2022 ◽  
Vol 24 (2) ◽  
pp. 0-0

When data exchange advances through the electronic system, the need for information security has become a must. Protection of images and videos is important in today's visual communication system. Confidential image / video data must be shielded from unauthorized uses. Detecting and identifying unauthorized users is a challenging task. Various researchers have suggested different techniques for securing the transfer of images. In this research, the comparative study of these current technologies also addressed the types of images / videos and the different techniques of image / video processing with the steps used to process the image or video. This research classifies the two types of Encryption Algorithm, Symmetric and Encryption Algorithm, and provides a comparative analysis of its types, such as AES, MAES, RSA, DES, 3DES and BLOWFISH.

2022 ◽  
Vol 24 (2) ◽  
pp. 1-18
Raya Basil Alothman ◽  
Imad Ibraheem Saada ◽  
Basma Salim Bazel Al-Brge

When data exchange advances through the electronic system, the need for information security has become a must. Protection of images and videos is important in today's visual communication system. Confidential image / video data must be shielded from unauthorized uses. Detecting and identifying unauthorized users is a challenging task. Various researchers have suggested different techniques for securing the transfer of images. In this research, the comparative study of these current technologies also addressed the types of images / videos and the different techniques of image / video processing with the steps used to process the image or video. This research classifies the two types of Encryption Algorithm, Symmetric and Encryption Algorithm, and provides a comparative analysis of its types, such as AES, MAES, RSA, DES, 3DES and BLOWFISH.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (3) ◽  
pp. 9-36
Luís Valadares Tavares ◽  
Pedro Arruda

Public procurement is a main issue in the frontline of Governments fighting COVID 19 pandemic as the need for additional and urgent acquisitions as well as the need to consolidate the supply chains and to promote sustainable and innovative procurement have been a source of deep changes and main challenges disturbing public markets and invalidating several assumptions of the traditional public contracting. In this paper, the development of appropriate public policies to cope with these challenges is studied following the approach suggested by several authors and including four stages: a Stage on Facts and Issues where the main challenges and conditions are studied, the Options Stage to describe which polices and procedures can be adopted, a Values Stage stating the main values to be pursued and, finally, a Policies Stage including the selection of the recommended policies. The analysis of the challenges and facts includes the study of a taxonomy of short and longer term needs and the available options are based on the comparative study of procedures ruled by the European Directives on Public Procurement approved on 2014. The major values to be respected include the principle of competition which is a major institutional principle of the European Treaty and of the Directives as well as the goal of promoting sustainable and innovative public procurement. Several indicators are suggested to describe the application of the public procurement policies adopted across EU and their comparative analysis is presented using the TED data for contracts concerning COVID 19. The case of Portugal is discussed and final remarks about the recommended public policies are also included herein.

Mohd Imran ◽  
Mohd Vasim Ahamad ◽  
Misbahul Haque ◽  
Mohd Shoaib

The term big data analytics refers to mining and analyzing of the voluminous amount of data in big data by using various tools and platforms. Some of the popular tools are Apache Hadoop, Apache Spark, HBase, Storm, Grid Gain, HPCC, Casandra, Pig, Hive, and No SQL, etc. These tools are used depending on the parameter taken for big data analysis. So, we need a comparative analysis of such analytical tools to choose best and simpler way of analysis to gain more optimal throughput and efficient mining. This chapter contributes to a comparative study of big data analytics tools based on different aspects such as their functionality, pros, and cons based on characteristics that can be used to determine the best and most efficient among them. Through the comparative study, people are capable of using such tools in a more efficient way.

2022 ◽  
pp. 622-631
Mohd Imran ◽  
Mohd Vasim Ahamad ◽  
Misbahul Haque ◽  
Mohd Shoaib

The term big data analytics refers to mining and analyzing of the voluminous amount of data in big data by using various tools and platforms. Some of the popular tools are Apache Hadoop, Apache Spark, HBase, Storm, Grid Gain, HPCC, Casandra, Pig, Hive, and No SQL, etc. These tools are used depending on the parameter taken for big data analysis. So, we need a comparative analysis of such analytical tools to choose best and simpler way of analysis to gain more optimal throughput and efficient mining. This chapter contributes to a comparative study of big data analytics tools based on different aspects such as their functionality, pros, and cons based on characteristics that can be used to determine the best and most efficient among them. Through the comparative study, people are capable of using such tools in a more efficient way.

