scholarly journals Adapting the UTAUT2 Model for Social Commerce Context

2022 ◽  
Vol 18 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-20
Zaki Shoheib ◽  
Emad Ahmed Abu-Shanab

Social commerce (SC) became a major channel for conducting business as a result of the ban adopted by many countries because of Covid-19 era. The simplicity of the Unified Theory of Acceptance and use of Technology (UTAUT) and its extended version (UTAUT2) invites researchers to explore other options that can yield better explanation of the adoption of SC. This study extended the UTAUT2 with perceived value, trust and a SC related construct. In addition, the study re-structured the UTAUT2 to fit with SC environment. The study utilized 463 surveys distributed in Qatar, and analyzed the data using SEM. Results fully supported the proposed model, where trust, perceived value, facilitating conditions, and hedonic motivation significantly predicted behavioral intentions with an R2 value equal to 72%. The model supported the role of performance expectancy and SC constructs in predicting perceived value, and the role of effort expectancy and habit in predicting hedonic motivation.

Frederick Pobee

This study investigated the factors that influence Ghanaian entrepreneurs to adopt e-commerce. Cross-sectional data was gathered from 520 entrepreneurs in the most populous and industrious regions in Ghana. The unified theory of acceptance and use of technology (UTAUT) was employed to effectively understand the unexplored phenomenon of e-commerce adoption among Ghanaian entrepreneurs. Partial Least Square-Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM) was used to test the hypothesized relationships. The findings indicate that performance expectancy, effort expectancy, and social influence (SI) positively and significantly influenced the behavioral intention (BI) to adopt e-commerce. Facilitating conditions (FC) and BI had a significant positive relationship with the adoption of e-commerce.

Nita Rianadewi ◽  
Dewa Gede Hendra Divayana ◽  
I Made Ardwi Pradnyana

Sistem Informasi Perpustakaan dan Arsip (SIPA) adalah sebuah website yang dikembangkan oleh perpustakaan daerah di kabupaten Buleleng sebagai alternative dalam mendukung pengelolaan dan mempermudah pengguna. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pemanfaatan Sistem Informasi Perpustakaan dan Arsip (SIPA) di Kabupaten Buleleng dengan berdasarkan menggunakan Model Unified Theory Of Acceptance and Use Of Technology (UTAUT) dengan menggunakan empat variabel bebas yakni  performance expectancy,  effort expectancy, social influence dan  facilitating conditions sebagai variable bebas dengan  behavioral intention dan use behavior sebagai variable terikat dan variable moderator Age, Gender dan experience. Variabel Ekpektansi Kinerja dan variabel Ekspektasi usaha tidak berpengaruh positif terhadap  minat penggunaan Sistem Informasi Perpustakaan. Pengaruh sosial berpengaruh positif terhadap minat penggunaan, Kondisi yang memfasilitasi berpengaruh positif terhadap perilaku penggunaan Sistem Informasi Perpustakaan, Variabel moderator jenis kelamin tidak memperkuat hubungan antara ekspektasi kinerja, ekspektansi usaha dan pengaruh sosial terhadap minat penggunaan Sistem Informasi Perpustakaan. Variabel moderator umur tidak memperkuat hubungan antara ekspektasi kinerja, ekspektansi usaha dan pengaruh sosial dengan minat penggunaan.Variabel moderator  umur  memperkuat hubungan antara  kondisi yang memfasilitasi  dengan  perilaku pengguna, variable moderator pengalaman memperkuat hubungan antara pengaruh sosial terhadap minat penggunaan Sistem Informasi Perpustakaan, variable moderator pengalaman memperkuat hubungan antara kondisi yang memfasilitasi terhadap perilaku pengguna Sistem Informasi Perpustakaan.  Kata Kunci :  Sistem Informasi Perpustakaan,  Ekspektansi Kinerja, Ekspektansi Usaha, Pengaruh Sosial, Kondisi Pemfasilitasi, Minat Penggunaan,  Perilaku pengguna, UTAUT

