Food Poisoning Associated with Post-Process Leakage (PPL) in Canned Foods

1980 ◽  
Vol 43 (6) ◽  
pp. 465-476 ◽  
E. TODD ◽  

One hundred and fifty-four incidents of food poisoning were associated with post-process leakage (PPL) between 1921 and 1979. These occurred mainly in Great Britian (72.7%) and Canada (17.5%) from products exported from South America, Europe, Africa and Australia. Defects leading to leakage were identified as defective seams and perforations during processing; temporary microleaks during cooling; and case-cutter damage, punctures, corrosion and dents after processing. Organisms associated with the incidents were Staphylococcus aureus (100, 64.9%), Salmonella typhi (6, 3.9%), other Salmonella spp. (9, 5.8%), Clostridium botulinum (3, 2.0%), Clostridium perfringens (3, 2.0%), others and undetermined 33 (21.4%). Canned meat, fish and vegetable products were involved. In particular, corned beef contaminated with Staphylococcus or Salmonella caused 53 incidents; pork and ham products contaminated with the same organisms caused 16 incidents. Where information was available, it was found that the median amount of meat contaminated with Salmonella consumed by ill persons was 105 g. For Salmonella-contaminated fish the amount associated with illness was between 40 and 320 g. Although many of the PPL incidents recorded occurred decades ago, significant outbreaks from this cause have appeared in the last few years. Appropriate action should be taken to reduce PPL at the manufacturing and retail level.

Бојан Голић ◽  
Драго Недић

Микробиолошки критеријуми у храни за животиње у Босни и Херцеговини(БиХ) дефинисани су Правилником о микробиолошким критеријумима у храниза животиње („Службени гласник БиХ“ број 67/12).Циљ испитивања је процјена здравствене исправности хране за животиње уодносу на дефинисане микробиолошке критеријуме и процјена адекватностилегислативе која се односи на микробиолошке критеријуме у храни за животињеу БиХ и Републици Српској.Као материјал за испитивање кориштени су узорци хране за животињеиспитани у периоду 2014–2016. година, као и важећа легислатива из областихране и хране за животиње у БиХ и Републици Српској.У периоду 2014–2016. године, проценат узорака хране за животиње којије задовољавао микробиолошке критеријуме износио је преко 60%, односнопросјечно 66,34%, док је број незадовољавајућих узорака био испод 40%,односно просјечно 33,66%. Упоредним микробиолошким испитивањем узоракахране за животиње на Salmonella spp. из 25g и 50g узорка, током 2014. године,утврђен је идентичан проценат задовољавајућих, односно незадовољавајућихузорака.Анализом Правилника о микробиолошким критеријумима у храни заживотиње („Службени гласник БиХ“ број 67/12), уочава се постојање већег бројанелогичности и недостатака, како у погледу категорија хране за животиње, такои у вези граничних вриједности, као и метода испитивања. Hису обухваћене свекатегорије хране за животиње нити је прописана минимална количина узорказа испитивање. Правилник о микробиолошким критеријумима у храни за жи-вотиње треба да обухвати све категорије хране за животиње и да узме у обзиртехнолошки процес производње за сваку категорију. Испитивање узорака наClostridium perfringens треба да буде обавезно за све категорије хране за живо-тиње, а и испитивање на токсин Clostridium perfringens и Clostridium botulinum услучају сумње на тровање животиња, и то на захтјев службеног ветеринара иливетеринарског инспектора. Испитивање узорака хране за животиње на коагу-лаза позитивне стафилококе и Staphylococcus aureus не треба да буде обавезно,осим код млијека, млијека у праху и млијечних замјеница намијењених исхранимладих животиња. Код свих осталих врста хране, у случајевима сумње на тро-вање животиња, на захтјев службеног ветеринара или ветеринарског инспекто-ра треба обавезно урадити испитивање на присуство ентеротоксина стафило-кока. Гранична вриједност за Salmonella spp. у храни за животиње треба да буде„одсуство у 25g“, односно маса тест узорка треба да износи 25g. У правилникукоји дефинише микробиолошке критеријуме у храни за животиње потребно једефинисати минималну количину узорка за испитивање, која треба да износиминимално један килограм односно оригинално паковање.

