
Development of modern economic trends in the system of conceptual foundations for the improvements in sugar beet production sector has necessitated the introduction of new approaches in the processes of managing commodity, financial and information flows on the basis of the use of methods of economic and mathematical modeling. The main idea for implementation these methods is to evaluate the development of forecasts in terms of their formalization, systematization, optimization and adaptation under application of new information technologies. The quality of management decision-making depends on the accuracy and reliability of the developed long-term evaluations. In this regard, one of the most important areas of research in the economy is to forecast the parameters of the beet industry development and to obtain predictive decisions that form the basis for effective activity in the process of achieving tactical and strategic goals. Under a significant dispersion of the time series levels, a variety of smoothing procedures are used to detect and distinguish the trend: direct level equalization by the ordinary least squares technique, ordinary and weighted moving averages, exponential smoothing, spectral methods and application of splines, moving average method, or running median smoothing. The most common among them are regular and weighted moving averages and exponential smoothing. Investigation of methods of forecasting parameters of development of beet growing industry taking into account the peculiarities of constructing quantitative and qualitative forecasts requires solving the following tasks: - investigation of the specifics of the use of statistical methods of time series analysis in beet growing; - research of the specificity of the use of forecasting methods for the estimation of long-term solutions in beet growing; - carrying out practical implementation of the methods as exemplified by the estimation of forecasts of sugar beet yields at the enterprises of Ukraine. The method of exponential smoothing proposed by R. G. Brown gives the most accurate approximation to the original statistical series – it takes into account the variation of prices. The essence of this method lies in the fact that the statistical series is smoothed out with the help of a weighted moving average, which is subject to the exponential law. When calculating the exponential value of time t it is always necessary to have the exponential value at the previous moment of time, and therefore the first step is to determine some Sn-1 value that precedes Sn. In practice, there is no single approach to defining initial approximations – they are set in accordance with the conditions of economic research. Quite often, the arithmetic mean of all levels of the statistical series is used as Sn-1. It should be noted that a certain problem in forecasting with the help of exponential smoothing is the choice of the parameter a optimal value, on which the accuracy of the results of the forecast depends to a large extent. If the parameter a is close to the identity element, then the forecast model takes into account only the effects of the last observations, and if it approaches to zero, then almost all the previous observations are usually taken into account. However, scientific and methodical approaches to determining the optimal value of the smoothing parameter have not yet been developed. In practice, the value of a is chosen according to the smallest dispersion of deviations of the predicted values of the statistical series from its actual levels. The method of exponential smoothing gives positive findings when a statistical series consists of a large number of observations and it is assumed that the socioeconomic processes in the forecasting period will occur approximately under the same conditions as in the base period. A correctly selected model of the growth curve shall correspond to the nature of the trend change of the phenomenon under study. The procedure for developing a forecast using growth curves involves the following steps: - choice of one or several curves whose shape corresponds to the nature; - time series changes; - evaluation of the parameters of the selected curves; - verification of the adequacy of the selected curves of the process being foreseen; - evaluation of the accuracy of models and the final choice of the growth curve; - calculation of point and interval forecasts. The most common practice in forecasting are the functions used to describe processes with a monotonous nature of the trend of development and the absence of growth boundaries. On the basis of the studied models, smoothing of the statistical series of the sugar beet gross yields of in Ukraine was carried out. The statistical data from 1990 to 2017 have been taken for the survey. The forecast of the sugar beet yields for 2012-2017 have been used to determine the approximation error by the ordinary moving averages with a length of the smoothing interval of 5 years and 12 years, as well as by the method of exponential smoothing with the parameter α = 0,3 and α = 0, 7 The analysis of the quality of forecasts is based on the average absolute deviation. Therefore, this value is the smallest for the forecast, which is determined by the method of exponential smoothing with the constant value of a = 0,7. By this method, we will determine the forecast for the next 5 years.

2021 ◽  
Vol 26 (1) ◽  
pp. 13-28
Agus Sulaiman ◽  
Asep Juarna

Beberapa penyebab terjadinya pengangguran di Indonesia ialah, tingkat urbanisasi, tingkat industrialisasi, proporsi angkatan kerja SLTA dan upah minimum provinsi. Faktor-faktor tersebut turut serta mempengaruhi persentase data terkait tingkat pengangguran menjadi sedikit fluktuatif. Berdasarkan pergerakan persentase data tersebut, diperlukan sebuah prediksi untuk mengetahui persentase tingkat pengangguran di masa depan dengan menggunakan konsep peramalan. Pada penelitian ini, peneliti melakukan analisis peramalan time series menggunakan metode Box-Jenkins dengan model Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average (ARIMA) dan metode Exponential Smoothing dengan model Holt-Winters. Pada penelitian ini, peramalan dilakukan dengan menggunakan dataset tingkat pengangguran dari tahun 2005 hingga 2019 per 6 bulan antara Februari hingga Agustus. Peneliti akan melihat evaluasi Range Mean Square Error (RMSE) dan Mean Square Error (MSE) terkecil dari setiap model time series. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, ARIMA(0,1,12) menjadi model yang terbaik untuk metode Box-Jenkins sedangkan Holt-Winters dengan alpha(mean) = 0.3 dan beta(trend) = 0.4 menjadi yang terbaik pada metode Exponential Smoothing. Pemilihan model terbaik dilanjutkan dengan perbandingan nilai akurasi RMSE dan MSE. Pada model ARIMA(0,1,12) nilai RMSE = 1.01 dan MSE = 1.0201, sedangkan model Holt-Winters menghasilkan nilai RMSE = 0.45 dan MSE = 0.2025. Berdasarkan data tersebut terpilih model Holt-Winters sebagai model terbaik untuk peramalan data tingkat pengangguran di Indonesia.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (3) ◽  
pp. 120-131
Shaymaa Riyadh Thanoon

