Data Envelopment Analysis Used in Taiwan Performance Evaluation of Highway Maintenance

2011 ◽  
Vol 250-253 ◽  
pp. 1675-1680
Kuang Yi Wei ◽  
Jr Hung Peng ◽  
Jyh Dong Lin ◽  
Cin Rong Ciou

DEA (Data Envelopment Analysis), Charnes has been published since 1978, due to the method of the correct value of properties in recent years have taken full advantage in the corporate performance assessment. In this study, each road maintenance units in Taiwan is to be a Decision Making Unit, the last two years of each DMU manpower, equipment number, maintenance expenses, etc., as input data, and score above the level units as output data, to analyze the performance of road maintenance authority, then proposed suggestions for improvement to the less efficient units, it can be a reference for follow-up work to enhance the efficiency of the road to the maintenance unit.

2011 ◽  
Vol 63-64 ◽  
pp. 407-411
Ren Mu ◽  
Zhan Xin Ma ◽  
Wei Cui ◽  
Yun Morigen Wu

Evaluating the performance of activities or organizations by traditional data envelopment analysis model requires crisp input/output data. However, in real-world problems inputs and outputs are often with some fuzziness. To evaluate DMU with fuzzy input/output data, researchers provided fuzzy data envelopment analysis (FDEA) model and proposed related evaluating method. But up to now, we still cannot evaluate a fuzzy sample decision making unit (SDMU) for FDEA model. So this paper proposes a generalized fuzzy DEA model which can evaluate a sample decision making unit and a numerical experiment is used to illustrate this model.

2011 ◽  
Vol 50 (4II) ◽  
pp. 685-698
Samina Khalil

This paper aims at measuring the relative efficiency of the most polluting industry in terms of water pollution in Pakistan. The textile processing is country‘s leading sub sector in textile manufacturing with regard to value added production, export, employment, and foreign exchange earnings. The data envelopment analysis technique is employed to estimate the relative efficiency of decision making units that uses several inputs to produce desirable and undesirable outputs. The efficiency scores of all manufacturing units exhibit the environmental consciousness of few producers is which may be due to state regulations to control pollution but overall the situation is far from satisfactory. Effective measures and instruments are still needed to check the rising pollution levels in water resources discharged by textile processing industry of the country. JEL classification: L67, Q53 Keywords: Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA), Decision Making Unit (DMU), Relative Efficiency, Undesirable Output

2022 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
Pantri Widyastuti ◽  
Atik Nurwahyuni

Tantangan pengawasan obat dan makanan mengharuskan Unit Pelaksana Teknis (UPT) BPOM bekerja optimal di tengah keterbatasan sumber daya. Analisis efisiensi relatif pada Unit Pelaksana Teknis BPOM tahun 2019 dilakukan bertujuan untuk perbaikan dalam perencanaan, penganggaran, dan kebijakan strategis BPOM dalam upaya peningkatan capaian kinerja pada masing-masing UPT. Perhitungan efisiensi relatif menggunakan metode DEA (Data envelopment Analysis). Penelitian ini menggunakan mixed method dengan desain penelitian cross sectional. Sampel penelitian adalah 31 UPT BPOM yang memenuhi syarat sebagai DMU (Decision Making Unit) dan menggunakan 3 input dan 4 output yang diuji dengan metode DEA. Terdapat 10 informan dalam analisis kualitatif untuk mengetahui strategi dalam pencapaian efisiensi UPT. Hasil dari analisis terdapat 15 UPT yang efisien dan 16 UPT yang tidak efisien. Hasil wawancara diketahui bahwa UPT yang efisien dan yang tidak efisien telah melaksanakan strategi efisiensi internal dengan baik. DEA merupakan analisis efisiensi relatif dengan konsep memaksimalkan rasio output dan input. Penggunaan model VRS (Variabel return to Scale) yang mempertimbangkan proses, diharapkan mengeliminasi kekurangan yang terdapat dalam perhitungan dengan DEA. Perhitungan DEA dilakukan secara mekanik, maka diperlukan pendalaman proses untuk menggali faktor efisiensi yang tidak didapatkan dari perhitungan DEA, terlebih untuk organisasi yang dalam prosesnya melibatkan faktor eksternal yang cukup besar.

2016 ◽  
Vol 2016 ◽  
pp. 1-8
Shirin Mohammadi ◽  
S. Morteza Mirdehghan ◽  
Gholamreza Jahanshahloo

Data envelopment analysis (DEA) evaluates the efficiency of the transformation of a decision-making unit’s (DMU’s) inputs into its outputs. Finding the benchmarks of a DMU is one of the important purposes of DEA. The benchmarks of a DMU in DEA are obtained by solving some linear programming models. Currently, the obtained benchmarks are just found by using the information of the data of inputs and outputs without considering the decision-maker’s preferences. If the preferences of the decision-maker are available, it is very important to obtain the most preferred DMU as a benchmark of the under-assessment DMU. In this regard, we present an algorithm to find the most preferred DMU based on the utility function of decision-maker’s preferences by exploring some properties on that. The proposed method is constructed based on the projection of the gradient of the utility function on the production possibility set’s frontier.