2021 ◽  
Vol 15 (2) ◽  
pp. 1
Geraldo James Sahertian ◽  
Addin Aditya ◽  
Siti Aminah

Penggunaan telepon pintar atau smartphone di Indonesia, dan di dukung oleh kemajuan teknologi informasi yang semakin pesat, berkembanglah transportasi  berbasis online atau biasa disebut ojek online. Ojek online  memberikan akses kemudahan bagi masyarakat dan pelajar yang menggunakan aplikasi tersebut, dengan melakukan transaksi pemesanan melalui aplikasi maka ojek tersebut akan datang. Namun berdasarkan informasi dari TribunJatim News yang di dapatkan bahwa ojek online mengalami kenaikan yang cukup signifikan, yang membuat sebagian masyarakat khususnya kalangan pelajar mengeluh akan kebijakan tarif yang diberlakukan mulai Agustus 2019, maka dari itu diperlukan adanya analisis untuk melihat bagaimana kalangan pelajar menerima dan menggunakan layanan transportasi online tersebut. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana penerimaan dan penggunaan terhadap layanan transportasi online GOJEK, di kalangan pelajar SMA Kecamatan Blimbing Kabupaten Malang Jumlah sampel yang diambil sebanyak 160. Penelitian ini menggunakan model Unified Theory Of Acceptance and use of Technology (UTAUT) dengan variabel behavioral intention dan use behavior sebagai variabel dependen dan menggunakan variabel indenpenden yaitu performance excpectancy, effort expectancy, social influence, dan facilitating conditions. Metode yang digunakan pada penelitian ini dengan penyebaran kuesioner menggunakan teknik sampling purposive sampling. Untuk pengelohan data, menggunakan program SPSS untuk menguji instrument penelitian dan model penelitian. Hasil yang didapatkan dari penelitian ini adalah penerimaan dan penggunaan dikalangan pelajar terhadap layanan terhadap layanan transportasi online dipengaruhi oleh faktor social influence, facilitating conditions, behavioral intention, use behavior, sedangkan faktor performance expectancy dan effort excpectancy tidak menggunakan layanan transportasi online. The use of smartphones or smartphones in Indonesia, and supported by increasingly rapid advances in information technology, has developed-based transportation online or commonly known as motorcycle taxis  online. taxis Online provide easy access for people and students who use the application, motorcycle by making an order transaction through the application, the ojek will come. However, based on information from TribunJatim News, it was obtained that motorcycle taxis online have increased quite significantly, which made some people, especially students complain about the tariff policy that was implemented starting in August 2019, therefore an analysis is needed to see how students receive and use the service.transportation online . This study aims to determine how the acceptance and use of transportation services online GOJEK, among high school students in Blimbing District, Malang Regency. The number of samples taken is 160. This study uses the Unified Theory of Acceptance and use of Technology (UTAUT) model with variables. behavioral intention and  use behavior as the dependent variable and using independent variables, namely performance expectancy, effort expectancy, social influence, and facilitating conditions. The method used in this study by distributing questionnaires using purposive sampling technique. For data collection, use the SPSS program to test research instruments and research models. The results obtained from this study are that acceptance and use among students of transportation services is online influenced by social influences, facilitating conditions, behavioral intention, use behavior, while performance expectancy expectancy and  effort factors do not use transportation services online.

