Development and Verification of SCAR Marker Linked to Maturity in Tetra-ploid Potato

2017 ◽  
Vol 43 (6) ◽  
pp. 821 ◽  
Xing-Cui LI ◽  
Guang-Cun LI ◽  
Jian-Fei XU ◽  
Shao-Guang DUAN ◽  
Chun-Song BIAN ◽  
Pratima Sharma ◽  
Madhu Patial ◽  
Dharam Pal ◽  
S. C. Bhardwaj ◽  
Subodh . Kumar ◽  

The present study was conducted to transfer multiple rust resistance in a popular but rust susceptible wheat cultivar HS295. Selected derivatives WBM3632 and WBM3635 have been developed from a cross, HS295*2/FLW20//HS295*2/ FLW13 using bulk-pedigree method of breeding. Advance line WBM3697 selected from a breeding line WBM3532 was named as HS661. This line was evaluated for seedling resistance to a wide array of rust pathotypes and found to possess resistance to all the three rusts. HS661 was also tested under field conditions and showed adult plant resistance to leaf rust (AC1=0.6), stem rust (ACI=2.7) and strpe rust (AC1=3.8). Among 34 F3 lines, 28 were tested positive for SSR marker Xwmc221 indicating the presence of Lr19/Sr25. Out of 14 selected F4 lines from F3, nine were homozygous positive for Lr19/Sr25. The advanced breeding lines viz., WBM3632 (WBM3697) and WBM3635 were also positive for Lr19/Sr25 with SCAR marker SCS265512. SSR marker Xgwm1 producing 215 bp band in Avst-15, FLW13 and HS661 confirmed the presence of Yr15 . Agronomically, HS661 was comparable with recipient variety HS295 and superior to a standard check HS490 under late sown restricted irrigation production conditions of NHZ. HS661 may serve as a potential donor for creating new usable variability against all the three rusts.

2016 ◽  
Vol 150 (1) ◽  
pp. 68-75 ◽  
Diana P. Machado ◽  
Elder A. Miranda ◽  
Mariana C. Dessi ◽  
Camila P. Sabadini ◽  
Marco A. Del Lama

Samples from 861 colonies of 12 Partamona species from 125 Brazilian localities were analysed for a SCAR marker specific to the B chromosomes of P. helleri. We identified the SCAR marker in 6 of the 12 species analysed, including 2 (P. gregaria and P. chapadicola) from the pearsoni clade. This is the first report on the presence of this marker in Partamona species that are not included in the cupira clade, which indicates that the B chromosomes probably are more widespread in this genus than previously thought. The analysis revealed a high frequency of the SCAR marker in the samples of P. helleri (0.47), P. cupira (0.46), and P. rustica (0.29), and a low frequency in P. aff. helleri (0.06). The frequency of the marker in P. helleri was correlated with the latitude of the sampling locality, decreasing from north to south. Sequence data on the SCAR marker from 50 individuals of the 6 species in which the presence of this marker was shown revealed a new scenario for the origin of the B chromosomes in Partamona.

Trees ◽  
2010 ◽  
Vol 25 (3) ◽  
pp. 465-472 ◽  
Modhumita Ghosh ◽  
Palanisamy Chezhian ◽  
Ramasamy Sumathi ◽  
Ramasamy Yasodha

2021 ◽  
pp. 35-37
А.С. Ерошевская ◽  
А.А. Егорова ◽  
Н.А. Милюкова ◽  
А.С. Пырсиков

