the comparative study
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Rajeev Kumar Gupta ◽  
Nilesh Kunhare ◽  
Rajesh Kumar Pateriya ◽  
Nikhlesh Pathik

The novel Covid-19 is one of the leading cause of death worldwide in the year 2020 and declared as a pandemic by world health organization (WHO). This virus affecting all countries across the world and 5 lakh people die as of June 2020 due to Covid-19. Due to the highly contagious nature, early detection of this virus plays a vital role to break Covid chain. Recent studies done by China says that chest CT and X-Ray image may be used as a preliminary test for Covid detection. Deep learning-based CNN model can use to detect Coronavirus automatically from the chest X-rays images. This paper proposed a transfer learning-based approach to detect Covid disease. Due to the less number of Covid chest images, we are using a pre-trained model to classify X-ray images into Covid and Normal class. This paper presents the comparative study of a various pre-trained model like VGGNet-19, ResNet50 and Inception_ResNet_V2. Experiment results show that Inception_ResNet_V2 gives the better result as compare to VGGNet and ResNet model with training and test accuracy of 99.26 and 94, respectively.

2022 ◽  
Vol 24 (2) ◽  
pp. 1-18
Raya Basil Alothman ◽  
Imad Ibraheem Saada ◽  
Basma Salim Bazel Al-Brge

When data exchange advances through the electronic system, the need for information security has become a must. Protection of images and videos is important in today's visual communication system. Confidential image / video data must be shielded from unauthorized uses. Detecting and identifying unauthorized users is a challenging task. Various researchers have suggested different techniques for securing the transfer of images. In this research, the comparative study of these current technologies also addressed the types of images / videos and the different techniques of image / video processing with the steps used to process the image or video. This research classifies the two types of Encryption Algorithm, Symmetric and Encryption Algorithm, and provides a comparative analysis of its types, such as AES, MAES, RSA, DES, 3DES and BLOWFISH.

2022 ◽  
Vol 24 (2) ◽  
pp. 0-0

When data exchange advances through the electronic system, the need for information security has become a must. Protection of images and videos is important in today's visual communication system. Confidential image / video data must be shielded from unauthorized uses. Detecting and identifying unauthorized users is a challenging task. Various researchers have suggested different techniques for securing the transfer of images. In this research, the comparative study of these current technologies also addressed the types of images / videos and the different techniques of image / video processing with the steps used to process the image or video. This research classifies the two types of Encryption Algorithm, Symmetric and Encryption Algorithm, and provides a comparative analysis of its types, such as AES, MAES, RSA, DES, 3DES and BLOWFISH.

2022 ◽  
Alysson Rômulo de Sousa Pezzutti ◽  
Joberto S. B. Martins

Smart grids (SGs) have as one of their basic proposals to incorporate intelligence into the electric grid through computing and communication technologies aiming at greater efficiency and effectiveness in their operation and control. Power loss, quality, and failures are inherent in the generation process, transmission, and distribution of electricity and, in the context of SGs, should be minimized to ensure greater resilience and system efficiency. Dynamic and efficient distribution network reconfiguration is an example of an SG functionality. The reconfiguration process consists of adjusting or changing the topology of the distribution network from the opening and closing of switches to minimize technical losses, optimize operating parameters, and restore power supply in contingency situations. The nature of the network reconfiguration problem is combinatorial, complex, and non-linear. Aiming to minimize convergence time in search of a solution in medium and large topologies, heuristic and optimization techniques are an alternative. This dissertation proposes a new genetic algorithm, GAEnhanced (Genetic Algorithm Enhanced), to solve network reconfiguration and make a comparative study of performance aspects of this algorithm in relation to other solutions and algorithmic strategies used. The main goal is to evaluate the algorithm implementation strategies for dynamic reconfiguration and on-the-fly distribution networks from a broader perspective, in addition to proposing a new solution with the GAEnhanced algorithm. A simulator (DNRSim) with basic functionalities for implementation and tests of network reconfiguration algorithms for the Smart Grid was developed within the scope of this dissertation. The comparative study of the performance of the GAEnhanced algorithm and other solutions with the DNRSim uses the IEEE models for system tests (14-bus, 30-bus, 57-bus, 118-bus, and 330-bus). The comparative study results illustrate the different ways to efficiently compute network reconfiguration solutions (scalability, time, and quality) and demonstrate the feasibility of using the GAEnhanced algorithm in the context of Smart Grids in a perspective of deploying more autonomic and intelligent solutions.

