teacher training
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2022 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 15
Lourdes Belén Espejo Villar ◽  
Luján Lázaro Herrero ◽  
Gabriel Álvarez López

This paper examines initial teacher training policies in the context of youth digitalisation. Based on international ICT competency frameworks for teachers (UNESCO, 2008, 2019) and information literacy, MIL (UNESCO, 2011), we analyse how Spanish (public and private) universities represent digital innovation, and the identity practices of young people, linked to hyperconnectivity. Focusing on initial training received by future secondary teachers, the sample was selected according to the criteria of non-presential learning (online, distance, blended) applied in the teacher training process. Results confirm ongoing deficiencies in critical teacher digitalisation management, highlighting certain asymmetries between the categories constructed. Data reveals the prevalence of intervention more geared towards formal knowledge than towards decoding digital grammar (which is how digitalisation is used in education). The paper concludes by advocating convergence strategies as a circular mechanism that must underpin all teacher training policies in the age of hyperconnectivity.

2022 ◽  
Vol 33 (1) ◽  
pp. 102
Junfanlee Manoel Oliveira Feliciano ◽  
Jefale Gonçalves Feliciano dos Santos

<p><span>Este artículo es el resultado del análisis del Proyecto Paulo Freire de Movilidad Académica para Estudiantes de Programas de Formación Docente Universitaria con un enfoque en la reflexión sobre las carreras de Química, para tal fin el presente autor utiliza su experiencia e informe para desarrollar la escritura mientras participa. de este programa, estando vinculado a la Universidad Federal del Triângulo Mineiro (UFTM) en la carrera de Química. En este trabajo pretendemos abordar cuestiones que involucran problemas que están asociados a la relación entre Ciencia, Tecnología y Sociedad (CTS) y la indispensabilidad de esta dimensión para ser parte del proceso de internacionalización de los cursos de Ciencias de la Naturaleza y de la Tierra, principalmente en lo que se refiere al curso. Licenciada en Química. La estrategia metodológica utilizada para el análisis del documento fue Análisis de Contenido (AC) y Análisis Textual Discursivo (ATD), en la etapa de análisis se utilizó el software </span><span>Atlas.ti</span><span>, que permite el uso de la función Word Count, en la que se pretende trabajo facilitando el análisis a nivel textual. en la búsqueda de comprender los conceptos involucrados y empleados en el documento y el núcleo de las propuestas que atraviesan las especificidades de la carrera de Química. De esta manera, este estudio aporta elementos para reflexionar sobre el actual proceso formativo de los estudiantes de pregrado en Química y sobre la necesidad de introducir dispositivos educativos para una formación amplia e integral de los docentes en el proceso de internacionalización de los cursos de pregrado.</span></p>

2022 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 44
Alberto González-Fernández ◽  
Francisco-Ignacio Revuelta-Domínguez ◽  
María Rosa Fernández-Sánchez

Gamification allows for the implementation of experiences that simulate the design of (video) games, giving individuals the opportunity to be the protagonists in them. Its inclusion in the educational environment responds to the need to adapt teaching–learning processes to the characteristics of homo videoludens, placing value once again on the role of playful action in the personal development of individuals. The interest that has arisen in studying the implications of gamification processes in the different educational stages, in order to determine their impact and suitability, has led to an increase in scientific publications. With the intention of studying the presence and implications of gamification in teacher training as a methodological principle implemented in the teaching–learning process, both in its initial and permanent stages, this systematic review of the literature identifies those instructional design models applied in the field of gamification, as well as its educational significance. Thus, the need to introduce gamified practices in the field of teacher training is observed, providing an experiential learning that allows teachers to apply this methodology in a relevant way in their professional development, based on their own experience.

2022 ◽  
Camelia Nadia Bran ◽  
Editha Margareta Coşarbă ◽  

In contemporary society, higher education students are confronted more and more with an avalanche of paradigms, models, theories, wider or narrower subject specializations, online learning, face-to-face activities, blended learning, knowledge assessment, competencies assessments, etc. A possible solution for preventing the negative effects of this academic burden is to develop students’ metacognitive competencies. We have developed a study on 133 participants, students in initial or continuous teacher training programs, whose aim was to the level of interrelations between academic exhaustion and the constant usage of regulation strategies and care for the body. A three-section questionnaire was applied using Google form. To test the hypothesis, we have conducted multiple comparisons between and within groups. The descriptive statistics show that the students enrolled in teacher training programs at „Aurel Vlaicu” the University of Arad declared themselves as constantly practicing reflection, planning, monitoring, and evaluation strategies when solving their academic tasks.

