law enforcement
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2022 ◽  
Vol 12 ◽  
Lisanne Kleygrewe ◽  
Raôul R. D. Oudejans ◽  
Matthijs Koedijk ◽  
R. I. (Vana) Hutter

Police training plays a crucial role in the development of police officers. Because the training of police officers combines various educational components and is governed by organizational guidelines, police training is a complex, multifaceted topic. The current study investigates training at six European law enforcement agencies and aims to identify strengths and challenges of current training organization and practice. We interviewed a total of 16 police instructors and seven police coordinators with conceptual training tasks. A thematic analysis (Braun and Clarke, 2006; Terry et al., 2017) was conducted and results organized in the two main themes evident across all six law enforcement agencies: organization of training and delivery of training. Results show that governmental structures and police executive boards are seen as the primary authorities that define the training framework in which police instructors operate. These administrative structures regulate distant and immediate resources, such as available training time, training facilities, equipment, and personnel. Within the confines of available resources and predetermined training frameworks, results indicate that police instructors thoroughly enjoy teaching, creating supportive and motivating learning environments, and applying their personal learning perspectives to training. Nonetheless, police instructors are critical of the level of training they are able to achieve with the available resources.

2022 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-31
Damos Christian Aritonang, Syafrudin Kalo, M. Hamdan, Mahmud Mulyadi

The filing of cases begins with the Minutes of Examination (BAP). In making the Minutes of Investigation, both Witnesses and Suspects, for Investigators it is often difficult because the number of cases handled makes the Investigator not focus on revealing and making light of a criminal act. Not to mention, in the interrogations (also called "Interrogations"), also misinterpreted by the Investigator. This makes the Integrated Criminal Justice System (ICJS) not work, because of the piling up of cases at the level of examination or investigation. The Minutes of Examination as the start of law enforcement, the concept of Minutes of Examination now is no longer feasible to be maintained. Advanced investigative and interrogation techniques are needed. In this case, using audio-visual recordings in examinations and investigations. Audio-visual recordings can be done in a room at the Police Station. So, both investigators and investigators can directly examine witnesses or suspects as freely as the questions asked. Likewise, with witnesses or suspects as being questioned, they can answer freely as far as they know, see, hear, or experience them themselves. Also, the investigator as an examiner can see playing back the audio-visual recording to be examined and displayed/exhibited at the case title conducted.

2022 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 77-99
Sudjana Sudjana

This study aims to determine the effectiveness of countermeasures against copyright piracy from a legal system perspective. The research method used is a normative juridical approach, starting from secondary data consisting of primary legal materials, secondary legal materials, and tertiary legal materials. The data collection technique was carried out through document study and qualitative normative data analysis. The legal structure is related to Law no. 28/2014 concerning Copyright still has obstacles related to the consistency of law enforcers (especially investigators, especially Civil Servant Investigators) who have carried out their functions but have not been effective due to internal and external constraints. In terms of legal substance, the Copyright Law has a normative weakness, namely adhering to a complaint offense against copyright crimes which causes law enforcement to take longer. Meanwhile, in terms of legal culture, the public has not fully respected the creations of other parties, as evidenced by the increasing number of piracy of copyright works and a way of thinking that considers intellectual property including copyright to only have a social function, even though it is also an individual right that has economic value. Therefore, the application of the legal system according to Friedman on the effectiveness of counter piracy of copyright works has not been effective.

2022 ◽  
Vol 17 (4) ◽  
pp. 149-168
A Yu. Khabutdinov

The article is devoted to the development of the Muslim community of the Republic of Tatarstan (RT) in 2021. The author continues a series of articles exploring the Muslim community of Tatarstan in 2000–2010-s. The article concludes that stability in the religious sphere is generally maintained in the Republic of Tatarstan. In the context of the continuation of the pandemic, social activities are becoming increasingly important. The most important socio- political plot for the Tatar religious fi gures of Russia was the preparation and participation in the All- Russian Population Census of 2021. The VIII Congress of the Muslim Spiritual Administration (MSA) of the Republic of Tatarstan retained the former Mufti and Bash-qadi (the main Sharia judge) of the MSA of the Republic of Tatarstan in their posts. Law enforcement agencies continue to identify the activities and punish representatives of radical organizations banned in the Russian Federation

L. V. Vovkivskaya ◽  
E. V. Savostina

Analysis of the legal positions of arbitration courts in cases of violation of antimonopoly legislation regarding the consideration of issues: the statute of limitations for bringing to administrative responsibility, the grounds for refusing to provide state preference, the consideration of complaints about the actions of bidders/operators carried out during the mandatory procedures applied in the bankruptcy case.Objective: to develop uniform approaches in law enforcement practice in cases of violation of antitrust laws.

2022 ◽  
Vol ahead-of-print (ahead-of-print) ◽  
Michael A. Hansen ◽  
John C. Navarro ◽  
Sierra A. Malvitz

PurposeThe purpose of this study is to explore the availability of information on law enforcement websites in the state of Wisconsin.Design/methodology/approachThe study conducted a content analysis of all 179 county and municipal local law enforcement agency websites within Wisconsin. The authors then implemented a comparative analysis that explored whether the quantity and quality of information available on law enforcement websites are similar to those of local governments and school districts. The authors then estimated models to test whether there is a relationship between the population size served and gender distribution of law enforcement departments to the availability of information on law enforcement websites.FindingsLaw enforcement websites contain a noticeable lack of information. The finding is even more apparent when comparing law enforcement websites to the websites of local governments and school districts. Finally, the authors show a positive link between information sharing on law enforcement websites and the proportion of the civilian staff at an agency that are women.Originality/valuePast studies that reviewed the make-up of law enforcement websites analyzed large law enforcement departments rather than local law enforcement departments, which notably represent the majority of most law enforcement departments. The authors also explicitly demonstrate that the commitment to information sharing is lagging within law enforcement websites compared to local-level governments. Future scholarship and law enforcement departments may benefit from exploring the employment of female civilians.

