formal education
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2022 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 40-46
Rikha Surtika Dewi ◽  
Maesaroh Lubis ◽  
Elfan Fanhas F Khomaeny ◽  
Fajar Nugraha ◽  
Nandh Anggarasari

The COVID 19 pandemic has made various changes in people's lives, also on Early Childhood Education. The Children hve been affected both directly and indirectly in formal and non-formal education, both education by parents and related institutions. Early Childhood Education and components of the system of education encountered various obstacles related to the implementation of children's activities during social restrictions. Referring to this problem, this Community Partnership Program activity is intended as an effort to anticipate obstacles that occur in Early Childhood Education during the pandemic situation. This Community Partnership Program is implemented through the Psychoeducation Activity Program which focuses on Early Childhood Education. The Psychoeducation Program use an intervention method that can be applied to individuals, families, and groups that focus on educating participants about significant challenges in life, helping participants develop sources of support and social support in facing, and developing coping skills to face these challenges

Retos ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 45 ◽  
pp. 12-19
Loreto Chihuailaf Vera ◽  
Felipe Nicolás Mujica Johnson ◽  
Rocío Fernanda Concha López

  La educación formal puede ser entendida como una actividad cultural que es influenciada por múltiples perspectivas epistemológicas que están presentes en la sociedad. Además, cada nación tiene sus propias particularidades en función de su propia historia y ciudadanía que son únicas. Unas de las corrientes teóricas que ha tenido un auge pedagógico en los últimos años en América Latina es la perspectiva feminista, promoviendo la igualdad de género. Considerando dicho contexto, se desarrolló el presente ensayo cuyo objetivo es analizar desde una perspectiva crítica y de género cuatro documentos ministeriales chilenos sobre psicomotricidad y corporalidad en edad infantil. Los análisis reflejaron que existe una marcada tendencia conductista, positivista, neoliberal y acrítica en torno al género, la psicomotricidad y la corporalidad en los textos ministeriales considerados. De este modo, se estaría promoviendo una educación infantil que asume una actitud pasiva ante las injusticias sociales y los estereotipos de género de corte patriarcal. En este sentido, se estaría reproduciendo, en el profesorado y en el alumnado infantil, una racionalidad curricular técnica y tradicional. Abstract: Formal education can be understood as a cultural activity that is influenced by multiple epistemological perspectives that are present in society. In addition, each nation has its own particularities based on its own unique history and citizenship. One of the theoretical currents that has had a pedagogical boom in recent years in Latin America is the feminist perspective, promoting gender equality. Considering this context, this essay was developed with the objective of analyzing from a critical and gender perspective four Chilean ministerial documents on psychomotricity and corporeality in early childhood. The analyses showed that there is a marked behaviourist, positivist, neoliberal and uncritical tendency towards gender, psychomotor skills and corporeality in the ministerial texts considered. In this way, it would be promoting an early childhood education that assumes a passive attitude towards social injustices and patriarchal gender stereotypes. In this sense, a technical and traditional curricular rationality is being reproduced among teachers and children.

2022 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 366-389
Tuan Muhammad Zukri Tuan Sembok ◽  
Wan Ahmad Amir Zal Wan Ismail

Background and Purpose: Efforts in bringing about changes to fishers' lives are often met with obstacles due to their lack of participation in empowerment programmes as well as their excessive reliance on external assistance. However, such situations are said to be the results of their level of education and work experience. This paper also examines the relationship between work experience with empowerment and formal education as a control variable to the relationship. Therefore, this paper aims to observe the reality of empowerment among fishing communities from the lens of participation and self-reliance among fishers in Terengganu, Malaysia. Concurrently, this study also reviews the theme mentioned above from the lens of formal education and work experience and their impacts on the fishing community empowerment.   Methodology: This study used a survey design and involved 220 coastal fishers, who were identified through multi-stage sampling. Data were gathered using a questionnaire, and data analysis was done through descriptive statistics and the Analysis of Variance Test (ANCOVA).   Findings: The empowerment of the fishing community in this study is not influenced by the number of years they have spent as fishers. On the other hand, their level of education plays a pertinent influence on their empowerment. Such a finding clearly shows that experience is not only a major factor in increasing the empowerment of the fishing community.   Contributions: This study contributes to our understanding that it is undeniably true that formal and informal education play an integral role in empowering the fishing community, where through education, fishers are more participative in their community and exhibit autonomy towards their work.   Keywords: Fishers, empowerment, formal education, experience, community development   Cite as: Tuan Sembok, T. M. Z., & Wan Ismail, W. A. A. Z. (2022). Formal education, work experience and empowerment of the fishing community in Terengganu, Malaysia. Journal of Nusantara Studies, 7(1), 366-389.