The aim of this research is to analyze the time series of Thalassemia cancer cases by making assumptions on the number of cases to formulate the problem to find the best model for predicting the number of patients in Nineveh governorate using (Box and Jenkins) method of analysis based on the monthly data provided by Al Salam Hospital in Nineveh for the period (2014-2018). The results of the analysis showed that the appropriate model of analysis is the Auto-Regressive Integrated Moving Average (ARIMA) (2,1,0) and based on this model the number of people with this disease was predicted for the next two years where the results showed values ​​consistent with the original values which indicates the good quality of the model.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 117-122
Sambas Sundana ◽  
Destri Zahra Al Gufronny

Permasalahan yang dihadapi PT. XYZ yaitu kesulitan dalam menentukan jumlah permintaan produk yang harus tersedia untuk periode berikutnya agar tetap dapat memenuhi kebutuhan pelanggan dan tidak menyebabkan penumpukan barang dalam jangka waktu yang lama terutama produk SN 5 ML yang memiliki permintaan jumlah paling besar dari produk lainnya. Tujuan dari penelitian ini yaitu menentukan metode peramalan yang tepat untuk meramalkan jumlah permintaan produk SN 5 ml periode Januari sampai dengan Desember 2021 Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu metode peramalan Moving Average (MA), Weighted Moving Average (WMA), Single Exponential Smoothing (SES), dan Double Exponential Smoothing (DES). Adapun langkah langkah peramalan yang dilakukan yaitu menentukan tujuan peramalan,memilih unsur apa yang akan diramal, menentukan horizon waktu peramalan (pendek, menengah, atau panjang), memilih tipe model peramalan, mengumpulkan data yang di perlukan untuk melakukan peramalan, memvalidasi dan menerapkan hasil peramalan Berdasarkan perhitungan didapat metode peramalan dengan persentase tingkat kesalahan terkecil dibandingkan dengan metode lainnya yaitu  metode Moving Average (MA) dengan hasil yang diperoleh permintaan produk SN 5 ML pada bulan Januari sampai dengan Desember 2021 yaitu sebanyak 22.844.583 unit

2017 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 75-88
Octaviani Hutahaean ◽  
Abdul Basith

Laju pertumbuhan industri terbesar selama tahun 2011-2015 yaitu 8,48 persen terhadap Produk Domestik Bruto (PDB) mencerminkan perusahaan yang termasuk dalam industri makanan dan minuman memiliki kinerja bisnis yang baik. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kondisi harga saham dan profitabilitas pada tahun 2011-2015, mengetahui peramalan harga saham dan profitabilitas pada tahun 2016 dan untuk menganalisis pengaruh profitabilitas terhadap harga saham pada tahun 2011-2016. Analisis profitabilitas dipresentasikan oleh beberapa rasio keuangan yaitu Return On Equity (ROE), Return On Assets (ROA), Net Profit Margin (NPM), dan Earning Per Share (EPS). Penelitian ini menggunakan teknik purposive sampling dan data yang digunakan merupakan data sekunder. Peramalan menggunakan metode moving averages, weighted moving average, dan exponential smoothing dengan nilai MAD terkecil menggunakan aplikasi POM-QM for windows-3. Model analisis yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah regresi linier berganda dengan menggunakan SPSS 18. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa PT Delta Djakarta, Tbk (DLTA) memiliki kondisi harga saham, ROE, ROA, dan EPS dengan rata-rata tertinggi selama 2011-2015. PT Tiga Pilar Sejahtera Food, Tbk (AISA) memiliki rata-rata NPM tertinggi selama 2011-2015. PT Delta Djakarta, Tbk (DLTA) dan PT Indofood Sukses Makmur, Tbk (INDF) menunjukkan peramalan tahun 2016 terhadap harga saham dan profitabilitas mengalami peningkatan dari tahun sebelumnya. Profitabilitas berpengaruh simultan dan signifikan terhadap harga saham dan secara parsial menunjukkan bahwa ROE dan EPS berpengaruh dan signifikan terhadap harga saham.

