scholarly journals Whole-region Tourism Greenway Network Organization Mechanism Based on Gravity Model Flow Measurement

2019 ◽  
Xue Jiang ◽  
Tianyu Zhao ◽  

The structure and organization of greenway network is the core stone of greenway planning. Generally, the relevant between point elements and line elements in the network is taken as the focus of quantitative structure evaluation. In this study, the evaluation and organization method of greenway network is based on gravity model flow measurement. Ningan city is taken as an example because of its rich tourism resources and ecological resources. The cost distance formula has been improved in the process. Network flow is allocated to each path in the gravitational model to enhance the scientific evaluation. Firstly, the existing greenway network structure is sorted out and summarized. Minimum cost path method is used to form potential greenway network structure. This structure is divided into two parts, one is based on comprehensive elements and the other is based on general elements. The existing structure and potential structure are combined to form a preliminary abstract network structure. Gravity model is used to measure and classify the traffic among abstract network nodes. Two kinds of greenway network structures are compared and analyzed. On this basis, the greenway network is optimized and verified through field research. It provides a basis for the further planning and implementation of the actual greenway network in small towns

Mathematics ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (15) ◽  
pp. 1716
Adrian Marius Deaconu ◽  
Delia Spridon

Algorithms for network flow problems, such as maximum flow, minimum cost flow, and multi-commodity flow problems, are continuously developed and improved, and so, random network generators become indispensable to simulate the functionality and to test the correctness and the execution speed of these algorithms. For this purpose, in this paper, the well-known Erdős–Rényi model is adapted to generate random flow (transportation) networks. The developed algorithm is fast and based on the natural property of the flow that can be decomposed into directed elementary s-t paths and cycles. So, the proposed algorithm can be used to quickly build a vast number of networks as well as large-scale networks especially designed for s-t flows.

2014 ◽  
Vol 118 (1203) ◽  
pp. 523-539 ◽  
R. Zardashti ◽  
A. A. Nikkhah ◽  
M. J. Yazdanpanah

AbstractThis paper focuses on the trajectory planning for a UAV on a low altitude terrain following/threat avoidance (TF/TA) mission. Using a grid-based approximated discretisation scheme, the continuous constrained optimisation problem into a search problem is transformed over a finite network. A variant of the Minimum Cost Network Flow (MCNF) to this problem is then applied. Based on using the Digital Terrain Elevation Data (DTED) and discrete dynamic equations of motion, the four-dimensional (4D) trajectory (three spatial and one time dimensions) from a starting point to an end point is obtained by minimising a cost function subject to dynamic and mission constraints of the UAV. For each arc in the grid, a cost function is considered as the combination of the arc length, fuel consumption and flight time. The proposed algorithm which considers dynamic and altitude constraints of the UAV explicitly is then used to obtain the feasible trajectory. The resultant trajectory can increase the survivability of the UAV using the threat region avoidance and the terrain masking effect. After obtaining the feasible trajectory, an improved algorithm is proposed to smooth the trajectory. The numeric results are presented to verify the capability of the proposed approach to generate admissible trajectory in minimum possible time in comparison to the previous works.

2013 ◽  
Vol 23 (1) ◽  
pp. 3-17 ◽  
Angelo Sifaleras

We present a wide range of problems concerning minimum cost network flows, and give an overview of the classic linear single-commodity Minimum Cost Network Flow Problem (MCNFP) and some other closely related problems, either tractable or intractable. We also discuss state-of-the-art algorithmic approaches and recent advances in the solution methods for the MCNFP. Finally, optimization software packages for the MCNFP are presented.

1988 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 125-190 ◽  
Dimitri P. Bertsekas ◽  
Paul Tseng

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