В статье представлены результаты молекулярно-генетического анализа F1 гибридов томата разных товарных групп на наличие аллелей гена устойчивости Cf-9 к кладоспориозу. Молекулярно-генетический анализ проводили в лаборатории маркерной и геномной селекции растений ФГБНУ ВНИИСБ в 2019 году. В качестве объекта исследования использованы 16 F1 гибридов томата, в том числе 10 крупноплодных, 1 кистевой, 1 коктейль и 4 черри. Повторность исследований двухкратная (одна повторность – одно растение). Для идентификации аллелей гена Cf-9 устойчивости к кладоспориозу применяли SCAR-маркер со следующими праймерами: CS5 (TTTCCAACTTACAATCCCTTC), DS1 (GAGAGCTCAACCTTTACGAA), CS1 (GCCGTTCAAGTTGGGTGTT). Реакционная смесь для ПЦР объемом 25 мкл содержала 50–100 нг ДНК, 2,5 мМ dNTP, 3 мМ MgSO4, 10 пМ каждого праймера, 2 ед. Taq-полимеразы (ООО «НПФ Синтол») и 2х стандартный ПЦР буфер. Реакцию проводили в амплификаторе Termal Cycler Bio-Rad T 100 по программе 95 °C – 5 мин, 35 циклов 95 °C – 20 с, 60 °C – 30 с, 72 °C – 30 с, финальная элонгация в течение 5 мин при 72 °C. Визуализацию результатов ПЦР проводили путем электрофореза в 1,7%-ном агарозном геле с 1х ТАЕ буфером, результаты анализировали с помощью системы Gel Doc 2000 (Bio-Rad Laboratories, Inc., США). При идентификации гена устойчивости Cf-9 к кладоспориозу у изучаемых гибридов томата F1 были выявлены фрагменты размером 378 п. н. (аллель Cf-9) и 507 п. н. (аллель 9DC), что указывает на их устойчивость к этому заболеванию. Согласно результатам исследований, из 16 F1 гибридов томата 13 устойчивы к кладоспориозу, причем у 12 из них выявлено наличие только аллелей Cf-9, 1 гибрид имеет в генотипе оба аллеля устойчивости – Cf-9 и 9DС. Доминантные гомозиготы по гену Cf-9 будут использованы в селекционных программах Агрофирмы «Поиск» для создания линий-доноров устойчивости к кладоспориозу. The article presents the results of molecular genetic analysis of F1 tomato hybrids of different commodity groups for presence of Cf-9 gene alleles of resistance to leaf mold. The molecular genetic analysis was carried out in the laboratory of marker and genomic plant breeding of FSBSI VNIISB in 2019. 16 F1 tomato hybrids were used as the object of the study, including 10 large-fruited, 1 brush, 1 cocktail and 4 cherry. The repetition of studies is two-fold (one frequency – one plant). To identify alleles of the Cf-9gene for cladosporiosis resistance, a SCAR marker with the following primers was used: CS5 (TTTCCAACTTACAATCCCTTC), DS1 (GAGAGCTCAACCTTTACGAA), CS1 (GCCGTTCAAGTTGGGTGTT). The reaction mixture for PCR with a volume of 25 µl contained 50–100 ng of DNA, 2.5 mM dNTP, 3 mM MgSO4, 10 pM of each primer, 2 units. Taq-polymerase (LLC NPF Synthol) and 2x standard PCR buffer. The reaction was carried out in the Termal Cycler Bio-Rad T 100 amplifier according to the program 95 °C – 5 min, 35 cycles 95 °C – 20 s, 60 °C – 30 s, 72 °C – 30 s, the final elongation for 5 minutes at 72 °C. The PCR results were visualized by electrophoresis in a 1.7% agarose gel with 1x TAE buffer, the results were analyzed using the Gel Doc 2000 system (Bio-Rad Laboratories, Inc., USA). The identification of the Cf-9resistance gene to cladosporiosis in the studied tomato F1 hybrids revealed fragments of 378 bp (Cf-9 allele) and 507 bp (9DC allele), which indicates their resistance to this disease. According to the research results, 13 out of 16 tomato F1 hybrids are resistant to cladosporiosis, and 12 of them have only Cf-9 alleles, 1 hybrid has both Cf-9 and 9DC resistance alleles in the genotype. Dominant homozygotes for the Cf-9 gene will be used in breeding programs of Poisk Agrofirm to create donor lines for resistance to cladosporiosis.

Crop Science ◽  
2002 ◽  
Vol 42 (4) ◽  
pp. 1365-1368 ◽  
Xinwang Wang ◽  
Jingru Lai ◽  
Guangtian Liu ◽  
Fan Chen

2014 ◽  
Vol 12 (3) ◽  
pp. 226-231
Su Cheol Kim ◽  
Hye Soo Kim ◽  
So Yeon Park ◽  
Jae-San Ryu ◽  
Soo Jeong Cho

2018 ◽  
Vol 56 (3) ◽  
pp. 255-266 ◽  
Juan Hao ◽  
Kaili Jiao ◽  
Chenliang Yu ◽  
Hong Guo ◽  
Yujia Zhu ◽  

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