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 ◽  
pp. 1-36
Faisal Anees ◽  
Shujahat Haider Hashmi ◽  
Muhammad Asad

Technical analysis is widely accepted tool in professional place which is frequently used for investment decisions. Technical analysis beliefs that there exist patterns and trends and by capturing trends and patterns one can bless with above average profits. We test two technical strategies: Moving averages and Trading Range to question, either these techniques can yield profitable returns with the help of historical data. Representative daily indices of Four countries namely Pakistan, India, Srilanka, Bangladesh ranging from 1997 to 2011 have been examined. In case of Moving Average Rule, both simple and exponential averages have been examined to test eleven different short term and long term rules with and without band condition. Our results delivered that buy signals generate consistent above average returns for the all sub periods and sell signals generate lower returns than the normal returns. Intriguing observation is that Exponential average generates higher returns than the Simple Average. The results of Trading Range Break strategy are parallel with Moving average Method. However, Trading Range Strategy found not to give higher average higher return when compared with Moving Averages Rules and degree of volatility in returns is higher when compared with moving Average rule. In attempt to conclude, there exist patterns and trends that yield above average and below average returns which justify the validity of technical analysis.

2006 ◽  
Vol 38 (3) ◽  
pp. 513-523 ◽  
Dwight R. Sanders ◽  
Mark R. Manfredo

A battery of time series methods are compared for forecasting basis levels in the soybean futures complex: soybeans, soybean meal, and soybean oil. Specifically, nearby basis forecasts are generated with exponential smoothing techniques, autoregression moving average (ARMA), and vector autoregression (VAR) models. The forecasts are compared to those of the 5-year average, year ago, and no change methods. Using the 5-year average as the benchmark method, the forecast evaluation results suggest that alternative naive techniques may produce better forecasts, and the improvement gained by time series modeling is relatively small. In this sample, there is little evidence that the basis has become systematically more difficult to forecast in recent years.

2011 ◽  
Vol 28 (7) ◽  
pp. 891-906 ◽  
H. E. van Piggelen ◽  
T. Brandsma ◽  
H. Manders ◽  
J. F. Lichtenauer

Abstract A method has been developed that largely automates the labor-intensive extraction work for large amounts of rainfall strip charts and paper rolls. The method consists of the following five basic steps: 1) scanning the charts and rolls to high-resolution digital images, 2) manually and visually registering relevant meta information from charts and rolls and preprocessing rolls to locate day transitions, 3) applying automatic curve extraction software in a batch process to determine the coordinates of cumulative rainfall lines on the images, 4) postprocessing the curves that were not correctly determined in step 3, and 5) aggregating the cumulative rainfall in pixel coordinates to the desired time resolution. The core of the method is in step 3. Here a color detection procedure is introduced that automatically separates the background of the charts and rolls from the grid and subsequently the rainfall curve. The rainfall curve is detected by minimization of a cost function. In total, 321 station years of locations in the Netherlands have successfully been digitized and transformed to long-term rainfall time series with 5-min resolution. In about 30% of the cases, semiautomatic postprocessing of the results was needed using a purpose-built graphical interface application. This percentage, however, strongly depends on the quality of the recorded curves and the charts and rolls. Although developed for rainfall, the method can be applied to other elements as well.

Fractals ◽  
2015 ◽  
Vol 23 (03) ◽  
pp. 1550034 ◽  

The detrending moving average (DMA) algorithm is one of the best performing methods to quantify the long-term correlations in nonstationary time series. As many long-term correlated time series in real systems contain various trends, we investigate the effects of polynomial trends on the scaling behaviors and the performances of three widely used DMA methods including backward algorithm (BDMA), centered algorithm (CDMA) and forward algorithm (FDMA). We derive a general framework for polynomial trends and obtain analytical results for constant shifts and linear trends. We find that the behavior of the CDMA method is not influenced by constant shifts. In contrast, linear trends cause a crossover in the CDMA fluctuation functions. We also find that constant shifts and linear trends cause crossovers in the fluctuation functions obtained from the BDMA and FDMA methods. When a crossover exists, the scaling behavior at small scales comes from the intrinsic time series while that at large scales is dominated by the constant shifts or linear trends. We also derive analytically the expressions of crossover scales and show that the crossover scale depends on the strength of the polynomial trends, the Hurst index, and in some cases (linear trends for BDMA and FDMA) the length of the time series. In all cases, the BDMA and the FDMA behave almost the same under the influence of constant shifts or linear trends. Extensive numerical experiments confirm excellently the analytical derivations. We conclude that the CDMA method outperforms the BDMA and FDMA methods in the presence of polynomial trends.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 141-148
Naufal Rizki Rinditayoga ◽  
Dewi Nusraningrum

There has Servers who used for Keeping some domestic flight data at Soekarno-Hatta airport and its often experience downtime or servers inconnected, because these server capacity exceeds those maximum server limit. This research aims to examine and analyze capacity from HP Proliant DL380P Gen8 server that used for domestic flight data at PT. Aero Systems Indonesia. The population here used 3 servers with research sample is 1 server, HP Proliant DL380P Gen8 server. Data analysis exert time series forecasting used comparison from Moving Average, Single Exponential Smoothing and Weighted Moving Average methods. These results which using Moving Average shows that the use of server capacity exceeds those server capacity limit with highest usage up to 3,568 GB from total available capacity of 2,930 GB, so it needs to change immediately by other server capacity which more balanced with usage at PT. Aero Systems Indonesia.

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