scholarly journals Cooperative Enterprises in Australia and Italy

This book arises from a three-year comparative research program concerning co-operative enterprises in Australia and Italy. The book explores the historical development, legal framework and the peak organisations of co-operatives in the two countries. Specific comparative chapters focus on consumer, credit, and worker-producer co-operatives. The book deepens the analysis of co-operatives by containing chapters that examine specific theoretical and empirical issues such as the theory of co-operative firms as collective entrepreneurial action. Monographic chapters include more in depth analysis of specific typologies of co-operatives, such as social and community oriented co-operatives, some of which were created to contrast organized crime in Southern Italy. The book concludes with an assessment of the implications of the project for public policy.

Павел Владимирович Никонов

Международные нормативные правовые акты имеют особое значение для организации противодействия коррупционным преступлениям, связанным с дачей и получением взятки и иных видов незаконного вознаграждения. В статье анализируются международно-правовые документы, призванные обеспечить единый подход к противодействию указанным видам противоправных деяний в различных государствах. Международное сообщество озабочено решением проблем, связанных с противодействием коррупции. В этом отношении Россия не является исключением, поэтому ратифицирует основные международно-правовые акты, регламентирующие вопросы борьбы с коррупционными преступлениями. Интеграционные процессы, происходящие в настоящее время, обуславливают необходимость обращения к международному опыту в области противодействия указанным видам преступлений. При подготовке материала научной статьи применялся сравнительно-правовой метод исследования, что позволило получить обоснованные выводы относительно сравнения международных и российских нормативных правовых актов. В статье анализируются положения таких источников, ратифицированных Россией, как Конвенция Организации Объединенных Наций против коррупции, Конвенция против транснациональной организованной преступности, Конвенция об уголовной ответственности за коррупцию, Конвенция по борьбе с подкупом иностранных должностных лиц при осуществлении международных коммерческих сделок. В качестве полученных результатов проведенного исследования можно признать заключения относительно соответствия уголовного законодательства Российской Федерации, созданных органов и реализуемых мер, направленных на организацию борьбы с коррупционными преступлениями, связанными с дачей и получением взятки и иными видами незаконного вознаграждения, рассмотренным международным стандартам. International legal regulation is of prime importance in countering corruption crimes related to giving and receiving bribes and other types of illegal remuneration. The article analyzes international legal documents designed to ensure the same approach to countering these types of illegal acts in different states. The international community is concerned about solving problems related to combating corruption. Russia is no exception, therefore it ratifies the main international legal acts regulating the fight against corruption crimes. The integration processes taking place at the present time necessitate taking into account the international experience of countering these types of crimes. The comparative legal research method was used, this made it possible to obtain well-grounded conclusions regarding the comparison of international and Russian normative legal acts. The article analyzes the provisions of international documents ratified by Russia: the United Nations Convention against Corruption, the Convention against Transnational Organized Crime, the Criminal Law Convention on Corruption, and the Convention against Bribery of Foreign Officials in International Business Transactions. The findings on the compliance of the criminal legislation of the Russian Federation, existing bodies and measures taken in the field of combating corruption crimes related to giving and receiving bribes and other types of illegal remuneration to international standards as the results of the study are indicated.

Yuldashev Ravshanjon Baxodirovich

Abstract: Reforming the national education system is a priority of public policy and guarantees development. In this regard, any state will give priority to policy in this regard. The complexity of the matter is that this policy does not always yield the expected results. But countries around the world are striving to implement effective higher education reforms. There is a similar trend in our region. In this article, we will focus on the higher education system in Kazakhstan. Zero Kazakhstani higher education is the most developed system in the Keywords: Kazakhstan, higher education, system, legal framework, achievements, challenges, higher education, program, reforms, region, public policy, global education, knowledge capitalization, bachelor, master, distance education.region.

2021 ◽  
Vol 72 (3) ◽  
pp. 588-595
Elaine O’Callaghan

The Supreme Court in the United Kingdom has held that it is not contrary to public policy to award damages in tort to fund a commercial surrogacy in another jurisdiction where this is lawful. This significant decision, in the case of Whittington Hospital NHS Trust v XX [2020] UKSC 14, will potentially have an impact on the regulation and reform of surrogacy law in the United Kingdom, Ireland and internationally. The judgment delivered by Lady Hale draws attention to multiple inconsistencies in the law, and it highlights, in particular, the need for effective regulation of domestic surrogacy. Legislators face an important and imminent challenge to reconcile the reality of commercial surrogacy with a deficient legal framework. This article seeks to highlight some of the important issues which this case has raised when considering regulation and reform of surrogacy law.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (2-3) ◽  
pp. 60-66
Julie Alix

