scholarly journals The life-world of mothers who care for mentally retarded children: the Katutura township experience

Curationis ◽  
2007 ◽  
Vol 30 (1) ◽  
A.M. Ntswane ◽  
L. Van Rhyn

This article reports on a research study done in Katutura Township, near Windhoek. A qualitative, exploratory, descriptive and contextual design was followed to answer the research question investigating experiences of mothers caring for mentally retarded children at home. Phenomenological interviews were conducted with a purposefully selected sample of twelve mothers. The meaning of their experiences was analysed by using Teschxs method (1990 in Creswell, 1994:155) of analysing qualitative data. The results indicated various emotions and challenges experienced by these mothers during the care of their children. Feelings of shock, despondency and sadness dominated the early stages when the retarded children were still young. During later years, as the children were growing up, the mothers felt shame, fear, frustration, anger, disappointment and worry. However, acceptance followed, as the children grew older. Stigma seemed to affect all the respondents. Support in any form or lack thereof seemed to be the decisive factor-positioning mothers along a continuum of two extremes, namely despairing isolation and integrated happiness. Recommendations were made regarding the improvement of heath care services and education of the mothers and their families.

2018 ◽  
Vol 19 (5) ◽  
pp. 506-523 ◽  
Alison Bravington ◽  
Nigel King

The use of diagrams to stimulate dialogue in research interviews, a technique known as graphic elicitation, has burgeoned since the year 2000. Reviews of the graphic elicitation literature have relied on the inconsistent terminology currently used to index visual methods, and have so far drawn only a partial picture of their use. Individual diagrams are seen as stand-alone tools, often linked to particular disciplines, rather than as images created from a toolbox of common elements which can be customized to suit a research study. There is a need to examine participant-led diagramming with a view to matching the common elements of diagrams with the objectives of a research project. This article aims to provide an overview of diagramming techniques used in qualitative data collection with individual participants, to relate the features of diagrams to the aspects of the social world they represent, and to suggest how to choose a technique to suit a research question.

2014 ◽  
Vol 1 (3) ◽  
pp. 73-84
Achir Yani S Hamid

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menjawab pertanyaan tentang bagaimana pengalaman dan nilai anak tunagrahita yang dipersepsikan oleh ibu. Desain penelitian deskriptif eksploratif dengan metode penelitian kualitatif digunakan untuk menjawab pertanyaan penelitian. Seratus tiga puluh enam orang ibu yang mempunyai anak tunagrahita telah dipilih secara purposive dan acak untuk memberikan data kualitatif tentang nilai anak tunagrahita yang dipersepsikan ibu, serta sebelah orang ibu dipilih juga secara acak dari 136 sampel tersebut untuk memperoleh informasi tentang pengalaman ibu.Melalui analisis isi teridentifikasi beberapa tema yang merupakan jastifikasi terjadinya tunagrahita, yaitu keinginan Tuhan, hukuman Tuhan dan keturunan. Respons psikologik yang dipersepsikan ibu meliputi syok, denial, marah, depresi dan penerimaan. Kekhawatiran ibu tentang masa depan anak, stigma yang meleket pada anak dan keluarga selalu mengikuti perjalanan hidup keluarga, sementara ibu tetap berupaya mencari alasan mengapa mereka mempunyai anak tunagrahita. Data tentang pengalaman orang tua mempunyai anak tungrahita diklasifikasikan dan diuraikan dalam empat kategori, yaitu pengalaman awal mengasuh anak tunagrahita, pengalaman tanpa akhir, dampak tunagrahita terhadap keluarga dan kekhawatiran utama terhadap anak tunagrahita.Implikasi untuk keperawatan adalah: 1) kebutuhan untuk memberikan informasi sedini mungkin kepada keluarga tentang antisipasi kelainan yang dialami anak; 2) pengembangan program intervensi krisis kepada keluarga; 3) pengembangan program intervensi dini bagi anak tunagrahita; dan 4) pelatihan untuk orang tua. The purpose of this study was to answer the research question how is the experience and value of mentally retarded child as perceived mothers. This descriptive exploratory research design with the qualitative research method were used to answer research question. One hundred thirty-six mothers were purposively and randomly selected to give qualitative data about parent’s value of mental retardation, and eleven of 136 mothers were randomly selected to share their experiences on having a mentally retarded child.The content analysis revealed several themes on mothers justification of having a mentally retarded child, God’s will, God’s punishment, heritage from family. Psychological responses as expressed by mothers identifies as shock, denial, anger, depression, and acceptance. The mothers concern were also emerged : concern about the child future, stigma and searching for reason. Qualitative data on mothers experiences was describe into four categories: 1) the need for providing early information to the family concerning the anticipated disability of the children; 2) development of crisis intervention program for the families; 3) development of early intervention program for the special children; and 4) parenrs training.

1978 ◽  
Vol 9 (4) ◽  
pp. 213-219
Carol McCall Davis

This article describes methods of language programming for profoundly mentally retarded children that are based on linguistic principles. Examples of program contents are drawn from research reports and include cuing procedures, as well as progress from receptive through imitative behaviors, labeling responses, and grammatical sequencing.

1977 ◽  
Vol 8 (3) ◽  
pp. 181-187 ◽  
Marlys Mitchell ◽  
Carolyn Evans ◽  
John Bernard

Twelve trainable mentally retarded children were given six weeks of instruction in the use of adjectives, polars, and locative prepositions. Specially prepared Language Master cards constituted the program. Posttests indicated that children in the older chronological age group earned significantly higher scores than those in the younger group. Children in the younger group made significant increases in scores, particularly in learning prepositions. A multisensory approach and active involvement in learning appeared to be major factors in achievement gains.

1978 ◽  
Vol 21 (4) ◽  
pp. 722-731 ◽  
Lynn S. Bliss ◽  
Doris V. Allen ◽  
Georgia Walker

Educable and trainable mentally retarded children were administered a story completion task that elicits 14 grammatical structures. There were more correct responses from educable than from trainable mentally retarded children. Both groups found imperatives easiest, and future, embedded, and double-adjectival structures most difficult. The children classed as educable produced more correct responses than those termed trainable for declarative, question, and single-adjectival structures. The cognitive and linguistic processing of both groups is discussed as are the implications for language remediation.

1977 ◽  
Vol 42 (3) ◽  
pp. 436-439 ◽  
David A. Daly

Fifty trainable mentally retarded children were evaluated with TONAR II, a bioelectronic instrument for detecting and quantitatively measuring voice parameters. Results indicated that one-half of the children tested were hypernasal. The strikingly high prevalence of excessive nasality was contrasted with results obtained from 64 nonretarded children and 50 educable retarded children tested with the same instrument. The study demonstrated the need of retarded persons for improved voice and resonance.

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