Suci Indah Kemala Dewi ◽  
Denny Kurniadi ◽  
Titi Sriwahyuni

Padang state university is one of the universities that provide the academicians with information system in order to make them easier when looking for information that they need. One of the information systems is online learning evaluation system. The aim of this research is examining some factors that impacting the acceptance and the usage of online learning evaluation system interest by using Venkatesh's model (2003) that is Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT). Variables that used are: performance expectancy, effort expectancy, social influence, facilitating condition and hedonic motivation. The result of the data analysis shows that the variables of performance expectancy, effort expectancy, social influence, facilitating conditions and hedonic motivation together have a significant effect of 67% on the interest of acceptance and use of Online Learning Evaluation Information System at State University of Padang. So it can be concluded that the factors of performance expectancy, effort expectancy, social influence, facilitating conditions and hedonic motivation have contributed to the interest of acceptance and use of the system. If each variable has a higher correlation it will increase the acceptance of Information Systems Online Learning Evaluation at State University of Padang.Keywords: Unified Theory Of Acceptance And Use Of Technology (UTAUT), performance Expectancy, Effort Ecpectancy, Social Influence, Facilitating Conditions, Hedonic Motivation, Online Learning Evaluation

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (14) ◽  
pp. 47-60
Dave T. Morales ◽  
Fernando L. Trinidad

The advent of technology has influenced the way banks should conduct their business. People are becoming more conscious, more discerning and more critical with the way how businesses should provide efficient, fast, and convenient access to their products and services. And banks are not exempted from these expectations. There has been a steady surge of innovative technology that will help banks deliver more efficient services through digitization. This study was conducted to investigate the determinants of the behavioral intentions on the acceptability of the bank’s digital mortgage service from the perspective of 250 mortgage clients who are current or prospective users of digital mortgage service. The study was anchored from the Unified Theory of Acceptance Use of Technology (UTAUT). The research has found that the determinants of behavioral intention to accept digital mortgage device among mortgage clients were facilitating conditions, performance expectancy and effort expectancy. It was also revealed that based on the standardized beta coefficients, facilitating conditions (0.405), performance expectancy (0.383) and effort expectancy (0.134) had a significant influence on bank mortgage clients’ behavioral intentions to accept digital mortgage service. Additionally, it was also proven that the age, education, computer knowledge and internet knowledge of the mortgage clients moderate the impact of the three determinants: performance expectancy, effort expectancy and social influence on clients’ digital mortgage service acceptance. Lastly, it can be concluded that performance expectancy is directly related to internet time, frequency of product purchase using a mobile device and use of mobile banking.

Syzca Taqwatika ◽  
Ketut Agustini ◽  
P.Wayan Arta Suyasa

ABSTRAKTujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui bagaimana penerimaan pengguna terhadap sistem Pembelajaran Online Edmodo sehingga pengembangan sistem layak dilaksanakan. Salah satu pendekatan teori penerimaan dan penggunaan terhadap suatu teknologi yaitu Unified Theory Of Acceptance And Use Of Technology (UTAUT). UTAUT merupakan salah satu model penerimaan teknologi yang dikembangkan oleh Vankatesh, et al. (2003) dengan menggabungkan delapan teori penerimaan teknologi sebelumnya. UTAUT memiliki empat konstruk utama yaitu 1) performance expectancy, 2) effort expectancy, 3) social influence, dan 4) facilitating conditions. Penelitian ini selanjutnya akan menjelaskan tentang hubungan faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi penerimaan dan penggunaan sistem Pembelajaran Online Edmodo menggunakan model UTAUT. Data diperoleh dengan cara menyebarkan kuesioner tertutup kepada siswa dan wawancara bersama guru dan siswa. Besar sampel pada penelitian ini berjumlah 72 siswa, setalah menyebarkan kuisioner data lalu dianalisis menggunakan Smart PLS Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa Variabel Ekpektansi Kinerja berpengaruh positif terhadap minat penggunaan  Sedangkan variabel Ekspektasi usaha dan Pengaruh Sosial  tidak berpengaruh positif terhadap  minat penggunaan Sistem Pembelajaran Online Edmodo. Kondisi yang memfasilitasi berpengaruh positif terhadap perilaku penggunaan Sistem Pembelajaran Online Edmodo. Kata kunci :Pembelajaran Online Edmodo,Siswa, Unified Theory Of Acceptance And Use Of Technology (UTAUT),

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 68-76
Sri widiyanti Sri widiyanti ◽  
Ina Sholihah Widiati