2020 ◽  
Vol 161 (48) ◽  
pp. 2019-2028
Katalin Eszter Müller ◽  
Ferenc Rozgonyi

Összefoglaló. Az élelmiszer-eredetű megbetegedések igen gyakoriak, bár pontos adatok nem állnak rendelkezésre, mivel az enyhe, gyorsan múló gastrointestinalis tünetekkel a betegek nem fordulnak orvoshoz, vagy nem történik diagnosztikus vizsgálat. Az amerikai Járványügyi és Betegségmegelőzési Központ (CDC) adatai szerint az USA-ban évente 6 lakosból 1 esik át élelmiszer okozta tüneteken. Az ételintoxikációk során a baktérium által termelt toxinok okozzák a tüneteket, közülük a leggyakoribb a Clostridium perfringens, a Staphylococcus aureus és a Bacillus cereus okozta, élelmiszer-eredetű intoxikáció. A nem megfelelően tárolt vagy hőkezelt élelmiszerekben – beleértve a S. aureus által szennyezett anyatejet – ezen baktériumok életképesek maradnak, elszaporodnak, és toxint termelhetnek, illetve toxinjaik megőrzik megbetegítőképességüket. Az étel elfogyasztása után 3–12 órával hányást, hasmenést okoznak. A tünetek többnyire 24 órán belül megszűnnek. A Clostridium botulinum súlyos neurológiai tünetei miatt emelkedik ki a többi toxikoinfekció sorából. C. botulinum okozta tünetekre felnőtteknél házi készítésű konzervek és húskészítmények elfogyasztása után jelentkező gastrointestinalis vagy neurológiai tünetek esetén kell gondolnunk. A Clostridioides difficile szintén a toxinjai révén okoz súlyos, életveszélyes megbetegedést, továbbá az esetek 20–30%-ában számolnunk kell az infekció relapsusával. Növekvő gyakorisága miatt ismernünk érdemes a laboratóriumi és klinikai diagnosztika részleteit és a legmodernebb kezelési lehetőségeket, úgymint megfelelő mintavétel, mintatárolás és -szállítás, tenyésztés, toxinkimutatás, helyes tüneti kezelés, antibiotikumkombinációk, széklettranszplantáció és monoklonálisantitest-kezelés. Orv Hetil. 2020; 161(48): 2019–2028. Summary. Foodborne diseases are quite common, however, accurate data are not available because patients do not visit doctors with mild, rapidly resolving symptoms and diagnostic tests are not performed. The Centers of Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimates that, in the USA, 1 in 6 citizens gets food poisoning yearly. Symptoms of intoxication are due to the toxins produced by bacteria, mostly by Clostridium perfringens, Staphylococcus aureus and Bacillus cereus. These bacteria can survive in not properly stored or heated food, including S. aureus contaminated breastmilk. They can multiply and produce toxins causing intoxications. The gastrointestinal symptoms start 3–12 hours after consumption of the contaminated food and resolve in 24 hours. Clostridium botulinum causes severe neurological symptoms that should be suspected after consumption of home-made cans, smoked hams and sausages. The disease caused by Clostridioides difficile is not a foodborne one, but C. difficile causes severe infection via its toxins. Another problem is that C. difficile infection recurs in 20–30% of cases. Due to the increasing incidence of foodborne diseases, it is worth to learn the precise clinical and laboratory diagnostic algorithms including sampling, storage and transportation of samples, cultivation of bacteria and differential diagnosis of these diseases, furthermore the most up-to-date symptomatic and causative treatment options like antibiotic combinations, stool transplantation and monoclonal antibodies. Orv Hetil. 2020; 161(48): 2019–2028.

