Robust Trimming of Automotive Panels

2007 ◽  
Vol 539-543 ◽  
pp. 423-428 ◽  
S.F. Golovashchenko

Small pieces of metal are generated during trimming of automotive body panels. Commonly referred to as slivers, these pieces can be imprinted into the surface of stamped panels. This may require metalfinish of every stamped exterior panel. The objective of the paper is to study the influence of trimming conditions on quality of trimmed surface and to modify the trimming process to eliminate slivers and burrs from the trimmed surface. Suggested solution includes two measures: 1) building an elastic support of the offal eliminating bending of the area of the blank being trimmed off; 2) creating the preference of crack propagation from the lower shearing edge by machining a small radius on the upper shearing edge.

2020 ◽  
Vol 14 (01) ◽  
pp. 77-95
Amanda Dias Araujo ◽  
Mariana de Oliveira Freitas ◽  
Hernando Baggio Filho

O Córrego Quatro Vinténs faz parte da bacia hidrográfica do rio Jequitinhonha, localizado no município de Diamantina-MG. Neste trabalho avaliou-se a qualidade ambiental das águas superficiais deste córrego por meio da medição de dois parâmetros físico-químicos cor da água e turbidez. Com o recolhimento de amostras ao longo do canal do córrego foi possível relacionar os impactos aos ambientes naturais e às interferências antropogênicas, englobando as características geoambientais da área. Foram amostrados 12 pontos considerando a variação sazonal em duas campanhas de amostragem (nas estações seca e chuvosa), totalizando 24 amostras de água. As amostras foram analisadas no Laboratório de Geoquímica Ambiental – LGA/UFVJM e os resultados comparados com os valores estabelecidos pela Resolução CONAMA 357/05 e Portaria do Ministério da Saúde N° 2.914/2011. Os valores de turbidez (UNT) e cor da água (mg/L), tanto numa estação quanto noutra se apresentaram elevados, haja vista que a área está totalmente inserida em locais de uso intensivo do solo e áreas urbanas. Palavras-chave: Geoquímica Ambiental; Córrego Quatro Vinténs; Serra do Espinhaço Meridional.   ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY STREAM OF SURFACE WATER IN QUATRO VINTÉNS DIAMANTINA MUNICIPALITY – MG Abstract The Quatro Vintens stream part of the basin of the Jequitinhonha River, which is located in the city of Diamantina. The aim of this work is to evaluate the environmental geochemistry quality of superficial waters of this stream through two measures physical-chemical parameters water color and turbidity. Collecting samples along the stream channel was possible to relate to natural and anthropogenic interference environments, encompassing geo-environmental characteristics of the area. 12 points were sampled considering the seasonal variation in two sampling campaigns (in the dry and rainy seasons), totaling 24 water samples. Water samples were analyzed in the Environmental Geochemistry Laboratory - LGA/UFVJM and the results compared to the values ​​established by CONAMA Resolution 357/05 and Ordinance of the Ministry of Health N°. 2.914/2011. The turbidity values ​​(UNT) and color of the water (mg/L), both at a station in another as the values ​​presented high, given that the area is fully inserted in places of intensive land use and urban areas. Keywords: Environmental Geochemistry; Quatro Vinténs Stream; Diamantina; Espinhaço Meridional Ranger.   CALIDAD AMBIENTAL SECUENCIA DEL AGUA DE SUPERFICIE EN QUATRO VINTÉNS DIAMANTINA – MG Resumen La corriente Quatro Vinténs es parte de la cuenca del río Jequitinhonha, que se encuentra en la ciudad de Diamantina-MG. En este trabajo se evaluó la calidad ambiental de las aguas superficiales de esta corriente mediante la medición de dos parámetros físico-químicos del color de agua y turbidez. Con la toma de muestras a lo largo del canal de flujo fue posible relacionar los impactos en el medio ambiente natural y la interferencia antropogénica que abarca las características geo-ambientales de la zona. 12 puntos fueron muestreados teniendo en cuenta la variación estacional en dos campañas de muestreo (en las estaciones seca y lluviosa), un total de 24 muestras de agua. Las muestras fueron analizadas en el Laboratorio de Geoquímica Ambiental - LGA/UFVJM y los resultados en comparación con los valores establecidos por la Resolución CONAMA 357/05 y Decreto del Ministerio de Salud N° 2.914/2011. Los valores de turbidez (NTU) y color del agua (mg/L), tanto como una estación en otro presentan alta, teniendo en cuenta que la zona esté completamente insertado en el uso local de la tierra intensivo y áreas urbanas. Palabras-clave: Geoquímica Ambiental; Codificar Quatro Vinténs; Serra do Espinhaço.

