scholarly journals La hibridación de los modelos pedagógicos de aprendizaje cooperativo y educación aventura como estrategia didáctica para la mejora de la convivencia y la gestión de conflictos en el aula: una experiencia práctica desde las clases de educación física y tu

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2021 ◽  
Vol 43 ◽  
pp. 1037-1048
Rafael García-Merino ◽  
Jorge Lizandra

El presente estudio adopta un enfoque cualitativo para profundizar en la mejora de la convivencia y la gestión de conflictos desde el área de Educación Física y la tutoría. A partir de una evaluación diagnóstica, se diseñó una Unidad Didáctica innovadora en la que se hibridaron los modelos pedagógicos de Educación aventura y Aprendizaje cooperativo, introduciendo el contenido de educación emocional en una clase de 1º de Educación Secundaria Obligatoria. De forma paralela, se realizó un proceso de investigación basada en un estudio de caso en el que se recogieron las percepciones y valoraciones de la experiencia de innovación del alumnado, del docente especialista de la asignatura y se triangularon con el registro anecdótico observacional del investigador. Los resultados obtenidos evidencian una contribución positiva en la formación de un alumnado que mostraba carencias en la convivencia y la resolución de conflictos, observándose mejoras en su educación emocional. Además, la hibridación de modelos pedagógicos se ha mostrado como una buena contribución a la didáctica de la Educación Física, en la medida en la que permite la integración de contenidos transversales y propios de la asignatura de Educación Física.  Abstract. The present study adopts a qualitative approach to deepen the enhance of coexistence and conflict management from the area of Physical Education and tutoring. Based on a diagnostic evaluation, an innovative Didactic Unit was designed in which the pedagogical models of Adventure Education and Cooperative Learning were hybridized, introducing the content of social and emotional learning in a 1st Obligatory Secondary Education curse. In parallel, a research process based on as a case study was carried out in which the perceptions and appreciations of the innovation experience of the students, the specialist teacher of the subject were collected and triangulated with the observational anecdotal record of the researcher. The results show a positive contribution in the behavioural training of a student body that showed deficiencies in coexistence and conflict resolution, observing improvements in their emotional education. In addition, the hybridization of pedagogical models has been shown as a good contribution to the didactics of Physical Education, insofar as it allows the integration of both, cross-sectional and own contents of the Physical Education subject.

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2021 ◽  
Vol 43 ◽  
pp. 117-126
Francisco Gallardo Fuentes ◽  
Bastian Ignacio Carter-Thuillier ◽  
Víctor Manuel López-Pastor ◽  
Rodrigo Ojeda-Nahuelcura ◽  
Teresa Fuentes-Nieto

  La evaluación ha dejado de ser una instancia que solo certifica el logro alcanzado a través de una calificación, sino que actualmente se entiende como un elemento fundamental para favorecer los procesos de enseñanza-aprendizaje. El objetivo del presente estudio es: Identificar las capacidades cognitivas, los elementos del programa de asignatura y los procedimientos e instrumentos de evaluación empleados durante la Formación Inicial de profesores de Educación Física (FIPEF) en tres campus universitarios del sur de Chile a partir de la percepción de los estudiantes y académicos. Bajo un enfoque cuantitativo y un diseño de estudio de casos de tipo descriptivo y comparativo de corte transversal, se aplica el “Cuestionario para el estudio del sistema de evaluación en la formación inicial del profesorado de educación física”. La muestra la conforman 162 estudiantes que cursan FIPEF y 44 profesores. Los principales resultados dejan ver una marcada presencia de metodologías e instrumentos tradicionales de evaluación, así como, una apreciación diferenciada entre alumnado vs. profesorado; por ejemplo, cuando el profesorado indica enfocar sus metodologías evaluativas a capacidades cognitivas como la “aplicación y comprensión”, el alumnado tiene una apreciación significativamente diferente. A modo de conclusión, se advierte la presencia de intencionalidad formativa en la entrega de información sobre los aprendizajes a través de los sistemas de evaluación, con la tarea de avanzar a una planificación didáctica, donde la evaluación sea coherente con las metodologías que se despliegan en el aula.  Abstract. Assessment has ceased to be an instance that only certifies the achievement reached through a qualification, but is currently understood as a fundamental element to favour the teaching-learning processes. The aim of this study is: To identify the cognitive abilities, the elements of the subject syllabus and the assessment procedures and instruments used during the Initial Physical Education Teacher Training at three university campuses in the south of Chile, based on the perception of students and university professors. Under a quantitative approach and a descriptive and comparative cross-sectional case study design, the "Questionnaire for the study the assessment system in training of pre-service physical education teachers" was applied. The sample consisted of 162 pre-service teachers and 44 university professors. The main results show a marked presence of traditional assessment methodologies and instruments, as well as a differentiated appreciation between pre-services teachers vs. university professors; for example, when professors indicate that they focus their assessment methodologies on cognitive skills such as "application and understanding", students have a significantly different appreciation. In conclusion, we note the presence of formative intentionality in the delivery of information on learning through assessment systems, with the task of moving towards didactic planning, where assessment is coherent with the methodologies that are deployed in the classroom.

