active involvement
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Radosław Wolniak ◽  
Izabela Jonek-Kowalska

The creative services sector plays an important and constantly growing role in the modern economy. This publication presents the results of extensive research on the functioning of the creative sector in Polish cities, conducted on a representative sample of 287 cities located throughout Poland. The sample was good in such a way as to maintain the structure by province. The survey included questions rated on a 5-point Likert scale. The aim of the research was to study the functioning of the creative sector in Polish cities and to determine whether the active involvement of public administration in its development has a positive impact on this sector. The research was carried out on the example of a medium-sized European country, which is Poland. The original contribution of the authors of the publication is to demonstrate, on a large research sample, the existence of a positive impact of the municipal office’s activities on the creative sector for example using special funds to boost creativity sector in the city, and to ascertain the existence of a linear relationship between the city size and the level of the creative sector functioning in it.

2022 ◽  
pp. 120633122110655
Diah Kusumaningrum ◽  
Ayu Diasti Rahmawati ◽  
Jennifer Balint ◽  
Nesam McMillan

The collaborative “Sites of Violence, Sites of Peace” project seeks to transform the relational landscape of Yogyakarta by enabling new intergenerational conversations about the 1965 politicide in Indonesia and further injustices with other marginalized communities. This community-engaged project developed walking tours of (largely unacknowledged) sites of historic violence: a colonial fort turned national museum, a derelict office building, a refurbished bank. Through these tours, sites of past suffering are activated by unheard survivor testimonies, making visible historical injustice and its contemporary and enduring significance. Unsettling the dominant spatial arrangement of Yogyakarta, the tours rewrite the city as a space where injustice and persecution are experienced. Crucially, the tour is also a relational encounter, facilitating intergenerational conversations that challenge social and political exclusionary norms. It, thereby, enables a form of relational justice, which requires active involvement from fellow citizens, not solely redress from the state.

2022 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 19-26

  This research is a classroom action research (Classroom Action Research) which aims to improve the learning outcomes of history subjects through the jigsaw cooperative learning model in class X students of SMK Muhammadiyah Watansoppeng. The research was carried out in the odd semester of 2021/2022 with 17 students as research subjects consisting of 9 men and 8 women. The research procedure was carried out in 4 stages, namely planning, action, observing and reflecting. The number of cycles is 2 cycles, each cycle consists of 4 meetings. Data were collected through tests and non-tests (observation and recording) for the activities that occurred during the learning of history subjects. Data were analyzed using qualitative analysis techniques and quantitative analysis. While the data validation technique was done by saturation and triangulation. The results showed that the average score of student learning outcomes in the first cycle was 70.00 and in the second cycle there was an increase of 78.53.The percentage of students' completeness in the first cycle was 64.71% and the second cycle was 94,12 %. The results of observational research indicate that there is an increase in the quality of learning activities to cycle II both in terms of attendance, activeness in learning and active involvement in working individually and in groups with home groups and expert groups. The conclusion of the research results supports the research hypothesis that through the jigsaw type cooperative learning model can improve the learning outcomes of history subjects for class X students of SMK Muhammadiyah Watansoppeng, Soppeng Regency for the 2021/2022 academic year. ABSTRAKPenelitian ini adalah penelitian tindakan kelas ( Classroom Action Research) yang bertujuan untuk meningkatkan hasil belajar mata pelajaran sejarah melalui model pembelajaran kooperatif jigsaw pada siswa kelas X SMK Muhammadiyah Watansoppeng.Penelitian dilaksanakan pada semester ganjil tahun 2021/ 2022 dengan subyek penelitian 17 siswa yang terdiri dari 9 orang laki-laki dan 8 orang perempuan. Prosedur penelitian di lakukan dengan 4 tahap yaitu planning, action, observing dan reflecting. Jumlah siklus adalah 2 siklus yang tiap siklusnya terdiri atas 4 kali pertemuan. Data di kumpul melalui tes dan non tes (observasi dan perekaman) di maksud untuk aktivitas yang terjadi selama pembelajaran mata pelajaran sejarah berlangsung. Data dianalisis dengan mengunakan teknik analisis kualitatif dan analisis kuantitatif. Sedangkan teknik validasi data dilakukan saturasi dan triannggulasi.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa skor rata-rata hasil belajar siswa pada siklus I sebesar 70,00 dan pada siklus II mengalami peningkatan sebesar 78,53. Persentase ketuntasan siswa pada siklus I sebesar 64,71% dan siklus II sebesar 94,12% . Hasil penelitian observasi menunjukkan bahwa ada peningkatan kualitas aktivitas pembelajaran ke siklus II baik dari segi kehadiran,keaktifan dalam pembelajaran serta keterlibatan aktif dalam bekerja individu maupun berkelompok dengan kelompok asal maupun kelompok ahli. Kesimpulan hasil penelitian mendukung hipotesis penelitian yaitu melalui model pembelajaran kooperatif tipe jigsaw dapat meningkatkan hasil belajar mata pelajaran sejarah siswa kelas X SMK Muhammadiyah Watansoppeng Kabupaten Soppeng tahun pelajaran 2021/2022.

