performance measures
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2022 ◽  
Vol 22 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-28
R. Paul Wiegand ◽  
Anthony Bucci ◽  
Amruth N. Kumar ◽  
Jennifer Albert ◽  
Alessio Gaspar

In this article, we leverage ideas from the theory of coevolutionary computation to analyze interactions of students with problems. We introduce the idea of informatively easy or hard concepts. Our approach is different from more traditional analyses of problem difficulty such as item analysis in the sense that we consider Pareto dominance relationships within the multidimensional structure of student–problem performance data rather than average performance measures. This method allows us to uncover not just the problems on which students are struggling but also the variety of difficulties different students face. Our approach is to apply methods from the Dimension Extraction Coevolutionary Algorithm to analyze problem-solving logs of students generated when they use an online software tutoring suite for introductory computer programming called problets . The results of our analysis not only have implications for how to scale up and improve adaptive tutoring software but also have the promise of contributing to the identification of common misconceptions held by students and thus, eventually, to the construction of a concept inventory for introductory programming.

For solving the negative impact of the human evolution in earth, water, pollution and quality of feed. A system of aquaponic is proposed to manage gardening and recover up to 90% of water used for plants. Aquaponic is a system that combines two names: aquaculture which is the farming of fish and hydroponic which is the cultivation of plants (off-soil). On the other hand, the possibility of using the phytotron system. The objective of this solution is to collect performance measures, to control the watering conditions of plants (water level, temperature, humidity, ...) With a cloud support and other possibilities offered by the internet of things (IoT). The paper at hand aim to provide a smart solution integrates the phytotron solution in order to control the first part wish is the hydroponic and the second part concerning the aquaculture in order to offer a smart environment for the cycle of fish’s life.

Ibtissame Ezzahoui ◽  
Rachida Ait Abdelhouahid ◽  
Khaoula Taji ◽  
Abdelaziz Marzak ◽  
Fadoua Ghanimi

For solving the negative impact of the human evolution in earth, water, pollution and quality of feed. A system of aquaponic is proposed to manage gardening and recover up to 90% of water used for plants. Aquaponic is a system that combines two names: aquaculture which is the farming of fish and hydroponic which is the cultivation of plants (off-soil). On the other hand, the possibility of using the phytotron system. The objective of this solution is to collect performance measures, to control the watering conditions of plants (water level, temperature, humidity, ...) With a cloud support and other possibilities offered by the internet of things (IoT). The paper at hand aim to provide a smart solution integrates the phytotron solution in order to control the first part wish is the hydroponic and the second part concerning the aquaculture in order to offer a smart environment for the cycle of fish’s life.

Ahmad AL Smadi ◽  
Atif Mehmood ◽  
Ahed Abugabah ◽  
Eiad Almekhlafi ◽  
Ahmad Mohammad Al-smadi

<p>In computer vision, image classification is one of the potential image processing tasks. Nowadays, fish classification is a wide considered issue within the areas of machine learning and image segmentation. Moreover, it has been extended to a variety of domains, such as marketing strategies. This paper presents an effective fish classification method based on convolutional neural networks (CNNs). The experiments were conducted on the new dataset of Bangladesh’s indigenous fish species with three kinds of splitting: 80-20%, 75-25%, and 70-30%. We provide a comprehensive comparison of several popular optimizers of CNN. In total, we perform a comparative analysis of 5 different state-of-the-art gradient descent-based optimizers, namely adaptive delta (AdaDelta), stochastic gradient descent (SGD), adaptive momentum (Adam), adaptive max pooling (Adamax), Root mean square propagation (Rmsprop), for CNN. Overall, the obtained experimental results show that Rmsprop, Adam, Adamax performed well compared to the other optimization techniques used, while AdaDelta and SGD performed the worst. Furthermore, the experimental results demonstrated that Adam optimizer attained the best results in performance measures for 70-30% and 80-20% splitting experiments, while the Rmsprop optimizer attained the best results in terms of performance measures of 70-25% splitting experiments. Finally, the proposed model is then compared with state-of-the-art deep CNNs models. Therefore, the proposed model attained the best accuracy of 98.46% in enhancing the CNN ability in classification, among others.</p>

2022 ◽  
Jyostna Bodapati ◽  
Rohith V N ◽  
Venkatesulu Dondeti

Abstract Pneumonia is the primary cause of death in children under the age of 5 years. Faster and more accurate laboratory testing aids in the prescription of appropriate treatment for children suspected of having pneumonia, lowering mortality. In this work, we implement a deep neural network model to efficiently evaluate pediatric pneumonia from chest radio graph images. Our network uses a combination of convolutional and capsule layers to capture abstract details as well as low level hidden features from the the radio graphic images, allowing the model to generate more generic predictions. Furthermore, we combine several capsule networks by stacking them together and connected them with dense layers. The joint model is trained as a single model using joint loss and the weights of the capsule layers are updated using the dynamic routing algorithm. The proposed model is evaluated using benchmark pneumonia dataset\cite{kermany2018identifying}, and the outcomes of our experimental studies indicate that the capsules employed in the network enhance the learning of disease level features that are essential in diagnosing pneumonia. According to our comparison studies, the proposed model with Convolution base from InceptionV3 attached with Capsule layers at the end surpasses several existing models by achieving an accuracy of 94.84\%. The proposed model is superior in terms of various performance measures such as accuracy and recall, and is well suited to real-time pediatric pneumonia diagnosis, substituting manual chest radiography examination.