2003 ◽  
Vol 125 (4) ◽  
pp. 835-843 ◽  
Bai Zhang ◽  
Jun Ni

Research investigations have shown that the dimensional quality is deeply rooted in the whole process of the product development, from product, process and tooling design, the tooling manufacturing process, to the production. Unlike rigid body assembly, automotive body assembly has its unique characteristics. The final dimensions of automotive bodies depend not only on the variations/deviations and rigidity of components, tooling/process variation, but also on the product structure, connection type and assembly sequence. An adaptive strategy for automotive body development is here by presented to exploit these unique features. By the adaptive product, process and tooling design strategy, the dimensional variation/deviation for the key dimensions can be significantly reduced and the die tryout time be shorten with significant cost saving.

2021 ◽  
He Huang ◽  
Zhipeng Li ◽  
De Liu ◽  
Hongyan Xu

Motivated by challenges facing IT procurement, this paper studies a hybrid procurement model in which a reverse auction of a fixed-price IT outsourcing contract may be followed by renegotiation to extend the contract’s scope. In this model, the buyer balances the needs to incentivize noncontractible vendor investment and to curb the winning vendor’s information rent by choosing the initial project scope and the buyer’s investment in the quality of the project. We find that a buyer may benefit from inducing ex post renegotiation to motivate vendor investment, especially when the winning vendor has high bargaining power and the quality uncertainty is low. Broadening the initial scope reduces information rent but leaves little room for ex post renegotiation and, hence, discourages vendor investment, whereas increasing the buyer’s investment has opposite effects. Interestingly, the two measures can be strategic substitutes or complements depending on the likelihood of the renegotiation and the two parties’ bargaining powers. The buyer may strategically set a low initial project scope and high investment to incentivize renegotiation and vendor investment, which may explain why many IT outsourcing projects start small and allow expansions. Our findings also generate several testable predictions for IT outsourcing. This paper was accepted by Kartik Hosanagar, information systems.

Andrew Elliott ◽  
Angus Chiu ◽  
Marya Bazzi ◽  
Gesine Reinert ◽  
Mihai Cucuringu

Empirical networks often exhibit different meso-scale structures, such as community and core–periphery structures. Core–periphery structure typically consists of a well-connected core and a periphery that is well connected to the core but sparsely connected internally. Most core–periphery studies focus on undirected networks. We propose a generalization of core–periphery structure to directed networks. Our approach yields a family of core–periphery block model formulations in which, contrary to many existing approaches, core and periphery sets are edge-direction dependent. We focus on a particular structure consisting of two core sets and two periphery sets, which we motivate empirically. We propose two measures to assess the statistical significance and quality of our novel structure in empirical data, where one often has no ground truth. To detect core–periphery structure in directed networks, we propose three methods adapted from two approaches in the literature, each with a different trade-off between computational complexity and accuracy. We assess the methods on benchmark networks where our methods match or outperform standard methods from the literature, with a likelihood approach achieving the highest accuracy. Applying our methods to three empirical networks—faculty hiring, a world trade dataset and political blogs—illustrates that our proposed structure provides novel insights in empirical networks.

Haemophilia ◽  
2006 ◽  
Vol 12 (6) ◽  
pp. 643-653 ◽  

M Hamedi ◽  
M Shariatpanahi ◽  
A Mansourzadeh

Deformation of the spot-welded sub-assemblies in assembly operations and the gap between the matching sub-assemblies have been quality concerns specifically in the automotive industry. Overall quality of the car body and its sub-assemblies, apart from quality of each stamped part, depends markedly on the welding process. This paper considers optimization of three important process parameters in the spot welding of the body components, namely welding current, welding time, and gun force. In this research, first the effects of these parameters on deformation of the sub-assemblies are experimentally investigated. Then neural networks and multi-objective genetic algorithms are utilized to select the optimum values of welding parameters that yield the least values of dimensional deviations in the sub-assemblies. Welding sub-assemblies with the optimized set of parameters brought all of them into the tolerance range. The proposed approach can be utilized in manufacturing sub-assemblies that can fit and match better with adjacent parts in the automotive body. It enhances quality of the joint and will result in improving overall quality of the body in white.

2011 ◽  
Vol 697-698 ◽  
pp. 399-403
W.J. Cao ◽  
Y.C. Jia ◽  
An Ping Xu ◽  
A.W. Xu ◽  
Y.X. Qu

Nowadays, the tailor-welded blanks (TWBs) technology has been developing very rapidly in China. The quality of tailor-welded blanks becomes more and more important for the stable manufacturing of automotive panels. therefore, it’s very necessary to find out the key factors that influence the forming performance of tailor-welded blanks. This paper experimentally studies the effect of weld line direction on drawing performance. The tailor-welded blanks with the same material pair were used in the experiment, in which the weld line is straight and forms a certain angle with drawing force. The drawing tests were done with the different angles and values of relative position. The results show that the forming performance is related to the relative position of weld line and the angle between weld line and drawing force.

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