Penelitian ini membahas tentang implementasi dan pengujian sistem presensi siswa. Kehadiran siswa atau presensi di Lembaga Keterampilan dan Pelatihan (LKP) merupakan hal yang sangat utama, hal tersebut dilakukan karena untuk mengetahui kehadiran siswa dan keperluan manajemen lembaga. Masalah yang terjadi di sistem yang telah berjalan saat ini, persiapan sebelum memulai pembelajaran pengajar harus mengambil lembar presensi dan mengembalikan lagi ke bagian administrasi jika sudah selesai, serta  pelaksanaan presensi masih dilakukan secara manual sehingga rawan terjadi manipulasi. Penyelesaian terhadap permasalahan tersebut yaitu dengan membuat sistem presensi yang terhubung langsung dengan perangkat pintar berbasis android, sehingga akan mempermudah dalam presensi dan setiap siswa juga sudah mempunyai perangkat tersebut. Untuk membaca data siswa, sistem ini dibuat dengan menggunakan QR code karena unutk melakukan presensi dibutuhkan waktu sekitar 15 detik/kartu. Kartu siswa yang terdapat QR code di scan pada aplikasi android pada penyedia scan untuk melakakukan presensi. Hasil dari sistem ini dapat mempermudah dalam melakukan presensi, pengolahan data siswa oleh instruktur, dan kemudahan laporan di bagian administrasi . Hasil dari implementasi ini diujikan oleh peserta didik atau siswa dengan menggunkana metode action research dan pengisian kuesioner melalui google form. Hasil pengolahan kuesioner menggunakan model penerimaan Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT). Hasilnya dari kelima varibel UTAUT yaitu  Performance Expectancy, Effort Expectancy, Social Influence, Facilitating Conditions, dan Habbit mendapatkan hasil yang positif dan signifikan. Abstract  This study discusses the implementation and testing of the student attendance system. The presence of students or attendance at the Skills and Training Institute (LKP) is very important, this is done because it is to determine student attendance and the needs of institutional management. Problems that occur in the current system, preparation before starting learning, the teacher must take the attendance sheet and return it to the administration when it is finished, and the implementation of attendance is still done manually so that it is prone to manipulation. The solution to this problem is by creating a presence system that is directly connected to an Android-based smart device, so that it will make it easier to attend and every student already has this device. To read student data, this system is built using a QR code because it takes about 15 seconds per card to attend. Student cards that contain a QR code are scanned on the android application on the scan provider to make attendance. The results of this system can make it easier to make presence, processing student data by the instructor, and ease reports in the administration section. The results of this implementation were tested by students using the action research method and filling out a questionnaire via google form. The results of the questionnaire processing use the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) acceptance model. The results of the five UTAUT variables, namely Performance Expectancy, Effort Expectancy, Social Influence, Facilitating Conditions, and Habbit got positive and significant results.

2018 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 51-58
Ahmad Huzaemi ◽  
Sufa Atin

PT.X merupakan salah satu Perusahaan Milik Negara di Indonesia yang bergerak dibidang jasa transportasi. Didalam proses penjulaan tiketnya PT X sudah menerapkan sebuah sistem e-ticket sebagai alternative bagi pelangga untuk melakukan pembelian tiket. Sudah beberapa tahun e-ticket diterapkan di perusahaan tersebut, namun pengguna jasa transportasi di PT.X, hingga saat ini belum banyak yang menggunakan sistem tersebut. Pihak PT.X menyaranakan adanya penelitian untuk menganalisis penerimaan penggunaan sistem e-ticket di PT.X guna pengembangan Sistem E-ticket selanjutnya. Salah satu model yang dapat digunakan untuk menganalisis perilaku penggunaan teknologi adalah model Unified Theory Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT). UTAUT adalah salah satu model yang digunakan untuk melakukan pengukuran terhadap penerimaan pengguna pada sistem yang sedang diterapkan. Pengurukan dilakukan dengan memperhatikan beberapa indikator pengukuran, yaitu : performance expectancy (PE), effort expectancy (EE), social influence (SI), facilitating conditions (FC), gender (G), age (A), experience (E), voluntariness of use (VoU), behavioral intention (BI), dan use behavior (UB). Penelitian ini memperoleh variabel yang mempengaruhi penerimaan penggunaan e-ticket di PT.X yang meliputi ekspektansi kinerja (PE), ekspektasni usaha (EE), dan pengaruh sosial (SI) berpengaruh positif terhadap niat dari penggunaan sistem (BI) dengan pemoderasinya jenis kelamin (G), usia (A), dan pengalaman (E). Kata kunci : sistem, e-ticket, UTAUT, PE, EE, SI, BI