2012 ◽  
Vol 503-504 ◽  
pp. 880-883 ◽  
Jun Feng Hu ◽  
Wen Juan Xie ◽  
Pei Li ◽  
Xiang Fu Cui

The comparative analysis of a parabolic and hyperbolic flexible hinges were presented. The closed-form compliance equations in the working and non-working plane can be derived by using the Castigliano’s second theorem. In order to compare the relative performance of parabolic and hyperbolic flexure hinges, a ratio function between specific compliances of the two hinges is defined. We analyzed the non-dimensional ratios of working plane and non-working plane compliance to show the relative properties of parabolic versus hyperbolic flexure hinges. The analysis results has showed compared to a hyperbolic flexure, a parabolic flexure can produce more desired output and is slightly less sensitive to axial effects under identical loading conditions. Meanwhile, the comparative study on the parabolic and hyperbolic flexure hinges can provide a theoretical basis for choosing them.

2012 ◽  
Vol 253-255 ◽  
pp. 249-253 ◽  
Zhong Qing Wang ◽  
Qiang Hu

Based on the comparative analysis, this paper discussed the similar and different parts of the sustainable sites indicators between ESGB and LEED. The results show the two evaluation system had different emphasis in land saving of green buildings. It should not completely copy the contents of LEED though ESGB could learn a lot from LEED.

Abdul Kader ◽  
Farah MAH Jabeen Hossain ◽  
Mohammad Moinul Islam ◽  
Golam Kabir ◽  
Subod Kumar Sarkar ◽  

The macro- and micro-nutrients of locally produced pineapples namely Giant Kew and Honey Queen were compared. The Giant Kew variety contained 6 g% of TSS, 3.88 g% of total sugar and 1.75 g% of non reducing sugar. On the contrary, the Honey Queen variety contained 10 g% of TSS, 4.84 g% of total sugar and 1.59 g% of non reducing sugar. The comparative study indicates that the Honey Queen variety is superior in nutritional content as well as sweetness than the Giant Kew variety of pineapple. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.3329/cujbs.v5i1.13375 The Chittagong Univ. J. B. Sci.,Vol. 5(1 &2):105-112, 2010

2021 ◽  
Vol 19 ◽  
pp. 100-106
Alla Shtokal ◽  
Jakub Smołka

The article presents a comparative analysis of frameworks supporting the development of automated tests for defined test scenarios. The comparative study concerned the TestNG and WebDriverIO frameworks. The overview of the tool has been analyzed both in terms of the test development process as well as the speed and efficiency of their execution. The website github.com was used for the purposes of the work. This application was used to run test scripts written in both frameworks. The results were compared by five defined criteria: the time of running the test files in different browser operation modes, the average value of memory and CPU usage during the test execution. The summary includes the evaluation of the compared frameworks.

rahatulquloob ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (2(2)) ◽  
pp. 1-12
Dr. Aziz ur Rehman Saifee ◽  
Dr. Muhammad Ishaq Alam ◽  
Prof. Dr. Ubaid Ahmed Khan

The present study sheds light on the disgrace of women over the centuries. The way this world has been treating and treats at present, women, and how different culture in context of religious has given the status is the focal points of this analysis. The present-day woman is not an embodiment of the slogans of liberty, equality and freedom. The present-day woman is what she was never before. The research investigates how this particular status has been a subject to the contrary practices of the above mentioned Slogans. Do Slogans embody the existence of women or they just create an allusion? The comparative study and analysis of women status in different religions’ and cultures pinpoints the actual physical mental, social and economic inequalities they have been suff-ering through. So the very idea of a liberated woman is the question the present study seeks to answer. Moreover, it explores what status Islam has given to women in real, and what misinterpretations are associate to their status. 

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