1986 ◽  
Vol 49 (6) ◽  
pp. 428-435 ◽  
R. SZABO ◽  
E. C. D. TODD ◽  

Staphylococcus aureus growth, thermostable nuclease (TNase) and enterotoxin production in inoculated canned salmon incubated at 22 ± 1°C for 4 d were dependent on the size of inoculum, and on the amount of oxygen present in the headspace; under nitrogen with an inoculum of 7 cfu/can, 102–103 cfu/g, no TNase and traces of enterotoxins (A, B, C2) were observed; under oxygen with the same inoculum ≥109 cfu/g, ≥6.0 μg TNase and up to 5.2 μg total enterotoxins (A, B, and C2)/100 g of salmon were observed. Values were intermediate under atmospheric air. After 1 week, 2 months and 4–24 months of incubation of salmon under nitrogen, S. aureus cfus were 108, 106 and 104–105 per g; TNase ranged from trace amounts to 20 μg/100 g and total enterotoxins from <1.0 μg to 6.2 μg/100 g. In canned sardines stored from 1 d to 12 months at 22 ± 1°C, levels were 109 cfu/g and 3.7–3.9 μg total enterotoxins/100 g; after 1 week, counts declined to 105 cfu/g but total enterotoxins remained relatively stable in some cans with up to 6.2 μg/100 g of sardines after 12 months. TNase varied from <1.0 μg to 20 μg/100 g of salmon with 109 and 105 cfu/g, respectively. In sardines, similar variation in TNase was observed and there was no correlation between TNase, enterotoxins and cfu/g. After 2 d to 24 months, carbon dioxide, an acidic smell and unacceptable odors were detectable over the headspace of S. aureus contaminated salmon and sardines, but not all persons who sniffed the contaminated products could recognize off-odors that would warn them against consuming the food. To prevent canned foods from causing staphylococcal illness, the conditions allowing post-process contamination should be eliminated by the producer and distributor of the products.

1985 ◽  
Vol 48 (11) ◽  
pp. 990-996 ◽  

Data on foodborne disease in Canada in 1978 are compared with data for 1977. A total of 836 incidents, comprising 642 outbreaks and 194 single cases, causing illness in 5960 persons was reported for 1978. The number of incidents and cases increased by 7.5% and 23.9%, respectively, from 1977 to 1978. Like the previous year, Salmonella spp. were responsible for more incidents (67) and cases (2171) than any other agent. Other incidents were caused by Staphylococcus aureus (31), suspect mold and yeast (17), Bacillus cereus (9), Clostridium perfringens (7), Clostridium botulinum (6), and Shigelli sonnet (1). Four incidents of trichinosis, and two each of mushroom, lupin alkaloid and paralytic shellfish poisoning occurred. One scombroid poisoning outbreak was reported. Chemicals implicated in causing illness included tin, rancid compounds and extraneous matter. The deaths of five persons were attributed to foodborne disease. About 32% of incidents and 39% of cases were associated with meat and poultry. Vegetables, fruits, bakery products and marine products were also important vehicles in causing foodborne disease. Mishandling of food took place mainly in foodservice establishments (25.6% of incidents, 56.1% of cases) and homes (12.4% of incidents, 6.4% of cases). However, mishandling by manufacturers caused some problems including salmonellosis from iced cakes made with cracked eggs and staphylococcal intoxication from ham, sausage, chicken and canned salmon. Over 54% of reported foodborne disease incidents occurred in Ontario and more than 18% in British Columbia, but the number of incidents per 100,000 population was highest in the Northwest Territories. Narrative reports of selected foodborne incidents are presented.

1953 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 69-75 ◽  
H. L. A. Tarr

When hydroxylamine was incorporated into muscle of halibut, lingcod and coho salmon in concentrations varying from 24 to 240 μg. per gm. (24 to 240 parts per million) it caused a much more marked delay in the rate of bacterial spoilage of samples stored at. 0 °C., and in one instance at 25 °C., than did 200 μg. per gm. of sodium nitrite. From 5 to 50 μg. of hydroxylamine per ml. of nutrient broth either partially or entirely inhibited the growth of ten species of fish spoilage bacteria at 25 °C. and pH 5.9 to 7.5. Somewhat similar results were obtained with a culture of a food poisoning strain of Staphylococcus aureus and the strict anaerobe Clostridium botulinum, except that these organisms were in general less sensitive and that most effective inhibition was obtained at pH 5.9.

1984 ◽  
Vol 47 (10) ◽  
pp. 801-816 ◽  

This report focuses on the potential public health risks of Clostridium botulinum from post-process contamination of commercially produced foods in metal containers. This review examines the environmental sources of C. botulinum, the effect of sanitizers in cannery cooling water and the botulism incidents involving U.S. canned foods. There is no evidence that leaker spoilage due to container defects is increasing. The post-processing contamination of commercially produced foods in metal containers by C. botulinum is a rare event which occurs randomly. Based on historical information, its probability of occurring is very small. This is a probability which compares well with the risk associated with the minimum acceptable thermal process of low-acid canned foods.