2019 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
Meilyana Meilyana ◽  
Dahlan Abdullah

Pendidikan adalah salah satu pilar yang penting dalam meningkatkan kualitas sumber daya manusia. Untuk meningkatkan kualitas tersebut, perlu dibangun sebuah sistem yang mampu melakukan pengukuran efisiensi kinerja pendidikan secara otomatis. Maka untuk mengukur sekaligus membandingkan efisiensi antar sekolah menengah atas, penelitian ini menggunakan metode Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA).  DEA adalah suatu metode nonparametrik untuk mengukur efisiensi suatu unit pengambilan keputusan Decision Making Unit (DMU). DEA membandingkan beberapa DMU homogen berdasarkan input untuk menghasilkan suatu ouput yang diharapkan. Penelitian ini menggunakan variabel input yaitu, kurikulum sekolah, proses pembelajaran, tenaga pendidik, sarana dan prasarana, untuk variabel outputnya yaitu, kompetensi lulusan, rata-rata nilai UN, dan jumlah siswa yang melanjutkan ke perguruan. Penelitian ini menghasilkan suatu nilai efisiensi tingkat kinerja pendidikan sekolah menengah atas apakah sudah optimal atau belum, jika belum maka penelitian ini akan memberikan bahan pertimbangan nilai variabel mana yang perlu dikurangi atau ditambah

Libiao Bai ◽  
Sijun Bai ◽  
Tiantian Zhai

Project portfolio configuration (PPC) is an important approach to maintain the sustainable development of enterprises and achieve organizations’ strategy. However, the synergetic efficacy of PPC which determines the degree of the project's strategic objectives achieved is a fuzzy problem and hard to be measured. To solve this problem, this paper takes the data envelopment analysis (DEA) as the tool to measure the efficacy of PPC under deterministic conditions. First, a portfolio evaluation index system which takes financial indicators and non-financial indicators into consideration is developed based on the review of the literature; Second, an evaluation model based on DEA is built to reduce the number of decision making-unit with the perspective of synergetic theory; Then, a computational experiment is studied to verify the feasibility of this proposed model. The results of this computational experiment show that this model can effectively narrow scope of decision-making, improve the decision-making level and provide a reference to decide the DEA effective project portfolio decision-making unit. To our knowledge, this study is the first time to apply the notion of synergetic efficacy and DEA to the PPC domain. It is hoped that this paper may shed lights on any further study about PPC and enterprise competitiveness of sustainable development.

Evita purnaningrum

Pengambilan keputusan (Decision Making) dalam suatu organisasi diperlukan perhitungan yang tepat karena berdampak pada keberlanjutan suatu organisasi. Salah satu metode untuk menentukan keputusan organisasi adalah menentukan efesiensi dari beberapa cabang perusahaan, dan memperbaiki cabang perusahaan yang belum efesiens. Efisiensi merupakan ukuran yang penting untuk kondisi operasional perusahaan dan indikator keberhasilan dari sebuah perusahaan secara individual setelah membandingkan dengan semua perusahaan lain yang sejenis. Salah satu metode untuk menentukan kriteria efisiensi adalah Data Envelopment Analysis(DEA). DEA adalah teknik nonparametrik untuk memperkirakan efisiensi teknis dari serangkaian Decision Making Unit(DMU) dari database yang terdiri dari input dan output. hasil pembahasan dari kriteria efisiensi pelayanan terminal bus adalah ada bagian yang perlu diperbaiki untuk peningkatan kinerja operasional yang mempengaruhi kepuasan pelayanan kepada masyarakat. Hasil studi kasus pada terminal purabaya dan tambak oso wilangun adalah Terminal purabaya berdasarkan kriteria efesiensi pelayanan terminal bus sudah efesien ( berbasis Data Envelopment Analysis. Terminal Tambak Oso Wilangun (   perlu perbaikan dengan efektifitas penggunaan lahan sebesar   dan penambahan keberangkatan bus

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 94
Dahlan Abdullah ◽  
Hartono ◽  
Cut Ita Erliana

The Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) method is a method commonly used in benchmarking. The Dynamic Data Envelopment Analysis (DDEA) method was proposed to improve the DEA method in the benchmarking process. The DDEA method proposed can determine the effectiveness of the Decision Making Unit (DMU). The disadvantage of the DDEA model is that it cannot handle problems that involve benchmarking for stochastic data. To improve the DDEA method, the Stochastic Data Envelopment Analysis (SDEA) method is proposed which can be used for benchmarking involving stochastic data. The SDEA method itself has weaknesses in dealing with noise and uncertainty problems that will appear in the assessment process. The purpose of the research conducted by the researcher was to use the Hesitant Fuzzy method in optimizing the SDEA method so that the Hesitant Fuzzy model - Stochastic Data Envelopment Analysis (HF-SDEA) could be carried out benchmarking process in a situation where the assessment contained many elements of uncertainty. The results of this study are benchmarking methods that can do benchmarking for stochastic data on conditions that contain elements of uncertainty.

2014 ◽  
Vol 29 (2) ◽  
Stanko Dimitrov

AbstractIn this paper we compare the ordinal rankings generated through Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) methods to ordinal rankings generated by human decision makers. Through eliciting the total rank ordering for approximately 100 individuals on all of the four different datasets of Decision Making Units (DMUs), we compare the rankings generated by individuals to those generated by ten DEA methods. We observe that depending on the characteristics of the dataset one of the DEA methods performs better than the others in matching human decision makers.

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