An Abridged History of Learning Objects

Robert R. Saum

What follows is a short history of learning objects in both the academic, governmental, and corporate sectors. This is by no means an exhaustive list of events. The origin of the term will be traced from 1992, as Wayne Hodgins coined it, to the present. Key standards will be listed as they occurred, such as the sharable content object reference model (SCORM). In addition, landmark collaborative applications and repositories will be mentioned along with their intended mission. Corporate and academic interpretations of the term are noted and its use within organizations.

Burasakorn Yoosooka ◽  
Vilas Wuwongse

This paper proposes a new approach to automatic retrieval and composition of Learning Objects (LOs) in an Adaptive Educational Hypermedia System (AEHS) using multidimensional learner characteristics to enhance learning effectiveness. The approach focuses on adaptive techniques in four components of AEHS: Learning Paths, LO Retrieval, LO Sequencing, and Examination Difficulty Levels. This approach has been designed to enable the adaptation of rules to become generic. Hence, the application to various domains is possible. The approach dynamically selects, sequences, and composes LOs into an individual learning package based on the use of domain ontology, learner profiles, and LO metadata. The Sharable Content Object Reference Model is employed to represent LO metadata and learning packages in order to support LO sharing. The IMS Learner Information Package Specification is used to represent learner profiles. A preliminary evaluation of the developed system indicates the system’s effectiveness in terms of learners’ satisfaction.

Francisco Miguel da Silva ◽  
Francisco Milton Mendes Neto ◽  
Aquiles Medeiros Filgueira Burlamaqui ◽  
João Phellipe Freitas Pinto ◽  
Carlos Evandro de Medeiros Fernandes ◽  

Interactive Digital Television (iDTV) has facilitated and expanded the communication and interaction in activities of knowledge acquisitions, entertainment, and recreation in the distance learning field. This new way of teaching and learning has been called t-Learning. In this context, the Learning Objects (LOs) have an important role in assisting in the electronic courses' development. Due the fast progress of e-Learning, some efforts toward standardization have appeared in order to enable the reusability of educational contents and interoperability among systems, and one of these standards is the Sharable Content Object Reference Model (SCORM). Therefore, the main goal of this work is to present an extension of SCORM aiming to adapt it to improve the search and navigation of LOs with educational content for t-Learning. This is done through an authoring tool named T-SCORM ADAPTER, which is able to apply this extension in a fast and efficient way.

Burasakorn Yoosooka ◽  
Vilas Wuwongse

This paper proposes a new approach to automatic retrieval and composition of Learning Objects (LOs) in an Adaptive Educational Hypermedia System (AEHS) using multidimensional learner characteristics to enhance learning effectiveness. The approach focuses on adaptive techniques in four components of AEHS: Learning Paths, LO Retrieval, LO Sequencing, and Examination Difficulty Levels. This approach has been designed to enable the adaptation of rules to become generic. Hence, the application to various domains is possible. The approach dynamically selects, sequences, and composes LOs into an individual learning package based on the use of domain ontology, learner profiles, and LO metadata. The Sharable Content Object Reference Model is employed to represent LO metadata and learning packages in order to support LO sharing. The IMS Learner Information Package Specification is used to represent learner profiles. A preliminary evaluation of the developed system indicates the system’s effectiveness in terms of learners’ satisfaction.

1970 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
Eduardo Hernández

En la actualidad, el diseño, creación y utilización de objetos de aprendizaje o learning objects (LO), ocupa un importante lugar en la práctica del eLearning. Las actuales especificaciones (SCORM – Sharable Content Object Reference Model, Empaquetamiento de Contenidos de IMS) están orientadas a recomendar el diseño, creación y descripción de estos LO con tal de lograr y asegurar su interoperabilidad. Sin embargo, luego un análisis se concluye que las actuales prácticas pedagógicas, como por ejemplo las basadas en trabajos colaborativos de ambientes multiusuario no pueden ser descritas con el uso de las actuales especificaciones y Learning Objects. Así, se presenta en este escrito, una iniciativa, conocida como Learning Design, que ofrece un mecanismo que permite, a partir de elementos genéricos y con un lenguaje estándar, describir procesos completos de enseñanza-aprendizaje de manera que éstos puedan ser reproducidos, ejecutados e intercambiados por sistemas capaces de comprender esta especificación.