2022 ◽  
Vol 14 (2) ◽  
pp. 857
Raquel Chuliá-Jordán ◽  
Amparo Vilches Peña ◽  
María Calero Llinares

Given the seriousness of the socio-environmental situation we are facing, this study aims to contribute to the involvement of teachers in education for sustainability through the use of non-formal education, particularly the press. The main objectives of the present study are to analyse the use of the press in science education, as well as the design, implementation and evaluation of tools aimed at teachers and trainee researchers in order to encourage and promote attention to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and more specifically SDG 7 (clean and affordable energy for all) in science education. The proposals are carried out using a constructivist methodology in sessions structured in small collaborative groups. The initial results show that attention to the press is still insufficient, but that, nevertheless, the strategies designed contribute to raising awareness of the importance of SDG 7 and to the classroom treatment of the energy issue among the participants in the study who attend a Master’s degree program in secondary education teacher training (specialising in physics and chemistry) and a Master’s degree program in research in specific didactics (specialising in experimental sciences).

2022 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 67-74
Khalik Khalik ◽  
Bawaihi ◽  
Ayu Yulianti

This research is based on a strong tendency in pesantren to consolidate institutional organizations, particularly on aspects of leadership and management. This research uses descriptive qualitative methods by reviewing the kiai leadership policy in the development of formal education at SMP IT Pondok Pesantren Tarbiyatul Ummah Muaro Jambi. The results showed that kiai policy in the development of formal education was carried out by adjusting the conditions of boarding schools and considering various ideas / suggestions to be mutually agreed upon. While in formulating its policy, kiai involves all administrators of educational institutions and gives authority to implement policies that have been decided. The implementation of the policy is socialized through meetings with institutions to strengthen the flow of information on the policies to be implemented.

David Cobos-Sanchiz ◽  
Manuel-Jesús Perea-Rodriguez ◽  
Juan-Agustín Morón-Marchena ◽  
María-Carmen Muñoz-Díaz

Positive education is seen as a transformative methodological approach capable of improving the act of teaching and learning and, above all, essential for the development of students’ personal skills and competences. However, few studies have been carried out on this topic in the field of adult and continuing education; instead, they have been published mainly in the field of formal education and at school age. This study works with a sample of 399 people over 16 years of age and students of the Universidad Popular de Dos Hermanas in order to show the relationship between the Pygmalion effect and learned helplessness in the process of acquiring knowledge in adulthood. In this way, three tools were used: one questionnaire that showed the teachers’ perceptions of the students’ qualities and behaviour and two that provided information on self-concept, self-esteem, personal and social skills and other variables directly related to emotional intelligence and positive education. It shows how exposure to negative operational constraints hinders the psychosocial and socio-educational development of learners in all possible ways, while, on the other hand, it indicates the importance of positive education to compensate for this phenomenon by enhancing the development and growth of those who study and participate in non-formal education through positive reinforcement. Likewise, the factorial interrelation of both positive and negative conditioning factors and their incidence on learning is shown; the importance of neutralising the negative components and strengthening the positive reinforcement and the role played by the community and education professionals as catalysts and behavioural modulators at any stage of learning and age group for the achievement of the objectives of the student and of education itself in a broad sense.

2022 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 150-160
Maman Surahman ◽  
Siska Mega Diana ◽  
Dayu Rika Perdana

Distance Learning (Pembelajaran Jarak Jauh/PJJ) is a transition to face-to-face teaching and learning activities in a school setting, in which due to the COVID-19 pandemic education is experiencing challenges, especially in formal education and school activities must be conducted offline and online. Currently, distance learning is determining key to continuing education. Regardless of the circumstance and condition of each student, they must be provided with an optimal education. Hence, nowadays, it is important to instill and maintain character in students that in any circumstances, education is an absolute term. The purpose of this study was to investigate the implementation of character education in distance learning amid the COVID-19 pandemic in elementary school. This research used a qualitative descriptive. The results of character education research can develop life skills or student skills in the learning process, in this case how students can be responsible for each assignment, as well as discipline in participating in distance learning.