Андрей Петрович Тюнь

В статье рассматриваются основные принципы формирования и трансформации общественного мнения о полиции в гражданской среде, связанные с участием сотрудников правоохранительных органов в мероприятиях, направленных на предотвращение негативных последствий чрезвычайных ситуаций. Рассматриваются объективные риски, возникающие вследствие некорректной трактовки служебных действий сотрудников правоохранительных органов представителями гражданской сферы в условиях ограничения их возможностей с целью минимизации ущерба от чрезвычайной ситуации. Отмечается, что в условиях действия ограничительных мер на период объявления чрезвычайной ситуации усиливается негативное восприятие деятельности сотрудников органов внутренних дел. Оцениваются перспективы, связанные с улучшением социального восприятия полиции в результате освещения самоотверженности и высоких личных качеств сотрудников полиции, с риском для жизни и здоровья участвующих в борьбе с последствиями чрезвычайной ситуации и в спасении гражданского населения. Делается вывод о необходимости использования средств массовой информации как инструмента формирования общественного мнения в целях объективного отражения в общественном сознании россиян профессиональной деятельности работников правоохранительной системы. The paper examines the principles of the formation and transformation of public opinion about the police in the civilian environment, associated with the participation of law enforcement officers in measures aimed at preventing the negative consequences of emergencies. The publication considers the risks associated with the incorrect interpretation of the official actions of law enforcement officials by representatives of the civilian sphere in the context of limiting their capabilities in order to minimize damage from an emergency. The author evaluates the prospects related to improving the social perception of the police through highlighting the disregard of self and high personal qualities of police officers at risk to life and health of those involved in combating the consequences of an emergency and rescuing the civilian population. It is concluded that the media should be used as an instrument for the formation of public opinion in order to objectively reflect the professional activities of law enforcement officials in the public consciousness of Russians.

ERA Forum ◽  
2022 ◽  
Teresa Quintel

AbstractFinancial information can play a key role in tackling money laundering, terrorist financing and combatting serious crime more generally. Preventing and fighting money laundering and the financing of terrorism were top priorities of the European Union’s (EU) Security Strategy for 2020-2025, which might explain the fast developments regarding legislative measures to further regulate anti-money laundering (AML) and counter terrorism financing (CTF). In May 2020, the European Commission put forward an Action Plan to establish a Union policy on combatting money laundering and shortly afterwards, proposed a new AML Package.Financial Intelligence Units (FIUs) play a crucial role in analysing and exchanging information concerning unusual and suspicious transactions, serving as intermediaries between the private sector and law enforcement authorities (LEAs). Such information includes personal data, which is protected under the EU data protection acquis. The latter is constituted of two main laws, the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), which applies to general processing and the so-called Law Enforcement Directive (LED) that is applicable when competent law enforcement authorities process personal data for law enforcement purposes.This Article argues that the current legal framework on AML and CTF legislation is unclear on the data protection regime that applies to the processing of personal data by FIUs and that the proposed AML Package does little or nothing to clarify this dilemma. In order to contribute to the discussion on the applicable data protection framework for FIUs, the assessment puts forward arguments for and against the application of the LED to such processing, taking into account the relevant legal texts on AML and data protection.

2022 ◽  
Apei Song ◽  
Zhongyuan Ren

Abstract Background: Exploring why the national drug policy failed is an important issue. Based on it, this study considers both the drug governance system and the voice of people who use drugs (PWUD) to analysis drug policy effects and the lives of PWUD in the Chinese context. Methods: This study takes PWUD living in urban communities as the research participants. Using qualitative research data, exploring how individual using drug experiences are identified and classified by structural forces and how individuals manage their daily life. Results: The study finds that law enforcement agencies (Narcotics Control Office (NCO), Police Station , and Community Assistance Group (CAG)) have different attitudes toward PWUD and generate different managements, forming multiple governance models, and then shaping the multiple identity dilemma. PWUD perceive the dilemma, and they adopt the strategies of spatial isolation (hidden flow), disconnection from experience (temporal isolation), and instrumental cooperation to continuously re-adjust and achieve identity recovery from the bottom-up. Conclusion/importance: Through evaluating the effectiveness of self-management strategies, this research integrates the Chinese drug rehabilitation situation, expands the specific performance of law enforcement system, and presents the limitations and positive value of self-management strategies.

2022 ◽  
Vol ahead-of-print (ahead-of-print) ◽  
Madina О. Kassimova ◽  
Yerbol A. Omarov ◽  
Ramazan R. Zhilkaidarov ◽  
Yerlan S. Abulgazin ◽  
Ainur A. Sabitova

Purpose The fight against corruption, which undermines the efficiency of the state apparatus and public confidence in public institutions, remains one of the critical present-day tasks. In this regard, the purpose of this study is to identify the available possibilities and real practice of law enforcement of the norms on investigative prevention, the practical significance of this institution and its potential. Design/methodology/approach The study investigated theoretical materials on criminological prevention, legislative norms and available law enforcement practice. Findings It was discovered that, in general, the available statutory regulation is insufficient for the full-fledged practical implementation of the potential of investigative prevention. An exception is specialised prevention, assigned as one of the main tasks to the Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan for Combating Corruption. Proposals have been formulated to improve anti-corruption investigative prevention in other bodies of pre-trial investigation, considering the identified risks. Originality/value The uniqueness of the situation lies in the fact that the existence of the institution of investigative prevention, in fact, is limited to the post-Soviet space. The elimination of formalism in the approach to this method of crime prevention can contribute to greater efficiency in the fight against crime, including corruption.

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