2022 ◽  
Vol 14 (2) ◽  
pp. 857
Raquel Chuliá-Jordán ◽  
Amparo Vilches Peña ◽  
María Calero Llinares

Given the seriousness of the socio-environmental situation we are facing, this study aims to contribute to the involvement of teachers in education for sustainability through the use of non-formal education, particularly the press. The main objectives of the present study are to analyse the use of the press in science education, as well as the design, implementation and evaluation of tools aimed at teachers and trainee researchers in order to encourage and promote attention to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and more specifically SDG 7 (clean and affordable energy for all) in science education. The proposals are carried out using a constructivist methodology in sessions structured in small collaborative groups. The initial results show that attention to the press is still insufficient, but that, nevertheless, the strategies designed contribute to raising awareness of the importance of SDG 7 and to the classroom treatment of the energy issue among the participants in the study who attend a Master’s degree program in secondary education teacher training (specialising in physics and chemistry) and a Master’s degree program in research in specific didactics (specialising in experimental sciences).

Anouck I. Staff ◽  
Saskia van der Oord ◽  
Jaap Oosterlaan ◽  
Rianne Hornstra ◽  
Pieter J. Hoekstra ◽  

AbstractBehavioral teacher training is an effective intervention for children with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Intervention effectiveness may be enhanced by including intervention components that carry the strongest evidence for their effectiveness. A previous article of this group showed that both antecedent- (i.e., stimulus-control) and consequent-based (i.e., contingency management) techniques were highly effective in reducing daily teacher-rated, individually selected problem behaviors in a specific situation of the child. Effects were observed up to three months post intervention. Here, we tested whether effects were also present in teacher-rated and masked DSM-based assessments that comprise the full range of ADHD and oppositional defiant disorder (ODD) symptoms, as well as on teacher-rated impairment. Teachers of 90 children with (subthreshold) ADHD (6–12 years) were randomly assigned to one of three conditions: a short (two sessions), individualized intervention consisting of either a) antecedent-based techniques or b) consequent-based techniques; or c) waitlist. Multilevel analyses showed that both sets of techniques were effective in reducing teacher-rated ADHD symptoms and impairment immediately after the intervention and up to three months later, as compared to waitlist. Masked observations of ADHD behavior were in line with teacher ratings, with effects being most pronounced for inattention. No effects on teacher-rated or masked ODD behavior were found. This study showed that antecedent- and consequent-based techniques were effective in improving classroom ADHD symptoms and impairment. Long-term changes in teacher-rated ADHD are promising. These results extend previous findings and show the potential of short individually tailored interventions in classroom settings as treatment of ADHD symptoms.

2022 ◽  
Vol 18 (1) ◽  
pp. 209-227
Rosemary Aparecida de Almeida Moraes ◽  
Regiane Magalhães Boainain ◽  
Fabiana Frolini Marques Mangili ◽  
Jhenifer Prescilla Dias Fuzinelli

This theoretical essay sought to debate the importance of the teacher's cultural repertoire in classroom performance, regardless of the segment in which he/she works. In order to exemplify the importance of this repertoire, the objective was to analyze the productions of two great renowned artists: the poet João Cabral de Melo Neto and the painter Joan Miró, discussing the artistic dialogue between them. Apparently, this research for teachers of Kindergarten and Elementary Education I hardly sees the itinerary to be followed for teacher training since, from the early grades, the child has contact with different artistic productions. Therefore, the teacher's gaze must be focused on a more complex and deeper knowledge of these analyses. The research includes that this itinerary is what offers relevant discoveries that will nourish the teaching repertoire, enabling the creation of situations that lead the child to knowledge of the world and an openness to the sensitive.

2022 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-7
Bernard Chemwei

Despite increases in computer access and technology training, ICT is not adequately being used to support instruction in teacher education institutions. Unless teachers improve their ability to use existing technology, they will encounter various difficulties. One of the most notable of these difficulties is that they cannot respond to the expectations of their students. Research has shown that the self-confidence of teachers affects their use of technology in instruction. The study assessed the confidence of tutors in primary teacher training colleges regarding the integration of ICT in the teaching and learning practice in Kenya. There are a number of ICT projects that are equipping Kenyan institutions of learning with computers and establishing internet connectivity. But the body of literature on studies among tutors is so scanty, leaving a noticeable gap in the literature about tutors’ level of ICT integration in instruction. The study sought to establish the relationship between tutor confidence and their level of ICT integration teacher training colleges in Kenya. A cross-sectional survey was conducted to investigate tutors’ confidence in the use of ICT in teaching. The simple random sampling technique was used to select six teacher training colleges in Kenya and 169 respondents who participated in the study. Data was collected using a questionnaire and an interview schedule. The data collected was analysed descriptively for frequencies, means, standard deviation, and percentages. The significance of relationships and differences of variables were tested using Pearson moment Correlation and Regression analysis. Results indicated that there is a low level of ICT integration in teaching in all teacher training colleges. A significant relationship was found between the tutor's confidence and their level of ICT integration in teaching (β3= 0.535, p<0.05). It was thus recommended that: College tutors should be given adequate exposure for them to be able to utilize ICT facilities in their classrooms. Colleges should also computerize most activities by buying computerized software within departments. This will compel most tutors to acquire the requisite skills. The ministry of education should also embrace ICT and demand professional documents from college tutors be typed and sent online.

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