Biological, Social-Environmental, and Psychological Dialecticism: An Integrated Model of Aging

Dean D. Von Dras ◽  
Herman T. Blumenthal
2013 ◽  
Vol 20 (4) ◽  
pp. 124-128 ◽  
Angela Barber

Spelling is a window into a student's individual language system and, therefore, canprovide clues into the student's understanding, use, and integration of underlyinglinguistic skills. Speech-language pathologists (SLPs) should be involved in improvingstudents' literacy skills, including spelling, though frequently available measures ofspelling do not provide adequate information regarding critical underlying linguistic skillsthat contribute to spelling. This paper outlines a multilinguistic, integrated model of wordstudy (Masterson & Apel, 2007) that highlights the important influences of phonemicawareness, orthographic pattern awareness, semantic awareness, morphologicalawareness and mental graphemic representations on spelling. An SLP can analyze anindividual's misspellings to identify impairments in specific linguistic components andthen develop an individualized, appropriate intervention plan tailored to a child's uniquelinguistic profile, thus maximizing intervention success.

1972 ◽  
Bernard Perloff ◽  
David Greenberg ◽  
Roger Webster ◽  
Ted Smith ◽  
Gary Greenberg

2007 ◽  
Helen C. Harton ◽  
Kimberley Kochurka ◽  
Jennifer Bumgarner ◽  
Melinda Bullock

2019 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-6
Harfaina Harfaina ◽  
Suharyo Hadisaputro ◽  
Djoko Trihadi Lukmono ◽  
Mateus Sakundarno

Filariasis adalah penyakit infeksi yang disebabkan oleh cacing Wuchereria Bancrofti, Brugia Malayi, dan Brugia Timori yang menyebabkan cairan limfe tidak dapat tersalurkan dengan baik sehingga menyebabkan pembengkakan pada tungkai dan lengan. Meskipun tidak ada penyebab kematian tetapi menyebabakan cacat permanen dan stigma sosial. Eliminasi Filariasis dilakukan dengan Program Pengobatan Massal ke seluruh penduduk di daerah endemis setahun sekali selama 5 tahun. Keberhasilan program ini memerlukan kepatuhan minum obat pencegahan filariasis. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi ketidakpatuhan minum obat sebagai upaya pencegahan filariasis. Penelitian ini Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah penduduk berusia 15-65 tahun di dua kelurahan endemis yaitu kelurahan kuripan kertoharjo dan kelurahan jenggot selama mei-juli 2018. Sampel dalam penelitian ini 80 kasus dan 80 kontrol dengan teknik cluster random sampling. Variabel yang terbukti berpengaruh yaitu persepsi kerentanan negatif (OR=4,093) 95%CI=1,356-12,350 dan self efficacy negatif (OR=30,298) 95%CI=8,986-102,156. Persepsi kerentanan negatif dan self efficacy negatif merupakan faktor perilaku yang mempengaruhi ketidakpatuhan minum obat pencegahan filariasis. Diharapkan ada penelitian lanjutan tentang ketidakpatuhan minum obat pencegahan filariasis bukan berwujud persepsi tetapi dengan pengukuran faktor lingkungan sosial secara objektif dengan melakukan intervensi berupa perubahan perilaku.   Kata kunci : Filariasis, Ketidakpatuhan, Minum Obat, Mix Method   FACTORS THAT INFLUENCE DRINKING DRUG PREVENTION NON COMPLIANCE OF FILARIASIS IN PEKALONGAN CITY   ABSTRACT Filariasis is an infectious disease caused by worms Wuchereria Bancrofti, Brugia Malayi, and Brugia Timori, adult worm lives and damage reulting in blockage of lymph channels, causing swelling of the legs and arms. Although no cause of death but causes permanent disability and social stigma. Filariasis elimination done with the Mass Treatment Program to the entire population in endemic areas a year for 5 year. Succesfully this program required a medication adherence. The purpose of this study was to determine the factors that influence drug disobedience as an effort to prevent filariasis. This study uses a mix method. The population in this study were residents aged 15-65 years in two endemic villages, namely kuripan kertoharjo and jenggot villages during May-July 2018. Samples in this study were 80 cases and 80 controls with cluster random sampling technique. Variables that proved influential were perceptions of negative vulnerability (OR = 4,093) 95% CI = 1,356-12,350 and negative self efficacy (OR = 30,298) 95% CI = 8,986-102,156. Negative vulnerability perceptions and negative self efficacy are behavioral factors that influence non-compliance with filariasis prevention drugs. It is expected that further research on non-compliance with taking drugs to prevent filariasis is not a form of perception but objective measurement of social environmental factors by intervening in the form of behavior change.   Keywords: Filariasis, Noncompliance, Medication, Mix Method

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