Disabilities ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 28-40
Amani Karisa ◽  
Judith McKenzie

Father involvement could play a significant role in the lives of children with disabilities. Research is scarce on father involvement in the education of children with disabilities in Africa. We seek to provide a context for father involvement in the formal education of children with disabilities in Kenya, with the aim of contributing to the development of a conceptual understanding for father involvement in such a circumstance. We examine general research on father involvement in Kenya, explore the policy frameworks that guide fatherhood in the country, and look at the specific area of involvement in education. We then present a case study that examines father involvement in the formal education of children with disabilities in Kenya. Our analysis flags up a key opportunity in the pursuit of education for children with disabilities when fathers are involved; they can support their children with disabilities’ access, participation and success in education. We highlight the need for research that builds upon the voices of fathers to illuminate their role in education and we also make some suggestions toward a conceptual lens that will highlight the contextual realities involved, particularly in regard to the education of children with disabilities.

Klara Torlén Wennlund ◽  
Lisa Kurland ◽  
Knut Olanders ◽  
Maaret Castrén ◽  
Katarina Bohm

Abstract Background The requirement concerning formal education for emergency medical dispatcher (EMD) is debated and varies, both nationally and internationally. There are few studies on the outcomes of emergency medical dispatching in relation to professional background. This study aimed to compare calls handled by an EMD with and without support by a registered nurse (RN), with respect to priority level, accuracy, and medical condition. Methods A retrospective observational study, performed on registry data from specific regions during 2015. The ambulance personnel’s first assessment of the priority level and medical condition was used as the reference standard. Outcomes were: the proportion of calls dispatched with a priority in concordance with the ambulance personnel’s assessment; over- and undertriage; the proportion of most adverse over- and undertriage; sensitivity, specificity and predictive values for each of the ambulance priorities; proportion of calls dispatched with a medical condition in concordance with the ambulance personnel’s assessment. Proportions were reported with 95% confidence intervals. χ2-test was used for comparisons. P-levels < 0.05 were regarded as significant. Results A total of 25,025 calls were included (EMD n = 23,723, EMD + RN n = 1302). Analyses relating to priority and medical condition were performed on 23,503 and 21,881 calls, respectively. A dispatched priority in concordance with the ambulance personnel’s assessment were: EMD n = 11,319 (50.7%) and EMD + RN n = 481 (41.5%) (p < 0.01). The proportion of overtriage was equal for both groups: EMD n = 5904, EMD + RN n = 306, (26.4%) p = 0.25). The proportion of undertriage for each group was: EMD n = 5122 (22.9%) and EMD + RN n = 371 (32.0%) (p < 0.01). Sensitivity for the most urgent priority was 54.6% for EMD, compared to 29.6% for EMD + RN (p < 0.01), and specificity was 67.3% and 84.8% (p < 0.01) respectively. A dispatched medical condition in concordance with the ambulance personnel’s assessment were: EMD n = 13,785 (66.4%) and EMD + RN n = 697 (62.2%) (p = 0.01). Conclusions A higher precision of emergency medical dispatching was not observed when the EMD was supported by an RN. How patient safety is affected by the observed divergence in dispatched priorities is an area for future research.

2022 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 35
Michael A. Schwartz ◽  
Brent C. Elder ◽  
Monu Chhetri ◽  
Zenna Preli

Members of the Deaf New American community reported they arrived in the United States with no formal education, unable to read or write in their native language, and had zero fluency in English. Efforts to educate them have floundered, and the study aims to find out why and how to fix the problem. Interviews of eight Deaf New Americans yielded rich data that demonstrates how education policy in the form of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) and other laws fail to address their needs, because these laws do not include them in their coverage. The study’s main findings are the deleterious effect of the home country’s failure to educate their Deaf citizens, America’s failure to provide accessible and effective instruction, and the combined effect of these institutional failures on the ability of Deaf New Americans to master English and find gainful employment. This article is an argument for a change in education policy that recognizes the unique nature of this community and provides for a role of Deaf educators in teaching Deaf New Americans.

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