scholarly journals Cultural Awareness among First-Year Undergraduate Students of English and Translation

2020 ◽  
Vol 17 (2) ◽  
pp. 239-254
Simon Zupan ◽  
Michelle Gadpaille

The article presents the results of a culture quiz that was administered among undergraduate students of English and Translation at the University of Maribor in 2019. Comprising twenty items from five domains of culture that the respondents had to identify, the results of the quiz showed that that the students were most familiar with items from the domains of technology and its closely related vocabulary, followed by sports, politics and high culture (drama, literature, ballet). The study also suggested some differences based on respondents’ gender and their high school grade performance in English. The results partly overlap with the results of a similar study from 2007, corroborating that popular culture remains the most recognizable cultural domain among the surveyed students.

TMGP Duarte ◽  
AM Lopes ◽  
LFM da Silva

Understanding how the academic performance of first year undergraduate students is influenced by home, personal and institutional factors is fundamental to delineate policies able to mitigate failure. This paper investigates possible correlations between the academic performance of students at the end of high school with their achievements at the end of first year university. Data for students in the Integrated Master in Mechanical Engineering (MIEM) program within the Faculty of Engineering at the University of Porto are analysed for the period 2016/2017 to 2019/2020. The students’ performance is measured by two metrics and the students are structured as a whole and by groups, according to their gender (Male/Female), type of secondary school (Public/Private), living place (Away/Home) and the rank of MIEM in their application list of options (Option 1/Option 2–6). The information is organized statistically and possible correlations between the data are investigated. The analysis reveals limited correlation between the two metrics, meaning that all students may exhibit good or poor results at the end of first year in MIEM, independent of their status at entrance. An unanticipated pattern is exhibited for the group Option 2–6, since it shows that, despite entering into MIEM without top application marks, the students in this group can perform as well as the others. This behavior is consistent over time.

2012 ◽  
Vol 7 (3) ◽  
pp. 4 ◽  
Meg Raven

Objective: This study sought to better understand the research expectations of first-year students upon beginning university study, and how these expectations differed from those of their professors. Most academic librarians observe that the research expectations of these two groups differ considerably and being able to articulate where these differences are greatest may help us provided more focused instruction, and allow us to work more effectively with professors and student support services. Methods: 317 first-year undergraduate students and 75 professors at Mount Saint Vincent University in Halifax, NS were surveyed to determine what they each expected of first-year student research. Students were surveyed on the first day of term so as to best understand their research expectations as they transitioned from high school to university. Results: The gulf between student and professor research expectations was found to be considerable, especially in areas such as time required for reading and research, and the resources necessary to do research. While students rated their preparedness for university as high, they also had high expectations related to their ability to use non-academic sources. Not unexpectedly, the majority of professors believed that students are not prepared to do university-level research, they do not take enough responsibility for their own learning, they should use more academic research sources, and read twice as much as students believe they should. Conclusions: By better understanding differing research expectations, students can be guided very early in their studies about appropriate academic research practices, and librarians and professors can provide students with improved research instruction. Strategies for working with students, professors and the university community are discussed.

2016 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 158 ◽  
Bilal M. Tayan

Academic misconduct in many educational institutions in the Middle East is an inherent problem. This has been particularly true amongst the university student population. The proliferation of the Internet and the ownership of mobile and electronic devices, have, in part, witnessed rates of cheating, plagiarism and academic misconduct cases steadily increase across higher education contexts. Though the growth of the Internet as an information source and gateway to knowledge has increased substantially in recent years, it has, however, opened up a plethora of varying forms and rates of academic dishonesty. This study was conducted through an online Likert scale questionnaire. Its purpose was to investigate first year male undergraduate students’ attitudes, experiences and perceptions towards plagiarism and cheating in a university located in Saudi Arabia. The study aimed at addressing themes in relation to the meaning, forms, source, frequency and reasons of cheating and plagiarism. The study indicates that cheating and plagiarism is common among students, while a need to address student awareness and clarify student expectations towards academic integrity was also identified. The study also proposes several recommendations to alleviate the levels of academic misconduct, be it cheating in exams or plagiarising content, in the Saudi university context.

1984 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 47-57 ◽  

A study was conducted with Community and Technical College students enrolled at the University of Akron, a major urban university, during the 1978–1979 academic year. Students were divided into traditional and nontraditional persisters and nonpersisters, and if they were placed on academic probation, they were removed from the study. These students were given modified National Center for Higher Education Management Systems (NCHEMS) questionnaires for program completers and noncompleters. The questions tested for varying degrees of satisfaction with the University and reasons for withdrawal concerning various academic, socioeconomic, and environmental press variables. In addition, selected demographic variables from the student masterfile were tested, along with the questionnaire responses in 99 research hypotheses using multiple linear regression and corrected for multiple comparisons. Results indicate that 13 hypotheses were found to significantly discriminate between traditional and nontraditional community college students. The persisting nontraditional students appeared to be more satisfied with the University concerning a few variables, greater proportion attended part-time, during the day, enrolled for less hours, and had a greater high school grade point average than their traditional counterparts. The nonpersisting, nontraditional students were similar to their persisting counterparts, except that traditional nonpersisting students had a higher high school grade point average, lived at greater distances from the school, and attended day time classes as compared to nontraditional students.

