evaluation system
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2022 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-22
Hongting Niu ◽  
Hengshu Zhu ◽  
Ying Sun ◽  
Xinjiang Lu ◽  
Jing Sun ◽  

Recent years have witnessed the rapid development of car-hailing services, which provide a convenient approach for connecting passengers and local drivers using their personal vehicles. At the same time, the concern on passenger safety has gradually emerged and attracted more and more attention. While car-hailing service providers have made considerable efforts on developing real-time trajectory tracking systems and alarm mechanisms, most of them only focus on providing rescue-supporting information rather than preventing potential crimes. Recently, the newly available large-scale car-hailing order data have provided an unparalleled chance for researchers to explore the risky travel area and behavior of car-hailing services, which can be used for building an intelligent crime early warning system. To this end, in this article, we propose a Risky Area and Risky Behavior Evaluation System (RARBEs) based on the real-world car-hailing order data. In RARBEs, we first mine massive multi-source urban data and train an effective area risk prediction model, which estimates area risk at the urban block level. Then, we propose a transverse and longitudinal double detection method, which estimates behavior risk based on two aspects, including fraud trajectory recognition and fraud patterns mining. In particular, we creatively propose a bipartite graph-based algorithm to model the implicit relationship between areas and behaviors, which collaboratively adjusts area risk and behavior risk estimation based on random walk regularization. Finally, extensive experiments on multi-source real-world urban data clearly validate the effectiveness and efficiency of our system.

Jiangnan He ◽  
Ying Qian ◽  
Xiaoyin Yin

For e-commerce companies, it is easier to obtain a large amount of aggregated data about user behavior with the help of embedded network platforms, which contains valuable information that helps to form effective decision-making. This article first gives a detailed introduction to the evaluation and selection of e-commerce and suppliers; then puts forward the analytic hierarchy process and entropy method; finally, the AHP analytic method is used to build a supplier evaluation system and a selection system. The experimental results of this paper show that after obtaining the entropy AHP weights through the analytic hierarchy process, these 8 suppliers can be ranked and selected. Using the ABC classification method, classification is based on the ranking of suppliers. Among them, Class A suppliers account for 12.5%, which plays a key role in the construction of the evaluation and selection system of e-commerce suppliers.

2022 ◽  
Vol 73 ◽  
pp. 102239
Xuewei Zhang ◽  
Tianbiao Yu ◽  
Pengfei Xu ◽  
Ji Zhao

Tae-Hoon Kim

AbstractThis paper presents a nonlinear analysis procedure for the seismic performance assessment of deteriorated reinforced concrete bridges using a modified damage index. A finite-element analysis program, RCAHEST (Reinforced Concrete Analysis in Higher Evaluation System Technology), is used to analyze deteriorated two-span simply supported reinforced concrete bridges. The new nonlinear material models for deteriorated reinforced concrete behaviors were proposed, considering corrosion effects as shown in a reduction in reinforcement section and bond strength. A modified damage index aims to quantify the seismic performance level in deteriorated reinforced concrete bridges. Several parameters of two-span simply supported deteriorated reinforced concrete bridge have been studied to determine the seismic performance levels. The newly developed analytical method for assessing the seismic performance of deteriorated reinforced concrete bridges is verified by comparison with the experimental and analytical parameter results.

2022 ◽  
Vol 22 (1) ◽  
N. Jiang ◽  
L. H. Ma ◽  
J. X. Cheng ◽  
X. L. Jiang

Abstract Background Community resilience, which fully reflects the ability of communities to resist, absorb, recover or adapt to disasters, has attracted international attention. Nurses are an important force in disaster prevention, relief and postdisaster reconstruction. This study aims to test the current level of community resilience in Dujiangyan city, which was seriously damaged by the Wenchuan earthquake, and analyze the causes. Methods Community data from 952 residents, 574 families, 5 health care institutions and 12 communities in Dujiangyan city were collected by using stratified, cluster, map and systematic sampling methods. A new community resilience evaluation system from the perspective of nursing was used to test individual, family, health care and environmental resilience. Results In Dujiangyan city, average scores were obtained for community resilience (3.93 ± 0.12), individual resilience (4.07 ± 0.64), family resilience (4.07 ± 0.6), health care resilience (3.84 ± 0.33) and community environment resilience (3.69 ± 0.46). Conclusions The urban communities in Dujiangyan city had acceptable resilience, with good family and individual resilience and medium health care and community environment resilience, but environmental resilience had the lowest score. Because conditions and resilience levels varied among the communities, targeted measures should be taken to improve resilience based on population characteristics, management, professional organizations, hardware and software facilities.

Knowledge ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 55-87
Sargam Yadav ◽  
Abhishek Kaushik

Conversational systems are now applicable to almost every business domain. Evaluation is an important step in the creation of dialog systems so that they may be readily tested and prototyped. There is no universally agreed upon metric for evaluating all dialog systems. Human evaluation, which is not computerized, is now the most effective and complete evaluation approach. Data gathering and analysis are evaluation activities that need human intervention. In this work, we address the many types of dialog systems and the assessment methods that may be used with them. The benefits and drawbacks of each sort of evaluation approach are also explored, which could better help us understand the expectations associated with developing an automated evaluation system. The objective of this study is to investigate conversational agents, their design approaches and evaluation metrics. This approach can help us to better understand the overall process of dialog system development, and future possibilities to enhance user experience. Because human assessment is costly and time consuming, we emphasize the need of having a generally recognized and automated evaluation model for conversational systems, which may significantly minimize the amount of time required for analysis.