2022 ◽  
pp. 622-631
Mohd Imran ◽  
Mohd Vasim Ahamad ◽  
Misbahul Haque ◽  
Mohd Shoaib

The term big data analytics refers to mining and analyzing of the voluminous amount of data in big data by using various tools and platforms. Some of the popular tools are Apache Hadoop, Apache Spark, HBase, Storm, Grid Gain, HPCC, Casandra, Pig, Hive, and No SQL, etc. These tools are used depending on the parameter taken for big data analysis. So, we need a comparative analysis of such analytical tools to choose best and simpler way of analysis to gain more optimal throughput and efficient mining. This chapter contributes to a comparative study of big data analytics tools based on different aspects such as their functionality, pros, and cons based on characteristics that can be used to determine the best and most efficient among them. Through the comparative study, people are capable of using such tools in a more efficient way.

2022 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 0-0

The learning process of artificial neural networks is an important and complex task in the supervised learning field. The main difficulty of training a neural network is the process of fine-tuning the best set of control parameters in terms of weight and bias. This paper presents a new training method based on hybrid particle swarm optimization with Multi-Verse Optimization (PMVO) to train the feedforward neural networks. The hybrid algorithm is utilized to search better in solution space which proves its efficiency in reducing the problems of trapping in local minima. The performance of the proposed approach was compared with five evolutionary techniques and the standard momentum backpropagation and adaptive learning rate. The comparison was benchmarked and evaluated using six bio-medical datasets. The results of the comparative study show that PMVO outperformed other training methods in most datasets and can be an alternative to other training methods.

Valentin Mereuta

Abstract: In this work the 3D model of the camshaft was done using Autodesk Inventor version 2021 with the literature data and finite element analysis is performed by applying restrictions and loads conditions, first by the absence of the torque and then by applying the torque. Three materials were analyzed in both situations: Cast Iron, Stainless Steel AISI 202 and Steel Alloy. Following the comparative study for the three materials, it can be specified the importance of the material for the construction of the camshaft. Keywords: Camshaft, Static analysis, Autodesk Inventor

2021 ◽  
Vol 61 (6) ◽  
pp. 768-776
Andrii Sliusenko ◽  
Vitalii Ponomarenko ◽  
Inna Forostiuk

In the paper, the hydrodynamics of the liquid-gas mixture in the mixing chamber of the ejectors at different spatial positions was analyzed and the comparative study of such ejectors was carried out. It was found that a more ordered mode of movement of the mixture in the mixing chamber is created as a result of the coincidence of the velocity vector of liquid drops and the direction of gravity in the vertical position of the ejectors. This leads to increasing the volume entrainment ratio almost twice. The analysis of the liquid-gas mixture flow in the mixing chamber, evaluation calculations and research allowed to develop and to patent a jet apparatus with a conical-cylindrical (combined) mixing chamber. It was also found that for such ejectors, the volume entrainment ratio is 15–55% higher than for a jet apparatus with a cylindrical mixing chamber due to the reduction of the resistance of the passive flow into the mixing chamber and prevention of the formation of reverse-circulating flows. A study has been conducted on liquid-gas ejectors in the range of the main geometric parameter m (ratio of the mixing chamber area to the nozzle area) 9.4–126.5, which allowed to establish its rational values at which the maximum volume entrainment ratio is achieved (m = 25–40).

Sitti Aisyah Ansi ◽  
Wa Ode Nesya Jeni , Samrida

The Comparative Study of the Lancau Wolio Giving to Lowering Blood Pressure of Elderly Hypertension in Katobengke Public Health Center working area in 2020. The purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness of Lancau Wolio potion in lowering blood pressure of elderly hypertension compared to other medication. The research was a quantitative approach and  a quasi-experimental  that compares the results of the intervention group and the control group. The intervention group comsume the Lancau Wolio and the control group taking medical drugs (Captopril) in lowering blood pressure. The results of this study showed a decrease of systolic blood pressure on the intervention group after consuming Lancau Wolio for two weeks (p = 0.003) and there was no difference in diastolic blood pressure on the intervention group before and after treatment (p = 0.255).In this study,  Lancau Wolio was proven to be an alternative medication for hypertension which is effective in reducing systolic blood pressure by 9.32% on  intervention group of elderly in  Katobengke Public Center working area..

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