Using visual and digital research methods with young children

2017 ◽  
pp. 83-98
1983 ◽  
Vol 77 (9) ◽  
pp. 429-438 ◽  
E. R. Strelow

Four blind children aged 10-30 months received training in the use of the Binaural Sensory Aid, adapted for use by children. The youngest child learned to respond to the presence of objects at 13 months. The next oldest child (21 months) learned to respond in one training session and subsequently was able to interpret distance and object-category information provided by the aid. The two older children (24 and 30 months) showed substantially less ability to respond to information provided by the aid primarily because their attention span was limited and because of competing behaviors that were incompatible with the use of the aid. Contradictions in the literature indicate the need for more reliable research methods than have been used so far. The intensive study of single cases and the use of animal research are recommended.

2018 ◽  
Vol 15 (1) ◽  
Amir Gufron

Anak kecil didefinisikan sebagai lamanya waktu yang tidak berakhir individu relatif tidak berdaya dan bergantung pada orang lain. Ini memilikikarakteristik yang tercermin dalam nama yang diberikan oleh orang tua,pendidik dan psikolog. Orangtua menganggap bahwa anak usia dinisebagai usia mengandung masalah, - usia sulit, Pendidik percaya bahwamasa kanak-kanak adalah pra-sekolah atau kindergarten usia / RA konsekuensi dari pendidikan yang diberikan kepada anak-anak sangatberbeda dari apa yang dialami di waktu memulai pendidikan formal di kelas (dan seterusnya). Sementara para ahli Psikologi, menggunakan anak-anak usia dengan sejumlah sebutan yang berbeda untuk menggambarkan ciri ciri menonjol psikologi perkembangan anak. Diantaranya adalah "Kelompok Umur", "Menjelajahi Umur" atau "Usia Bertanya", "Usia Setan" orang lain meskipun tidak selalu dalam pikiran juga bahwa anak-anak meniru diberikan, tetapi dengan anak ciptaan bermain dengan caranya sendiri, dan karena itu usia anak-anak juga sering berperan sebagai "Zaman Kreatif" Kreativitas adalah hal yang penting untuk dipelajari perkembangannya, khususnya di taman kanak-kanak yang dikelola oleh RA Dikpora dan dikelola oleh Departemen Agama. Hipotesis kami menunjukkan perbedaan yang signifikan dalam pengembangan kreativitas di taman kanak-kanak dan RA. Dan dengan yakin "Tidak Terbukti / Tidak Signifikan", seperti menambahkan muatan lokal ke dalam struktur materi di bagian taman kanak-kanak Sekar Jepara dan RA Darul Hikmah Penelitian ini menggunakan kombinasi metode penelitian dengan Model Triangulasi Bersamaan. Hasil penelitian ini diharapkan dapat memperoleh informasi tentang perbandingan anak TK & Kreativitas Kreativitas RA, Strategi dan Hasil pengembangannya serta faktor pendukung dan penghambat perkembangan kreativitas anak '. Peneliti lebih lanjut Ingin memberikan umpan balik yang tepat kepada para manajer dan guru (fasilitator), agar anak bisa Kreativitas berkembang lebih baik. Jadi mari kita angkat semua "lebih Memahami dan Memahami, kemudian lanjutkan berlatih dengan tulus dan tulus, hasilnya pasti memuaskan". Young children is defined as the length of time that does not end - theindividual is relatively powerless and dependent on others. It has acharacteristic that is reflected in the name given by parents , educators andpsychologists . Parents assume that early childhood as the age ofcontaining the problem , - the age is difficult , Educators believe thatchildhood is a pre-school or kindergarten age / RA - a consequence ofeducation provided to children is very different from what was experiencedat the time of start formal education in the classroom (and beyond). Whileexperts Psychology, using age children with a number of different designations to describe the salient features of developmental childpsychology . Among them is the "Age Group", "Exploring Age" or "Age Ask", "Age Impersonate" others - though not always in mind also that childrenimitate granted, but with the creation child plays in his own way , andtherefore age children are also often serve as the " Creative Age’. Creativity is what is important to study its development , particularly in kindergarten managed by RA Dikpora and managed by the Ministry of Religious Affairs. Our hypothesis showed significant differences in the development of creativity in kindergarten and RA. And with the assured " Not Proven / Not Significant", such as adding both local charge into the structure of matter in the kindergarten section Sekar Jepara and RA Darul Hikmah. This study uses a combination of research methods with the Model Concurrent Triangulation. The results of this study are expected to obtain information about the comparison of kindergarten children & Creativity Creativity RA, Strategy and Its Development results and factors supporting and inhibiting the development of children's creativity. Further researchers want to give appropriate feedback to the managers and teachers (facilitators), so that the child could Creativity develop better. So let's raise all that " more Understand and Understand, then resume practicing with earnestness and sincerity, the results are definitely satisfactory"

Ahmed Hassan Abayazeed

This chapter aims at understanding and interpreting the informal urban growth in Cairo as a physical objection act against the failing radical ways in managing the city. Accordingly, this chapter tries to analyze both informal physical actions and the formal policies and approaches adopted, and reach reasons for the successes and failures. The chapter first investigates briefly the evolution of Cairo's informal settlements and the hardship conditions behind. Then it examines these settlements through analyzing their two main types. Afterward, it discusses the reasons behind the success of these informal actions. Then it reviews policies and approaches. Consequently, it tries to discover the reasons behind the failure of formal policies and approaches. Thereafter, it discusses briefly using geospatial digital research methods in Cairo's informal settlements. Finally, the chapter ends with a concluded discussion tries to figure out how to reach the right path in dealing with Cairo's informal settlements.

2011 ◽  
Vol 62 (1) ◽  
pp. 51-76 ◽  
Nancy L. Malcom

Many parents turn to picture books and storybooks to help explain issues surrounding death and dying to their young children. In addition to dealing with topics such as death, funerals, memories, and grief, a number of the books also mention the concept of heaven and what our loved ones might experience after they die. This article uses qualitative research methods to analyze 49 children's storybooks that touch on the existence of heaven or a spiritual afterlife. Results show that heaven is portrayed in a simplistic fashion, as a place high in the sky with bright lights, angels, and clouds. Even as heaven is presented in a relatively simple way, there are also patterned differences in depictions of the spiritual afterlife depending upon whether the decedent in the book was a family pet, a child, a parent, or a grandparent. The article concludes with a discussion of how these depictions of heaven and the afterlife might help young children cope with death-related grief.

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
Yayu Rahayu ◽  
Yeni Heryani

Creativity has a very important role in the lives of children. Through kerativitas, children can be creative in accordance with the talent or ability, the child can solve a problem and can improve the quality of life in the future. Therefore, stimulation is needed that can develop the creativity of children, one of them through mengguanaan media playdough. In early childhood creativity has not developed well, early childhood has not been smooth in expressing idea idea idea. The purpose of this assessment is to describe the level of early childhood creativity by applying playdough media, differences in early childhood creativity levels before and after applying media playdough. Methods used in this study are classroom action research methods (PTK). The subjects of this study were children aged 4-5 years kober miftahul falah which amounted to 14 children consisting of 9 women and 5 men. The results of this study indicate a positive impact in improving creativity of children by 25.83% based on evaluation results from cycle I and cycle II.Dengan, it can be concluded that the media playdough provide a significant influence. So that can be recommended for teachers to use media playdough can be used as an alternative to develop creativity in children effectively. For schools to be able to facilitate by providing other learning media that can enhance the creativity of young children.

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