2018 ◽  
Vol 13 (2) ◽  
pp. 97
Mariana Figueroa de la Fuente ◽  
Leonardo David Glasserman Morales ◽  
María Soledad Ramírez Montoya

El aprendizaje mediado por la tecnología ha requerido el desarrollo de nuevas habilidades para enseñar y construir el conocimiento. Aunada a esto, la introducción de los dispositivos móviles como herramienta de enseñanza ha aportado flexibilidad y libertad sin precedentes, revolucionado las prácticas educativas del siglo XXI. En este contexto, el presente estudio cualitativo muestra los resultados de implementar estrategias de m-learning en un ambiente virtual de aprendizaje, con el objetivo de analizar el proceso de desarrollo de habilidades digitales. De igual forma, busca determinar si es posible incrementar la motivación de los estudiantes, mediante la integración de actividades interactivas de aprendizaje (storylines) con la herramienta de tecnología educativa llamada Sharable Content Object Reference Model (SCORM). La pregunta que guió la investigación fue: ¿Cómo desarrolla las estrategias de aprendizaje del m-learning la alfabetización digital, en un curso de educación a distancia? Entre los principales hallazgos se encontró: a) la alfabetización digital se desarrolla al incluir recursos didácticos vinculados a la tecnología móvil; b) el uso de los dispositivos móviles apoya en estrategias didácticas que promueven el desarrollo de habilidades digitales; y c) la tecnología SCORM puede incrementar la motivación de los estudiantes, al apoyar el proceso educativo virtual de forma interactiva.

Rizki Pratama ◽  
Hadi Kurnia Saputra

E-learning merupakan bentuk model pembelajaran yang diakomodasi dan disuport dalam teknologi dalam suatu sistem informasi. Dalam lembaga pendidikan tentu dibutuhkan untuk menolong guru dalam peningkatan efesiensi proses belajar. Oleh karena itu tujuan dari adanya e-learning di SMK Negeri 1 Batipuh selaku lembaga pendidikan di masa pandemi Coronavirus Disease-19 harus diberlakukan pembelajaran jarak jauh atau work from home. Perubahan bentuk pelayanan pendidikan berstandar SCORM (Sharable Content Object Reference Model), dalam permodelan SCORM menggunakan metode waterfall dalam membangun sistim yang baik, dimana tenaga pendidik bisa memberikan pembelajaran kepada peserta didik terhadap aktivitas transfer ilmu khususnya dengan menyajikan video dalam bentuk materi ditambah metode diskusi beserta emoticon agar siswa lebih memahami, menarik dan menjadi giat dalam proses belajar. Setelah melakukan riset di sekolah terkait, maka penulis menyimpulkan bahwa dibutuhkan sebuah sistem e-learning  yang memudahkan proses belajar dan mengajar. Dengan bahasa pemrograman PHP dan framework CodeIgniter maka dirancanglah sebuah sistem e-learning yang mampu menghubungkan siswa dan guru.Kata Kunci : E-Learning, SCORM, Coronavirus Disease-19, Framework CodeIgniter.. E-learning is a form of learning model that is accommodated and supported in technology in an information system. In educational institutions, of course, it is needed to help teachers in increasing the efficiency of the learning process. Therefore, the purpose of e-learning at SMK Negeri 1 Batipuh as an educational institution during the Coronavirus Disease-19 pandemic, distance learning or work from home should be implemented. Changes in the form of SCORM standard education services (Sharable Content Object Reference Model), in SCORM modeling using the waterfall method in building a good system, where educators can provide learning to students about knowledge transfer activities, especially by presenting videos in the form of materials plus discussion methods along with emoticons so that students better understand, be interesting and become active in the learning process. After conducting research in related schools, the authors conclude that an e-learning system is needed that facilitates the learning and teaching process. With the PHP programming language and the CodeIgniter framework, an e-learning system is designed to connect students and teachers.Keywords: E-Learning, SCORM, Coronavirus Disease-19, CodeIgniter Framework.

2016 ◽  
Vol 24 (1) ◽  
pp. 11 ◽  
Daniel Eugênio Neves ◽  
Lucila Ishitani ◽  
Wladmir Cardoso Brandão

A partir de um trabalho de revisão da literatura sobre a utilização do padrão Sharable Content Object Reference Model (SCORM) para composição de conteúdos para e-Learning, identificou-se que, embora amplamente utilizado, seu modelo de metadados para agregação de conteúdos é complexo e difícil de ser utilizado por educadores, desenvolvedores de conteúdo e designers instrucionais. Particularmente, a identificação de conteúdos relacionados entre si, a partir de grandes repositórios, tem sido alvo de consideráveis esforços por parte de pesquisadores em ciência da computação, no sentido da automatização destes processos. Todavia, abordagens anteriores estenderam ou alteraram os metadados definidos pelo SCORM. Diante disso, são apresentados neste artigo os resultados de uma pesquisa experimental na qual foi proposta e avaliada uma metodologia que emprega ontologias, anotação automática de metadados, recuperação de informação e mineração de textos para recomendação automática e agregação de conteúdos relacionados, utilizando o vocabulário da categoria de metadados relation, conforme definida pelo SCORM, sem a necessidade de extensão desses metadados, de realizar alterações no padrão, ou mesmo de implementações específicas nos Sistemas de Gerenciamento de Aprendizagem (SGA). Foi desenvolvido um protótipo de um sistema computacional que aplica a metodologia proposta sobre uma amostragem de objetos de aprendizagem, gerando os resultados para avaliação de sua eficácia. Os resultados foram analisados e avaliados com o apoio de profissionais da educação, que atuam no desenvolvimento de conteúdos para e-Learning, demonstrando que a metodologia proposta é viável e eficaz, produzindo os resultados esperados.

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