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2019 ◽  
pp. 579-587
Ángel Pérez Pueyo ◽  
David Hortigüela Alcalá

En la actualidad la innovación parece querer inundarlo todo, pero que algo sea nuevo no implica que tenga efectos positivos en el aula. Este artículo surge de la necesidad de pararse a pensar y reflexionar sobre las tendencias actuales de Educación Física que no parece estar permitiéndole avanzar e, incluso, ir en contra de sus verdaderos fines y esencia. A partir de las evidencias científicas que los sustentan, se han planteado cinco aspectos de práctica habitual en nuestra área sobre los que reflexionar: (1) La gamificación mal entendida; (2) la utilización indiscriminada de las APPs: (3) el aprendizaje cooperativo mal enfocado; (4) la verdadera motivación; (5) las evidencias en el aprendizaje del alumnado. Ante esto, se dan diferentes soluciones prácticas basadas en el uso de la evaluación formativa y compartida y el uso transversal de lo corporal. Finalmente se plantean consideraciones a modo de conclusión, no con la intención de ofrecer recetas, sino reflexiones con base científica con el fin de contribuir a una mejor Educación Física. Abstract. Currently, innovation seems to be spreading uncontrollably everywhere; however, just because something is new it does not necessarily imply that it also has positive effects in the classroom. This article arises from the need to stop, think, and reflect on current trends in Physical Education, which at times seem to be more an obstacle to its progress to the extent that they may even work against its true purpose and essence. Based on scientific evidence, five common practice aspects to reflect upon in our field have been proposed: (1) Misunderstood gamification; (2) indiscriminate use of APPs: (3) poorly focused cooperative learning; (4) true motivation; and (5) evidences of students’ learnings. Different practical solutions based on the use of formative and shared evaluation and the cross-sectional use of the body were proposed. Finally, considerations were presented as a conclusion; however, they are intended to offer any formulae, but rather scientifically supported reflections aiming at contributing to the enhancement of Physical Education.

Michael A. Hemphill ◽  
Emily M. Janke ◽  
Santos Flores ◽  
Barrie Gordon

Purpose: The purpose of this study was to explore the issues of conflict and harm in physical education within a school recognized for its exemplary restorative practices. Method: A single case study approach was employed to examine one restorative school in Wellington, New Zealand. The school was purposely selected to participate in this study based on its recognition for exemplary restorative practices. Participants included physical educators (n = 11), administrators (n = 4), and students (n = 25). Data sources included interviews, observations, and reflection documents. Data were analyzed using a collaborative qualitative approach. Results: Three qualitative themes described the context of restorative school physical education, types of harm that occurred, and how physical educators were positioned as central figures in creating a context where harm was addressed. Discussion: This study provides insights into restorative practices and has implications for teaching social and emotional learning skills.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 ◽  
Donal Howley ◽  
Ben Dyson ◽  
Seunghyun Baek ◽  
Judy Fowler ◽  
Yanhua Shen

The purpose of this study was to explore learners' experiences enacting youth/student voice pedagogies (SVP) to promote Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) and meaningful physical education (MPE) in an alternative education setting. Drawing on social constructivist learning theory in understanding and implementing a MPE approach, and a systemic framework for SEL, two research questions guided the research process: (1) How did students interpret and enact these pedagogies? (2) What contribution did the enactment of these pedagogies have in promoting SEL and MPE? This study implemented a qualitative case study design framed by a participatory action research (PAR) approach spanning 12 weeks from February to May 2021. Participants in this study included 16 ninth grade alternative high school students (eight girls/eight boys) aged 14–15 who had just returned to face-to-face learning in January 2021 for the first time following COVID-19. A range of traditional and innovative participatory qualitative research methods including focus group interviews, students' personal biographies, timelines, digital and written reflections, photovoice, and class artifacts were utilized. The Miles, Huberman, and Saldana Framework for Qualitative Data Analysis was implemented involving both deductive and inductive combinations of comparative and thematic analysis. The following themes were constructed: Making responsible decisions; unearthing and sharing mixed emotions; picturing physical activity beyond the classroom; recognizing the role of relationships; considering challenge and competence; and, pursuing meaning. Findings demonstrate how enacting SVP can lead to the development of students' SEL and MPE experiences complimenting multiple learning domains. We call for further embedding of SVP capturing students' physical activity and movement experiences inside and outside of PE in teacher education and professional development that helps teachers and their students make sense of, shape, influence, and enact more MPE and physical activity learning experiences.

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2018 ◽  
pp. 343-348
Lucía Esther Quintero González ◽  
Francisco Jiménez Jiménez ◽  
Manuel Area Moreira

El presente artículo pretende cuestionar los modelos tradicionales de la Educación Física basados en el uso de libros de texto y la estandarización de los aprendizajes. Para este fin se pone el foco de atención en tendencias educativas basadas en la gamificación, la narrativa transmedia y el aprendizaje cooperativo, y se presenta una alternativa de innovación “Educación física expandida” (ExpandEF) que las integra. El desarrollo de esta experiencia ha tenido como propósito alcanzar los objetivos de materia y competencias clave en Educación Física; y potenciar el desarrollo de la competencia digital de manera específica. Para conocer la percepción del alumnado acerca de la experiencia se utilizó un cuestionario específico con preguntas cerradas y abiertas. Los resultados muestran que la motivación y el trabajo cooperativo se han visto reforzados con la estrategia de gamificación seguida. Asimismo ha promovido que el alumnado se involucrara y trabajara más en clase.Summary. The present essay seeks to challenge traditional physical-education models –based on text books– and learning standardization. For this purpose, it focuses on educational trends based on gamification, transmedia storytelling and cooperative leaning. Moreover, it shows the description of one of the teaching goals –as an example of how gamification learning works– the perception of the student body about the experience, the impact of the use of ICT, the transfer of the gamification activities and its application to other contexts. The results show that the motivation and cooperative teaching have been reinforced with the strategy of gamification and the students will work more in class.

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