Accurate Reconstruction of Shallow P-wave Velocity Model with Time-windowed Elastic Full-waveform Inversion

N. Athanasopoulos ◽  
E. Manukyan ◽  
T. Bohlen ◽  
H. Maurer
Geophysics ◽  
2021 ◽  
pp. 1-52
Yuzhu Liu ◽  
Xinquan Huang ◽  
Jizhong Yang ◽  
Xueyi Liu ◽  
Bin Li ◽  

Thin sand-mud-coal interbedded layers and multiples caused by shallow water pose great challenges to conventional 3D multi-channel seismic techniques used to detect the deeply buried reservoirs in the Qiuyue field. In 2017, a dense ocean-bottom seismometer (OBS) acquisition program acquired a four-component dataset in East China Sea. To delineate the deep reservoir structures in the Qiuyue field, we applied a full-waveform inversion (FWI) workflow to this dense four-component OBS dataset. After preprocessing, including receiver geometry correction, moveout correction, component rotation, and energy transformation from 3D to 2D, a preconditioned first-arrival traveltime tomography based on an improved scattering integral algorithm is applied to construct an initial P-wave velocity model. To eliminate the influence of the wavelet estimation process, a convolutional-wavefield-based objective function for the preprocessed hydrophone component is used during acoustic FWI. By inverting the waveforms associated with early arrivals, a relatively high-resolution underground P-wave velocity model is obtained, with updates at 2.0 km and 4.7 km depth. Initial S-wave velocity and density models are then constructed based on their prior relationships to the P-wave velocity, accompanied by a reciprocal source-independent elastic full-waveform inversion to refine both velocity models. Compared to a traditional workflow, guided by stacking velocity analysis or migration velocity analysis, and using only the pressure component or other single-component, the workflow presented in this study represents a good approach for inverting the four-component OBS dataset to characterize sub-seafloor velocity structures.

Geophysics ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 83 (6) ◽  
pp. R611-R628 ◽  
Òscar Calderón Agudo ◽  
Nuno Vieira da Silva ◽  
Michael Warner ◽  
Tatiana Kalinicheva ◽  
Joanna Morgan

In conventional full-waveform inversion (FWI), viscous effects are typically neglected, and this is likely to adversely affect the recovery of P-wave velocity. We have developed a strategy to mitigate viscous effects based on the use of matching filters with the aim of improving the performance of acoustic FWI. The approach requires an approximate estimate of the intrinsic attenuation model, and it is one to three times more expensive than conventional acoustic FWI. First, we perform 2D synthetic tests to study the impact of viscoacoustic effects on the recorded wavefield and analyze how that affects the recovered velocity models after acoustic FWI. Then, we apply the current method on the generated data and determine that it mitigates viscous effects successfully even in the presence of noise. We find that having an approximate estimate for intrinsic attenuation, even when these effects are strong, leads to improvements in resolution and a more accurate recovery of the P-wave velocity. Then, we implement and develop our method on a 2D field data set using Gabor transforms to obtain an approximate intrinsic attenuation model and inversion frequencies of up to 24 Hz. The analysis of the results indicates that there is an improvement in terms of resolution and continuity of the layers on the recovered P-wave velocity model, leading to an improved flattening of gathers and a closer match of the inverted velocity model with the migrated seismic data.

Geophysics ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 84 (2) ◽  
pp. R271-R293 ◽  
Nuno V. da Silva ◽  
Gang Yao ◽  
Michael Warner

Full-waveform inversion deals with estimating physical properties of the earth’s subsurface by matching simulated to recorded seismic data. Intrinsic attenuation in the medium leads to the dispersion of propagating waves and the absorption of energy — media with this type of rheology are not perfectly elastic. Accounting for that effect is necessary to simulate wave propagation in realistic geologic media, leading to the need to estimate intrinsic attenuation from the seismic data. That increases the complexity of the constitutive laws leading to additional issues related to the ill-posed nature of the inverse problem. In particular, the joint estimation of several physical properties increases the null space of the parameter space, leading to a larger domain of ambiguity and increasing the number of different models that can equally well explain the data. We have evaluated a method for the joint inversion of velocity and intrinsic attenuation using semiglobal inversion; this combines quantum particle-swarm optimization for the estimation of the intrinsic attenuation with nested gradient-descent iterations for the estimation of the P-wave velocity. This approach takes advantage of the fact that some physical properties, and in particular the intrinsic attenuation, can be represented using a reduced basis, substantially decreasing the dimension of the search space. We determine the feasibility of the method and its robustness to ambiguity with 2D synthetic examples. The 3D inversion of a field data set for a geologic medium with transversely isotropic anisotropy in velocity indicates the feasibility of the method for inverting large-scale real seismic data and improving the data fitting. The principal benefits of the semiglobal multiparameter inversion are the recovery of the intrinsic attenuation from the data and the recovery of the true undispersed infinite-frequency P-wave velocity, while mitigating ambiguity between the estimated parameters.