Eija Kivekäs ◽  
Santtu Mikkonen ◽  
Samuli Koponen ◽  
Kaija Saranto

The use of welfare technologies in the home setting has drawn increased attention in healthcare. From a historical perspective, medical technologies were designed for hospital settings. Digitalization and internet of things have changed the structure of our society. The aim of this paper is to describe the factors that determine a user’s intent to adopt new welfare technologies in the context of homecare. The phenomenon was being examined by the unified theory of acceptance and use of technology. This study was to show that performance expectancy, effort expectancy, and facilitating conditions are significant factors in determining a user’s intention to use new welfare technologies. While, the use of welfare technologies was rare in homecare.

2020 ◽  
Yanxiang Yang ◽  
Joerg Koenigstorfer

BACKGROUND Smartphone fitness apps are considered promising tools for promoting physical activity and health. However, it is unclear which user-perceived factors and app features encourage users to download apps with the intention of being physically active. OBJECTIVE Building on the second version of the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology, this study aims to examine the association of the seven determinants of the second version of the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology with the app usage intentions of the individuals and their behavioral intentions of being physically active as well as the moderating effects of different smartphone fitness app features (ie, education, motivation, and gamification related) and individual differences (ie, age, gender, and experience) on these intentions. METHODS Data from 839 US residents who reported having used at least one smartphone fitness app were collected via a web-based survey. A confirmatory factor analysis was performed, and path modeling was used to test the hypotheses and explore the influence of moderators on structural relationships. RESULTS The determinants explain 76% of the variance in the behavioral intention to use fitness apps. Habit (<i>β</i>=.42; <i>P</i>&lt;.001), performance expectancy (<i>β</i>=.36; <i>P</i>&lt;.001), facilitating conditions (<i>β</i>=.15; <i>P</i>&lt;.001), price value (<i>β</i>=.13; <i>P</i>&lt;.001), and effort expectancy (<i>β</i>=.09; <i>P</i>=.04) were positively related to behavioral intention to use fitness apps, whereas social influence and hedonic motivation were nonsignificant predictors. Behavioral intentions to use fitness apps were positively related to intentions of being physically active (<i>β</i>=.12; <i>P</i>&lt;.001; <i>R<sup>2</sup></i>=0.02). Education-related app features moderated the association between performance expectancy and habit and app usage intentions; motivation-related features moderated the association of performance expectancy, facilitating conditions, and habit with usage intentions; and gamification-related features moderated the association between hedonic motivation and usage intentions. Age moderated the association between effort expectancy and usage intentions, and gender moderated the association between performance expectancy and habit and usage intentions. User experience was a nonsignificant moderator. Follow-up tests were used to describe the nature of significant interaction effects. CONCLUSIONS This study identifies the drivers of the use of fitness apps. Smartphone app features should be designed to increase the likelihood of app usage, and hence physical activity, by supporting users in achieving their goals and facilitating habit formation. Target group–specific preferences for education-, motivation-, and gamification-related app features, as well as age and gender differences, should be considered. Performance expectancy had a high predictive power for intended usage for male (vs female) users who appreciated motivation-related features. Thus, apps targeting these user groups should focus on goal achievement–related features (eg, goal setting and monitoring). Future research could examine the mechanisms of these moderation effects and their long-term influence on physical activity.

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