2005 ◽  
Vol 11 (1_suppl) ◽  
pp. 102-104 ◽  
Tunde Varga-Atkins ◽  
Helen Cooper

An evidence-based, interprofessional educational course involving first-year undergraduate students studying medicine, nursing, physiotherapy and occupational therapy has been piloted at the University of Liverpool. Part of the content was developed in an online format. To capture the development process and the e-learning writing experience, a focus group was arranged for the content writers. The session was audio-recorded and tapes were transcribed. All the data were subjected to thematic analysis. Twenty-three sub-themes were identified in the 72 comments. These were grouped under six themes, corresponding to the developmental stages of e-learning. The highest number of comments fell under the theme of preparation, followed by content development, evaluation, general design and structure, and finally delivery. Team working contributed to the success of the writing process, reflecting the theme of working interprofessionally.

Veronica Sanchez-Romaguera ◽  
Robert A Phillips

Drawing from several years of experience, this work describes lessons learnt in designing, delivering and assessing two interdisciplinary enterprise units offered undergraduate students from any discipline studing at the University of Manchester (UK). Both units are electives (optional). One unit is delivered to first year undergrdaute students whereas the other unit is delivered to third/fourth year undergraduate students. Experiential learning and interdisciplinary cohorts are core aspects of both units. Students work on ‘real-world’ projects to develop a credible and competitive solution within a tight dead-line. In this paper, findings are drawn from data collected from staff and teaching assistants observations, students’ reflective diaries and students’ feedback. Findings showed that in general, students at both levels, year 1 and year 3/4, regarded the experience challenging at first due to the ‘unusual’ learning environment when compared to the education that most students have experienced prior to the units here discussed. However, most students highly regarded the interdisciplinary experiential learning experience. The paper contributes to the growth of knowledge and aids understanding of how experiential learning and interdisciplinarity have been effectively combined and introduced in the university curriculum. Although this works focused on enterprise education the experience-based guidance here described is also applicable to a much wider range of situations and academic areas of study. Keywords: Enterprise and Entrepreneurship Education; Employability; Experiential learning; Interdisciplinary education;

2012 ◽  
Vol 42 (3) ◽  
pp. 116-142
Steve Marshall ◽  
Mingming Zhou ◽  
Ted Gervan ◽  
Sunita Wiebe

In this article, we analyze a broad range of factors that affect the sense of belonging of undergraduate students taking a first-year academic literacy course (ALC) at a multicultural, multilingual university in Vancouver, Canada. Students who fail to meet the university’s language and literacy requirements are required to pass ALC before they can enrol in writing courses across the disciplines. Consequently, many of those students feel that they have yet to be accepted as fully legitimate members of the university community. We present data from a two-year, mixed-method study, which involved asking students in surveys and interviews about their sense of belonging, as well as analyzing their reflective writing samples for issues related to their sense of belonging. We found that the participants’ perceptions of sense of belonging are multilayered and context-dependent, relating to changes in time and space, classroom pedagogy, and other social, cultural, and linguistic factors. Implications for higher education are discussed.  

2008 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 23-38
J. A. Taylor ◽  

For most students assessment guides their study and learning practice. Yet in the literature associated with the first year of study at university, few have mobilised the power of assessment to develop and engage first year undergraduate students. This paper presents a model of assessment for first year students which separates the semester into three overlapping assessment phases: assessment for transition, assessment for development and assessment for achievement. The implementation and usefulness of the model is supported by examples from mathematics, engineering, computing, communication and nursing studies at the University of Southern Queensland (USQ). Particular attention is paid to assessments for transition which occur early in the semester and are linked more closely with processes than specific content. Evidence is collated on the success of assessments in improving the participation of students, especially distance education students.

Elizabeth Kuley ◽  
Sean Maw ◽  
Terry Fonstad

This paper focuses on feedback received from a set of qualitative questions that were administered to undergraduate students in the College of Engineering at the University of Saskatchewan, as part of a larger mixed methods study. The larger study aims to identify what characteristics, if any, can predict or are related to student success; The “start-stop-continue” method was utilized to assess student perceptions about  their success in the college as a whole. The students were asked: Are there any specific things that you can think of that act/acted as barriers to your success in engineering (stop)? What could the college do/change to make first year more successful for engineering students (start)? Is there anything in your engineering degree so far that you feel is done well and helps students succeed (continue)? Students identified the quality of instruction early in their program as well as adjustment to college workloads and self-directed learning as the most significant barriers tostudent success.

Juan Abelló ◽  
Alys Avalos-Rivera ◽  
Gabriel Potvin ◽  
Saloome Motavas ◽  
Vladan Prodanovic ◽  

This paper reports on a pilot study that investigated what motivated a group of first-year international students in the Vantage College program at the University of British Columbia (UBC) to pursue a degree in engineering. The study also sought to examine whether students report changes in their motivation as a result of completing their first year in our program. Data were collected through an open-ended survey provided to our cohort of 69 students, from which we received 66 responses. The results were analyzed qualitatively based on an expectancy value theoretical framework (focused on interest, utility, cost, and attainment.) The findings showed strong agreement with interest and utility as motivating factors, little agreement with attainment and cost as relevant factors, and the presence of additional motivators not present in our initial framework. The strongest among the latter group was family influence, with ability also appearing, yet to a lower degree. Our results suggest that interest and utility are the strongest motivators (over one third of students), with family influence (about one quarter) and ability (about one eight) being less important. We found few instances of cost (about one tenth) and no significant instances of attainment; this may be because engineering identity is developed as a student progresses through the undergraduate program.

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