Geophysics ◽  
2013 ◽  
Vol 78 (3) ◽  
pp. B131-B146 ◽  
Manuel Queißer ◽  
Satish C. Singh

The presence of injected [Formula: see text] in the Utsira Sand at the Sleipner site, Norway, is associated with a high negative P-wave velocity anomaly; that is, a low postinjection velocity and a strong seismic response. Time-lapse seismic imaging of [Formula: see text] injection at Sleipner is thus a viable monitoring tool of the injected [Formula: see text]. The work flow usually involves conventional seismic processing, including stacking, and results in seismic images. Multiple reflections, interference effects such as tuning, and the velocity pushdown effect due to [Formula: see text] injection render these seismic images ambiguous in terms of the localization and the quantification of the [Formula: see text] in the Utsira Sand. Nonetheless, seismic images often form the basis for analyses that aim to quantify the injected [Formula: see text]. We employed elastic 2D full waveform inversion to invert prestack seismic Sleipner data from preinjection (1994) and postinjection (1999) and compared the resulting postinjection P-wave velocity model with the corresponding seismic image. We found that the high-amplitude reflections in the seismic image do not everywhere coincide with low postinjection P-wave velocities. Drawing extensive and integrated conclusions is out of our scope, because this would require full control over the seismic data processing and a more comprehensive forward modeling. For instance, modeling should be done in 3D and an adequate anelasticity formulation should be added. However, the waveform inversion scheme we used accounts for all the aforementioned elastic propagation effects. The results therefore suggested that the exclusive use of seismic images to quantify [Formula: see text] could be revised and full waveform inversion should be added to the analysis toolbox.

Geophysics ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 84 (2) ◽  
pp. R185-R206 ◽  
Wenyong Pan ◽  
Kristopher A. Innanen ◽  
Yu Geng ◽  
Junxiao Li

Simultaneous determination of multiple physical parameters using full-waveform inversion (FWI) suffers from interparameter trade-off difficulties. Analyzing the interparameter trade-offs in different model parameterizations of isotropic-elastic FWI, and thus determining the appropriate model parameterization, are critical for efficient inversion and obtaining reliable inverted models. Five different model parameterizations are considered and compared including velocity-density, modulus-density, impedance-density, and two velocity-impedance parameterizations. The scattering radiation patterns are first used for interparameter trade-off analysis. Furthermore, a new framework is developed to evaluate the interparameter trade-off based upon multiparameter Hessian-vector products: Multiparameter point spread functions (MPSFs) and interparameter contamination sensitivity kernels (ICSKs), which provide quantitative, second-order measurements of the interparameter contaminations. In the numerical experiments, the interparameter trade-offs in various model parameterizations are evaluated using the MPSFs and ICSKs. Inversion experiments are carried out with simple Gaussian-anomaly models and a complex Marmousi model. Overall, the parameterization of the P-wave velocity, S-wave velocity, and density, and the parameterization of the P-wave velocity, S-wave velocity, and S-wave impedance perform best for reconstructing all of the physical parameters. Isotropic-elastic FWI of the Hussar low-frequency data set with various model parameterizations verifies our conclusions.

Geophysics ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 83 (3) ◽  
pp. R257-R271 ◽  
Òscar Calderón Agudo ◽  
Nuno Vieira da Silva ◽  
Michael Warner ◽  
Joanna Morgan

Full-waveform inversion (FWI) is a technique used to obtain high-quality velocity models of the subsurface. Despite the elastic nature of the earth, the anisotropic acoustic wave equation is typically used to model wave propagation in FWI. In part, this simplification is essential for being efficient when inverting large 3D data sets, but it has the adverse effect of reducing the accuracy and resolution of the recovered P-wave velocity models, as well as a loss in potential to constrain other physical properties, such as the S-wave velocity given that amplitude information in the observed data set is not fully used. Here, we first apply conventional acoustic FWI to acoustic and elastic data generated using the same velocity model to investigate the effect of neglecting the elastic component in field data and we find that it leads to a loss in resolution and accuracy in the recovered velocity model. Then, we develop a method to mitigate elastic effects in acoustic FWI using matching filters that transform elastic data into acoustic data and find that it is applicable to marine and land data sets. Tests show that our approach is successful: The imprint of elastic effects on the recovered P-wave models is mitigated, leading to better-resolved models than those obtained after conventional acoustic FWI. Our method requires a guess of [Formula: see text] and is marginally more computationally demanding than acoustic FWI, but much less so than elastic FWI.

Geophysics ◽  
2016 ◽  
Vol 81 (3) ◽  
pp. R99-R123 ◽  
Zhiming Ren ◽  
Yang Liu

Elastic full-waveform inversion (FWI) updates model parameters by minimizing the residuals of the P- and S-wavefields, resulting in more local minima and serious nonlinearity. In addition, the coupling of different parameters degrades the inversion results. To address these problems, we have developed a hierarchical elastic FWI scheme based on wavefield separation and a multistep-length gradient approach. First, we have derived the gradients expressed by different wave modes; analyzed the crosstalk between various parameters; and evaluated the sensitivity of separated P-wave, separated S-wave, and P- and S-wave misfit functions. Then, a practical four-stage inversion workflow was developed. In the first stage, conventional FWI is used to achieve rough estimates of the P- and S-wave velocities. In the second stage, we only invert the P-wave velocity applying the separated P-wavefields when strong S-wave energy is involved, or we merely update the S-wave velocity by matching the separated S-wavefields for the weak S-wave case. The PP and PS gradient formulas are used in these two cases, respectively. Therefore, the nonlinearity of inversion and the crosstalk between parameters are greatly reduced. In the third stage, the multistep-length gradient scheme is adopted. The density structure can be improved owing to the use of individual step lengths for different parameters. In the fourth stage, we make minor adjustments to the recovered P- and S-wave velocities and density by implementing conventional FWI again. Synthetic examples have determined that our hierarchical FWI scheme with the aforementioned steps obtains more plausible models than the conventional method. Inversion results of each stage and any three stages reveal that wavefield decomposition and the multistep-length approach are helpful to improve the accuracy of velocities and density, respectively, and all the stages of our hierarchical FWI method are necessary to give a good recovery of P- and S-wave velocities and density.

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