2022 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 177-186
Mega Putri ◽  
Elan Halid ◽  
Zona Rida Rahayu

In education, one of the evidences of success in the learning process is with the achievement of the test results obtained. The national exam is evaluation system of national primary and secondary education standards and quality equality inter-regional education level conducted by the Center for Educational Assessment, Ministry of National Education in Indonesia based on the Law of the Republic of Indonesia No. 20 of 2003 states that in the context of controlling the quality of education nationally, an evaluation is carried out as a form of accountability of education providers to parties who interested. Indonesian subjects are important for all students because position as the national language. Indonesian subjects have been studied starting from elementary school students up to the college level. However, this subject is still a scourge which is scary because in the evaluation it is considered that there are many trapping questions. other than that The text-based 2013 curriculum requires students to be able to understand the text before they answer the exam questions. students also have difficulty reading quickly thus spending a lot of time to solve the problem of the form of the text in exams, especially for middle school students. Guidance is needed for students in answering UN questions in order to get satisfactory results.The activities carried out in this service are making try out questions National Examination, then the implementation of the National Examination pretest, and discussion of questions the. In the discussion students are given guidance in answering exam questions National which has been prepared in advance. The implementation of the pretest the average score of students is 65 while after the guidance was carried out in the form of discussion of the UN questions so that the average score of students increased. There appears to be a significant change in student scores. They are also very enthusiastic in discussing the existing problems. They are also fighting for answer the questions discussed together.

2022 ◽  
Vol 2022 ◽  
pp. 1-11
Suqiong Ge ◽  
Xiaopeng Huang

Under the smart engineering system (SES), there is a huge demand for evaluating the efficacy of a large-scale networked intelligent perception system (IPS). Considering the large-scale, distributed, and networked system characteristics and perception task demands, this paper proposes a conceptual system for IPS efficacy evaluation and, on this basis, designs the architecture of the efficacy evaluation system. A networked IPS model is constructed based on domain ontology, an index system is quickly established for efficacy evaluation, the evaluation methods are assembled automatically, and adaptive real-time organization strategies are generated for networked perception based on efficacy estimate. After exploring these key technologies, a prototype system is created for the service-oriented integrated efficacy evaluation platform and used to verify and integrate research results. The research provides support for the efficacy evaluation theories and methods of large-scale networked IPS.

Water ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 14 (2) ◽  
pp. 232
Yeon-Joong Kim ◽  
Jong-Sung Yoon

The severe coastal erosions are being accelerated along the east coast of South Korea owing to the intermittent erosions and depositions caused by the imbalance between the effective sediment volume supplied from coasts and rivers and the sediment transport rate. Consequently, many studies are being conducted to develop coastal-erosion reduction measures. To accurately determine the cause of coastal erosion, the causes of the erosion and deposition should be accurately diagnosed, and a comprehensive evaluation system for the sediment transport mechanism in the watershed and sea while considering regional characteristics is required. In particular, realizing the evaluation of the effective sediment volume that flows from the river to the sea through observations is a highly challenging task, and various research and developments are required to realize it, as it is still in the basic research stage. The purpose of this study was to systematically analyze the comprehensive sediment budget for coastal areas. First, an analytical system was developed. Then, a shoreline model was constructed by considering the size of the mixed particles. The parameters required for developing the model were determined using the observation data to improve the shoreline model. A sediment runoff model was applied to evaluate the effective sediment volume supplied from the river to the sea, and the applicability of this model was evaluated by comparing it with the sediment supply volume according to the soil and water assessment tool model. The representative wave and the input parameters of the model were set using the observation data of several years. It was found that the prediction performance of the shoreline change model improved when the effective sediment volume was considered, and the particles of the sediment on the shore were assumed to comprise multiple sizes. In particular, the prediction performance improved when the balance of the sediment budget was adjusted by applying a groin having a structurally similar performance to take into consideration the geographic features of the Deokbongsan (island) in front of the river mouth bar. The model demonstrated a good performance in reproducing long-term shoreline changes when the characteristics of the sea waves and the effective sediment volume were considered.

10.2196/25983 ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 24 (1) ◽  
pp. e25983
Thijs Devriendt ◽  
Pascal Borry ◽  
Mahsa Shabani

Background The European Commission is funding projects that aim to establish data-sharing platforms. These platforms are envisioned to enhance and facilitate the international sharing of cohort data. Nevertheless, broad data sharing may be restricted by the lack of adequate recognition for those who share data. Objective The aim of this study is to describe in depth the concerns about acquiring credit for data sharing within epidemiological research. Methods A total of 17 participants linked to European Union–funded data-sharing platforms were recruited for a semistructured interview. Transcripts were analyzed using inductive content analysis. Results Interviewees argued that data sharing within international projects could challenge authorship guidelines in multiple ways. Some respondents considered that the acquisition of credit for articles with extensive author lists could be problematic in some instances, such as for junior researchers. In addition, universities may be critical of researchers who share data more often than leading research. Some considered that the evaluation system undervalues data generators and specialists. Respondents generally looked favorably upon alternatives to the current evaluation system to potentially ameliorate these issues. Conclusions The evaluation system might impede data sharing because it mainly focuses on first and last authorship and undervalues the contributor’s work. Further movement of crediting models toward contributorship could potentially address this issue. Appropriate crediting mechanisms that are better aligned with the way science ought to be conducted in the future need to be developed.

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