1981 ◽  
Vol 44 (10) ◽  
pp. 787-795 ◽  

Data on foodborne disease in Canada in 1976 were compared with data for 1975. A total of 858 incidents, comprising 752 outbreaks and 106 single cases, causing illness in 5367 persons were reported for 1976. The number of outbreaks increased by 5.9% over those for 1975, but the total number of cases decreased by 24.5%. As for previous years, Staphylococcus aureus was responsible for more incidents (27) than any other agent. Other incidents were caused by Salmonella spp. (25), Clostridium perfringens (19) suspect mold and yeast (17), Bacillus spp. (10), Clostridium botulinum (4) and suspect Pseudomonas aeruginosa (4). Seven incidents of trichinosis occurred. Chemicals implicated in causing illness included metals, rancid compounds, a pesticide and solvents. The deaths of five persons were attributed to foodborne disease. About 35% of incidents and 41% of cases were associated with meat and poultry. Bakery products, vegetables, fruits and Chinese food continued to play a prominent role in the spread of foodborne disease, as in previous years. Mishandling of food took place mainly in foodservice establishments (18.9% of incidents, 52.7% of cases) or homes (10.5% of incidents, 6.8% of cases). However, mishandling by the manufacturer caused some problems, including three separate incidents involving fermented sausages. More than 60% of reported foodborne disease incidents occurred in Ontario and the number of incidents per 100,000 population was highest in Ontario and British Columbia. Narrative reports of foodborne outbreaks are presented. Relatively few illnesses resulted from consumption of, or contact with, water; a total of 9 incidents and 1476 cases occurred from ingestion of water and a further three incidents were recorded as a result of penetration of the skin by swimmers' itch parasite (many hundreds of cases) and invasion of wounds in swimmers by Vibrio parahaemolyticus.

Fatima N. Aziz ◽  
Laith Abdul Hassan Mohammed-Jawad

Food poisoning due to the bacteria is a big global problem in economically and human's health. This problem refers to an illness which is due to infection or the toxin exists in nature and the food that use. Milk is considered a nutritious food because it contains proteins and vitamins. The aim of this study is to detect and phylogeny characterization of staphylococcal enterotoxin B gene (Seb). A total of 200 milk and cheese samples were screened. One hundred ten isolates of Staphylococcus aureus pre-confirmed using selective and differential media with biochemical tests. Genomic DNA was extracted from the isolates and the SEB gene detects using conventional PCR with specific primers. Three staphylococcus aureus isolates were found to be positive for Seb gene using PCR and confirmed by sequencing. Sequence homology showed variety range of identity starting from (100% to 38%). Phylogenetic tree analyses show that samples (6 and 5) are correlated with S. epidermidis. This study discovered that isolates (A6-RLQ and A5-RLQ) are significantly clustered in a group with non- human pathogen Staphylococcus agnetis.

2021 ◽  
Vol 22 (8) ◽  
pp. 4015
Kyoung Ok Jang ◽  
Youn Woo Lee ◽  
Hangeun Kim ◽  
Dae Kyun Chung

Staphylococcus aureus is a species of Gram-positive staphylococcus. It can cause sinusitis, respiratory infections, skin infections, and food poisoning. Recently, it was discovered that S. aureus infects epithelial cells, but the interaction between S. aureus and the host is not well known. In this study, we confirmed S. aureus to be internalized by HaCaT cells using the ESAT-6-like protein EsxB and amplified within the host over time by escaping host immunity. S. aureus increases the expression of decay-accelerating factor (CD55) on the surfaces of host cells, which inhibits the activation of the complement system. This mechanism makes it possible for S. aureus to survive in host cells. S. aureus, sufficiently amplified within the host, is released through the initiation of cell death. On the other hand, the infected host cells increase their surface expression of UL16 binding protein 1 to inform immune cells that they are infected and try to be eliminated. These host defense systems seem to involve the alteration of tight junctions and the induction of ligand expression to activate immune cells. Taken together, our study elucidates a novel aspect of the mechanisms of infection and immune system evasion for S. aureus.

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