Sensors ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 22 (2) ◽  
pp. 569
Sara Rosenblum ◽  
Sonya Meyer ◽  
Ariella Richardson ◽  
Sharon Hassin-Baer

Early identification of mild cognitive impairment (MCI) in Parkinson’s disease (PD) patients can lessen emotional and physical complications. In this study, a cognitive functional (CF) feature using cognitive and daily living items of the Unified Parkinson’s Disease Rating Scale served to define PD patients as suspected or not for MCI. The study aimed to compare objective handwriting performance measures with the perceived general functional abilities (PGF) of both groups, analyze correlations between handwriting performance measures and PGF for each group, and find out whether participants’ general functional abilities, depression levels, and digitized handwriting measures predicted this CF feature. Seventy-eight participants diagnosed with PD by a neurologist (25 suspected for MCI based on the CF feature) completed the PGF as part of the Daily Living Questionnaire and wrote on a digitizer-affixed paper in the Computerized Penmanship Handwriting Evaluation Test. Results indicated significant group differences in PGF scores and handwriting stroke width, and significant medium correlations between PGF score, pen-stroke width, and the CF feature. Regression analyses indicated that PGF scores and mean stroke width accounted for 28% of the CF feature variance above age. Nuances of perceived daily functional abilities validated by objective measures may contribute to the early identification of suspected PD-MCI.

2022 ◽  
Vol ahead-of-print (ahead-of-print) ◽  

Purpose The purpose was to study the inter-dimensionality of three underlying dimensions -Task Performance (TP), Interpersonal Facilitation (IPF), and Job Dedication (JD) in. the Indian public sector, as seen by managers. Design/methodology/approach The study was based on a pen and paper survey with 162 managers from 13 PBUs in Bhubaneswar, capital of Odisha, a state in eastern India. Most have over 2,000 employees. The respondents were from a mixture of management levels, including junior management (52%), middle management (41%) and senior management (7%). They filled in 621 forms between them, 588 of which were usable. The questionnaire used had 22 items across the three dimensions. Findings The results showed that PSU managers do not perceive a difference between the performance measures, but that their ratings do not reflect that differentiation. Instead, they showed a concern for overall performance. Originality/value The authors said their study was the first to explore the perception of PSU managers on performance dimensionality in an Indian context.

Complexity ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 2022 ◽  
pp. 1-10
Karime Chahuán-Jiménez ◽  
Rolando Rubilar-Torrealba ◽  
Hanns de la Fuente-Mella

Sharpe’s ratio is the most widely used index for establishing an order of priority for the portfolios to which the investor has access, and the purpose of this investigation is to verify that Sharpe’s ratio allows decisions to be made in investment portfolios considering different financial market conditions. The research is carried out by autoregressive model (AR) of the financial series of returns using Sharpe’s ratio for evaluations looking over the priority of financial assets which the investor can access while observing the effects that can cause autocorrelated series in evaluation measures for financial assets. The results presented in this study confirm the hypothesis proposed in which Sharpe’s ratio allows decisions to be made in the selection of investment portfolios under normal conditions thanks to the definition of a robustness function, whose empirical estimation shows an average 73% explanation of the variance in the degradation of the Spearman coefficient for each of the performance measures; however, given the presence of autocorrelation in the financial series of returns, this similarity is broken.

Albert R Vasso ◽  
Richard G Cobb ◽  
John M Colombi ◽  
Bryan D Little ◽  
David W Meyer

The US Government is the world’s de facto provider of space object cataloging data, but it is challenged to maintain pace in an increasingly complex space environment. This work advances a multi-disciplinary approach to better understand and evaluate an underexplored solution recommended by national policy in which current collection capabilities are augmented with non-traditional sensors. System architecting techniques and extant literature identified likely needs, performance measures, and potential contributors to a conceptualized Augmented Network (AN). Multiple hypothetical architectures of ground- and space-based telescopes with representative capabilities were modeled and simulated on four separate days throughout the year, then evaluated against performance measures and constraints using Multi-Objective Optimization. Decision analysis and Pareto optimality identified a small, diverse set of high-performing architectures while preserving design flexibility. Should decision-makers adopt the AN approach, this research effort indicates (1) a threefold increase in average capacity, (2) a 55% improvement in coverage, and (3) a 2.5-h decrease in the average maximum time a space object goes unobserved.

Harsh Khatter ◽  
Anil Ahlawat

The internet content increases exponentially day-by-day leading to the pop-up of irrelevant data while searching. Thus, the vast availability of web data requires curation to enhance the results of the search in relevance to searched topics. The proposed F-CapsNet deals with the content curation of web blog data through the novel integration of fuzzy logic with a machine learning algorithm. The input content to be curated is initially pre-processed and seven major features such as sentence position, bigrams, TF-IDF, cosine similarity, sentence length, proper noun score and numeric token are extracted. Then the fuzzy rules are applied to generate the extractive summary. After the extractive curation, the output is passed to the novel capsule network based deep auto-encoder where the abstractive summary is produced. The performance measures such as precision, recall, F1-score, accuracy and specificity are computed and the results are compared with the existing state-of-the-art methods. From the simulations performed, it has been proven that the proposed method for content curation is more efficient than any other method.

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