2022 ◽  
Vol 131 ◽  
pp. 03008
Irena Zemaitaityte ◽  
Alina Petrauskiene

The growing importance of communities and community interaction is witnessed by the growing interest in these areas: in the emphasis on community development and in the need to bring educational and social services closer to local communities, both at the level of the European Union and at the political level of each of its member countries. Analyzing the community interactions active involvement in community functions, concern and trust in its people, and a look into the future are emphasized. The choice of the research methodology was determined by the aim of the research – to reveal the functions of non-formal learning coordinators of adult learning in municipalities as those of the developers of learning and community developers through their work experience. The analysis of the data highlighted the role of coordinators as community activators and community developers, bringing together adult learning groups, involving young people, gymnasium students, and volunteers in the implementation of training, through local non-formal education providers.

2022 ◽  
pp. 151-186
Steven Barnes ◽  
Melvin Bradley ◽  
Andrew Williams

The long-term implications of COVID-19 for wellbeing are predicted to be both significant and enduring. Data from previous epidemics indicates long-term detrimental effects are more pronounced among particular demographics, including individuals with pre-existing mental health conditions. The Mental Health Independent Support Team (MhIST) is a charitable organisation offering a range of free-at-the-point-of-contact services via self-referral for a range of mental health and wellbeing concerns, both with and without diagnosis. Since March 2020, the organisation noted significant rises in demand for services. Serious games and their active involvement in eliciting rapid positive behavioural change is associated with their emergence as a key learning tool, with effects transferable to the real world. While a growing number of gamified interventions exist for a range of mental health diagnoses, their presence in the domain of positive psychology is more limited. The chapter reports two studies conducted to enhance the development of an educational game for adult wellbeing.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (4) ◽  
pp. 96-114
Ngoc Khuong Mai ◽  
An Khoa Truong Nguyen ◽  
Thanh Thuy Nguyen

Corporate social responsibility (CSR) is an important strategy for firms to gain a positive reputation. This study aims to identify the mediating role of firm reputation on the relationships of CSR dimensions (economic, legal, ethical, philanthropic and environmental) and competitive advantage, and how a firm directly gains competitive advantage through CSR implementation. Data were collected by surveying 869 managers, as representatives of small and medium enterprises, and large enterprises, in the trade and service, real estate and manufacturing sectors in Vietnam. Then, SmartPLS 3.0 software and the partial least squares structural equation modelling method were used to process the data and test the hypotheses. The empirical results are impactful and enhance the existing literature on strategic management. The results show that implementing environmental, ethical, philanthropic and legal CSR activities contribute positively to increase the firm reputation and thus generating competitive advantage. The findings indicate that the implementation of economic CSR activities does not enable firms to gain a reputation. In contrast, active involvement in environmental CSR activities results in building firm reputation, thereby creating a source of competitive advantage for firms. The study provides guidelines for top-level management to adjust their CSR strategies more effectively to improve reputation and competitive advantage.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 61-71
Tania Florentina PÎRGHIE ◽  
Elena MATEI ◽  
Octavian COCOȘ ◽  

