Jesus Hayes ◽  
Alganandan Sivakumar

The resuscitation room in a community hospital was linked with a main hospital accident and emergency department using telemedicine equipment working at 384 kbit/s. Fifteen simulated casualties replicated the ‘moulage’ scenarios in the Advanced Trauma Life Support Course Manual of the American College of Surgeons. Each of the 15 scenarios was broken down into three main parts: the primary survey, resuscitation and the secondary survey. While a physician in the community hospital undertook each task, a senior doctor in the accident and emergency department recorded his degree of confidence in the supervision of the task on a five-point scale. There were features of the management which the supervisor found difficult, mainly related to the camera view and the use of a proxy examiner. However, supervising major trauma management by telemedicine was feasible. The average scores were mostly above 3 and often above 4 in the assessment of the primary survey and the resuscitation. The average scores were mostly above 3 for the secondary survey but were less often above 4 than for the primary survey and the resuscitation. Trials of remote trauma management with real patients appear to be justified.

2018 ◽  
Emily Cantrell ◽  
Jay Doucet

Management of the critically injured patient is optimized by a coordinated team effort in an organized trauma system that allows for rapid assessment and initiation of life-preserving therapies. This initial assessment must proceed systematically and be prioritized according to physiologic necessity for survival. Beginning in the prehospital setting, coordination, preparation, and appropriate triage of the injured are crucial to facilitating rapid resuscitation of the trauma patient. Next, active efforts to support airway, breathing, circulation, and disability are performed with simultaneous intervention to treat life-threatening injuries and restore hemodynamic stability in the primary survey. With ongoing evaluation and continued resuscitation, a secondary survey provides a head-to-toe assessment of the patient allowing for further diagnosis of injuries and triage to more definitive care. This review contains 12 figures, 8 tables and 63 references Key Words: advanced trauma life support, definitive airway, FAST/eFAST, field triage, Glasgow coma scale, primary survey, 1:1:1 resuscitation, secondary survey

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