Abstract This paper addresses the international law enforcement models applied to organized crime and terrorism and their interconnections, arguing that the approach adopted by the Palermo Convention should serve as a model for the fight against terrorism from several points of view. More specifically, the Palermo Convention demonstrates the feasibility and relevance of a global cooperation instrument which, in the case of terrorism, is still lacking. Moreover, the Palermo Convention adopts a global approach combining a preventive and a repressive dimension, differently from the more traditional anti-terrorism conventions. A rapprochement in the legal framework for fighting organized crime and terrorism is desirable also in light of their frequent overlaps; arguably, this rapprochement should follow the UNTOC’s model rather than the one of administrative and military repression that is often applied in combating terrorism.

Carlos Juiz ◽  
Victor Alexander de Pous

Cloud computing evolved as a key delivery model for Information Technology (IT) and data provision for both the private and public sectors. Addressing its governance, legal, and public policy aspects is a condition sine qua non for successful deployment, whether done by the in-house IT department or outsourced. Stakeholders ask for new applications that consumerization is providing. Therefore, IT governance should be adapted to consider this new business pressure. However, the law plays a double role in respect to cloud computing; it functions as a legal framework set by mandatory regulations and as a contractual instrument to manage the cloud technology and information provisioning in an effective way, based on the strategic objectives of any organization. This chapter is devoted to where IT governance frameworks should consider the decisions about specific cloud computing compliance, how to measure them through several indicators, and which are their general legal and public policy aspects.

2018 ◽  
pp. 233-251
Nicole Bolleyer

In the last part of the study, ideal-typical representatives of three ‘sufficient paths’ identified by the QCA analysis were chosen for in-depth analysis. After explaining the case selection, this chapter analyses the evolution of the legal framework in Sweden representing the ‘voluntarist’ path towards a permissive environment for voluntary organizations. Despite various initiatives towards the adoption of legal regulation of voluntary organizations, reforms were usually considered not sufficiently beneficial for the organizations targeted, or legislation was considered unsuitable as an instrument to address the problem at hand, tendencies rooted in the informality of historically grown relations between the state and organizations in this social democratic voluntary sector regime. If legislation was adopted, it echoed characteristics of Scandinavian civil law by tending towards broad principles that impose few direct constraints on the organizations targeted, leaving plenty of room for interpretation, while putting an emphasis on benefit allocation.

2020 ◽  
Vol 12 (21) ◽  
pp. 9257
Luca Fazzi ◽  
Susanne Elsen

Southern Italy suffers from a high poverty rate, unemployment, emigration flows, and a strong presence of organized crime in the field of agriculture. This study seeks to investigate the potential of social enterprises as driving forces for the legal and eco-social development of fragile Southern Italian areas. To work in such challenging contexts requires the development of a high level of resilience, which implies the ability to adapt to difficulties and to overcome crises by coming out stronger than before. The initiatives we detected in Southern Italy are examples for the strength that can come from ideal motivations. In the case of social agriculture initiatives in Southern Italy counteracting organized crime, these motivations are an indispensable condition for their survival and growth. The accumulation of problems and difficulties, however, risks corroding motivations of the actors. This can lead to the withdrawal of members, which can have a serious impact on these small organizations. Thus, idealism is a necessary condition to face the challenges of legal and social environmental development, but it is not sufficient on its own, except in the short term, to allow social enterprises to emerge from extremely precarious conditions. Idealism can support resilience, but by itself, it cannot create a sustainable change. There is, therefore, the need to invest in these social enterprises, in the training of the actors involved, and in the selection and acquisition of the skills for strengthening the efficiency and sustainability of businesses and to foster horizontal structures of mutuality and solidarity to create a supportive environment for these social enterprises and their mission.

The phenomenon of fire in the Australian landscape traverses many interests and disciplines. At a national level, there is an urgent need for the integration of both the natural and social sciences in the formulation of public policy. With contributions from 30 leading experts, Australia Burning draws together these issues, under the themes: Ecology and the environment Fire behaviour and fire regime science People and property Policy, institutional arrangements and the legal framework Indigenous land and fire management The book examines some of the key questions that relate to the ecology, prediction and management of fire, urban planning, law, insurance, and community issues, including indigenous and non-indigenous concerns. It looks at what we need to know to inform public policy, given the present risks and uncertainty, and explores the avenues for closer integration between science, policy and the community.

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