Abstract: Sustainable tourism destination management requires the simultaneous and multidirectional pursuit of interactions. One of these are tourists, which are structured differently, based on socioeconomic and psycho-formative criteria. Taking into account the general features of Generation Y, the study aims at analyzing their perception regarding social aspects demanded in sustainable tourism destinations in the case of Romania. The research is focuses on the survey method, which relies on a semi-structured questionnaire applied online in 2020. The answers were modeled, using data analysis tools or graphics functions in IBM-SPSS v.28. Study findings highlight the interesting social perceptions of Y tourists in Romania (RGY), with an emphasis on their desire for conflict-free destinations, to spend time with friends or family, but also to make carefully chosen friends. The perceptions regarding the acceptance of interactions with hosts varies by their socio-demographic characteristics, depending especially on the issues that require their active involvement. These reveal a predominantly interest on professional services, largely excluding creative activities for the acquisition of local traditions. In conclusion, RGY considers that their social inputs as neutral in the tourist areas. However, more attention should be focused on the management of tourism products, in order to come up with specific offers for a highly skilled, but stressed generation, as well as on finding ways able to boost through motivating solutions the young people's interest for social dimension of the sustainable tourism development.

Shirap Ts. Tsydene ◽  

The article aims to analyze the issue of Buryat religious views as discussed in the works of Ts. Zhamtsarano in the 1900s. The purpose of the study is to identify the specifics of Zhamtsarano’s approach in the formulation of the research issue. In particular, the article analyzes the impact of his scientific and social activities on the course of his creative thought, as well as compares his interpretation of Buryat religious movement with that of M. N. Bogdanov, one of outstanding researchers of Buryat history. To analyze the impact of his cultural-historical environment on Zhamtsarano’s views, it was necessary to examine the scholar’s diaries he kept at the time of his ethnographic expeditions in Buryatia in 1903–1906 in comparison with his published works of the same period. As a result, it was possible to identify his key positions on the issue of the Buryat religious movement in the early twentieth century. Conclusions. The analysis of Zhamtsarano’s works shows that the Buryat religious movement had a long history, with its ethnoterritorial features gradually being formed. The reason for its acceleration in the 1900s was that many Buryats at the time were largely dissatisfied with their dominant religion, hence their search for new forms of spirituality. According to Zhamtsarano, the general direction of this movement was towards cultural pan-mongolism; this conclusion was based on his own active involvement in the activities for the Buryat cultural renaissance. Also, the scholar saw the religious movement of the Buryats in the 1900s as part of the global trend for secularization of the enlightenment.

PLoS ONE ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (12) ◽  
pp. e0261648
Józef Maciuszek ◽  
Mateusz Polak ◽  
Katarzyna Stasiuk ◽  
Dariusz Doliński

Vaccine rejection is a problem severely impacting the global society, especially considering the COVID-19 outbreak. The need to understand the psychological mechanisms underlying the active involvement of the pro-vaccine and anti-vaccine movements is therefore very important both from a theoretical and practical perspective. This paper investigates the group identities of people with positive and negative attitudes towards vaccination, and their attitudes toward general science. A targeted sample study of 192 pro-vaccine and 156 anti-vaccine group members showed that the group identity of pro-vaccine individuals is higher than of anti-vaccine individuals. and that both pro-vaccine and anti-vaccine individuals had a positive attitude toward science. Results are discussed in context of the heterogeneity of motivations causing vaccine rejection and the relation between active involvement in online discussion and group identity.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 ◽  
Kevin van der Meulen ◽  
Laura Granizo ◽  
Cristina del Barrio

Emotional peer support systems have benefits for student-student relationships and allow for children and adolescents' participation in schools. For students with specific educational needs and disabilities (SEND), positive relationships seem to be more difficult to attain and these students are more vulnerable to suffer negative peer experiences such as bullying and social exclusion. Systems in which peers can show helpful behavior are beneficial for schools in order to create a positive, supportive climate. Emotional peer support entails social interaction through emotional or practical help based on what these peers have in common and many times with benefits for both. This systematic review identified interventions of emotional peer support in schools for students with SEND. Twenty-three studies were identified that involved four types of befriending: circle of friends, peer buddying, peer networks, and social lunch clubs. Studies reported mainly positive outcomes for both focus students and peer supporters in terms of increased social interaction and social acceptance, as well as enhanced self-esteem and empathy on the individual level. Further bonding of the students by friendship was also perceived, but more precise data is required to draw further conclusions. Support by the school as an institution, the specific role of the teacher, and family participation are important factors related to the impact of peer support systems. Information on these aspects was scarce, and it is recommended to include variables of this nature in future research. Intervention descriptions revealed students' active participation through suggestions for activities, however their involvement in organizing the systems was limited. More research is needed to learn about the opportunities of emotional peer support to improve student-student relationships including the active involvement of the peers themselves in this support.

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